# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import os
import time
import io
from zipfile import ZipFile , is_zipfile
from urllib . parse import urljoin
from requests import Session
from babelfish import language_converters
from subzero . language import Language
from subliminal import Episode , Movie
from subliminal . exceptions import ConfigurationError , ProviderError , DownloadLimitExceeded
from subliminal_patch . exceptions import APIThrottled
from . mixins import ProviderRetryMixin
from subliminal_patch . subtitle import Subtitle
from subliminal . subtitle import fix_line_ending
from subliminal_patch . providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch . providers import utils
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
retry_amount = 3
retry_timeout = 5
language_converters . register ( ' subdl = subliminal_patch.converters.subdl:SubdlConverter ' )
class SubdlSubtitle ( Subtitle ) :
provider_name = ' subdl '
hash_verifiable = False
hearing_impaired_verifiable = True
def __init__ ( self , language , forced , hearing_impaired , page_link , download_link , file_id , release_names , uploader ,
season = None , episode = None ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( language )
language = Language . rebuild ( language , hi = hearing_impaired , forced = forced )
self . season = season
self . episode = episode
self . releases = release_names
self . release_info = ' , ' . join ( release_names )
self . language = language
self . forced = forced
self . hearing_impaired = hearing_impaired
self . file_id = file_id
self . page_link = page_link
self . download_link = download_link
self . uploader = uploader
self . matches = None
def id ( self ) :
return self . file_id
def get_matches ( self , video ) :
matches = set ( )
# handle movies and series separately
if isinstance ( video , Episode ) :
# series
matches . add ( ' series ' )
# season
if video . season == self . season :
matches . add ( ' season ' )
# episode
if video . episode == self . episode :
matches . add ( ' episode ' )
# imdb
matches . add ( ' series_imdb_id ' )
else :
# title
matches . add ( ' title ' )
# imdb
matches . add ( ' imdb_id ' )
utils . update_matches ( matches , video , self . release_info )
self . matches = matches
return matches
class SubdlProvider ( ProviderRetryMixin , Provider ) :
""" Subdl Provider """
server_hostname = ' api.subdl.com '
languages = { Language ( * lang ) for lang in list ( language_converters [ ' subdl ' ] . to_subdl . keys ( ) ) }
languages . update ( set ( Language . rebuild ( lang , forced = True ) for lang in languages ) )
languages . update ( set ( Language . rebuild ( l , hi = True ) for l in languages ) )
video_types = ( Episode , Movie )
def __init__ ( self , api_key = None ) :
if not api_key :
raise ConfigurationError ( ' Api_key must be specified ' )
self . session = Session ( )
self . session . headers = { ' User-Agent ' : os . environ . get ( " SZ_USER_AGENT " , " Sub-Zero/2 " ) }
self . api_key = api_key
self . video = None
self . _started = None
def initialize ( self ) :
self . _started = time . time ( )
def terminate ( self ) :
self . session . close ( )
def server_url ( self ) :
return f ' https:// { self . server_hostname } /api/v1/ '
def query ( self , languages , video ) :
self . video = video
if isinstance ( self . video , Episode ) :
title = self . video . series
else :
title = self . video . title
imdb_id = None
if isinstance ( self . video , Episode ) and self . video . series_imdb_id :
imdb_id = self . video . series_imdb_id
elif isinstance ( self . video , Movie ) and self . video . imdb_id :
imdb_id = self . video . imdb_id
# be sure to remove duplicates using list(set())
langs_list = sorted ( list ( set ( [ language_converters [ ' subdl ' ] . convert ( lang . alpha3 , lang . country , lang . script ) for
lang in languages ] ) ) )
langs = ' , ' . join ( langs_list )
logger . debug ( f ' Searching for those languages: { langs } ' )
# query the server
if isinstance ( self . video , Episode ) :
res = self . retry (
lambda : self . session . get ( self . server_url ( ) + ' subtitles ' ,
params = ( ( ' api_key ' , self . api_key ) ,
( ' episode_number ' , self . video . episode ) ,
( ' film_name ' , title if not imdb_id else None ) ,
( ' imdb_id ' , imdb_id if imdb_id else None ) ,
( ' languages ' , langs ) ,
( ' season_number ' , self . video . season ) ,
( ' subs_per_page ' , 30 ) ,
( ' type ' , ' tv ' ) ,
( ' comment ' , 1 ) ,
( ' releases ' , 1 ) ,
( ' bazarr ' , 1 ) ) , # this argument filter incompatible image based or
# txt subtitles
timeout = 30 ) ,
amount = retry_amount ,
retry_timeout = retry_timeout
else :
res = self . retry (
lambda : self . session . get ( self . server_url ( ) + ' subtitles ' ,
params = ( ( ' api_key ' , self . api_key ) ,
( ' film_name ' , title if not imdb_id else None ) ,
( ' imdb_id ' , imdb_id if imdb_id else None ) ,
( ' languages ' , langs ) ,
( ' subs_per_page ' , 30 ) ,
( ' type ' , ' movie ' ) ,
( ' comment ' , 1 ) ,
( ' releases ' , 1 ) ,
( ' bazarr ' , 1 ) ) , # this argument filter incompatible image based or
# txt subtitles
timeout = 30 ) ,
amount = retry_amount ,
retry_timeout = retry_timeout
if res . status_code == 429 :
raise APIThrottled ( " Too many requests " )
elif res . status_code == 403 :
raise ConfigurationError ( " Invalid API key " )
elif res . status_code != 200 :
res . raise_for_status ( )
subtitles = [ ]
result = res . json ( )
if ( ' success ' in result and not result [ ' success ' ] ) or ( ' status ' in result and not result [ ' status ' ] ) :
logger . debug ( result [ " error " ] )
return [ ]
logger . debug ( f " Query returned { len ( result [ ' subtitles ' ] ) } subtitles " )
if len ( result [ ' subtitles ' ] ) :
for item in result [ ' subtitles ' ] :
if item . get ( ' episode_from ' , False ) == item . get ( ' episode_end ' , False ) : # ignore season packs
subtitle = SubdlSubtitle (
language = Language . fromsubdl ( item [ ' language ' ] ) ,
forced = self . _is_forced ( item ) ,
hearing_impaired = item . get ( ' hi ' , False ) or self . _is_hi ( item ) ,
page_link = urljoin ( " https://subdl.com " , item . get ( ' subtitlePage ' , ' ' ) ) ,
download_link = item [ ' url ' ] ,
file_id = item [ ' name ' ] ,
release_names = item . get ( ' releases ' , [ ] ) ,
uploader = item . get ( ' author ' , ' ' ) ,
season = item . get ( ' season ' , None ) ,
episode = item . get ( ' episode ' , None ) ,
subtitle . get_matches ( self . video )
if subtitle . language in languages : # make sure only desired subtitles variants are returned
subtitles . append ( subtitle )
return subtitles
def _is_hi ( item ) :
# Comments include specific mention of removed or non HI
non_hi_tag = [ ' hi remove ' , ' non hi ' , ' nonhi ' , ' non-hi ' , ' non-sdh ' , ' non sdh ' , ' nonsdh ' , ' sdh remove ' ]
for tag in non_hi_tag :
if tag in item . get ( ' comment ' , ' ' ) . lower ( ) :
return False
# Archive filename include _HI_
if ' _hi_ ' in item . get ( ' name ' , ' ' ) . lower ( ) :
return True
# Comments or release names include some specific strings
hi_keys = [ item . get ( ' comment ' , ' ' ) . lower ( ) , [ x . lower ( ) for x in item . get ( ' releases ' , [ ] ) ] ]
hi_tag = [ ' _hi_ ' , ' hi ' , ' .hi. ' , ' hi ' , ' hi ' , ' sdh ' , ' 𝓢 𝓓 𝓗 ' ]
for key in hi_keys :
if any ( x in key for x in hi_tag ) :
return True
# nothing match so we consider it as non-HI
return False
def _is_forced ( item ) :
# Comments include specific mention of forced subtitles
forced_tags = [ ' forced ' , ' foreign ' ]
for tag in forced_tags :
if tag in item . get ( ' comment ' , ' ' ) . lower ( ) :
return True
# nothing match so we consider it as normal subtitles
return False
def list_subtitles ( self , video , languages ) :
return self . query ( languages , video )
def download_subtitle ( self , subtitle ) :
logger . debug ( ' Downloading subtitle %r ' , subtitle )
download_link = urljoin ( " https://dl.subdl.com " , subtitle . download_link )
r = self . retry (
lambda : self . session . get ( download_link , timeout = 30 ) ,
amount = retry_amount ,
retry_timeout = retry_timeout
if r . status_code == 429 :
raise DownloadLimitExceeded ( " Daily download limit exceeded " )
elif r . status_code == 403 :
raise ConfigurationError ( " Invalid API key " )
elif r . status_code != 200 :
r . raise_for_status ( )
if not r :
logger . error ( f ' Could not download subtitle from { download_link } ' )
subtitle . content = None
else :
archive_stream = io . BytesIO ( r . content )
if is_zipfile ( archive_stream ) :
archive = ZipFile ( archive_stream )
for name in archive . namelist ( ) :
# TODO when possible, deal with season pack / multiple files archive
subtitle_content = archive . read ( name )
subtitle . content = fix_line_ending ( subtitle_content )
else :
logger . error ( f ' Could not unzip subtitle from { download_link } ' )
subtitle . content = None