@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider
from subliminal_patch.providers.mixins import ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin
from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle, guess_matches
from subliminal_patch.converters.subscene import language_ids, supported_languages
from subscene_api.subscene import search, Subtitle as APISubtitle, SITE_DOMAIN
from subscene_api.subscene import search, SearchTypes, Subtitle as APISubtitle, SITE_DOMAIN
from subzero.language import Language
p = inflect.engine()
@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ class SubsceneSubtitle(Subtitle):
logger.debug("%r is a pack", self)
self.is_pack = True
if "title" in guess and "year" in matches:
if video.series in guess['title']:
# movie
guess = guessit(self.release_info, {'type': 'movie'})
@ -312,47 +316,26 @@ class SubsceneProvider(Provider, ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin):
def query(self, video):
# vfn = get_video_filename(video)
subtitles = []
# logger.debug(u"Searching for: %s", vfn)
# film = search(vfn, session=self.session)
# if film and film.subtitles:
# logger.debug('Release results found: %s', len(film.subtitles))
# subtitles = self.parse_results(video, film)
# else:
# logger.debug('No release results found')
# time.sleep(self.search_throttle)
# re-search for episodes without explicit release name
if isinstance(video, Episode):
titles = list(set([video.series] + video.alternative_series[:1]))
# term = u"%s S%02iE%02i" % (video.series, video.season, video.episode)
more_than_one = len(titles) > 1
for series in titles:
term = u"%s - %s Season" % (series, p.number_to_words("%sth" % video.season).capitalize())
logger.debug('Searching for alternative results: %s', term)
film = self.do_search(term, session=self.session, release=False, throttle=self.search_throttle)
logger.debug('Searching with series and season: %s', term)
film = self.do_search(term, session=self.session, release=False, throttle=self.search_throttle,
if not film and video.season == 1:
logger.debug('Searching with series name: %s', series)
film = self.do_search(series, session=self.session, release=False, throttle=self.search_throttle,
if film and film.subtitles:
logger.debug('Alternative results found: %s', len(film.subtitles))
logger.debug('Searching found: %s', len(film.subtitles))
subtitles += self.parse_results(video, film)
logger.debug('No alternative results found')
# packs
# if video.season_fully_aired:
# term = u"%s S%02i" % (series, video.season)
# logger.debug('Searching for packs: %s', term)
# time.sleep(self.search_throttle)
# film = search(term, session=self.session, throttle=self.search_throttle)
# if film and film.subtitles:
# logger.debug('Pack results found: %s', len(film.subtitles))
# subtitles += self.parse_results(video, film)
# else:
# logger.debug('No pack results found')
# else:
# logger.debug("Not searching for packs, because the season hasn't fully aired")
logger.debug('No results found')
if more_than_one: