import asyncio
import sys
import time
from . import exceptions
from . import packet
from . import payload
from . import socket
class AsyncSocket ( socket . Socket ) :
async def poll ( self ) :
""" Wait for packets to send to the client. """
try :
packets = [ await asyncio . wait_for (
self . queue . get ( ) ,
self . server . ping_interval + self . server . ping_timeout ) ]
self . queue . task_done ( )
except ( asyncio . TimeoutError , asyncio . CancelledError ) :
raise exceptions . QueueEmpty ( )
if packets == [ None ] :
return [ ]
while True :
try :
pkt = self . queue . get_nowait ( )
self . queue . task_done ( )
if pkt is None :
self . queue . put_nowait ( None )
packets . append ( pkt )
except asyncio . QueueEmpty :
return packets
async def receive ( self , pkt ) :
""" Receive packet from the client. """
self . server . logger . info ( ' %s : Received packet %s data %s ' ,
self . sid , packet . packet_names [ pkt . packet_type ] ,
pkt . data if not isinstance ( pkt . data , bytes )
else ' <binary> ' )
if pkt . packet_type == packet . PONG :
self . schedule_ping ( )
elif pkt . packet_type == packet . MESSAGE :
await self . server . _trigger_event (
' message ' , self . sid , pkt . data ,
run_async = self . server . async_handlers )
elif pkt . packet_type == packet . UPGRADE :
await self . send ( packet . Packet ( packet . NOOP ) )
elif pkt . packet_type == packet . CLOSE :
await self . close ( wait = False , abort = True )
else :
raise exceptions . UnknownPacketError ( )
async def check_ping_timeout ( self ) :
""" Make sure the client is still sending pings. """
if self . closed :
raise exceptions . SocketIsClosedError ( )
if self . last_ping and \
time . time ( ) - self . last_ping > self . server . ping_timeout :
self . server . logger . info ( ' %s : Client is gone, closing socket ' ,
self . sid )
# Passing abort=False here will cause close() to write a
# CLOSE packet. This has the effect of updating half-open sockets
# to their correct state of disconnected
await self . close ( wait = False , abort = False )
return False
return True
async def send ( self , pkt ) :
""" Send a packet to the client. """
if not await self . check_ping_timeout ( ) :
else :
await self . queue . put ( pkt )
self . server . logger . info ( ' %s : Sending packet %s data %s ' ,
self . sid , packet . packet_names [ pkt . packet_type ] ,
pkt . data if not isinstance ( pkt . data , bytes )
else ' <binary> ' )
async def handle_get_request ( self , environ ) :
""" Handle a long-polling GET request from the client. """
connections = [
s . strip ( )
for s in environ . get ( ' HTTP_CONNECTION ' , ' ' ) . lower ( ) . split ( ' , ' ) ]
transport = environ . get ( ' HTTP_UPGRADE ' , ' ' ) . lower ( )
if ' upgrade ' in connections and transport in self . upgrade_protocols :
self . server . logger . info ( ' %s : Received request to upgrade to %s ' ,
self . sid , transport )
return await getattr ( self , ' _upgrade_ ' + transport ) ( environ )
if self . upgrading or self . upgraded :
# we are upgrading to WebSocket, do not return any more packets
# through the polling endpoint
return [ packet . Packet ( packet . NOOP ) ]
try :
packets = await self . poll ( )
except exceptions . QueueEmpty :
exc = sys . exc_info ( )
await self . close ( wait = False )
raise exc [ 1 ] . with_traceback ( exc [ 2 ] )
return packets
async def handle_post_request ( self , environ ) :
""" Handle a long-polling POST request from the client. """
length = int ( environ . get ( ' CONTENT_LENGTH ' , ' 0 ' ) )
if length > self . server . max_http_buffer_size :
raise exceptions . ContentTooLongError ( )
else :
body = ( await environ [ ' wsgi.input ' ] . read ( length ) ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
p = payload . Payload ( encoded_payload = body )
for pkt in p . packets :
await self . receive ( pkt )
async def close ( self , wait = True , abort = False ) :
""" Close the socket connection. """
if not self . closed and not self . closing :
self . closing = True
await self . server . _trigger_event ( ' disconnect ' , self . sid )
if not abort :
await self . send ( packet . Packet ( packet . CLOSE ) )
self . closed = True
if wait :
await self . queue . join ( )
def schedule_ping ( self ) :
async def send_ping ( ) :
self . last_ping = None
await asyncio . sleep ( self . server . ping_interval )
if not self . closing and not self . closed :
self . last_ping = time . time ( )
await self . send ( packet . Packet ( packet . PING ) )
self . server . start_background_task ( send_ping )
async def _upgrade_websocket ( self , environ ) :
""" Upgrade the connection from polling to websocket. """
if self . upgraded :
raise IOError ( ' Socket has been upgraded already ' )
if self . server . _async [ ' websocket ' ] is None :
# the selected async mode does not support websocket
return self . server . _bad_request ( )
ws = self . server . _async [ ' websocket ' ] ( self . _websocket_handler )
return await ws ( environ )
async def _websocket_handler ( self , ws ) :
""" Engine.IO handler for websocket transport. """
async def websocket_wait ( ) :
data = await ws . wait ( )
if data and len ( data ) > self . server . max_http_buffer_size :
raise ValueError ( ' packet is too large ' )
return data
if self . connected :
# the socket was already connected, so this is an upgrade
self . upgrading = True # hold packet sends during the upgrade
try :
pkt = await websocket_wait ( )
except IOError : # pragma: no cover
decoded_pkt = packet . Packet ( encoded_packet = pkt )
if decoded_pkt . packet_type != packet . PING or \
decoded_pkt . data != ' probe ' :
self . server . logger . info (
' %s : Failed websocket upgrade, no PING packet ' , self . sid )
self . upgrading = False
await ws . send ( packet . Packet ( packet . PONG , data = ' probe ' ) . encode ( ) )
await self . queue . put ( packet . Packet ( packet . NOOP ) ) # end poll
try :
pkt = await websocket_wait ( )
except IOError : # pragma: no cover
self . upgrading = False
decoded_pkt = packet . Packet ( encoded_packet = pkt )
if decoded_pkt . packet_type != packet . UPGRADE :
self . upgraded = False
self . server . logger . info (
( ' %s : Failed websocket upgrade, expected UPGRADE packet, '
' received %s instead. ' ) ,
self . sid , pkt )
self . upgrading = False
self . upgraded = True
self . upgrading = False
else :
self . connected = True
self . upgraded = True
# start separate writer thread
async def writer ( ) :
while True :
packets = None
try :
packets = await self . poll ( )
except exceptions . QueueEmpty :
if not packets :
# empty packet list returned -> connection closed
try :
for pkt in packets :
await ws . send ( pkt . encode ( ) )
except :
writer_task = asyncio . ensure_future ( writer ( ) )
self . server . logger . info (
' %s : Upgrade to websocket successful ' , self . sid )
while True :
p = None
wait_task = asyncio . ensure_future ( websocket_wait ( ) )
try :
p = await asyncio . wait_for (
wait_task ,
self . server . ping_interval + self . server . ping_timeout )
except asyncio . CancelledError : # pragma: no cover
# there is a bug ( in
# asyncio that causes a "Task exception never retrieved" error
# to appear when wait_task raises an exception before it gets
# cancelled. Calling wait_task.exception() prevents the error
# from being issued in Python 3.6, but causes other errors in
# other versions, so we run it with all errors suppressed and
# hope for the best.
try :
wait_task . exception ( )
except :
except :
if p is None :
# connection closed by client
pkt = packet . Packet ( encoded_packet = p )
try :
await self . receive ( pkt )
except exceptions . UnknownPacketError : # pragma: no cover
except exceptions . SocketIsClosedError : # pragma: no cover
self . server . logger . info ( ' Receive error -- socket is closed ' )
except : # pragma: no cover
# if we get an unexpected exception we log the error and exit
# the connection properly
self . server . logger . exception ( ' Unknown receive error ' )
await self . queue . put ( None ) # unlock the writer task so it can exit
await asyncio . wait_for ( writer_task , timeout = None )
await self . close ( wait = False , abort = True )