@ -1558,56 +1558,35 @@ def check_update():
def system():
def get_time_from_interval(interval):
interval_clean = interval.split('[')
interval_clean = interval_clean[1][:-1]
interval_split = interval_clean.split(':')
hour = interval_split[0]
minute = interval_split[1].lstrip("0")
second = interval_split[2].lstrip("0")
text = "every "
if hour != "0":
text = text + hour
if hour == "1":
text = text + " hour"
text = text + " hours"
if minute != "" and second != "":
text = text + ", "
elif minute == "" and second != "":
text = text + " and "
elif minute != "" and second == "":
text = text + " and "
if minute != "":
text = text + minute
if minute == "1":
text = text + " minute"
text = text + " minutes"
if second != "":
text = text + " and "
if second != "":
text = text + second
if second == "1":
text = text + " second"
text = text + " seconds"
return text
def get_time_from_interval(td_object):
seconds = int(td_object.total_seconds())
periods = [
('year', 60 * 60 * 24 * 365),
('month', 60 * 60 * 24 * 30),
('day', 60 * 60 * 24),
('hour', 60 * 60),
('minute', 60),
('second', 1)
strings = []
for period_name, period_seconds in periods:
if seconds > period_seconds:
period_value, seconds = divmod(seconds, period_seconds)
has_s = 's' if period_value > 1 else ''
strings.append("%s %s%s" % (period_value, period_name, has_s))
return ", ".join(strings)
def get_time_from_cron(cron):
text = "at "
text = ""
sun = str(cron[4])
hour = str(cron[5])
minute = str(cron[6])
second = str(cron[7])
if sun != "*":
text = "Sunday " + text
text = "Sunday at "
if hour != "0" and hour != "*":
text = text + hour
@ -1639,19 +1618,25 @@ def system():
text = text + " second"
text = text + " seconds"
if text != "" and sun == "*":
text = "everyday at " + text
elif text == "":
text = "Never"
return text
task_list = []
for job in scheduler.get_jobs():
if job.next_run_time is not None:
next_run = pretty.date(job.next_run_time.replace(tzinfo=None))
if isinstance(job.trigger, CronTrigger):
if str(job.trigger.__getstate__()['fields'][0]) == "2100":
next_run = 'Never'
next_run = "Never"
next_run = pretty.date(job.next_run_time.replace(tzinfo=None))
if job.trigger.__str__().startswith('interval'):
task_list.append([job.name, get_time_from_interval(str(job.trigger)), next_run, job.id])
elif job.trigger.__str__().startswith('cron'):
if isinstance(job.trigger, IntervalTrigger):
interval = "every " + get_time_from_interval(job.trigger.__getstate__()['interval'])
task_list.append([job.name, interval, next_run, job.id])
elif isinstance(job.trigger, CronTrigger):
task_list.append([job.name, get_time_from_cron(job.trigger.fields), next_run, job.id])
throttled_providers = list_throttled_providers()