@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
import io
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import zipfile
from random import randint
@ -15,13 +14,19 @@ import rarfile
from guessit import guessit
from requests import Session
from requests . adapters import HTTPAdapter
from subliminal import __short_version__
from requests . exceptions import HTTPError
from subliminal . exceptions import AuthenticationError , ConfigurationError , DownloadLimitExceeded , Error , ProviderError
from subliminal . providers import ParserBeautifulSoup , Provider
from subliminal . subtitle import SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS, Subtitle , fix_line_ending
from subliminal . providers import ParserBeautifulSoup
from subliminal . subtitle import fix_line_ending
from subliminal . video import Episode , Movie
from subliminal_patch . exceptions import ParseResponseError
from subliminal_patch . providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch . providers . mixins import ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin
from subliminal_patch . score import framerate_equal
from subliminal_patch . subtitle import guess_matches , sanitize
from subliminal_patch . subtitle import Subtitle , guess_matches , sanitize
from subzero . language import Language
@ -36,26 +41,29 @@ class TitulkySubtitle(Subtitle):
hash_verifiable = False
hearing_impaired_verifiable = False
def __init__ ( self , sub_id , language, names , season , episode , year , release _info , fps , uploader , approved , page_link , download_link , skip_wrong_fps = Fals e) :
def __init__ ( self , sub_id , imdb_id, language, names , season , episode , year , release s , fps , uploader , approved , page_link , download_link , skip_wrong_fps = Fals e, asked_for_episode = Non e) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( language , page_link = page_link )
self . names = names
self . year = year
self . sub_id = sub_id
self . imdb_id = imdb_id
self . fps = fps
self . season = season
self . episode = episode
self . release_info = release_info
self . releases = releases
self . release_info = ' , ' . join ( releases )
self . language = language
self . approved = approved
self . page_link = page_link
self . uploader = uploader
self . download_link = download_link
self . skip_wrong_fps = skip_wrong_fps
self . asked_for_episode = asked_for_episode
self . matches = None
# Try to parse S00E00 string from the main subtitle name
season_episode_string = re . findall ( ' S( \ d+)E( \ d+) ' , self . names [ 0 ] , re . IGNORECASE )
season_episode_string = re . findall ( r ' S( \ d+)E( \ d+) ' , self . names [ 0 ] , re . IGNORECASE )
# If we did not search for subtitles with season and episode numbers in search query,
# try to parse it from the main subtitle name that most likely contains it
@ -79,7 +87,11 @@ class TitulkySubtitle(Subtitle):
if _type == ' episode ' :
# match imdb_id of a series
if video . series_imdb_id and video . series_imdb_id == self . imdb_id :
matches . add ( ' series_imdb_id ' )
# match season/episode
if self . season and self . season == video . season :
matches . add ( ' season ' )
@ -94,11 +106,15 @@ class TitulkySubtitle(Subtitle):
# match episode title
episode_titles = [ video . title ]
if _contains_element ( _from = episode_titles , _in = self . names ) :
matches . add ( ' title' )
matches . add ( ' episode_ title' )
elif _type == ' movie ' :
# match imdb_id of a movie
if video . imdb_id and video . imdb_id == self . imdb_id :
matches . add ( ' imdb_id ' )
# match movie title
video_titles = [ video . title ] + video . alternative_titles
if _contains_element ( _from = video_titles , _in = self . names ) :
@ -110,8 +126,9 @@ class TitulkySubtitle(Subtitle):
if video . year and video . year == self . year :
matches . add ( ' year ' )
# match other properties based on release info
matches | = guess_matches ( video , guessit ( self . release_info , { " type " : _type } ) )
# match other properties based on release infos
for release in self . releases :
matches | = guess_matches ( video , guessit ( release , { " type " : _type } ) )
# If turned on in settings, then do not match if video FPS is not equal to subtitle FPS
if self . skip_wrong_fps and video . fps and self . fps and not framerate_equal ( video . fps , self . fps ) :
@ -123,7 +140,7 @@ class TitulkySubtitle(Subtitle):
return matches
class TitulkyProvider ( Provider ):
class TitulkyProvider ( Provider , ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin ):
""" Titulky.com provider """
languages = { Language ( l ) for l in [ ' ces ' , ' slk ' ] }
@ -220,7 +237,7 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
res = self . session . get ( url , timeout = self . timeout )
if res . status_code != 200 :
raise Provider Error( f " Fetch failed with status code { res . status_code } " )
raise HTT PError( f " Fetch failed with status code { res . status_code } " )
if not res . text :
raise ProviderError ( " No response returned from the provider " )
@ -235,7 +252,7 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
for key , value in params . items ( ) :
result + = f ' { key } = { value } & '
# Remove last &
# Remove the last &
result = result [ : - 1 ]
# Remove spaces
@ -243,23 +260,34 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
return result
# Parse details of an individual subtitle: release, language, uploader, fps and year
# Parse details of an individual subtitle: imdb_id, release, language, uploader, fps and year
def parse_details ( self , url ) :
html_src = self . fetch_page ( url )
details_page_soup = ParserBeautifulSoup ( html_src , [ ' lxml ' , ' html.parser ' ] )
details_container = details_page_soup . find ( ' div ' , class_ = ' detail ' )
if not details_container :
# The subtitles wer e removed and got redirected to a different page. Better treat this silently.
# The subtitles could b e removed and got redirected to a different page. Better treat this silently.
logger . debug ( " Titulky.com: Could not find details div container. Skipping. " )
return False
imdb_id = None
imdb_tag = details_container . find ( ' a ' , attrs = { ' target ' : ' imdb ' } )
if imdb_tag :
imdb_url = imdb_tag . get ( ' href ' )
imdb_id = re . findall ( r ' tt( \ d+) ' , imdb_url ) [ 0 ]
if not imdb_id :
logger . debug ( " Titulky.com: No IMDB ID supplied on details page. " )
release = None
release_tag = details_container . find ( ' div ' , class_ = ' releas ' )
if not release_tag :
raise Error ( " Could not find release tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
raise ParseResponse Error( " Could not find release tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
release = release_tag . get_text ( strip = True )
@ -284,12 +312,12 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
uploader_tag = details_container . find ( ' div ' , class_ = ' ulozil ' )
if not uploader_tag :
raise Error( " Could not find uploader tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
raise ParseResponse Error( " Could not find uploader tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
uploader_anchor_tag = uploader_tag . find ( ' a ' )
if not uploader_anchor_tag :
raise Error( " Could not find uploader anchor tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
raise ParseResponse Error( " Could not find uploader anchor tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
uploader = uploader_anchor_tag . string . strip ( ) if uploader_anchor_tag else None
@ -301,11 +329,11 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
fps_icon_tag_selection = details_container . select ( ' img[src*= \' Movieroll \' ] ' )
if not fps_icon_tag_selection and not hasattr ( fps_icon_tag_selection [ 0 ] , ' parent ' ) :
raise Error( " Could not find parent of the fps icon tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
raise ParseResponse Error( " Could not find parent of the fps icon tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
fps_icon_tag = fps_icon_tag_selection [ 0 ]
parent_text = fps_icon_tag . parent . get_text ( strip = True )
match = re . findall ( ' ( \ d+, \ d+) fps ' , parent_text )
match = re . findall ( r ' ( \ d+, \ d+) fps ' , parent_text )
# If the match is found, change the decimal separator to a dot and convert to float
fps = float ( match [ 0 ] . replace ( ' , ' , ' . ' ) ) if len ( match ) > 0 else None
@ -318,7 +346,7 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
h1_tag = details_container . find ( ' h1 ' , id = ' titulky ' )
if not h1_tag :
raise Error( " Could not find h1 tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
raise ParseResponse Error( " Could not find h1 tag. Did the HTML source change? " )
# The h1 tag contains the name of the subtitle and a year
h1_texts = [ text for text in h1_tag . stripped_strings ]
@ -334,11 +362,12 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
# Return the subtitle details
return {
' release ' : release ,
' release s ' : [ release ] ,
' language ' : language ,
' uploader ' : uploader ,
' fps ' : fps ,
' year ' : year
' year ' : year ,
' imdb_id ' : imdb_id
def process_row ( self , row , video_names , thread_id = None , threads_data = None ) :
@ -347,7 +376,7 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
anchor_tag = row . find_all ( ' a ' ) [ 1 ]
# The details link is relative, so we need to remove the dot at the beginning
details_link = f " { self . server_url } { anchor_tag . get ( ' href ' ) [ 1 : ] } "
id_match = re . findall ( ' id=( \ d+) ' , details_link )
id_match = re . findall ( r ' id=( \ d+) ' , details_link )
sub_id = id_match [ 0 ] if len ( id_match ) > 0 else None
download_link = f " { self . download_url } { sub_id } "
@ -492,13 +521,13 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
table = search_page_soup . find ( ' table ' , class_ = ' table ' )
if not table :
logger . debug ( " Titulky.com: Could not find table " )
raise Error( " Could not find table. Did the HTML source change? " )
raise ParseResponse Error( " Could not find table. Did the HTML source change? " )
# Get table body containing rows of subtitles
table_body = table . find ( ' tbody ' )
if not table_body :
logger . debug ( " Titulky.com: Could not find table body " )
raise Error( " Could not find table body. Did the HTML source change? " )
raise ParseResponse Error( " Could not find table body. Did the HTML source change? " )
## Loop over all subtitles on the first page and put them in a list
subtitles = [ ]
@ -514,9 +543,12 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
# and we can instationate it and add it to the list
if sub_info :
logger . debug ( f " Titulky.com: Sucessfully retrieved subtitle info, row: { i } " )
# If we found the subtitle by IMDB ID, no need to get it from details page
sub_imdb_id = imdb_id or sub_info [ ' imdb_id ' ]
subtitle_instance = self . subtitle_class ( sub_info [ ' id ' ] , sub_info [ ' language ' ] , sub_info [ ' names ' ] , season , episode , sub_info [ ' year ' ] , sub_info [ ' release ' ] , sub_info [ ' fps ' ] ,
sub_info [ ' uploader ' ] , sub_info [ ' approved ' ] , sub_info [ ' details_link ' ] , sub_info [ ' download_link ' ] , skip_wrong_fps = self . skip_wrong_fps )
subtitle_instance = self . subtitle_class ( sub_info [ ' id ' ] , sub_i mdb_id, sub_i nfo[ ' language ' ] , sub_info [ ' names ' ] , season , episode , sub_info [ ' year ' ] , sub_info [ ' release s ' ] , sub_info [ ' fps ' ] ,
sub_info [ ' uploader ' ] , sub_info [ ' approved ' ] , sub_info [ ' details_link ' ] , sub_info [ ' download_link ' ] , skip_wrong_fps = self . skip_wrong_fps , asked_for_episode = ( type == ' episode ' ) )
subtitles . append ( subtitle_instance )
else :
# No subtitle info was returned, i. e. something unexpected
@ -558,7 +590,7 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
# If the thread returned didn't return anything, but expected a dict object
if not thread_data :
raise Error( f " No data returned from thread ID: { i } " )
raise Provider Error( f " No data returned from thread ID: { i } " )
# If an exception was raised in a thread, raise it again here
if ' exception ' in thread_data and thread_data [ ' exception ' ] :
@ -571,8 +603,11 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
logger . debug ( f " Titulky.com: Sucessfully retrieved subtitle info, thread ID: { i } " )
sub_info = thread_data [ ' sub_info ' ]
subtitle_instance = self . subtitle_class ( sub_info [ ' id ' ] , sub_info [ ' language ' ] , sub_info [ ' names ' ] , season , episode , sub_info [ ' year ' ] , sub_info [ ' release ' ] , sub_info [ ' fps ' ] ,
sub_info [ ' uploader ' ] , sub_info [ ' approved ' ] , sub_info [ ' details_link ' ] , sub_info [ ' download_link ' ] , skip_wrong_fps = self . skip_wrong_fps )
# If we found the subtitle by IMDB ID, no need to get it from details page
sub_imdb_id = imdb_id or sub_info [ ' imdb_id ' ]
subtitle_instance = self . subtitle_class ( sub_info [ ' id ' ] , sub_imdb_id , sub_info [ ' language ' ] , sub_info [ ' names ' ] , season , episode , sub_info [ ' year ' ] , sub_info [ ' releases ' ] , sub_info [ ' fps ' ] ,
sub_info [ ' uploader ' ] , sub_info [ ' approved ' ] , sub_info [ ' details_link ' ] , sub_info [ ' download_link ' ] , skip_wrong_fps = self . skip_wrong_fps , asked_for_episode = ( type == ' episode ' ) )
subtitles . append ( subtitle_instance )
else :
# The thread returned data, but it didn't contain a subtitle info, i. e. something unexpected
@ -639,51 +674,34 @@ class TitulkyProvider(Provider):
return subtitles
# The rest is mostly old code from original implementation. Might want to redo it.
def download_subtitle ( self , subtitle ) :
res = self . session . get ( subtitle . download_link , headers = { ' Referer ' : subtitle . page_link } ,
timeout = self . timeout )
res . raise_for_status ( )
timeout = self . timeout )
try :
res . raise_for_status ( )
except :
raise HTTPError ( f " An error occured during the download request to { subtitle . download_link } " )
archive_stream = io . BytesIO ( res . content )
archive = None
if rarfile . is_rarfile ( archive_stream ) :
logger . debug ( " Titulky.com: Identified rar archive " )
archive = rarfile . RarFile ( archive_stream )
subtitle_content = _ get_subtitle_from_archive( archive )
subtitle_content = self . get_subtitle_from_archive( subtitle , archive )
elif zipfile . is_zipfile ( archive_stream ) :
logger . debug ( " Titulky.com: Identified zip archive " )
archive = zipfile . ZipFile ( archive_stream )
subtitle_content = _get_subtitle_from_archive ( archive )
else :
subtitle_content = res . content
if subtitle_content :
subtitle . content = fix_line_ending ( subtitle_content )
return subtitle_content
subtitle_content = self . get_subtitle_from_archive ( subtitle , archive )
else :
logger . debug ( f " Titulky.com: Could not extract subtitle from { archive } " )
def _get_subtitle_from_archive ( archive ) :
if ' _info.txt ' in archive . namelist ( ) :
info_content_binary = archive . read ( ' _info.txt ' )
info_content = info_content_binary . decode ( chardet . detect ( info_content_binary ) [ ' encoding ' ] )
if " nestaženo - překročen limit " in info_content :
raise DownloadLimitExceeded ( " The download limit has been exceeded " )
for name in archive . namelist ( ) :
# discard hidden files
if os . path . split ( name ) [ - 1 ] . startswith ( ' . ' ) :
subtitle_content = fix_line_ending ( res . content )
# discard non-subtitle files
if not name . lower ( ) . endswith ( SUBTITLE_EXTENSIONS ) :
if not subtitle_content :
logger . debug ( " Titulky.com: No subtitle content found. The downloading limit has been most likely exceeded. " )
raise DownloadLimitExceeded ( " Subtitles download limit has been exceeded " )
subtitle . content = subtitle_content
return archive . read ( name )
return None
# Check if any element from source array is **contained** in any element from target array
# Returns on the first match
def _contains_element ( _from = None , _in = None ) :
@ -695,4 +713,4 @@ def _contains_element(_from=None, _in=None):
if sanitize ( source ) in sanitize ( target ) :
return True
return False
return False