Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

Merge branch 'development' of into development

morpheus65535 7 years ago
commit da7c1aa5ad

@ -56,12 +56,15 @@ def configure_logging():
from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, redirect, response, HTTPError
from bottle import route, run, template, static_file, request, redirect, response, HTTPError, app
import bottle
bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'views/'))
from beaker.middleware import SessionMiddleware
from cork import Cork
from json import dumps
import itertools
import operator
import requests
@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ from io import BytesIO
import math
import ast
import hashlib
import time
from get_languages import load_language_in_db, language_from_alpha3
from get_providers import *
@ -97,10 +101,25 @@ load_language_in_db()
from get_settings import get_auth_settings
aaa = Cork(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config')))
app = app()
session_opts = {
'session.cookie_expires': True,
'session.key': 'Bazarr',
'session.httponly': True,
'session.timeout': 3600 * 24, # 1 day
'session.type': 'cookie',
'session.validate_key': True
app = SessionMiddleware(app, session_opts)
login_auth = get_auth_settings()[0]
def custom_auth_basic(check):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*a, **ka):
if get_auth_settings()[0] is True:
if get_auth_settings()[0] == 'basic':
user, password = request.auth or (None, None)
if user is None or not check(user, password):
err = HTTPError(401, "Access denied")
@ -122,9 +141,40 @@ def check_credentials(user, pw):
return True
return False
def authorize():
if login_auth == 'form':
aaa = Cork(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config')))
aaa.require(fail_redirect=(base_url + 'login'))
def post_get(name, default=''):
return request.POST.get(name, default).strip()
@route(base_url + 'login')
def login_form():
msg = bottle.request.query.get('msg', '')
return template('login', base_url=base_url, msg=msg)
@route(base_url + 'login', method='POST')
def login():
aaa = Cork(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config')))
username = post_get('username')
password = post_get('password')
aaa.login(username, password, success_redirect=base_url, fail_redirect=(base_url + 'login?msg=fail'))
@route(base_url + 'logout')
def logout():
aaa.logout(success_redirect=(base_url + 'login'))
def redirect_root():
redirect (base_url)
@route(base_url + 'static/:path#.+#', name='static')
@ -135,6 +185,7 @@ def static(path):
@route(base_url + 'emptylog')
def emptylog():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -145,11 +196,13 @@ def emptylog():
@route(base_url + 'bazarr.log')
def download_log():
return static_file('bazarr.log', root=os.path.join(config_dir, 'log/'), download='bazarr.log')
@route(base_url + 'image_proxy/<url:path>', method='GET')
def image_proxy(url):
url_sonarr = get_sonarr_settings()[6]
url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[7]
apikey = get_sonarr_settings()[4]
@ -167,6 +220,7 @@ def image_proxy(url):
@route(base_url + 'image_proxy_movies/<url:path>', method='GET')
def image_proxy_movies(url):
url_radarr = get_radarr_settings()[6]
url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[7]
apikey = get_radarr_settings()[4]
@ -186,7 +240,7 @@ def image_proxy_movies(url):
def redirect_root():
if get_general_settings()[12] is True:
redirect(base_url + 'series')
elif get_general_settings()[13] is True:
@ -198,6 +252,7 @@ def redirect_root():
@route(base_url + 'series')
def series():
single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
@ -229,6 +284,7 @@ def series():
@route(base_url + 'serieseditor')
def serieseditor():
single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
@ -250,6 +306,7 @@ def serieseditor():
@route(base_url + 'search_json/<query>', method='GET')
def search_json(query):
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
c = db.cursor()
@ -273,6 +330,7 @@ def search_json(query):
@route(base_url + 'edit_series/<no:int>', method='POST')
def edit_series(no):
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
@ -311,6 +369,7 @@ def edit_series(no):
@route(base_url + 'edit_serieseditor', method='POST')
def edit_serieseditor():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
series = request.forms.get('series')
@ -342,6 +401,7 @@ def edit_serieseditor():
@route(base_url + 'episodes/<no:int>', method='GET')
def episodes(no):
# single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
url_sonarr_short = get_sonarr_settings()[7]
@ -367,6 +427,7 @@ def episodes(no):
@route(base_url + 'movies')
def movies():
single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
@ -394,6 +455,7 @@ def movies():
@route(base_url + 'movieseditor')
def movieseditor():
single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
@ -415,6 +477,7 @@ def movieseditor():
@route(base_url + 'edit_movieseditor', method='POST')
def edit_movieseditor():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
movies = request.forms.get('movies')
@ -446,6 +509,7 @@ def edit_movieseditor():
@route(base_url + 'edit_movie/<no:int>', method='POST')
def edit_movie(no):
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
lang = request.forms.getall('languages')
@ -477,6 +541,7 @@ def edit_movie(no):
@route(base_url + 'movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
def movie(no):
# single_language = get_general_settings()[7]
url_radarr_short = get_radarr_settings()[7]
@ -496,6 +561,7 @@ def movie(no):
@route(base_url + 'scan_disk/<no:int>', method='GET')
def scan_disk(no):
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -505,6 +571,7 @@ def scan_disk(no):
@route(base_url + 'scan_disk_movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
def scan_disk_movie(no):
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -514,6 +581,7 @@ def scan_disk_movie(no):
@route(base_url + 'search_missing_subtitles/<no:int>', method='GET')
def search_missing_subtitles(no):
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -523,6 +591,7 @@ def search_missing_subtitles(no):
@route(base_url + 'search_missing_subtitles_movie/<no:int>', method='GET')
def search_missing_subtitles_movie(no):
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -532,11 +601,13 @@ def search_missing_subtitles_movie(no):
@route(base_url + 'history')
def history():
return template('history', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url)
@route(base_url + 'historyseries')
def historyseries():
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
c = db.cursor()
@ -574,6 +645,7 @@ def historyseries():
@route(base_url + 'historymovies')
def historymovies():
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
c = db.cursor()
@ -611,11 +683,13 @@ def historymovies():
@route(base_url + 'wanted')
def wanted():
return template('wanted', __file__=__file__, bazarr_version=bazarr_version, base_url=base_url)
@route(base_url + 'wantedseries')
def wantedseries():
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace)
c = db.cursor()
@ -643,6 +717,7 @@ def wantedseries():
@route(base_url + 'wantedmovies')
def wantedmovies():
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
db.create_function("path_substitution", 1, path_replace_movie)
c = db.cursor()
@ -670,6 +745,7 @@ def wantedmovies():
@route(base_url + 'wanted_search_missing_subtitles')
def wanted_search_missing_subtitles_list():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -679,6 +755,7 @@ def wanted_search_missing_subtitles_list():
@route(base_url + 'settings')
def settings():
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
c = db.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_languages ORDER BY name")
@ -688,6 +765,7 @@ def settings():
c.execute("SELECT * FROM table_settings_notifier ORDER BY name")
settings_notifier = c.fetchall()
from get_settings import get_general_settings, get_auth_settings, get_radarr_settings, get_sonarr_settings
settings_general = get_general_settings()
settings_auth = get_auth_settings()
@ -699,6 +777,7 @@ def settings():
@route(base_url + 'save_settings', method='POST')
def save_settings():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
@ -708,13 +787,6 @@ def save_settings():
settings_general_port = request.forms.get('settings_general_port')
settings_general_baseurl = request.forms.get('settings_general_baseurl')
settings_general_loglevel = request.forms.get('settings_general_loglevel')
settings_general_auth_enabled = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_enabled')
if settings_general_auth_enabled is None:
settings_general_auth_enabled = 'False'
settings_general_auth_enabled = 'True'
settings_general_auth_username = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_username')
settings_general_auth_password = request.forms.get('settings_general_auth_password')
settings_general_sourcepath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_sourcepath')
settings_general_destpath = request.forms.getall('settings_general_destpath')
settings_general_pathmapping = []
@ -806,23 +878,48 @@ def save_settings():
cfg.set('general', 'only_monitored', text_type(settings_general_only_monitored))
cfg.set('general', 'adaptive_searching', text_type(settings_general_adaptive_searching))
if after != before:
settings_auth = get_auth_settings()
before_auth_password = (unicode(settings_auth[0]), unicode(settings_auth[2]))
if before_auth_password[0] != settings_general_auth_enabled:
settings_auth_type = request.forms.get('settings_auth_type')
settings_auth_username = request.forms.get('settings_auth_username')
settings_auth_password = request.forms.get('settings_auth_password')
if get_auth_settings()[0] != settings_auth_type:
if before_auth_password[1] == settings_general_auth_password:
cfg.set('auth', 'enabled', text_type(settings_general_auth_enabled))
cfg.set('auth', 'username', text_type(settings_general_auth_username))
if settings_auth[2] == settings_auth_password:
cfg.set('auth', 'type', text_type(settings_auth_type))
cfg.set('auth', 'username', text_type(settings_auth_username))
cfg.set('auth', 'enabled', text_type(settings_general_auth_enabled))
cfg.set('auth', 'username', text_type(settings_general_auth_username))
cfg.set('auth', 'password', hashlib.md5(settings_general_auth_password).hexdigest())
cfg.set('auth', 'type', text_type(settings_auth_type))
cfg.set('auth', 'username', text_type(settings_auth_username))
cfg.set('auth', 'password', hashlib.md5(settings_auth_password).hexdigest())
if settings_auth_username not in aaa._store.users:
cork = Cork(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config')), initialize=True)
cork._store.roles[''] = 100
cork._store.users[settings_auth_username] = {
'role': '',
'hash': cork._hash(settings_auth_username, settings_auth_password),
'email_addr': '',
'desc': '',
'creation_date': time.time()
if settings_auth_type == 'basic' or settings_auth_type == 'None':
if settings_auth[2] != settings_auth_password:
aaa.user(settings_auth_username).update(role='', pwd=settings_auth_password)
if settings_auth_type == 'basic' or settings_auth_type == 'None':
settings_sonarr_ip = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_ip')
settings_sonarr_port = request.forms.get('settings_sonarr_port')
@ -1129,6 +1226,7 @@ def save_settings():
@route(base_url + 'check_update')
def check_update():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -1138,6 +1236,7 @@ def check_update():
@route(base_url + 'system')
def system():
def get_time_from_interval(interval):
interval_clean = interval.split('[')
interval_clean = interval_clean[1][:-1]
@ -1259,6 +1358,7 @@ def system():
@route(base_url + 'logs/<page:int>')
def get_logs(page):
page_size = int(get_general_settings()[21])
begin = (page * page_size) - page_size
end = (page * page_size) - 1
@ -1272,6 +1372,7 @@ def get_logs(page):
@route(base_url + 'execute/<taskid>')
def execute_task(taskid):
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
@ -1282,6 +1383,7 @@ def execute_task(taskid):
@route(base_url + 'remove_subtitles', method='POST')
def remove_subtitles():
episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
language = request.forms.get('language')
subtitlesPath = request.forms.get('subtitlesPath')
@ -1301,6 +1403,7 @@ def remove_subtitles():
@route(base_url + 'remove_subtitles_movie', method='POST')
def remove_subtitles_movie():
moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
language = request.forms.get('language')
subtitlesPath = request.forms.get('subtitlesPath')
@ -1319,6 +1422,7 @@ def remove_subtitles_movie():
@route(base_url + 'get_subtitle', method='POST')
def get_subtitle():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
@ -1366,6 +1470,7 @@ def get_subtitle():
@route(base_url + 'manual_search', method='POST')
def manual_search_json():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
@ -1402,6 +1507,7 @@ def manual_search_json():
@route(base_url + 'manual_get_subtitle', method='POST')
def manual_get_subtitle():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
episodePath = request.forms.get('episodePath')
@ -1441,6 +1547,7 @@ def manual_get_subtitle():
@route(base_url + 'get_subtitle_movie', method='POST')
def get_subtitle_movie():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
@ -1487,6 +1594,7 @@ def get_subtitle_movie():
@route(base_url + 'manual_search_movie', method='POST')
def manual_search_movie_json():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
@ -1523,6 +1631,7 @@ def manual_search_movie_json():
@route(base_url + 'manual_get_subtitle_movie', method='POST')
def manual_get_subtitle_movie():
ref = request.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
moviePath = request.forms.get('moviePath')
@ -1593,5 +1702,5 @@ def test_url(url):'Bazarr is started and waiting for request on http://' + str(ip) + ':' + str(port) + str(base_url))
run(host=ip, port=port, server='waitress')
run(host=ip, port=port, server='waitress', app=app)'Bazarr has been stopped.')

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def get_general_settings():
if cfg.has_option('general', 'minimum_score'):
minimum_score = cfg.get('general', 'minimum_score')
minimum_score = '100'
minimum_score = '90'
if cfg.has_option('general', 'use_scenename'):
use_scenename = cfg.getboolean('general', 'use_scenename')
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ def get_general_settings():
if cfg.has_option('general', 'minimum_score_movie'):
minimum_score_movie = cfg.get('general', 'minimum_score_movie')
minimum_score_movie = '100'
minimum_score_movie = '70'
if cfg.has_option('general', 'use_embedded_subs'):
use_embedded_subs = cfg.getboolean('general', 'use_embedded_subs')
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ def get_general_settings():
branch = 'master'
auto_update = True
single_language = False
minimum_score = '100'
minimum_score = '90'
use_scenename = False
use_postprocessing = False
postprocessing_cmd = False
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ def get_general_settings():
movie_default_language = []
movie_default_hi = False
page_size = '25'
minimum_score_movie = '100'
minimum_score_movie = '70'
use_embedded_subs = False
only_monitored = False
adaptive_searching = False
@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ def get_auth_settings():
if cfg.has_section('auth'):
if cfg.has_option('auth', 'enabled'):
enabled = cfg.getboolean('auth', 'enabled')
if cfg.has_option('auth', 'type'):
type = cfg.get('auth', 'type')
enabled = False
type = None
if cfg.has_option('auth', 'username'):
username = cfg.get('auth', 'username')
@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ def get_auth_settings():
password = ''
enabled = False
type = None
username = ''
password = ''
return [enabled, username, password]
return [type, username, password]
def get_sonarr_settings():

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'log')) is False:
config_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config/config.ini'))
# if os.path.exists(os.path.join(config_dir, 'db/bazarr.db')) is True and os.path.exists(config_file) is False:
cfg = ConfigParser()
# Open database connection
db = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/db/bazarr.db'), timeout=30)
@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ try:
# Close database connection
cfg = ConfigParser()
section = 'general'
if not cfg.has_section(section):
@ -164,7 +162,7 @@ except sqlite3.OperationalError:
if not cfg.has_section(section):
cfg.set(section, 'enabled', "False")
cfg.set(section, 'type', "None")
cfg.set(section, 'username', "")
cfg.set(section, 'password', "")
@ -218,3 +216,32 @@ try:'Database created successfully')
# Remove unused settings
with open(config_file, 'r') as f:
except Exception:
cfg.remove_option('auth', 'enabled')
with open(config_file, 'w+') as configfile:
from cork import Cork
import time
if os.path.exists(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config/users.json'))) is False:
cork = Cork(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, 'config')), initialize=True)
cork._store.roles[''] = 100
tstamp = str(time.time())
username = password = ''
cork._store.users[username] = {
'role': '',
'hash': cork._hash(username, password),
'email_addr': username,
'desc': username,
'creation_date': tstamp

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# Released under LGPLv3+ license, see LICENSE.txt
# Backends API - used to make backends available for importing
from .cork import Cork, JsonBackend, AAAException, AuthException, Mailer, FlaskCork, Redirect

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# Released under LGPLv3+ license, see LICENSE.txt
.. module:: backends
:synopsis: Backends API - used to make backends available for importing
from .json_backend import JsonBackend
from .mongodb_backend import MongoDBBackend
from .sqlalchemy_backend import SqlAlchemyBackend
from .sqlite_backend import SQLiteBackend

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# Released under LGPLv3+ license, see LICENSE.txt
.. module::
:synopsis: Base Backend.
class BackendIOException(Exception):
"""Generic Backend I/O Exception"""
def ni(*args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class Backend(object):
"""Base Backend class - to be subclassed by real backends."""
save_users = ni
save_roles = ni
save_pending_registrations = ni
class Table(object):
"""Base Table class - to be subclassed by real backends."""
__len__ = ni
__contains__ = ni
__setitem__ = ni
__getitem__ = ni
__iter__ = ni
iteritems = ni

@ -0,0 +1,975 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from logging import getLogger
from smtplib import SMTP, SMTP_SSL
from threading import Thread
from time import time
import bottle
import hashlib
import os
import re
import sys
import uuid
import scrypt
scrypt_available = True
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
scrypt_available = False
except NameError:
basestring = str
from .backends import JsonBackend
is_py3 = (sys.version_info.major == 3)
log = getLogger(__name__)
class AAAException(Exception):
"""Generic Authentication/Authorization Exception"""
class AuthException(AAAException):
"""Authentication Exception: incorrect username/password pair"""
class BaseCork(object):
"""Abstract class"""
def __init__(self, directory=None, backend=None, email_sender=None,
initialize=False, session_domain=None, smtp_server=None,
smtp_url='localhost', session_key_name=None):
"""Auth/Authorization/Accounting class
:param directory: configuration directory
:type directory: str.
:param users_fname: users filename (without .json), defaults to 'users'
:type users_fname: str.
:param roles_fname: roles filename (without .json), defaults to 'roles'
:type roles_fname: str.
if smtp_server:
smtp_url = smtp_server
self.mailer = Mailer(email_sender, smtp_url)
self.password_reset_timeout = 3600 * 24
self.session_domain = session_domain
self.session_key_name = session_key_name or 'beaker.session'
self.preferred_hashing_algorithm = 'PBKDF2'
# Setup JsonBackend by default for backward compatibility.
if backend is None:
self._store = JsonBackend(directory, users_fname='users',
roles_fname='roles', pending_reg_fname='register',
self._store = backend
def login(self, username, password, success_redirect=None,
"""Check login credentials for an existing user.
Optionally redirect the user to another page (typically /login)
:param username: username
:type username: str or unicode.
:param password: cleartext password
:type password: str.or unicode
:param success_redirect: redirect authorized users (optional)
:type success_redirect: str.
:param fail_redirect: redirect unauthorized users (optional)
:type fail_redirect: str.
:returns: True for successful logins, else False
#assert isinstance(username, type(u'')), "the username must be a string"
#assert isinstance(password, type(u'')), "the password must be a string"
if username in self._store.users:
salted_hash = self._store.users[username]['hash']
if hasattr(salted_hash, 'encode'):
salted_hash = salted_hash.encode('ascii')
authenticated = self._verify_password(
if authenticated:
# Setup session data
self._store.users[username]['last_login'] = str(datetime.utcnow())
if success_redirect:
return True
if fail_redirect:
return False
def logout(self, success_redirect='/login', fail_redirect='/login'):
"""Log the user out, remove cookie
:param success_redirect: redirect the user after logging out
:type success_redirect: str.
:param fail_redirect: redirect the user if it is not logged in
:type fail_redirect: str.
session = self._beaker_session
except Exception as e:
log.debug("Exception %s while logging out." % repr(e))
def require(self, username=None, role=None, fixed_role=False,
"""Ensure the user is logged in has the required role (or higher).
Optionally redirect the user to another page (typically /login)
If both `username` and `role` are specified, both conditions need to be
If none is specified, any authenticated user will be authorized.
By default, any role with higher level than `role` will be authorized;
set fixed_role=True to prevent this.
:param username: username (optional)
:type username: str.
:param role: role
:type role: str.
:param fixed_role: require user role to match `role` strictly
:type fixed_role: bool.
:param redirect: redirect unauthorized users (optional)
:type redirect: str.
# Parameter validation
if username is not None:
if username not in self._store.users:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent user")
if fixed_role and role is None:
raise AAAException(
"""A role must be specified if fixed_role has been set""")
if role is not None and role not in self._store.roles:
raise AAAException("Role not found")
# Authentication
cu = self.current_user
except AAAException:
if fail_redirect is None:
raise AuthException("Unauthenticated user")
# Authorization
if cu.role not in self._store.roles:
raise AAAException("Role not found for the current user")
if username is not None:
# A specific user is required
if username == self.current_user.username:
if fail_redirect is None:
raise AuthException("Unauthorized access: incorrect"
" username")
if fixed_role:
# A specific role is required
if role == self.current_user.role:
if fail_redirect is None:
raise AuthException("Unauthorized access: incorrect role")
if role is not None:
# Any role with higher level is allowed
current_lvl = self._store.roles[self.current_user.role]
threshold_lvl = self._store.roles[role]
if current_lvl >= threshold_lvl:
if fail_redirect is None:
raise AuthException("Unauthorized access: ")
return # success
def create_role(self, role, level):
"""Create a new role.
:param role: role name
:type role: str.
:param level: role level (0=lowest, 100=admin)
:type level: int.
:raises: AuthException on errors
if self.current_user.level < 100:
raise AuthException("The current user is not authorized to ")
if role in self._store.roles:
raise AAAException("The role is already existing")
except ValueError:
raise AAAException("The level must be numeric.")
self._store.roles[role] = level
def delete_role(self, role):
"""Deleta a role.
:param role: role name
:type role: str.
:raises: AuthException on errors
if self.current_user.level < 100:
raise AuthException("The current user is not authorized to ")
if role not in self._store.roles:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent role.")
def list_roles(self):
"""List roles.
:returns: (role, role_level) generator (sorted by role)
for role in sorted(self._store.roles):
yield (role, self._store.roles[role])
def create_user(self, username, role, password, email_addr=None,
"""Create a new user account.
This method is available to users with level>=100
:param username: username
:type username: str.
:param role: role
:type role: str.
:param password: cleartext password
:type password: str.
:param email_addr: email address (optional)
:type email_addr: str.
:param description: description (free form)
:type description: str.
:raises: AuthException on errors
assert username, "Username must be provided."
if self.current_user.level < 100:
raise AuthException("The current user is not authorized"
" to create users.")
if username in self._store.users:
raise AAAException("User is already existing.")
if role not in self._store.roles:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent user role.")
tstamp = str(datetime.utcnow())
h = self._hash(username, password)
h = h.decode('ascii')
self._store.users[username] = {
'role': role,
'hash': h,
'email_addr': email_addr,
'desc': description,
'creation_date': tstamp,
'last_login': tstamp
def delete_user(self, username):
"""Delete a user account.
This method is available to users with level>=100
:param username: username
:type username: str.
:raises: Exceptions on errors
if self.current_user.level < 100:
raise AuthException("The current user is not authorized to ")
if username not in self._store.users:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent user.")
def list_users(self):
"""List users.
:return: (username, role, email_addr, description) generator (sorted by
for un in sorted(self._store.users):
d = self._store.users[un]
yield (un, d['role'], d['email_addr'], d['desc'])
def current_user(self):
"""Current autenticated user
:returns: User() instance, if authenticated
:raises: AuthException otherwise
session = self._beaker_session
username = session.get('username', None)
if username is None:
raise AuthException("Unauthenticated user")
if username is not None and username in self._store.users:
return User(username, self, session=session)
raise AuthException("Unknown user: %s" % username)
def user_is_anonymous(self):
"""Check if the current user is anonymous.
:returns: True if the user is anonymous, False otherwise
:raises: AuthException if the session username is unknown
username = self._beaker_session['username']
except KeyError:
return True
if username not in self._store.users:
raise AuthException("Unknown user: %s" % username)
return False
def user(self, username):
"""Existing user
:returns: User() instance if the user exist, None otherwise
if username is not None and username in self._store.users:
return User(username, self)
return None
def register(self, username, password, email_addr, role='user',
max_level=50, subject="Signup confirmation",
description=None, **kwargs):
"""Register a new user account. An email with a registration validation
is sent to the user.
WARNING: this method is available to unauthenticated users
:param username: username
:type username: str.
:param password: cleartext password
:type password: str.
:param role: role (optional), defaults to 'user'
:type role: str.
:param max_level: maximum role level (optional), defaults to 50
:type max_level: int.
:param email_addr: email address
:type email_addr: str.
:param subject: email subject
:type subject: str.
:param email_template: email template filename
:type email_template: str.
:param description: description (free form)
:type description: str.
:raises: AssertError or AAAException on errors
assert username, "Username must be provided."
assert password, "A password must be provided."
assert email_addr, "An email address must be provided."
if username in self._store.users:
raise AAAException("User is already existing.")
if role not in self._store.roles:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent role")
if self._store.roles[role] > max_level:
raise AAAException("Unauthorized role")
registration_code = uuid.uuid4().hex
creation_date = str(datetime.utcnow())
# send registration email
email_text = bottle.template(
self.mailer.send_email(email_addr, subject, email_text)
# store pending registration
h = self._hash(username, password)
h = h.decode('ascii')
self._store.pending_registrations[registration_code] = {
'username': username,
'role': role,
'hash': h,
'email_addr': email_addr,
'desc': description,
'creation_date': creation_date,
def validate_registration(self, registration_code):
"""Validate pending account registration, create a new account if
:param registration_code: registration code
:type registration_code: str.
data = self._store.pending_registrations.pop(registration_code)
except KeyError:
raise AuthException("Invalid registration code.")
username = data['username']
if username in self._store.users:
raise AAAException("User is already existing.")
# the user data is moved from pending_registrations to _users
self._store.users[username] = {
'role': data['role'],
'hash': data['hash'],
'email_addr': data['email_addr'],
'desc': data['desc'],
'creation_date': data['creation_date'],
'last_login': str(datetime.utcnow())
def send_password_reset_email(self, username=None, email_addr=None,
subject="Password reset confirmation",
"""Email the user with a link to reset his/her password
If only one parameter is passed, fetch the other from the users
database. If both are passed they will be matched against the users
database as a security check.
:param username: username
:type username: str.
:param email_addr: email address
:type email_addr: str.
:param subject: email subject
:type subject: str.
:param email_template: email template filename
:type email_template: str.
:raises: AAAException on missing username or email_addr,
AuthException on incorrect username/email_addr pair
if username is None:
if email_addr is None:
raise AAAException("At least `username` or `email_addr` must"
" be specified.")
# only email_addr is specified: fetch the username
for k, v in self._store.users.iteritems():
if v['email_addr'] == email_addr:
username = k
raise AAAException("Email address not found.")
else: # username is provided
if username not in self._store.users:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent user.")
if email_addr is None:
email_addr = self._store.users[username].get('email_addr', None)
if not email_addr:
raise AAAException("Email address not available.")
# both username and email_addr are provided: check them
stored_email_addr = self._store.users[username]['email_addr']
if email_addr != stored_email_addr:
raise AuthException("Username/email address pair not found.")
# generate a reset_code token
reset_code = self._reset_code(username, email_addr)
# send reset email
email_text = bottle.template(
self.mailer.send_email(email_addr, subject, email_text)
def reset_password(self, reset_code, password):
"""Validate reset_code and update the account password
The username is extracted from the reset_code token
:param reset_code: reset token
:type reset_code: str.
:param password: new password
:type password: str.
:raises: AuthException for invalid reset tokens, AAAException
reset_code = b64decode(reset_code).decode()
username, email_addr, tstamp, h = reset_code.split(':', 3)
tstamp = int(tstamp)
assert isinstance(username, type(u''))
assert isinstance(email_addr, type(u''))
if not isinstance(h, type(b'')):
h = h.encode('utf-8')
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise AuthException("Invalid reset code.")
if time() - tstamp > self.password_reset_timeout:
raise AuthException("Expired reset code.")
assert isinstance(h, type(b''))
if not self._verify_password(username, email_addr, h):
raise AuthException("Invalid reset code.")
user = self.user(username)
if user is None:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent user.")
def make_auth_decorator(self, username=None, role=None, fixed_role=False, fail_redirect='/login'):
Create a decorator to be used for authentication and authorization
:param username: A resource can be protected for a specific user
:param role: Minimum role level required for authorization
:param fixed_role: Only this role gets authorized
:param fail_redirect: The URL to redirect to if a login is required.
session_manager = self
def auth_require(username=username, role=role, fixed_role=fixed_role,
def decorator(func):
import functools
def wrapper(*a, **ka):
session_manager.require(username=username, role=role, fixed_role=fixed_role,
return func(*a, **ka)
return wrapper
return decorator
## Private methods
def _setup_cookie(self, username):
"""Setup cookie for a user that just logged in"""
session = self._beaker_session
session['username'] = username
if self.session_domain is not None:
session.domain = self.session_domain
def _hash(self, username, pwd, salt=None, algo=None):
"""Hash username and password, generating salt value if required
if algo is None:
algo = self.preferred_hashing_algorithm
if algo == 'PBKDF2':
return self._hash_pbkdf2(username, pwd, salt=salt)
if algo == 'scrypt':
return self._hash_scrypt(username, pwd, salt=salt)
raise RuntimeError("Unknown hashing algorithm requested: %s" % algo)
def _hash_scrypt(username, pwd, salt=None):
"""Hash username and password, generating salt value if required
Use scrypt.
:returns: base-64 encoded str.
if not scrypt_available:
raise Exception("scrypt.hash required."
" Please install the scrypt library.")
if salt is None:
salt = os.urandom(32)
assert len(salt) == 32, "Incorrect salt length"
cleartext = "%s\0%s" % (username, pwd)
h = scrypt.hash(cleartext, salt)
# 's' for scrypt
hashed = b's' + salt + h
return b64encode(hashed)
def _hash_pbkdf2(username, pwd, salt=None):
"""Hash username and password, generating salt value if required
Use PBKDF2 from Beaker
:returns: base-64 encoded str.
if salt is None:
salt = os.urandom(32)
assert isinstance(salt, bytes)
assert len(salt) == 32, "Incorrect salt length"
username = username.encode('utf-8')
assert isinstance(username, bytes)
pwd = pwd.encode('utf-8')
assert isinstance(pwd, bytes)
cleartext = username + b'\0' + pwd
h = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha1', cleartext, salt, 10, dklen=32)
# 'p' for PBKDF2
hashed = b'p' + salt + h
return b64encode(hashed)
def _verify_password(self, username, pwd, salted_hash):
"""Verity username/password pair against a salted hash
:returns: bool
assert isinstance(salted_hash, type(b''))
decoded = b64decode(salted_hash)
hash_type = decoded[0]
if isinstance(hash_type, int):
hash_type = chr(hash_type)
salt = decoded[1:33]
if hash_type == 'p': # PBKDF2
h = self._hash_pbkdf2(username, pwd, salt)
return salted_hash == h
if hash_type == 's': # scrypt
h = self._hash_scrypt(username, pwd, salt)
return salted_hash == h
raise RuntimeError("Unknown hashing algorithm in hash: %r" % decoded)
def _purge_expired_registrations(self, exp_time=96):
"""Purge expired registration requests.
:param exp_time: expiration time (hours)
:type exp_time: float.
pending = self._store.pending_registrations.items()
if is_py3:
pending = list(pending)
for uuid_code, data in pending:
creation = datetime.strptime(data['creation_date'],
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
now = datetime.utcnow()
maxdelta = timedelta(hours=exp_time)
if now - creation > maxdelta:
def _reset_code(self, username, email_addr):
"""generate a reset_code token
:param username: username
:type username: str.
:param email_addr: email address
:type email_addr: str.
:returns: Base-64 encoded token
h = self._hash(username, email_addr)
t = "%d" % time()
t = t.encode('utf-8')
reset_code = b':'.join((username.encode('utf-8'), email_addr.encode('utf-8'), t, h))
return b64encode(reset_code)
class User(object):
def __init__(self, username, cork_obj, session=None):
"""Represent an authenticated user, exposing useful attributes:
username, role, level, description, email_addr, session_creation_time,
session_accessed_time, session_id. The session-related attributes are
available for the current user only.
:param username: username
:type username: str.
:param cork_obj: instance of :class:`Cork`
self._cork = cork_obj
assert username in self._cork._store.users, "Unknown user"
self.username = username
user_data = self._cork._store.users[username]
self.role = user_data['role']
self.description = user_data['desc']
self.email_addr = user_data['email_addr']
self.level = self._cork._store.roles[self.role]
if session is not None:
self.session_creation_time = session['_creation_time']
self.session_accessed_time = session['_accessed_time']
self.session_id = session['_id']
def update(self, role=None, pwd=None, email_addr=None):
"""Update an user account data
:param role: change user role, if specified
:type role: str.
:param pwd: change user password, if specified
:type pwd: str.
:param email_addr: change user email address, if specified
:type email_addr: str.
:raises: AAAException on nonexistent user or role.
username = self.username
if username not in self._cork._store.users:
raise AAAException("User does not exist.")
if role is not None:
if role not in self._cork._store.roles:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent role.")
self._cork._store.users[username]['role'] = role
if pwd is not None:
self._cork._store.users[username]['hash'] = self._cork._hash(
username, pwd)
if email_addr is not None:
self._cork._store.users[username]['email_addr'] = email_addr
def delete(self):
"""Delete user account
:raises: AAAException on nonexistent user.
except KeyError:
raise AAAException("Nonexistent user.")
class Redirect(Exception):
def raise_redirect(path):
raise Redirect(path)
class Cork(BaseCork):
def _redirect(location):
def _beaker_session(self):
"""Get session"""
return bottle.request.environ.get(self.session_key_name)
def _save_session(self):
class FlaskCork(BaseCork):
def _redirect(location):
def _beaker_session(self):
"""Get session"""
import flask
return flask.session
def _save_session(self):
class Mailer(object):
def __init__(self, sender, smtp_url, join_timeout=5, use_threads=True):
"""Send emails asyncronously
:param sender: Sender email address
:type sender: str.
:param smtp_server: SMTP server
:type smtp_server: str.
self.sender = sender
self.join_timeout = join_timeout
self.use_threads = use_threads
self._threads = []
self._conf = self._parse_smtp_url(smtp_url)
def _parse_smtp_url(self, url):
"""Parse SMTP URL"""
match = re.match(r"""
( # Optional protocol
(?P<proto>smtp|starttls|ssl) # Protocol name
( # Optional user:pass@
(?P<user>[^:]*) # Match every char except ':'
(: (?P<pass>.*) )? @ # Optional :pass
(?P<fqdn> # Required FQDN on IP address
()| # Empty string
( # FQDN
[a-zA-Z_\-] # First character cannot be a number
|( # IPv4
|( # IPv6
\[ # Square brackets
( # Optional :port
(?P<port>[0-9]{,5}) # Up to 5-digits port
""", url, re.VERBOSE)
if not match:
raise RuntimeError("SMTP URL seems incorrect")
d = match.groupdict()
if d['proto'] is None:
d['proto'] = 'smtp'
if d['port'] is None:
d['port'] = 25
d['port'] = int(d['port'])
if not 0 < d['port'] < 65536:
raise RuntimeError("Incorrect SMTP port")
return d
def send_email(self, email_addr, subject, email_text):
"""Send an email
:param email_addr: email address
:type email_addr: str.
:param subject: subject
:type subject: str.
:param email_text: email text
:type email_text: str.
:raises: AAAException if smtp_server and/or sender are not set
if not (self._conf['fqdn'] and self.sender):
raise AAAException("SMTP server or sender not set")
msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = self.sender
msg['To'] = email_addr
if isinstance(email_text, bytes):
email_text = email_text.encode('utf-8')
part = MIMEText(email_text, 'html')
msg = msg.as_string()
log.debug("Sending email using %s" % self._conf['fqdn'])
if self.use_threads:
thread = Thread(target=self._send, args=(email_addr, msg))
self._send(email_addr, msg)
def _send(self, email_addr, msg):
"""Deliver an email using SMTP
:param email_addr: recipient
:type email_addr: str.
:param msg: email text
:type msg: str.
proto = self._conf['proto']
assert proto in ('smtp', 'starttls', 'ssl'), \
"Incorrect protocol: %s" % proto
if proto == 'ssl':
log.debug("Setting up SSL")
session = SMTP_SSL(self._conf['fqdn'], self._conf['port'])
session = SMTP(self._conf['fqdn'], self._conf['port'])
if proto == 'starttls':
log.debug('Sending EHLO and STARTTLS')
if self._conf['user'] is not None:
log.debug('Performing login')
session.login(self._conf['user'], self._conf['pass'])
session.sendmail(self.sender, email_addr, msg)
session.quit()'Email sent')
except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover
log.error("Error sending email: %s" % e, exc_info=True)
def join(self):
"""Flush email queue by waiting the completion of the existing threads
:returns: None
return [t.join(self.join_timeout) for t in self._threads]
def __del__(self):
"""Class destructor: wait for threads to terminate within a timeout"""
except TypeError:

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# Released under LGPLv3+ license, see LICENSE.txt
.. module:: json_backend
:synopsis: JSON file-based storage backend.
from logging import getLogger
import os
import shutil
import sys
import json
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
import simplejson as json
from .base_backend import BackendIOException
is_py3 = (sys.version_info.major == 3)
log = getLogger(__name__)
py23dict = dict
except AttributeError:
class py23dict(dict):
iteritems = dict.items
class BytesEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if is_py3 and isinstance(obj, bytes):
return obj.decode()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class JsonBackend(object):
"""JSON file-based storage backend."""
def __init__(self, directory, users_fname='users',
roles_fname='roles', pending_reg_fname='register', initialize=False):
"""Data storage class. Handles JSON files
:param users_fname: users file name (without .json)
:type users_fname: str.
:param roles_fname: roles file name (without .json)
:type roles_fname: str.
:param pending_reg_fname: pending registrations file name (without .json)
:type pending_reg_fname: str.
:param initialize: create empty JSON files (defaults to False)
:type initialize: bool.
assert directory, "Directory name must be valid"
self._directory = directory
self.users = py23dict()
self._users_fname = users_fname
self.roles = py23dict()
self._roles_fname = roles_fname
self._mtimes = py23dict()
self._pending_reg_fname = pending_reg_fname
self.pending_registrations = py23dict()
if initialize:
self._refresh() # load users and roles
def _initialize_storage(self):
"""Create empty JSON files"""
self._savejson(self._users_fname, {})
self._savejson(self._roles_fname, {})
self._savejson(self._pending_reg_fname, {})
def _refresh(self):
"""Load users and roles from JSON files, if needed"""
self._loadjson(self._users_fname, self.users)
self._loadjson(self._roles_fname, self.roles)
self._loadjson(self._pending_reg_fname, self.pending_registrations)
def _loadjson(self, fname, dest):
"""Load JSON file located under self._directory, if needed
:param fname: short file name (without path and .json)
:type fname: str.
:param dest: destination
:type dest: dict
fname = "%s/%s.json" % (self._directory, fname)
mtime = os.stat(fname).st_mtime
if self._mtimes.get(fname, 0) == mtime:
# no need to reload the file: the mtime has not been changed
with open(fname) as f:
json_data =
except Exception as e:
raise BackendIOException("Unable to read json file %s: %s" % (fname, e))
json_obj = json.loads(json_data)
self._mtimes[fname] = os.stat(fname).st_mtime
except Exception as e:
raise BackendIOException("Unable to parse JSON data from %s: %s" \
% (fname, e))
def _savejson(self, fname, obj):
"""Save obj in JSON format in a file in self._directory"""
fname = "%s/%s.json" % (self._directory, fname)
with open("%s.tmp" % fname, 'w') as f:
json.dump(obj, f, cls=BytesEncoder)
shutil.move("%s.tmp" % fname, fname)
except Exception as e:
raise BackendIOException("Unable to save JSON file %s: %s" \
% (fname, e))
def save_users(self):
"""Save users in a JSON file"""
self._savejson(self._users_fname, self.users)
def save_roles(self):
"""Save roles in a JSON file"""
self._savejson(self._roles_fname, self.roles)
def save_pending_registrations(self):
"""Save pending registrations in a JSON file"""
self._savejson(self._pending_reg_fname, self.pending_registrations)

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# Released under LGPLv3+ license, see LICENSE.txt
.. module:: mongodb_backend
:synopsis: MongoDB storage backend.
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
from .base_backend import Backend, Table
import pymongo
is_pymongo_2 = (pymongo.version_tuple[0] == 2)
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
class MongoTable(Table):
"""Abstract MongoDB Table.
Allow dictionary-like access.
def __init__(self, name, key_name, collection):
self._name = name
self._key_name = key_name
self._coll = collection
def create_index(self):
"""Create collection index."""
def __len__(self):
return self._coll.count()
def __contains__(self, value):
r = self._coll.find_one({self._key_name: value})
return r is not None
def __iter__(self):
"""Iter on dictionary keys"""
if is_pymongo_2:
r = self._coll.find(fields=[self._key_name,])
r = self._coll.find(projection=[self._key_name,])
return (i[self._key_name] for i in r)
def iteritems(self):
"""Iter on dictionary items.
:returns: generator of (key, value) tuples
r = self._coll.find()
for i in r:
d = i.copy()
yield (i[self._key_name], d)
def pop(self, key_val):
"""Remove a dictionary item"""
r = self[key_val]
self._coll.remove({self._key_name: key_val}, w=1)
return r
class MongoSingleValueTable(MongoTable):
"""MongoDB table accessible as a simple key -> value dictionary.
Used to store roles.
# Values are stored in a MongoDB "column" named "val"
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(MongoSingleValueTable, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def __setitem__(self, key_val, data):
assert not isinstance(data, dict)
spec = {self._key_name: key_val}
data = {self._key_name: key_val, 'val': data}
if is_pymongo_2:
self._coll.update(spec, {'$set': data}, upsert=True, w=1)
self._coll.update_one(spec, {'$set': data}, upsert=True)
def __getitem__(self, key_val):
r = self._coll.find_one({self._key_name: key_val})
if r is None:
raise KeyError(key_val)
return r['val']
class MongoMutableDict(dict):
"""Represent an item from a Table. Acts as a dictionary.
def __init__(self, parent, root_key, d):
"""Create a MongoMutableDict instance.
:param parent: Table instance
:type parent: :class:`MongoTable`
super(MongoMutableDict, self).__init__(d)
self._parent = parent
self._root_key = root_key
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
super(MongoMutableDict, self).__setitem__(k, v)
spec = {self._parent._key_name: self._root_key}
if is_pymongo_2:
r = self._parent._coll.update(spec, {'$set': {k: v}}, upsert=True)
r = self._parent._coll.update_one(spec, {'$set': {k: v}}, upsert=True)
class MongoMultiValueTable(MongoTable):
"""MongoDB table accessible as a dictionary.
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
super(MongoMultiValueTable, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def __setitem__(self, key_val, data):
assert isinstance(data, dict)
key_name = self._key_name
if key_name in data:
assert data[key_name] == key_val
data[key_name] = key_val
spec = {key_name: key_val}
if u'_id' in data:
if is_pymongo_2:
self._coll.update(spec, {'$set': data}, upsert=True, w=1)
self._coll.update_one(spec, {'$set': data}, upsert=True)
def __getitem__(self, key_val):
r = self._coll.find_one({self._key_name: key_val})
if r is None:
raise KeyError(key_val)
return MongoMutableDict(self, key_val, r)
class MongoDBBackend(Backend):
def __init__(self, db_name='cork', hostname='localhost', port=27017, initialize=False, username=None, password=None):
"""Initialize MongoDB Backend"""
connection = pymongo.MongoClient(host=hostname, port=port)
db = connection[db_name]
if username and password:
db.authenticate(username, password)
self.users = MongoMultiValueTable('users', 'login', db.users)
self.pending_registrations = MongoMultiValueTable(
self.roles = MongoSingleValueTable('roles', 'role', db.roles)
if initialize:
def _initialize_storage(self):
"""Create MongoDB indexes."""
for c in (self.users, self.roles, self.pending_registrations):
def save_users(self):
def save_roles(self):
def save_pending_registrations(self):

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import json
import base64
import hmac
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
def _strcmp(a, b):
"""Compares two strings while preventing timing attacks. Execution time
is not affected by lenghth of common prefix on strings of the same length"""
return not sum(0 if x==y else 1 for x, y in zip(a, b)) and len(a) == len(b)
class SecureSession(object):
def __init__(self):
base64.b64encode(, msg).digest())):
return pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(msg))

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# Released under LGPLv3+ license, see LICENSE.txt
.. module:: sqlalchemy_backend
:synopsis: SQLAlchemy storage backend.
import sys
from logging import getLogger
from . import base_backend
log = getLogger(__name__)
is_py3 = (sys.version_info.major == 3)
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, delete, select, \
Column, ForeignKey, Integer, MetaData, String, Table, Unicode
sqlalchemy_available = True
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
sqlalchemy_available = False
class SqlRowProxy(dict):
def __init__(self, sql_dict, key, *args, **kwargs):
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.sql_dict = sql_dict
self.key = key
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
if self.sql_dict is not None:
self.sql_dict[self.key] = {key: value}
class SqlTable(base_backend.Table):
"""Provides dictionary-like access to an SQL table."""
def __init__(self, engine, table, key_col_name):
self._engine = engine
self._table = table
self._key_col = table.c[key_col_name]
def _row_to_value(self, row):
row_key = row[self._key_col]
row_value = SqlRowProxy(self, row_key,
((k, row[k]) for k in row.keys() if k !=
return row_key, row_value
def __len__(self):
query = self._table.count()
c = self._engine.execute(query).scalar()
return int(c)
def __contains__(self, key):
query = select([self._key_col], self._key_col == key)
row = self._engine.execute(query).fetchone()
return row is not None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key in self:
values = value
query = self._table.update().where(self._key_col == key)
values = { key}
query = self._table.insert()
def __getitem__(self, key):
query = select([self._table], self._key_col == key)
row = self._engine.execute(query).fetchone()
if row is None:
raise KeyError(key)
return self._row_to_value(row)[1]
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over table index key values"""
query = select([self._key_col])
result = self._engine.execute(query)
for row in result:
key = row[0]
yield key
def iteritems(self):
"""Iterate over table rows"""
query = select([self._table])
result = self._engine.execute(query)
for row in result:
key = row[0]
d = self._row_to_value(row)[1]
yield (key, d)
def pop(self, key):
query = select([self._table], self._key_col == key)
row = self._engine.execute(query).fetchone()
if row is None:
raise KeyError
query = delete(self._table, self._key_col == key)
return row
def insert(self, d):
query = self._table.insert(d)
log.debug("%s inserted" % repr(d))
def empty_table(self):
query = self._table.delete()
self._engine.execute(query)"Table purged")
class SqlSingleValueTable(SqlTable):
def __init__(self, engine, table, key_col_name, col_name):
SqlTable.__init__(self, engine, table, key_col_name)
self._col_name = col_name
def _row_to_value(self, row):
return row[self._key_col], row[self._col_name]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
SqlTable.__setitem__(self, key, {self._col_name: value})
class SqlAlchemyBackend(base_backend.Backend):
def __init__(self, db_full_url, users_tname='users', roles_tname='roles',
pending_reg_tname='register', initialize=False):
if not sqlalchemy_available:
raise RuntimeError("The SQLAlchemy library is not available.")
self._metadata = MetaData()
if initialize:
# Create new database if needed.
db_url, db_name = db_full_url.rsplit('/', 1)
if is_py3 and db_url.startswith('mysql'):
print("WARNING: MySQL is not supported under Python3")
self._engine = create_engine(db_url, encoding='utf-8')
self._engine.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % db_name)
except Exception as e:"Failed DB creation: %s" % e)
# SQLite in-memory database URL: "sqlite://:memory:"
if db_name != ':memory:' and not db_url.startswith('postgresql'):
self._engine.execute("USE %s" % db_name)
self._engine = create_engine(db_full_url, encoding='utf-8')
self._users = Table(users_tname, self._metadata,
Column('username', Unicode(128), primary_key=True),
Column('role', ForeignKey(roles_tname + '.role')),
Column('hash', String(256), nullable=False),
Column('email_addr', String(128)),
Column('desc', String(128)),
Column('creation_date', String(128), nullable=False),
Column('last_login', String(128), nullable=False)
self._roles = Table(roles_tname, self._metadata,
Column('role', String(128), primary_key=True),
Column('level', Integer, nullable=False)
self._pending_reg = Table(pending_reg_tname, self._metadata,
Column('code', String(128), primary_key=True),
Column('username', Unicode(128), nullable=False),
Column('role', ForeignKey(roles_tname + '.role')),
Column('hash', String(256), nullable=False),
Column('email_addr', String(128)),
Column('desc', String(128)),
Column('creation_date', String(128), nullable=False)
self.users = SqlTable(self._engine, self._users, 'username')
self.roles = SqlSingleValueTable(self._engine, self._roles, 'role', 'level')
self.pending_registrations = SqlTable(self._engine, self._pending_reg, 'code')
if initialize:
log.debug("Tables created")
def _initialize_storage(self, db_name):
def _drop_all_tables(self):
for table in reversed(self._metadata.sorted_tables):"Dropping table %s" % repr(
def save_users(self): pass
def save_roles(self): pass
def save_pending_registrations(self): pass

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
# Cork - Authentication module for the Bottle web framework
# Copyright (C) 2013 Federico Ceratto and others, see AUTHORS file.
# Released under LGPLv3+ license, see LICENSE.txt
.. module:: sqlite_backend
:synopsis: SQLite storage backend.
from . import base_backend
from logging import getLogger
log = getLogger(__name__)
class SqlRowProxy(dict):
def __init__(self, table, key, row):
li = ((k, v) for (k, ktype), v in zip(table._columns[1:], row[1:]))
dict.__init__(self, li)
self._table = table
self._key = key
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
self._table[self._key] = self
class Table(base_backend.Table):
"""Provides dictionary-like access to an SQL table."""
def __init__(self, backend, table_name):
self._backend = backend
self._engine = backend.connection
self._table_name = table_name
self._column_names = [n for n, t in self._columns]
self._key_col_num = 0
self._key_col_name = self._column_names[self._key_col_num]
self._key_col = self._column_names[self._key_col_num]
def _row_to_value(self, key, row):
assert isinstance(row, tuple)
row_key = row[self._key_col_num]
row_value = SqlRowProxy(self, key, row)
return row_key, row_value
def __len__(self):
query = "SELECT count() FROM %s" % self._table_name
ret = self._backend.run_query(query)
return ret.fetchone()[0]
def __contains__(self, key):
#FIXME: count()
query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'" % \
(self._table_name, self._key_col, key)
row = self._backend.fetch_one(query)
return row is not None
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Create or update a row"""
assert isinstance(value, dict)
v, cn = set(value), set(self._column_names[1:])
assert not v - cn, repr(v - cn)
assert not cn - v, repr(cn - v)
assert set(value) == set(self._column_names[1:]), "%s %s" % \
(repr(set(value)), repr(set(self._column_names[1:])))
col_values = [key] + [value[k] for k in self._column_names[1:]]
col_names = ', '.join(self._column_names)
question_marks = ', '.join('?' for x in col_values)
query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % \
(self._table_name, col_names, question_marks)
ret = self._backend.run_query_using_conversion(query, col_values)
def __getitem__(self, key):
query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'" % \
(self._table_name, self._key_col, key)
row = self._backend.fetch_one(query)
if row is None:
raise KeyError(key)
return self._row_to_value(key, row)[1]
#return dict(zip(self._column_names, row))
def __iter__(self):
"""Iterate over table index key values"""
query = "SELECT %s FROM %s" % (self._key_col, self._table_name)
result = self._backend.run_query(query)
for row in result:
yield row[0]
def iteritems(self):
"""Iterate over table rows"""
query = "SELECT * FROM %s" % self._table_name
result = self._backend.run_query(query)
for row in result:
d = dict(zip(self._column_names, row))
yield (self._key_col, d)
def pop(self, key):
d = self.__getitem__(key)
query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'" % \
(self._table_name, self._key_col, key)
#FIXME: check deletion
return d
def insert(self, d):
raise NotImplementedError
def empty_table(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def create_table(self):
"""Issue table creation"""
cc = []
for col_name, col_type in self._columns:
if col_type == int:
col_type = 'INTEGER'
elif col_type == str:
col_type = 'TEXT'
if col_name == self._key_col:
extras = 'PRIMARY KEY ASC'
extras = ''
cc.append("%s %s %s" % (col_name, col_type, extras))
cc = ','.join(cc)
query = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (self._table_name, cc)
class SingleValueTable(Table):
def __init__(self, *args):
super(SingleValueTable, self).__init__(*args)
self._value_col = self._column_names[1]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Create or update a row"""
assert not isinstance(value, dict)
query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (?, ?)" % \
(self._table_name, self._key_col, self._value_col)
col_values = (key, value)
ret = self._backend.run_query_using_conversion(query, col_values)
def __getitem__(self, key):
query = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s='%s'" % \
(self._value_col, self._table_name, self._key_col, key)
row = self._backend.fetch_one(query)
if row is None:
raise KeyError(key)
return row[0]
class UsersTable(Table):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._columns = (
('username', str),
('role', str),
('hash', str),
('email_addr', str),
('desc', str),
('creation_date', str),
('last_login', str)
super(UsersTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class RolesTable(SingleValueTable):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._columns = (
('role', str),
('level', int)
super(RolesTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class PendingRegistrationsTable(Table):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._columns = (
('code', str),
('username', str),
('role', str),
('hash', str),
('email_addr', str),
('desc', str),
('creation_date', str)
super(PendingRegistrationsTable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class SQLiteBackend(base_backend.Backend):
def __init__(self, filename, users_tname='users', roles_tname='roles',
pending_reg_tname='register', initialize=False):
self._filename = filename
self.users = UsersTable(self, users_tname)
self.roles = RolesTable(self, roles_tname)
self.pending_registrations = PendingRegistrationsTable(self, pending_reg_tname)
if initialize:
log.debug("Tables created")
def connection(self):
return self._connection
except AttributeError:
import sqlite3
self._connection = sqlite3.connect(self._filename)
return self._connection
def run_query(self, query):
return self._connection.execute(query)
def run_query_using_conversion(self, query, args):
return self._connection.execute(query, args)
def fetch_one(self, query):
return self._connection.execute(query).fetchone()
def _initialize_storage(self, db_name):
raise NotImplementedError
def _drop_all_tables(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def save_users(self): pass
def save_roles(self): pass
def save_pending_registrations(self): pass

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ urllib3<1.23,>=1.21.1
#Subliminal requirements

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
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<meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff">
<title>Login - Bazarr</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #272727;
body > .grid {
height: 100%;
.image {
margin-top: 0px;
.column {
max-width: 450px;
<div class="ui middle aligned center aligned grid">
<div class="column">
<h2 class="ui small image">
<img src="{{base_url}}static/logo128.png" class="image">
<form class="ui large form" method="post" action="{{base_url}}login" name="login">
<div class="ui segment">
<div class="field">
<div class="ui left icon input">
<i class="user icon"></i>
<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Username" autofocus>
<div class="field">
<div class="ui left icon input">
<i class="lock icon"></i>
<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password">
<button type="submit" class="ui fluid large blue submit button"> Login </button>
% if msg == 'fail':
<div class="ui red message" role="alert">
Incorrect Username or Password.
% end

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
% include('menu.tpl')
<div id="fondblanc" class="ui container">
<form name="settings_form" id="settings_form" action="{{base_url}}save_settings" method="post" class="ui form">
<form name="settings_form" id="settings_form" action="{{base_url}}save_settings" method="post" class="ui form" autocomplete="off">
<div id="form_validation_error" class="ui error message">
<p>Some fields are in error and you can't save settings until you have corrected them. Be sure to check in every tabs.</p>
@ -191,14 +191,17 @@
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="middle aligned row">
<div class="right aligned four wide column">
<label>Use basic authentication</label>
<div class="one wide column">
<div id="settings_use_auth" class="ui toggle checkbox" data-enabled={{settings_auth[0]}}>
<input name="settings_general_auth_enabled" type="checkbox">
<div class="five wide column">
<select name="settings_auth_type" id="settings_auth_type" class="ui fluid selection dropdown">
<option value="None">None</option>
<option value="basic">Basic (Browser Popup)</option>
<option value="form">Forms (Login Page)</option>
<div class="collapsed center aligned column">
<div class="ui basic icon" data-tooltip="Requires restart to take effect" data-inverted="">
@ -208,41 +211,41 @@
<div class="collapsed column">
<div class="collapsed center aligned column">
<div class="ui basic icon" data-tooltip="Enable basic authentication to access Bazarr." data-inverted="">
<div class="ui basic icon" data-tooltip="Require Username and Password to access Bazarr." data-inverted="">
<i class="help circle large icon"></i>
<div class="middle aligned row">
<div class="auth_option middle aligned row">
<div class="right aligned four wide column">
<div class="five wide column">
<div class='field'>
<div class="ui fluid input">
<input id="settings_general_auth_username" name="settings_general_auth_username" type="text" value="{{settings_auth[1]}}">
<input id="settings_auth_username" name="settings_auth_username" type="text" autocomplete="nope" value="{{settings_auth[1]}}">
<div class="middle aligned row">
<div class="auth_option middle aligned row">
<div class="right aligned four wide column">
<div class="five wide column">
<div class='field'>
<div class="ui fluid input">
<input id="settings_general_auth_password" name="settings_general_auth_password" type="password" value="{{settings_auth[2]}}">
<input id="settings_auth_password" name="settings_auth_password" type="password" autocomplete="new-password" value="{{settings_auth[2]}}">
<div class="collapsed column">
<div class="collapsed center aligned column">
<div class="ui basic icon" data-tooltip="Basic auth transmit username and password in clear over the network. You should add SSL encryption trough a reverse proxy." data-inverted="">
<div class="ui basic icon" data-tooltip="Authentication send username and password in clear over the network. You should add SSL encryption trough a reverse proxy." data-inverted="">
<i class="help circle large icon"></i>
@ -1320,26 +1323,6 @@
if ($('#settings_use_auth').data("enabled") == "True") {
} else {
$("#settings_use_auth").change(function(i, obj) {
if ($("#settings_use_auth").checkbox('is checked')) {
} else {
if ($('#settings_use_postprocessing').data("postprocessing") == "True") {
@ -1396,6 +1379,19 @@
if ($('#settings_auth_type').val() == "None") {
$('#settings_auth_type').dropdown('setting', 'onChange', function(){
if ($('#settings_auth_type').val() == "None") {
else {
$('#settings_languages').dropdown('setting', 'onAdd', function(val, txt){
$("<option></option>").attr("value", val).text(txt)
@ -1554,6 +1550,8 @@
%if settings_general[19] is not None:
$('#settings_movie_default_languages').dropdown('set selected',{{!settings_general[19]}});
$('#settings_auth_type').dropdown('set selected','{{!settings_auth[0]}}');
@ -1584,19 +1582,12 @@
settings_general_auth_username : {
depends: 'settings_general_auth_enabled',
rules : [
type : 'empty'
settings_general_auth_password : {
depends: 'settings_general_auth_enabled',
settings_auth_password : {
depends: 'settings_auth_username',
rules : [
type : 'empty'
type : 'empty',
prompt : 'This field must have a value and you must type it again if you change your username.'
@ -1733,6 +1724,12 @@
$('#settings_auth_username').keyup(function() {
$('.form').form('validate form');
$('#sonarr_validate').click(function() {
if ($('#sonarr_ssl_div').checkbox('is checked')) {
sonarr_url = 'https://';
