You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

752 lines
27 KiB

"""Tests of the bs4.element.PageElement class"""
import copy
import pickle
import pytest
from soupsieve import SelectorSyntaxError
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from bs4.element import (
from . import SoupTest
class TestEncoding(SoupTest):
"""Test the ability to encode objects into strings."""
def test_unicode_string_can_be_encoded(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert soup.b.string.encode("utf-8") == "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf-8")
def test_tag_containing_unicode_string_can_be_encoded(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert soup.b.encode("utf-8") == html.encode("utf-8")
def test_encoding_substitutes_unrecognized_characters_by_default(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert soup.b.encode("ascii") == b"<b>&#9731;</b>"
def test_encoding_can_be_made_strict(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError):
soup.encode("ascii", errors="strict")
def test_decode_contents(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert "\N{SNOWMAN}" == soup.b.decode_contents()
def test_encode_contents(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf8") == soup.b.encode_contents(
def test_deprecated_renderContents(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf8") == soup.b.renderContents()
def test_repr(self):
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
assert html == repr(soup)
class TestFormatters(SoupTest):
"""Test the formatting feature, used by methods like decode() and
prettify(), and the formatters themselves.
def test_default_formatter_is_minimal(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="minimal")
# The < is converted back into &lt; but the e-with-acute is left alone.
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_html(self):
markup = "<br><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="html")
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<br/><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr&eacute; bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_html5(self):
markup = "<br><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="html5")
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<br><b>&lt;&lt;Sacr&eacute; bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_minimal(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter="minimal")
# The < is converted back into &lt; but the e-with-acute is left alone.
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
def test_formatter_null(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;&lt;Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!&gt;&gt;</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter=None)
# Neither the angle brackets nor the e-with-acute are converted.
# This is not valid HTML, but it's what the user wanted.
assert decoded == self.document_for(
"<b><<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>></b>"
def test_formatter_custom(self):
markup = "<b>&lt;foo&gt;</b><b>bar</b><br/>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
decoded = soup.decode(formatter = lambda x: x.upper())
# Instead of normal entity conversion code, the custom
# callable is called on every string.
assert decoded == self.document_for("<b><FOO></b><b>BAR</b><br/>")
def test_formatter_is_run_on_attribute_values(self):
markup = '<a href="é">e</a>'
soup = self.soup(markup)
a = soup.a
expect_minimal = '<a href=";c=é">e</a>'
assert expect_minimal == a.decode()
assert expect_minimal == a.decode(formatter="minimal")
expect_html = '<a href=";c=&eacute;">e</a>'
assert expect_html == a.decode(formatter="html")
assert markup == a.decode(formatter=None)
expect_upper = '<a href="HTTP://A.COM?A=B&C=É">E</a>'
assert expect_upper == a.decode(formatter=lambda x: x.upper())
def test_formatter_skips_script_tag_for_html_documents(self):
doc = """
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log("< < hey > > ");
encoded = BeautifulSoup(doc, 'html.parser').encode()
assert b"< < hey > >" in encoded
def test_formatter_skips_style_tag_for_html_documents(self):
doc = """
<style type="text/css">
console.log("< < hey > > ");
encoded = BeautifulSoup(doc, 'html.parser').encode()
assert b"< < hey > >" in encoded
def test_prettify_leaves_preformatted_text_alone(self):
soup = self.soup("<div> foo <pre> \tbar\n \n </pre> baz <textarea> eee\nfff\t</textarea></div>")
# Everything outside the <pre> tag is reformatted, but everything
# inside is left alone.
assert '<div>\n foo\n <pre> \tbar\n \n </pre>\n baz\n <textarea> eee\nfff\t</textarea>\n</div>' == soup.div.prettify()
def test_prettify_accepts_formatter_function(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup("<html><body>foo</body></html>", 'html.parser')
pretty = soup.prettify(formatter = lambda x: x.upper())
assert "FOO" in pretty
def test_prettify_outputs_unicode_by_default(self):
soup = self.soup("<a></a>")
assert str == type(soup.prettify())
def test_prettify_can_encode_data(self):
soup = self.soup("<a></a>")
assert bytes == type(soup.prettify("utf-8"))
def test_html_entity_substitution_off_by_default(self):
markup = "<b>Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!</b>"
soup = self.soup(markup)
encoded = soup.b.encode("utf-8")
assert encoded == markup.encode('utf-8')
def test_encoding_substitution(self):
# Here's the <meta> tag saying that a document is
# encoded in Shift-JIS.
meta_tag = ('<meta content="text/html; charset=x-sjis" '
soup = self.soup(meta_tag)
# Parse the document, and the charset apprears unchanged.
assert soup.meta['content'] == 'text/html; charset=x-sjis'
# Encode the document into some encoding, and the encoding is
# substituted into the meta tag.
utf_8 = soup.encode("utf-8")
assert b"charset=utf-8" in utf_8
euc_jp = soup.encode("euc_jp")
assert b"charset=euc_jp" in euc_jp
shift_jis = soup.encode("shift-jis")
assert b"charset=shift-jis" in shift_jis
utf_16_u = soup.encode("utf-16").decode("utf-16")
assert "charset=utf-16" in utf_16_u
def test_encoding_substitution_doesnt_happen_if_tag_is_strained(self):
markup = ('<head><meta content="text/html; charset=x-sjis" '
# Beautiful Soup used to try to rewrite the meta tag even if the
# meta tag got filtered out by the strainer. This test makes
# sure that doesn't happen.
strainer = SoupStrainer('pre')
soup = self.soup(markup, parse_only=strainer)
assert soup.contents[0].name == 'pre'
class TestCSSSelectors(SoupTest):
"""Test basic CSS selector functionality.
This functionality is implemented in soupsieve, which has a much
more comprehensive test suite, so this is basically an extra check
that soupsieve works as expected.
HTML = """
<title>The title</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="blah.css" type="text/css" id="l1">
<custom-dashed-tag class="dashed" id="dash1">Hello there.</custom-dashed-tag>
<div id="main" class="fancy">
<div id="inner">
<h1 id="header1">An H1</h1>
<p>Some text</p>
<p class="onep" id="p1">Some more text</p>
<h2 id="header2">An H2</h2>
<p class="class1 class2 class3" id="pmulti">Another</p>
<a href="" rel="friend met" id="bob">Bob</a>
<h2 id="header3">Another H2</h2>
<a id="me" href="" rel="me">me</a>
<span class="s1">
<a href="#" id="s1a1">span1a1</a>
<a href="#" id="s1a2">span1a2 <span id="s1a2s1">test</span></a>
<span class="span2">
<a href="#" id="s2a1">span2a1</a>
<span class="span3"></span>
<custom-dashed-tag class="dashed" id="dash2"/>
<div data-tag="dashedvalue" id="data1"/>
<x id="xid">
<z id="zida"/>
<z id="zidab"/>
<z id="zidac"/>
<y id="yid">
<z id="zidb"/>
<p lang="en" id="lang-en">English</p>
<p lang="en-gb" id="lang-en-gb">English UK</p>
<p lang="en-us" id="lang-en-us">English US</p>
<p lang="fr" id="lang-fr">French</p>
<div id="footer">
def setup_method(self):
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(self.HTML, 'html.parser')
def assert_selects(self, selector, expected_ids, **kwargs):
el_ids = [el['id'] for el in, **kwargs)]
assert expected_ids == el_ids, "Selector %s, expected [%s], got [%s]" % (
selector, ', '.join(expected_ids), ', '.join(el_ids)
assertSelect = assert_selects
def assert_select_multiple(self, *tests):
for selector, expected_ids in tests:
self.assert_selects(selector, expected_ids)
def test_one_tag_one(self):
els ='title')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].name == 'title'
assert els[0].contents == ['The title']
def test_one_tag_many(self):
els ='div')
assert len(els) == 4
for div in els:
assert == 'div'
el = self.soup.select_one('div')
assert 'main' == el['id']
def test_select_one_returns_none_if_no_match(self):
match = self.soup.select_one('nonexistenttag')
assert None == match
def test_tag_in_tag_one(self):
els ='div div')
self.assert_selects('div div', ['inner', 'data1'])
def test_tag_in_tag_many(self):
for selector in ('html div', 'html body div', 'body div'):
self.assert_selects(selector, ['data1', 'main', 'inner', 'footer'])
def test_limit(self):
self.assert_selects('html div', ['main'], limit=1)
self.assert_selects('html body div', ['inner', 'main'], limit=2)
self.assert_selects('body div', ['data1', 'main', 'inner', 'footer'],
def test_tag_no_match(self):
assert len('del')) == 0
def test_invalid_tag(self):
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):'tag%t')
def test_select_dashed_tag_ids(self):
self.assert_selects('custom-dashed-tag', ['dash1', 'dash2'])
def test_select_dashed_by_id(self):
dashed ='custom-dashed-tag[id=\"dash2\"]')
assert dashed[0].name == 'custom-dashed-tag'
assert dashed[0]['id'] == 'dash2'
def test_dashed_tag_text(self):
assert'body > custom-dashed-tag')[0].text == 'Hello there.'
def test_select_dashed_matches_find_all(self):
assert'custom-dashed-tag') == self.soup.find_all('custom-dashed-tag')
def test_header_tags(self):
('h1', ['header1']),
('h2', ['header2', 'header3']),
def test_class_one(self):
for selector in ('.onep', 'p.onep', 'html p.onep'):
els =
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].name == 'p'
assert els[0]['class'] == ['onep']
def test_class_mismatched_tag(self):
els ='div.onep')
assert len(els) == 0
def test_one_id(self):
for selector in ('div#inner', '#inner', 'div div#inner'):
self.assert_selects(selector, ['inner'])
def test_bad_id(self):
els ='#doesnotexist')
assert len(els) == 0
def test_items_in_id(self):
els ='div#inner p')
assert len(els) == 3
for el in els:
assert == 'p'
assert els[1]['class'] == ['onep']
assert not els[0].has_attr('class')
def test_a_bunch_of_emptys(self):
for selector in ('div#main del', 'div#main div.oops', 'div div#main'):
assert len( == 0
def test_multi_class_support(self):
for selector in ('.class1', 'p.class1', '.class2', 'p.class2',
'.class3', 'p.class3', 'html p.class2', 'div#inner .class2'):
self.assert_selects(selector, ['pmulti'])
def test_multi_class_selection(self):
for selector in ('.class1.class3', '.class3.class2',
self.assert_selects(selector, ['pmulti'])
def test_child_selector(self):
self.assert_selects('.s1 > a', ['s1a1', 's1a2'])
self.assert_selects('.s1 > a span', ['s1a2s1'])
def test_child_selector_id(self):
self.assert_selects('.s1 > a#s1a2 span', ['s1a2s1'])
def test_attribute_equals(self):
('p[class="onep"]', ['p1']),
('p[id="p1"]', ['p1']),
('[class="onep"]', ['p1']),
('[id="p1"]', ['p1']),
('link[rel="stylesheet"]', ['l1']),
('link[type="text/css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href="blah.css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('[rel="stylesheet"]', ['l1']),
('[type="text/css"]', ['l1']),
('[href="blah.css"]', ['l1']),
('[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('p[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
('[href="no-blah.css"]', []),
def test_attribute_tilde(self):
('p[class~="class1"]', ['pmulti']),
('p[class~="class2"]', ['pmulti']),
('p[class~="class3"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class1"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class2"]', ['pmulti']),
('[class~="class3"]', ['pmulti']),
('a[rel~="friend"]', ['bob']),
('a[rel~="met"]', ['bob']),
('[rel~="friend"]', ['bob']),
('[rel~="met"]', ['bob']),
def test_attribute_startswith(self):
('[rel^="style"]', ['l1']),
('link[rel^="style"]', ['l1']),
('notlink[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('link[rel^="notstyle"]', []),
('link[href^="bla"]', ['l1']),
('a[href^="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[href^="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[id^="p"]', ['pmulti', 'p1']),
('[id^="m"]', ['me', 'main']),
('div[id^="m"]', ['main']),
('a[id^="m"]', ['me']),
('div[data-tag^="dashed"]', ['data1'])
def test_attribute_endswith(self):
('[href$=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href$=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[id$="1"]', ['l1']),
('[id$="1"]', ['data1', 'l1', 'p1', 'header1', 's1a1', 's2a1', 's1a2s1', 'dash1']),
('div[id$="1"]', ['data1']),
('[id$="noending"]', []),
def test_attribute_contains(self):
# From test_attribute_startswith
('[rel*="style"]', ['l1']),
('link[rel*="style"]', ['l1']),
('notlink[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('link[rel*="notstyle"]', []),
('link[href*="bla"]', ['l1']),
('[href*="http://"]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[id*="p"]', ['pmulti', 'p1']),
('div[id*="m"]', ['main']),
('a[id*="m"]', ['me']),
# From test_attribute_endswith
('[href*=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[href*=".css"]', ['l1']),
('link[id*="1"]', ['l1']),
('[id*="1"]', ['data1', 'l1', 'p1', 'header1', 's1a1', 's1a2', 's2a1', 's1a2s1', 'dash1']),
('div[id*="1"]', ['data1']),
('[id*="noending"]', []),
# New for this test
('[href*="."]', ['bob', 'me', 'l1']),
('a[href*="."]', ['bob', 'me']),
('link[href*="."]', ['l1']),
('div[id*="n"]', ['main', 'inner']),
('div[id*="nn"]', ['inner']),
('div[data-tag*="edval"]', ['data1'])
def test_attribute_exact_or_hypen(self):
('p[lang|="en"]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us']),
('[lang|="en"]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us']),
('p[lang|="fr"]', ['lang-fr']),
('p[lang|="gb"]', []),
def test_attribute_exists(self):
('[rel]', ['l1', 'bob', 'me']),
('link[rel]', ['l1']),
('a[rel]', ['bob', 'me']),
('[lang]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us', 'lang-fr']),
('p[class]', ['p1', 'pmulti']),
('[blah]', []),
('p[blah]', []),
('div[data-tag]', ['data1'])
def test_quoted_space_in_selector_name(self):
html = """<div style="display: wrong">nope</div>
<div style="display: right">yes</div>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
[chosen] ='div[style="display: right"]')
assert "yes" == chosen.string
def test_unsupported_pseudoclass(self):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):"a:no-such-pseudoclass")
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):"a:nth-of-type(a)")
def test_nth_of_type(self):
# Try to select first paragraph
els ='div#inner p:nth-of-type(1)')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].string == 'Some text'
# Try to select third paragraph
els ='div#inner p:nth-of-type(3)')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].string == 'Another'
# Try to select (non-existent!) fourth paragraph
els ='div#inner p:nth-of-type(4)')
assert len(els) == 0
# Zero will select no tags.
els ='div p:nth-of-type(0)')
assert len(els) == 0
def test_nth_of_type_direct_descendant(self):
els ='div#inner > p:nth-of-type(1)')
assert len(els) == 1
assert els[0].string == 'Some text'
def test_id_child_selector_nth_of_type(self):
self.assert_selects('#inner > p:nth-of-type(2)', ['p1'])
def test_select_on_element(self):
# Other tests operate on the tree; this operates on an element
# within the tree.
inner = self.soup.find("div", id="main")
selected ="div")
# The <div id="inner"> tag was selected. The <div id="footer">
# tag was not.
self.assert_selects_ids(selected, ['inner', 'data1'])
def test_overspecified_child_id(self):
self.assert_selects(".fancy #inner", ['inner'])
self.assert_selects(".normal #inner", [])
def test_adjacent_sibling_selector(self):
self.assert_selects('#p1 + h2', ['header2'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 + h2 + p', ['pmulti'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 + #header2 + .class1', ['pmulti'])
assert [] =='#p1 + p')
def test_general_sibling_selector(self):
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ h2', ['header2', 'header3'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ #header2', ['header2'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ h2 + a', ['me'])
self.assert_selects('#p1 ~ h2 + [rel="me"]', ['me'])
assert [] =='#inner ~ h2')
def test_dangling_combinator(self):
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):'h1 >')
def test_sibling_combinator_wont_select_same_tag_twice(self):
self.assert_selects('p[lang] ~ p', ['lang-en-gb', 'lang-en-us', 'lang-fr'])
# Test the selector grouping operator (the comma)
def test_multiple_select(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y', ['xid', 'yid'])
def test_multiple_select_with_no_space(self):
self.assert_selects('x,y', ['xid', 'yid'])
def test_multiple_select_with_more_space(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y', ['xid', 'yid'])
def test_multiple_select_duplicated(self):
self.assert_selects('x, x', ['xid'])
def test_multiple_select_sibling(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y ~ p[lang=fr]', ['xid', 'lang-fr'])
def test_multiple_select_tag_and_direct_descendant(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y > z', ['xid', 'zidb'])
def test_multiple_select_direct_descendant_and_tags(self):
self.assert_selects('div > x, y, z', ['xid', 'yid', 'zida', 'zidb', 'zidab', 'zidac'])
def test_multiple_select_indirect_descendant(self):
self.assert_selects('div x,y, z', ['xid', 'yid', 'zida', 'zidb', 'zidab', 'zidac'])
def test_invalid_multiple_select(self):
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):',x, y')
with pytest.raises(SelectorSyntaxError):'x,,y')
def test_multiple_select_attrs(self):
self.assert_selects('p[lang=en], p[lang=en-gb]', ['lang-en', 'lang-en-gb'])
def test_multiple_select_ids(self):
self.assert_selects('x, y > z[id=zida], z[id=zidab], z[id=zidb]', ['xid', 'zidb', 'zidab'])
def test_multiple_select_nested(self):
self.assert_selects('body > div > x, y > z', ['xid', 'zidb'])
def test_select_duplicate_elements(self):
# When markup contains duplicate elements, a multiple select
# will find all of them.
markup = '<div class="c1"/><div class="c2"/><div class="c1"/>'
soup = BeautifulSoup(markup, 'html.parser')
selected =".c1, .c2")
assert 3 == len(selected)
# Verify that find_all finds the same elements, though because
# of an implementation detail it finds them in a different
# order.
for element in soup.find_all(class_=['c1', 'c2']):
assert element in selected
class TestPersistence(SoupTest):
"Testing features like pickle and deepcopy."
def setup_method(self): = """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Beautiful Soup: We called him Tortoise because he taught us.</title>
<link rev="made" href="">
<meta name="Description" content="Beautiful Soup: an HTML parser optimized for screen-scraping.">
<meta name="generator" content="Markov Approximation 1.4 (module: leonardr)">
<meta name="author" content="Leonard Richardson">
<a href="foo">foo</a>
<a href="foo"><b>bar</b></a>
self.tree = self.soup(
def test_pickle_and_unpickle_identity(self):
# Pickling a tree, then unpickling it, yields a tree identical
# to the original.
dumped = pickle.dumps(self.tree, 2)
loaded = pickle.loads(dumped)
assert loaded.__class__ == BeautifulSoup
assert loaded.decode() == self.tree.decode()
def test_deepcopy_identity(self):
# Making a deepcopy of a tree yields an identical tree.
copied = copy.deepcopy(self.tree)
assert copied.decode() == self.tree.decode()
def test_copy_preserves_encoding(self):
soup = BeautifulSoup(b'<p>&nbsp;</p>', 'html.parser')
encoding = soup.original_encoding
copy = soup.__copy__()
assert "<p> </p>" == str(copy)
assert encoding == copy.original_encoding
def test_copy_preserves_builder_information(self):
tag = self.soup('<p></p>').p
# Simulate a tag obtained from a source file.
tag.sourceline = 10
tag.sourcepos = 33
copied = tag.__copy__()
# The TreeBuilder object is no longer availble, but information
# obtained from it gets copied over to the new Tag object.
assert tag.sourceline == copied.sourceline
assert tag.sourcepos == copied.sourcepos
assert tag.can_be_empty_element == copied.can_be_empty_element
assert tag.cdata_list_attributes == copied.cdata_list_attributes
assert tag.preserve_whitespace_tags == copied.preserve_whitespace_tags
def test_unicode_pickle(self):
# A tree containing Unicode characters can be pickled.
html = "<b>\N{SNOWMAN}</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
dumped = pickle.dumps(soup, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
loaded = pickle.loads(dumped)
assert loaded.decode() == soup.decode()
def test_copy_navigablestring_is_not_attached_to_tree(self):
html = "<b>Foo<a></a></b><b>Bar</b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
s1 = soup.find(string="Foo")
s2 = copy.copy(s1)
assert s1 == s2
assert None == s2.parent
assert None == s2.next_element
assert None != s1.next_sibling
assert None == s2.next_sibling
assert None == s2.previous_element
def test_copy_navigablestring_subclass_has_same_type(self):
html = "<b><!--Foo--></b>"
soup = self.soup(html)
s1 = soup.string
s2 = copy.copy(s1)
assert s1 == s2
assert isinstance(s2, Comment)
def test_copy_entire_soup(self):
html = "<div><b>Foo<a></a></b><b>Bar</b></div>end"
soup = self.soup(html)
soup_copy = copy.copy(soup)
assert soup == soup_copy
def test_copy_tag_copies_contents(self):
html = "<div><b>Foo<a></a></b><b>Bar</b></div>end"
soup = self.soup(html)
div = soup.div
div_copy = copy.copy(div)
# The two tags look the same, and evaluate to equal.
assert str(div) == str(div_copy)
assert div == div_copy
# But they're not the same object.
assert div is not div_copy
# And they don't have the same relation to the parse tree. The
# copy is not associated with a parse tree at all.
assert None == div_copy.parent
assert None == div_copy.previous_element
assert None == div_copy.find(string='Bar').next_element
assert None != div.find(string='Bar').next_element