""" WSGI Protocol Linter ==================== This module provides a middleware that performs sanity checks on the behavior of the WSGI server and application. It checks that the :pep:`3333` WSGI spec is properly implemented. It also warns on some common HTTP errors such as non-empty responses for 304 status codes. .. autoclass:: LintMiddleware :copyright: 2007 Pallets :license: BSD-3-Clause """ from warnings import warn from .._compat import implements_iterator from .._compat import PY2 from .._compat import string_types from ..datastructures import Headers from ..http import is_entity_header from ..wsgi import FileWrapper try: from urllib.parse import urlparse except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse class WSGIWarning(Warning): """Warning class for WSGI warnings.""" class HTTPWarning(Warning): """Warning class for HTTP warnings.""" def check_string(context, obj, stacklevel=3): if type(obj) is not str: warn( "'%s' requires strings, got '%s'" % (context, type(obj).__name__), WSGIWarning, ) class InputStream(object): def __init__(self, stream): self._stream = stream def read(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: warn( "WSGI does not guarantee an EOF marker on the input stream, thus making" " calls to 'wsgi.input.read()' unsafe. Conforming servers may never" " return from this call.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2, ) elif len(args) != 1: warn( "Too many parameters passed to 'wsgi.input.read()'.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._stream.read(*args) def readline(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: warn( "Calls to 'wsgi.input.readline()' without arguments are unsafe. Use" " 'wsgi.input.read()' instead.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2, ) elif len(args) == 1: warn( "'wsgi.input.readline()' was called with a size hint. WSGI does not" " support this, although it's available on all major servers.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2, ) else: raise TypeError("Too many arguments passed to 'wsgi.input.readline()'.") return self._stream.readline(*args) def __iter__(self): try: return iter(self._stream) except TypeError: warn("'wsgi.input' is not iterable.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2) return iter(()) def close(self): warn("The application closed the input stream!", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2) self._stream.close() class ErrorStream(object): def __init__(self, stream): self._stream = stream def write(self, s): check_string("wsgi.error.write()", s) self._stream.write(s) def flush(self): self._stream.flush() def writelines(self, seq): for line in seq: self.write(line) def close(self): warn("The application closed the error stream!", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2) self._stream.close() class GuardedWrite(object): def __init__(self, write, chunks): self._write = write self._chunks = chunks def __call__(self, s): check_string("write()", s) self._write.write(s) self._chunks.append(len(s)) @implements_iterator class GuardedIterator(object): def __init__(self, iterator, headers_set, chunks): self._iterator = iterator if PY2: self._next = iter(iterator).next else: self._next = iter(iterator).__next__ self.closed = False self.headers_set = headers_set self.chunks = chunks def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.closed: warn("Iterated over closed 'app_iter'.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2) rv = self._next() if not self.headers_set: warn( "The application returned before it started the response.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2, ) check_string("application iterator items", rv) self.chunks.append(len(rv)) return rv def close(self): self.closed = True if hasattr(self._iterator, "close"): self._iterator.close() if self.headers_set: status_code, headers = self.headers_set bytes_sent = sum(self.chunks) content_length = headers.get("content-length", type=int) if status_code == 304: for key, _value in headers: key = key.lower() if key not in ("expires", "content-location") and is_entity_header( key ): warn( "Entity header %r found in 304 response." % key, HTTPWarning ) if bytes_sent: warn("304 responses must not have a body.", HTTPWarning) elif 100 <= status_code < 200 or status_code == 204: if content_length != 0: warn( "%r responses must have an empty content length." % status_code, HTTPWarning, ) if bytes_sent: warn( "%r responses must not have a body." % status_code, HTTPWarning ) elif content_length is not None and content_length != bytes_sent: warn( "Content-Length and the number of bytes sent to the client do not" " match.", WSGIWarning, ) def __del__(self): if not self.closed: try: warn( "Iterator was garbage collected before it was closed.", WSGIWarning ) except Exception: pass class LintMiddleware(object): """Warns about common errors in the WSGI and HTTP behavior of the server and wrapped application. Some of the issues it check are: - invalid status codes - non-bytestrings sent to the WSGI server - strings returned from the WSGI application - non-empty conditional responses - unquoted etags - relative URLs in the Location header - unsafe calls to wsgi.input - unclosed iterators Error information is emitted using the :mod:`warnings` module. :param app: The WSGI application to wrap. .. code-block:: python from werkzeug.middleware.lint import LintMiddleware app = LintMiddleware(app) """ def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def check_environ(self, environ): if type(environ) is not dict: warn( "WSGI environment is not a standard Python dict.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=4, ) for key in ( "REQUEST_METHOD", "SERVER_NAME", "SERVER_PORT", "wsgi.version", "wsgi.input", "wsgi.errors", "wsgi.multithread", "wsgi.multiprocess", "wsgi.run_once", ): if key not in environ: warn( "Required environment key %r not found" % key, WSGIWarning, stacklevel=3, ) if environ["wsgi.version"] != (1, 0): warn("Environ is not a WSGI 1.0 environ.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=3) script_name = environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME", "") path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "") if script_name and script_name[0] != "/": warn( "'SCRIPT_NAME' does not start with a slash: %r" % script_name, WSGIWarning, stacklevel=3, ) if path_info and path_info[0] != "/": warn( "'PATH_INFO' does not start with a slash: %r" % path_info, WSGIWarning, stacklevel=3, ) def check_start_response(self, status, headers, exc_info): check_string("status", status) status_code = status.split(None, 1)[0] if len(status_code) != 3 or not status_code.isdigit(): warn(WSGIWarning("Status code must be three digits"), stacklevel=3) if len(status) < 4 or status[3] != " ": warn( WSGIWarning( "Invalid value for status %r. Valid " "status strings are three digits, a space " "and a status explanation" ), stacklevel=3, ) status_code = int(status_code) if status_code < 100: warn(WSGIWarning("status code < 100 detected"), stacklevel=3) if type(headers) is not list: warn(WSGIWarning("header list is not a list"), stacklevel=3) for item in headers: if type(item) is not tuple or len(item) != 2: warn(WSGIWarning("Headers must tuple 2-item tuples"), stacklevel=3) name, value = item if type(name) is not str or type(value) is not str: warn(WSGIWarning("header items must be strings"), stacklevel=3) if name.lower() == "status": warn( WSGIWarning( "The status header is not supported due to " "conflicts with the CGI spec." ), stacklevel=3, ) if exc_info is not None and not isinstance(exc_info, tuple): warn(WSGIWarning("invalid value for exc_info"), stacklevel=3) headers = Headers(headers) self.check_headers(headers) return status_code, headers def check_headers(self, headers): etag = headers.get("etag") if etag is not None: if etag.startswith(("W/", "w/")): if etag.startswith("w/"): warn( HTTPWarning("weak etag indicator should be upcase."), stacklevel=4, ) etag = etag[2:] if not (etag[:1] == etag[-1:] == '"'): warn(HTTPWarning("unquoted etag emitted."), stacklevel=4) location = headers.get("location") if location is not None: if not urlparse(location).netloc: warn( HTTPWarning("absolute URLs required for location header"), stacklevel=4, ) def check_iterator(self, app_iter): if isinstance(app_iter, string_types): warn( "The application returned astring. The response will send one character" " at a time to the client, which will kill performance. Return a list" " or iterable instead.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=3, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) != 2: warn("A WSGI app takes two arguments.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2) if kwargs: warn( "A WSGI app does not take keyword arguments.", WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2 ) environ, start_response = args self.check_environ(environ) environ["wsgi.input"] = InputStream(environ["wsgi.input"]) environ["wsgi.errors"] = ErrorStream(environ["wsgi.errors"]) # Hook our own file wrapper in so that applications will always # iterate to the end and we can check the content length. environ["wsgi.file_wrapper"] = FileWrapper headers_set = [] chunks = [] def checking_start_response(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) not in (2, 3): warn( "Invalid number of arguments: %s, expected 2 or 3." % len(args), WSGIWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if kwargs: warn("'start_response' does not take keyword arguments.", WSGIWarning) status, headers = args[:2] if len(args) == 3: exc_info = args[2] else: exc_info = None headers_set[:] = self.check_start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return GuardedWrite(start_response(status, headers, exc_info), chunks) app_iter = self.app(environ, checking_start_response) self.check_iterator(app_iter) return GuardedIterator(app_iter, headers_set, chunks)