# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2025, Brandon Nielsen # All rights reserved. # # This software may be modified and distributed under the terms # of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details. import datetime from collections import namedtuple from functools import partial from aniso8601.builders import ( BaseTimeBuilder, DateTuple, Limit, TupleBuilder, cast, range_check, ) from aniso8601.exceptions import ( DayOutOfBoundsError, HoursOutOfBoundsError, MinutesOutOfBoundsError, MonthOutOfBoundsError, SecondsOutOfBoundsError, WeekOutOfBoundsError, YearOutOfBoundsError, ) from aniso8601.utcoffset import UTCOffset DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365 DAYS_PER_MONTH = 30 DAYS_PER_WEEK = 7 HOURS_PER_DAY = 24 MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60 MINUTES_PER_DAY = MINUTES_PER_HOUR * HOURS_PER_DAY SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60 SECONDS_PER_DAY = MINUTES_PER_DAY * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND = int(1e6) MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND MICROSECONDS_PER_HOUR = 60 * MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * MICROSECONDS_PER_HOUR MICROSECONDS_PER_WEEK = 7 * MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY MICROSECONDS_PER_MONTH = DAYS_PER_MONTH * MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY MICROSECONDS_PER_YEAR = DAYS_PER_YEAR * MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS = datetime.timedelta.max.days FractionalComponent = namedtuple( "FractionalComponent", ["principal", "microsecondremainder"] ) def year_range_check(valuestr, limit): YYYYstr = valuestr # Truncated dates, like '19', refer to 1900-1999 inclusive, # we simply parse to 1900 if len(valuestr) < 4: # Shift 0s in from the left to form complete year YYYYstr = valuestr.ljust(4, "0") return range_check(YYYYstr, limit) def fractional_range_check(conversion, valuestr, limit): if valuestr is None: return None if "." in valuestr: castfunc = partial(_cast_to_fractional_component, conversion) else: castfunc = int value = cast(valuestr, castfunc, thrownmessage=limit.casterrorstring) if isinstance(value, FractionalComponent): tocheck = float(valuestr) else: tocheck = int(valuestr) if limit.min is not None and tocheck < limit.min: raise limit.rangeexception(limit.rangeerrorstring) if limit.max is not None and tocheck > limit.max: raise limit.rangeexception(limit.rangeerrorstring) return value def _cast_to_fractional_component(conversion, floatstr): # Splits a string with a decimal point into an int, and # int representing the floating point remainder as a number # of microseconds, determined by multiplying by conversion intpart, floatpart = floatstr.split(".") intvalue = int(intpart) preconvertedvalue = int(floatpart) convertedvalue = (preconvertedvalue * conversion) // (10 ** len(floatpart)) return FractionalComponent(intvalue, convertedvalue) class PythonTimeBuilder(BaseTimeBuilder): # 0000 (1 BC) is not representable as a Python date DATE_YYYY_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid year string.", datetime.MINYEAR, datetime.MAXYEAR, YearOutOfBoundsError, "Year must be between {0}..{1}.".format(datetime.MINYEAR, datetime.MAXYEAR), year_range_check, ) TIME_HH_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid hour string.", 0, 24, HoursOutOfBoundsError, "Hour must be between 0..24 with 24 representing midnight.", partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_HOUR), ) TIME_MM_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid minute string.", 0, 59, MinutesOutOfBoundsError, "Minute must be between 0..59.", partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE), ) TIME_SS_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid second string.", 0, 60, SecondsOutOfBoundsError, "Second must be between 0..60 with 60 representing a leap second.", partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND), ) DURATION_PNY_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid year duration string.", None, None, YearOutOfBoundsError, None, partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_YEAR), ) DURATION_PNM_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid month duration string.", None, None, MonthOutOfBoundsError, None, partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_MONTH), ) DURATION_PNW_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid week duration string.", None, None, WeekOutOfBoundsError, None, partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_WEEK), ) DURATION_PND_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid day duration string.", None, None, DayOutOfBoundsError, None, partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY), ) DURATION_TNH_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid hour duration string.", None, None, HoursOutOfBoundsError, None, partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_HOUR), ) DURATION_TNM_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid minute duration string.", None, None, MinutesOutOfBoundsError, None, partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE), ) DURATION_TNS_LIMIT = Limit( "Invalid second duration string.", None, None, SecondsOutOfBoundsError, None, partial(fractional_range_check, MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND), ) DATE_RANGE_DICT = BaseTimeBuilder.DATE_RANGE_DICT DATE_RANGE_DICT["YYYY"] = DATE_YYYY_LIMIT TIME_RANGE_DICT = {"hh": TIME_HH_LIMIT, "mm": TIME_MM_LIMIT, "ss": TIME_SS_LIMIT} DURATION_RANGE_DICT = { "PnY": DURATION_PNY_LIMIT, "PnM": DURATION_PNM_LIMIT, "PnW": DURATION_PNW_LIMIT, "PnD": DURATION_PND_LIMIT, "TnH": DURATION_TNH_LIMIT, "TnM": DURATION_TNM_LIMIT, "TnS": DURATION_TNS_LIMIT, } @classmethod def build_date(cls, YYYY=None, MM=None, DD=None, Www=None, D=None, DDD=None): YYYY, MM, DD, Www, D, DDD = cls.range_check_date(YYYY, MM, DD, Www, D, DDD) if MM is None: MM = 1 if DD is None: DD = 1 if DDD is not None: return PythonTimeBuilder._build_ordinal_date(YYYY, DDD) if Www is not None: return PythonTimeBuilder._build_week_date(YYYY, Www, isoday=D) return datetime.date(YYYY, MM, DD) @classmethod def build_time(cls, hh=None, mm=None, ss=None, tz=None): # Builds a time from the given parts, handling fractional arguments # where necessary hours = 0 minutes = 0 seconds = 0 microseconds = 0 hh, mm, ss, tz = cls.range_check_time(hh, mm, ss, tz) if isinstance(hh, FractionalComponent): hours = hh.principal microseconds = hh.microsecondremainder elif hh is not None: hours = hh if isinstance(mm, FractionalComponent): minutes = mm.principal microseconds = mm.microsecondremainder elif mm is not None: minutes = mm if isinstance(ss, FractionalComponent): seconds = ss.principal microseconds = ss.microsecondremainder elif ss is not None: seconds = ss ( hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds, ) = PythonTimeBuilder._distribute_microseconds( microseconds, (hours, minutes, seconds), (MICROSECONDS_PER_HOUR, MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE, MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND), ) # Move midnight into range if hours == 24: hours = 0 # Datetimes don't handle fractional components, so we use a timedelta if tz is not None: return ( datetime.datetime( 1, 1, 1, hour=hours, minute=minutes, tzinfo=cls._build_object(tz) ) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds) ).timetz() return ( datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, hour=hours, minute=minutes) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds) ).time() @classmethod def build_datetime(cls, date, time): return datetime.datetime.combine( cls._build_object(date), cls._build_object(time) ) @classmethod def build_duration( cls, PnY=None, PnM=None, PnW=None, PnD=None, TnH=None, TnM=None, TnS=None ): # PnY and PnM will be distributed to PnD, microsecond remainder to TnS PnY, PnM, PnW, PnD, TnH, TnM, TnS = cls.range_check_duration( PnY, PnM, PnW, PnD, TnH, TnM, TnS ) seconds = TnS.principal microseconds = TnS.microsecondremainder return datetime.timedelta( days=PnD, seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds, minutes=TnM, hours=TnH, weeks=PnW, ) @classmethod def build_interval(cls, start=None, end=None, duration=None): start, end, duration = cls.range_check_interval(start, end, duration) if start is not None and end is not None: # / startobject = cls._build_object(start) endobject = cls._build_object(end) return (startobject, endobject) durationobject = cls._build_object(duration) # Determine if datetime promotion is required datetimerequired = ( duration.TnH is not None or duration.TnM is not None or duration.TnS is not None or durationobject.seconds != 0 or durationobject.microseconds != 0 ) if end is not None: # / endobject = cls._build_object(end) # Range check if isinstance(end, DateTuple) and datetimerequired is True: # is a date, and requires datetime resolution return ( endobject, cls.build_datetime(end, TupleBuilder.build_time()) - durationobject, ) return (endobject, endobject - durationobject) # / startobject = cls._build_object(start) # Range check if isinstance(start, DateTuple) and datetimerequired is True: # is a date, and requires datetime resolution return ( startobject, cls.build_datetime(start, TupleBuilder.build_time()) + durationobject, ) return (startobject, startobject + durationobject) @classmethod def build_repeating_interval(cls, R=None, Rnn=None, interval=None): startobject = None endobject = None R, Rnn, interval = cls.range_check_repeating_interval(R, Rnn, interval) if interval.start is not None: startobject = cls._build_object(interval.start) if interval.end is not None: endobject = cls._build_object(interval.end) if interval.duration is not None: durationobject = cls._build_object(interval.duration) else: durationobject = endobject - startobject if R is True: if startobject is not None: return cls._date_generator_unbounded(startobject, durationobject) return cls._date_generator_unbounded(endobject, -durationobject) iterations = int(Rnn) if startobject is not None: return cls._date_generator(startobject, durationobject, iterations) return cls._date_generator(endobject, -durationobject, iterations) @classmethod def build_timezone(cls, negative=None, Z=None, hh=None, mm=None, name=""): negative, Z, hh, mm, name = cls.range_check_timezone(negative, Z, hh, mm, name) if Z is True: # Z -> UTC return UTCOffset(name="UTC", minutes=0) tzhour = int(hh) if mm is not None: tzminute = int(mm) else: tzminute = 0 if negative is True: return UTCOffset(name=name, minutes=-(tzhour * 60 + tzminute)) return UTCOffset(name=name, minutes=tzhour * 60 + tzminute) @classmethod def range_check_duration( cls, PnY=None, PnM=None, PnW=None, PnD=None, TnH=None, TnM=None, TnS=None, rangedict=None, ): years = 0 months = 0 days = 0 weeks = 0 hours = 0 minutes = 0 seconds = 0 microseconds = 0 PnY, PnM, PnW, PnD, TnH, TnM, TnS = BaseTimeBuilder.range_check_duration( PnY, PnM, PnW, PnD, TnH, TnM, TnS, rangedict=cls.DURATION_RANGE_DICT ) if PnY is not None: if isinstance(PnY, FractionalComponent): years = PnY.principal microseconds = PnY.microsecondremainder else: years = PnY if years * DAYS_PER_YEAR > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS: raise YearOutOfBoundsError("Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size.") if PnM is not None: if isinstance(PnM, FractionalComponent): months = PnM.principal microseconds = PnM.microsecondremainder else: months = PnM if months * DAYS_PER_MONTH > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS: raise MonthOutOfBoundsError("Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size.") if PnW is not None: if isinstance(PnW, FractionalComponent): weeks = PnW.principal microseconds = PnW.microsecondremainder else: weeks = PnW if weeks * DAYS_PER_WEEK > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS: raise WeekOutOfBoundsError("Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size.") if PnD is not None: if isinstance(PnD, FractionalComponent): days = PnD.principal microseconds = PnD.microsecondremainder else: days = PnD if days > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS: raise DayOutOfBoundsError("Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size.") if TnH is not None: if isinstance(TnH, FractionalComponent): hours = TnH.principal microseconds = TnH.microsecondremainder else: hours = TnH if hours // HOURS_PER_DAY > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS: raise HoursOutOfBoundsError("Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size.") if TnM is not None: if isinstance(TnM, FractionalComponent): minutes = TnM.principal microseconds = TnM.microsecondremainder else: minutes = TnM if minutes // MINUTES_PER_DAY > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS: raise MinutesOutOfBoundsError( "Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size." ) if TnS is not None: if isinstance(TnS, FractionalComponent): seconds = TnS.principal microseconds = TnS.microsecondremainder else: seconds = TnS if seconds // SECONDS_PER_DAY > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS: raise SecondsOutOfBoundsError( "Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size." ) ( years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds, ) = PythonTimeBuilder._distribute_microseconds( microseconds, (years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds), ( MICROSECONDS_PER_YEAR, MICROSECONDS_PER_MONTH, MICROSECONDS_PER_WEEK, MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY, MICROSECONDS_PER_HOUR, MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE, MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND, ), ) # Note that weeks can be handled without conversion to days totaldays = years * DAYS_PER_YEAR + months * DAYS_PER_MONTH + days # Check against timedelta limits if ( totaldays + weeks * DAYS_PER_WEEK + hours // HOURS_PER_DAY + minutes // MINUTES_PER_DAY + seconds // SECONDS_PER_DAY > TIMEDELTA_MAX_DAYS ): raise DayOutOfBoundsError("Duration exceeds maximum timedelta size.") return ( None, None, weeks, totaldays, hours, minutes, FractionalComponent(seconds, microseconds), ) @classmethod def range_check_interval(cls, start=None, end=None, duration=None): # Handles concise format, range checks any potential durations if start is not None and end is not None: # / # Handle concise format if cls._is_interval_end_concise(end) is True: end = cls._combine_concise_interval_tuples(start, end) return (start, end, duration) durationobject = cls._build_object(duration) if end is not None: # / endobject = cls._build_object(end) # Range check if isinstance(end, DateTuple): enddatetime = cls.build_datetime(end, TupleBuilder.build_time()) if enddatetime - datetime.datetime.min < durationobject: raise YearOutOfBoundsError("Interval end less than minimium date.") else: mindatetime = datetime.datetime.min if end.time.tz is not None: mindatetime = mindatetime.replace(tzinfo=endobject.tzinfo) if endobject - mindatetime < durationobject: raise YearOutOfBoundsError("Interval end less than minimium date.") else: # / startobject = cls._build_object(start) # Range check if type(start) is DateTuple: startdatetime = cls.build_datetime(start, TupleBuilder.build_time()) if datetime.datetime.max - startdatetime < durationobject: raise YearOutOfBoundsError( "Interval end greater than maximum date." ) else: maxdatetime = datetime.datetime.max if start.time.tz is not None: maxdatetime = maxdatetime.replace(tzinfo=startobject.tzinfo) if maxdatetime - startobject < durationobject: raise YearOutOfBoundsError( "Interval end greater than maximum date." ) return (start, end, duration) @staticmethod def _build_week_date(isoyear, isoweek, isoday=None): if isoday is None: return PythonTimeBuilder._iso_year_start(isoyear) + datetime.timedelta( weeks=isoweek - 1 ) return PythonTimeBuilder._iso_year_start(isoyear) + datetime.timedelta( weeks=isoweek - 1, days=isoday - 1 ) @staticmethod def _build_ordinal_date(isoyear, isoday): # Day of year to a date # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2427555/python-question-year-and-day-of-year-to-date builtdate = datetime.date(isoyear, 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=isoday - 1) return builtdate @staticmethod def _iso_year_start(isoyear): # Given an ISO year, returns the equivalent of the start of the year # on the Gregorian calendar (which is used by Python) # Stolen from: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/304256/whats-the-best-way-to-find-the-inverse-of-datetime-isocalendar # Determine the location of the 4th of January, the first week of # the ISO year is the week containing the 4th of January # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_week_date fourth_jan = datetime.date(isoyear, 1, 4) # Note the conversion from ISO day (1 - 7) and Python day (0 - 6) delta = datetime.timedelta(days=fourth_jan.isoweekday() - 1) # Return the start of the year return fourth_jan - delta @staticmethod def _date_generator(startdate, timedelta, iterations): currentdate = startdate currentiteration = 0 while currentiteration < iterations: yield currentdate # Update the values currentdate += timedelta currentiteration += 1 @staticmethod def _date_generator_unbounded(startdate, timedelta): currentdate = startdate while True: yield currentdate # Update the value currentdate += timedelta @staticmethod def _distribute_microseconds(todistribute, recipients, reductions): # Given a number of microseconds as int, a tuple of ints length n # to distribute to, and a tuple of ints length n to divide todistribute # by (from largest to smallest), returns a tuple of length n + 1, with # todistribute divided across recipients using the reductions, with # the final remainder returned as the final tuple member results = [] remainder = todistribute for index, reduction in enumerate(reductions): additional, remainder = divmod(remainder, reduction) results.append(recipients[index] + additional) # Always return the remaining microseconds results.append(remainder) return tuple(results)