import itertools import logging import signal import threading from . import base_namespace from . import packet default_logger = logging.getLogger('socketio.client') reconnecting_clients = [] def signal_handler(sig, frame): # pragma: no cover """SIGINT handler. Notify any clients that are in a reconnect loop to abort. Other disconnection tasks are handled at the level. """ for client in reconnecting_clients[:]: client._reconnect_abort.set() if callable(original_signal_handler): return original_signal_handler(sig, frame) else: # pragma: no cover # Handle case where no original SIGINT handler was present. return signal.default_int_handler(sig, frame) original_signal_handler = None class BaseClient: reserved_events = ['connect', 'connect_error', 'disconnect', '__disconnect_final'] def __init__(self, reconnection=True, reconnection_attempts=0, reconnection_delay=1, reconnection_delay_max=5, randomization_factor=0.5, logger=False, serializer='default', json=None, handle_sigint=True, **kwargs): global original_signal_handler if handle_sigint and original_signal_handler is None and \ threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread(): original_signal_handler = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) self.reconnection = reconnection self.reconnection_attempts = reconnection_attempts self.reconnection_delay = reconnection_delay self.reconnection_delay_max = reconnection_delay_max self.randomization_factor = randomization_factor self.handle_sigint = handle_sigint engineio_options = kwargs engineio_options['handle_sigint'] = handle_sigint engineio_logger = engineio_options.pop('engineio_logger', None) if engineio_logger is not None: engineio_options['logger'] = engineio_logger if serializer == 'default': self.packet_class = packet.Packet elif serializer == 'msgpack': from . import msgpack_packet self.packet_class = msgpack_packet.MsgPackPacket else: self.packet_class = serializer if json is not None: self.packet_class.json = json engineio_options['json'] = json self.eio = self._engineio_client_class()(**engineio_options) self.eio.on('connect', self._handle_eio_connect) self.eio.on('message', self._handle_eio_message) self.eio.on('disconnect', self._handle_eio_disconnect) if not isinstance(logger, bool): self.logger = logger else: self.logger = default_logger if self.logger.level == logging.NOTSET: if logger: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) self.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) self.connection_url = None self.connection_headers = None self.connection_auth = None self.connection_transports = None self.connection_namespaces = [] self.socketio_path = None self.sid = None self.connected = False #: Indicates if the client is connected or not. self.namespaces = {} #: set of connected namespaces. self.handlers = {} self.namespace_handlers = {} self.callbacks = {} self._binary_packet = None self._connect_event = None self._reconnect_task = None self._reconnect_abort = None def is_asyncio_based(self): return False def on(self, event, handler=None, namespace=None): """Register an event handler. :param event: The event name. It can be any string. The event names ``'connect'``, ``'message'`` and ``'disconnect'`` are reserved and should not be used. The ``'*'`` event name can be used to define a catch-all event handler. :param handler: The function that should be invoked to handle the event. When this parameter is not given, the method acts as a decorator for the handler function. :param namespace: The Socket.IO namespace for the event. If this argument is omitted the handler is associated with the default namespace. A catch-all namespace can be defined by passing ``'*'`` as the namespace. Example usage:: # as a decorator: @sio.on('connect') def connect_handler(): print('Connected!') # as a method: def message_handler(msg): print('Received message: ', msg) sio.send( 'response') sio.on('message', message_handler) The arguments passed to the handler function depend on the event type: - The ``'connect'`` event handler does not take arguments. - The ``'disconnect'`` event handler does not take arguments. - The ``'message'`` handler and handlers for custom event names receive the message payload as only argument. Any values returned from a message handler will be passed to the client's acknowledgement callback function if it exists. - A catch-all event handler receives the event name as first argument, followed by any arguments specific to the event. - A catch-all namespace event handler receives the namespace as first argument, followed by any arguments specific to the event. - A combined catch-all namespace and catch-all event handler receives the event name as first argument and the namespace as second argument, followed by any arguments specific to the event. """ namespace = namespace or '/' def set_handler(handler): if namespace not in self.handlers: self.handlers[namespace] = {} self.handlers[namespace][event] = handler return handler if handler is None: return set_handler set_handler(handler) def event(self, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator to register an event handler. This is a simplified version of the ``on()`` method that takes the event name from the decorated function. Example usage:: @sio.event def my_event(data): print('Received data: ', data) The above example is equivalent to:: @sio.on('my_event') def my_event(data): print('Received data: ', data) A custom namespace can be given as an argument to the decorator:: @sio.event(namespace='/test') def my_event(data): print('Received data: ', data) """ if len(args) == 1 and len(kwargs) == 0 and callable(args[0]): # the decorator was invoked without arguments # args[0] is the decorated function return self.on(args[0].__name__)(args[0]) else: # the decorator was invoked with arguments def set_handler(handler): return self.on(handler.__name__, *args, **kwargs)(handler) return set_handler def register_namespace(self, namespace_handler): """Register a namespace handler object. :param namespace_handler: An instance of a :class:`Namespace` subclass that handles all the event traffic for a namespace. """ if not isinstance(namespace_handler, base_namespace.BaseClientNamespace): raise ValueError('Not a namespace instance') if self.is_asyncio_based() != namespace_handler.is_asyncio_based(): raise ValueError('Not a valid namespace class for this client') namespace_handler._set_client(self) self.namespace_handlers[namespace_handler.namespace] = \ namespace_handler def get_sid(self, namespace=None): """Return the ``sid`` associated with a connection. :param namespace: The Socket.IO namespace. If this argument is omitted the handler is associated with the default namespace. Note that unlike previous versions, the current version of the Socket.IO protocol uses different ``sid`` values per namespace. This method returns the ``sid`` for the requested namespace as a string. """ return self.namespaces.get(namespace or '/') def transport(self): """Return the name of the transport used by the client. The two possible values returned by this function are ``'polling'`` and ``'websocket'``. """ return self.eio.transport() def _get_event_handler(self, event, namespace, args): # return the appropriate application event handler # # Resolution priority: # - self.handlers[namespace][event] # - self.handlers[namespace]["*"] # - self.handlers["*"][event] # - self.handlers["*"]["*"] handler = None if namespace in self.handlers: if event in self.handlers[namespace]: handler = self.handlers[namespace][event] elif event not in self.reserved_events and \ '*' in self.handlers[namespace]: handler = self.handlers[namespace]['*'] args = (event, *args) elif '*' in self.handlers: if event in self.handlers['*']: handler = self.handlers['*'][event] args = (namespace, *args) elif event not in self.reserved_events and \ '*' in self.handlers['*']: handler = self.handlers['*']['*'] args = (event, namespace, *args) return handler, args def _get_namespace_handler(self, namespace, args): # Return the appropriate application event handler. # # Resolution priority: # - self.namespace_handlers[namespace] # - self.namespace_handlers["*"] handler = None if namespace in self.namespace_handlers: handler = self.namespace_handlers[namespace] elif '*' in self.namespace_handlers: handler = self.namespace_handlers['*'] args = (namespace, *args) return handler, args def _generate_ack_id(self, namespace, callback): """Generate a unique identifier for an ACK packet.""" namespace = namespace or '/' if namespace not in self.callbacks: self.callbacks[namespace] = {0: itertools.count(1)} id = next(self.callbacks[namespace][0]) self.callbacks[namespace][id] = callback return id def _handle_eio_connect(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError() def _handle_eio_message(self, data): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError() def _handle_eio_disconnect(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError() def _engineio_client_class(self): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError()