""" Module for low-level audio input-output operations. .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ AudioSource Rewindable BufferAudioSource WaveAudioSource PyAudioSource StdinAudioSource PyAudioPlayer from_file to_file player_for """ import os import sys import wave import warnings from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from functools import partial from .exceptions import AudioIOError, AudioParameterError try: from pydub import AudioSegment _WITH_PYDUB = True except ImportError: _WITH_PYDUB = False try: from tqdm import tqdm as _tqdm DEFAULT_BAR_FORMAT_TQDM = "|" + "{bar}" + "|" + "[{elapsed}/{duration}]" DEFAULT_NCOLS_TQDM = 30 DEFAULT_NCOLS_TQDM = 30 DEFAULT_MIN_INTERVAL_TQDM = 0.05 _WITH_TQDM = True except ImportError: _WITH_TQDM = False __all__ = [ "AudioSource", "Rewindable", "BufferAudioSource", "RawAudioSource", "WaveAudioSource", "PyAudioSource", "StdinAudioSource", "PyAudioPlayer", "from_file", "to_file", "player_for", ] DEFAULT_SAMPLING_RATE = 16000 DEFAULT_SAMPLE_WIDTH = 2 DEFAULT_NB_CHANNELS = 1 def check_audio_data(data, sample_width, channels): sample_size_bytes = int(sample_width * channels) nb_samples = len(data) // sample_size_bytes if nb_samples * sample_size_bytes != len(data): raise AudioParameterError( "The length of audio data must be an integer " "multiple of `sample_width * channels`" ) def _guess_audio_format(fmt, filename): if fmt is None: extension = os.path.splitext(filename.lower())[1][1:] if extension: fmt = extension else: return None fmt = fmt.lower() if fmt == "wave": fmt = "wav" return fmt def _get_audio_parameters(param_dict): """ Get audio parameters from a dictionary of parameters. An audio parameter can have a long name or a short name. If the long name is present, the short name will be ignored. If neither is present then `AudioParameterError` is raised. Expected parameters are: - `sampling_rate`, `sr` : int, sampling rate. - `sample_width`, `sw` : int, sample size in bytes. - `channels`, `ch` : int, number of channels. Returns ------- audio_parameters : tuple a tuple for audio parameters as (sampling_rate, sample_width, channels). """ err_message = ( "'{ln}' (or '{sn}') must be a positive integer, found: '{val}'" ) parameters = [] for (long_name, short_name) in ( ("sampling_rate", "sr"), ("sample_width", "sw"), ("channels", "ch"), ): param = param_dict.get(long_name, param_dict.get(short_name)) if param is None or not isinstance(param, int) or param <= 0: raise AudioParameterError( err_message.format(ln=long_name, sn=short_name, val=param) ) parameters.append(param) sampling_rate, sample_width, channels = parameters return sampling_rate, sample_width, channels class AudioSource(ABC): """ Base class for audio source objects. Subclasses should implement methods to open/close and audio stream and read the desired amount of audio samples. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : int number of samples per second of audio data. sample_width : int size in bytes of one audio sample. Possible values: 1, 2 or 4. channels : int number of channels of audio data. """ def __init__( self, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels, ): if sample_width not in (1, 2, 4): raise AudioParameterError( "Sample width must be one of: 1, 2 or 4 (bytes)" ) self._sampling_rate = sampling_rate self._sample_width = sample_width self._channels = channels @abstractmethod def is_open(self): """Return True if audio source is open, False otherwise.""" @abstractmethod def open(self): """Open audio source.""" @abstractmethod def close(self): """Close audio source.""" @abstractmethod def read(self, size): """ Read and return `size` audio samples at most. Parameters ----------- size : int Number of samples to read. Returns ------- data : bytes Audio data as a bytes object of length `N * sample_width * channels` where `N` equals: - `size` if `size` <= remaining samples - remaining samples if `size` > remaining samples """ @property def sampling_rate(self): """Number of samples per second of audio stream.""" return self._sampling_rate @property def sr(self): """Number of samples per second of audio stream (alias for `sampling_rate)`.""" return self._sampling_rate @property def sample_width(self): """Number of bytes used to represent one audio sample.""" return self._sample_width @property def sw(self): """Number of bytes used to represent one audio sample (alias for `sample_width`).""" return self._sample_width @property def channels(self): """Number of channels in audio stream.""" return self._channels @property def ch(self): """Number of channels in audio stream (alias for `channels`).""" return self.channels class Rewindable(AudioSource): """ Base class for rewindable audio streams. Subclasses should implement a method to return back to the start of an the stream (`rewind`), as well as a property getter/setter named `position` that reads/sets stream position expressed in number of samples. """ @abstractmethod def rewind(self): """Go back to the beginning of audio stream.""" @property @abstractmethod def position(self): """Return stream position in number of samples.""" @position.setter @abstractmethod def position(self, position): """Set stream position in number of samples.""" @property def position_s(self): """Return stream position in seconds.""" return self.position / self.sampling_rate @position_s.setter def position_s(self, position_s): """Set stream position in seconds.""" self.position = int(self.sampling_rate * position_s) @property def position_ms(self): """Return stream position in milliseconds.""" return (self.position * 1000) // self.sampling_rate @position_ms.setter def position_ms(self, position_ms): """Set stream position in milliseconds.""" if not isinstance(position_ms, int): raise ValueError("position_ms should be an int") self.position = int(self.sampling_rate * position_ms / 1000) class BufferAudioSource(Rewindable): """ An `AudioSource` that encapsulates and reads data from a memory buffer. This class implements the `Rewindable` interface. Parameters ---------- data : bytes audio data sampling_rate : int, default: 16000 number of samples per second of audio data. sample_width : int, default: 2 size in bytes of one audio sample. Possible values: 1, 2 or 4. channels : int, default: 1 number of channels of audio data. """ def __init__( self, data, sampling_rate=16000, sample_width=2, channels=1, ): AudioSource.__init__(self, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels) check_audio_data(data, sample_width, channels) self._data = data self._sample_size_all_channels = sample_width * channels self._current_position_bytes = 0 self._is_open = False def is_open(self): return self._is_open def open(self): self._is_open = True def close(self): self._is_open = False self.rewind() def read(self, size): if not self._is_open: raise AudioIOError("Stream is not open") if size is None or size < 0: offset = None else: bytes_to_read = self._sample_size_all_channels * size offset = self._current_position_bytes + bytes_to_read data = self._data[self._current_position_bytes : offset] if data: self._current_position_bytes += len(data) return data return None @property def data(self): """Get raw audio data as a `bytes` object.""" return self._data def rewind(self): self.position = 0 @property def position(self): """Get stream position in number of samples""" return self._current_position_bytes // self._sample_size_all_channels @position.setter def position(self, position): """Set stream position in number of samples.""" position *= self._sample_size_all_channels if position < 0: position += len(self.data) if position < 0 or position > len(self.data): raise IndexError("Position out of range") self._current_position_bytes = position @property def position_ms(self): """Get stream position in milliseconds.""" return (self._current_position_bytes * 1000) // ( self._sample_size_all_channels * self.sampling_rate ) @position_ms.setter def position_ms(self, position_ms): """Set stream position in milliseconds.""" if not isinstance(position_ms, int): raise ValueError("position_ms should be an int") self.position = int(self.sampling_rate * position_ms / 1000) class FileAudioSource(AudioSource): """ Base class `AudioSource`s that read audio data from a file. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : int, default: 16000 number of samples per second of audio data. sample_width : int, default: 2 size in bytes of one audio sample. Possible values: 1, 2 or 4. channels : int, default: 1 number of channels of audio data. """ def __init__(self, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels): AudioSource.__init__(self, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels) self._audio_stream = None def __del__(self): if self.is_open(): self.close() def is_open(self): return self._audio_stream is not None def close(self): if self._audio_stream is not None: self._audio_stream.close() self._audio_stream = None @abstractmethod def _read_from_stream(self, size): """Read data from stream""" def read(self, size): if not self.is_open(): raise AudioIOError("Audio stream is not open") data = self._read_from_stream(size) if not data: return None return data class RawAudioSource(FileAudioSource): """ A class for an `AudioSource` that reads data from a raw (headerless) audio file. This class should be used for large raw audio files to avoid loading the whole data to memory. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to a raw audio file. sampling_rate : int Number of samples per second of audio data. sample_width : int Size in bytes of one audio sample. Possible values : 1, 2, 4. channels : int Number of channels of audio data. """ def __init__(self, file, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels): FileAudioSource.__init__(self, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels) self._file = file self._audio_stream = None self._sample_size = sample_width * channels def open(self): if self._audio_stream is None: self._audio_stream = open(self._file, "rb") def _read_from_stream(self, size): if size is None or size < 0: bytes_to_read = None else: bytes_to_read = size * self._sample_size data = self._audio_stream.read(bytes_to_read) return data class WaveAudioSource(FileAudioSource): """ A class for an `AudioSource` that reads data from a wave file. This class should be used for large wave files to avoid loading the whole data to memory. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to a valid wave file. """ def __init__(self, filename): self._filename = filename self._audio_stream = None stream = wave.open(self._filename, "rb") FileAudioSource.__init__( self, stream.getframerate(), stream.getsampwidth(), stream.getnchannels(), ) stream.close() def open(self): if self._audio_stream is None: self._audio_stream = wave.open(self._filename) def _read_from_stream(self, size): if size is None or size < 0: size = -1 return self._audio_stream.readframes(size) class PyAudioSource(AudioSource): """ A class for an `AudioSource` that reads data from built-in microphone using PyAudio (https://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/). Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : int, default: 16000 number of samples per second of audio data. sample_width : int, default: 2 size in bytes of one audio sample. Possible values: 1, 2 or 4. channels : int, default: 1 number of channels of audio data. frames_per_buffer : int, default: 1024 PyAudio number of frames per buffer. input_device_index: None or int, default: None PyAudio index of audio device to read audio data from. If None default device is used. """ def __init__( self, sampling_rate=16000, sample_width=2, channels=1, frames_per_buffer=1024, input_device_index=None, ): AudioSource.__init__(self, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels) self._chunk_size = frames_per_buffer self.input_device_index = input_device_index import pyaudio self._pyaudio_object = pyaudio.PyAudio() self._pyaudio_format = self._pyaudio_object.get_format_from_width( self.sample_width ) self._audio_stream = None def is_open(self): return self._audio_stream is not None def open(self): self._audio_stream = self._pyaudio_object.open( format=self._pyaudio_format, channels=self.channels, rate=self.sampling_rate, input=True, output=False, input_device_index=self.input_device_index, frames_per_buffer=self._chunk_size, ) def close(self): if self._audio_stream is not None: self._audio_stream.stop_stream() self._audio_stream.close() self._audio_stream = None def read(self, size): if self._audio_stream is None: raise IOError("Stream is not open") if self._audio_stream.is_active(): data = self._audio_stream.read(size) if data is None or len(data) < 1: return None return data return None class StdinAudioSource(FileAudioSource): """ A class for an `AudioSource` that reads data from standard input. Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : int, default: 16000 number of samples per second of audio data. sample_width : int, default: 2 size in bytes of one audio sample. Possible values: 1, 2 or 4. channels : int, default: 1 number of channels of audio data. """ def __init__( self, sampling_rate=16000, sample_width=2, channels=1, ): FileAudioSource.__init__(self, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels) self._is_open = False self._sample_size = sample_width * channels self._stream = sys.stdin.buffer def is_open(self): return self._is_open def open(self): self._is_open = True def close(self): self._is_open = False def _read_from_stream(self, size): bytes_to_read = size * self._sample_size data = self._stream.read(bytes_to_read) if data: return data return None def _make_tqdm_progress_bar(iterable, total, duration, **tqdm_kwargs): fmt = tqdm_kwargs.get("bar_format", DEFAULT_BAR_FORMAT_TQDM) fmt = fmt.replace("{duration}", "{:.3f}".format(duration)) tqdm_kwargs["bar_format"] = fmt tqdm_kwargs["ncols"] = tqdm_kwargs.get("ncols", DEFAULT_NCOLS_TQDM) tqdm_kwargs["mininterval"] = tqdm_kwargs.get( "mininterval", DEFAULT_MIN_INTERVAL_TQDM ) return _tqdm(iterable, total=total, **tqdm_kwargs) class PyAudioPlayer: """ A class for audio playback using Pyaudio (https://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/). Parameters ---------- sampling_rate : int, default: 16000 number of samples per second of audio data. sample_width : int, default: 2 size in bytes of one audio sample. Possible values: 1, 2 or 4. channels : int, default: 1 number of channels of audio data. """ def __init__( self, sampling_rate=16000, sample_width=2, channels=1, ): if sample_width not in (1, 2, 4): raise ValueError("Sample width in bytes must be one of 1, 2 or 4") self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.sample_width = sample_width self.channels = channels import pyaudio self._p = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.stream = self._p.open( format=self._p.get_format_from_width(self.sample_width), channels=self.channels, rate=self.sampling_rate, input=False, output=True, ) def play(self, data, progress_bar=False, **progress_bar_kwargs): chunk_gen, nb_chunks = self._chunk_data(data) if progress_bar and _WITH_TQDM: duration = len(data) / ( self.sampling_rate * self.sample_width * self.channels ) chunk_gen = _make_tqdm_progress_bar( chunk_gen, total=nb_chunks, duration=duration, **progress_bar_kwargs ) if self.stream.is_stopped(): self.stream.start_stream() try: for chunk in chunk_gen: self.stream.write(chunk) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass self.stream.stop_stream() def stop(self): if not self.stream.is_stopped(): self.stream.stop_stream() self.stream.close() self._p.terminate() def _chunk_data(self, data): # make audio chunks of 100 ms to allow interruption (like ctrl+c) bytes_1_sec = self.sampling_rate * self.sample_width * self.channels chunk_size = bytes_1_sec // 10 # make sure chunk_size is a multiple of sample_width * channels chunk_size -= chunk_size % (self.sample_width * self.channels) nb_chunks, rest = divmod(len(data), chunk_size) if rest > 0: nb_chunks += 1 chunk_gen = ( data[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size) ) return chunk_gen, nb_chunks def player_for(source): """ Return an `AudioPlayer` compatible with `source` (i.e., has the same sampling rate, sample width and number of channels). Parameters ---------- source : AudioSource An object that has `sampling_rate`, `sample_width` and `sample_width` attributes. Returns ------- player : PyAudioPlayer An audio player that has the same sampling rate, sample width and number of channels as `source`. """ return PyAudioPlayer( source.sampling_rate, source.sample_width, source.channels ) def get_audio_source(input=None, **kwargs): """ Create and return an AudioSource from input. Parameters ---------- input : str, bytes, "-" or None (default) source to read audio data from. If `str`, it should be a path to a valid audio file. If `bytes`, it is used as raw audio data. If it is "-", raw data will be read from stdin. If None, read audio data from the microphone using PyAudio. kwargs audio parameters used to build the `AudioSource` object. Depending on the nature of `input`, theses may be omitted (e.g., when `input` is an audio file in a popular audio format such as wav, ogg, flac, etc.) or include parameters such as `sampling_rate`, `sample_width`, `channels` (or their respective short name versions `sr`, `sw` and `ch`) if `input` is a path to a raw (headerless) audio file, a bytes object for raw audio data or None (to read data from built-in microphone). See the respective `AudioSource` classes from more information about possible parameters. Returns ------- source : AudioSource audio source created from input parameters """ if input == "-": return StdinAudioSource(*_get_audio_parameters(kwargs)) if isinstance(input, bytes): return BufferAudioSource(input, *_get_audio_parameters(kwargs)) # read data from a file if input is not None: return from_file(filename=input, **kwargs) # read data from microphone via pyaudio else: frames_per_buffer = kwargs.get("frames_per_buffer", 1024) input_device_index = kwargs.get("input_device_index") return PyAudioSource( *_get_audio_parameters(kwargs), frames_per_buffer=frames_per_buffer, input_device_index=input_device_index ) def _load_raw(file, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels, large_file=False): """ Load a raw audio file with standard Python. If `large_file` is True, return a `RawAudioSource` object that reads data lazily from disk, otherwise load all data to memory and return a `BufferAudioSource` object. Parameters ---------- file : str path to a raw audio data file. sampling_rate : int sampling rate of audio data. sample_width : int size in bytes of one audio sample. channels : int number of channels of audio data. large_file : bool if True, return a `RawAudioSource` otherwise a `BufferAudioSource` object. Returns ------- source : RawAudioSource or BufferAudioSource an `AudioSource` that reads data from input file. """ if None in (sampling_rate, sample_width, channels): raise AudioParameterError( "All audio parameters are required for raw audio files" ) if large_file: return RawAudioSource( file, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, sample_width=sample_width, channels=channels, ) with open(file, "rb") as fp: data = fp.read() return BufferAudioSource( data, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, sample_width=sample_width, channels=channels, ) def _load_wave(file, large_file=False): """ Load a wave audio file with standard Python. If `large_file` is True, return a `WaveAudioSource` object that reads data lazily from disk, otherwise load all data to memory and return a `BufferAudioSource` object. Parameters ---------- file : str path to a wav audio data file large_file : bool if True, return a `WaveAudioSource` otherwise a `BufferAudioSource` object. Returns ------- source : WaveAudioSource or BufferAudioSource an `AudioSource` that reads data from input file. """ if large_file: return WaveAudioSource(file) with wave.open(file) as fp: channels = fp.getnchannels() srate = fp.getframerate() swidth = fp.getsampwidth() data = fp.readframes(-1) return BufferAudioSource( data, sampling_rate=srate, sample_width=swidth, channels=channels ) def _load_with_pydub(file, audio_format=None): """ Open compressed audio or video file using pydub. If a video file is passed, its audio track(s) are extracted and loaded. Parameters ---------- file : str path to audio file. audio_format : str, default: None string, audio/video file format if known (e.g. raw, webm, wav, ogg) Returns ------- source : BufferAudioSource an `AudioSource` that reads data from input file. """ func_dict = { "mp3": AudioSegment.from_mp3, "ogg": AudioSegment.from_ogg, "flv": AudioSegment.from_flv, } open_function = func_dict.get(audio_format, AudioSegment.from_file) segment = open_function(file) return BufferAudioSource( data=segment.raw_data, sampling_rate=segment.frame_rate, sample_width=segment.sample_width, channels=segment.channels, ) def from_file(filename, audio_format=None, large_file=False, **kwargs): """ Read audio data from `filename` and return an `AudioSource` object. if `audio_format` is None, the appropriate `AudioSource` class is guessed from file's extension. `filename` can be a compressed audio or video file. This will require installing `pydub` (https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub). The normal behavior is to load all audio data to memory from which a :class:`BufferAudioSource` object is created. This should be convenient most of the time unless audio file is very large. In that case, and in order to load audio data in lazy manner (i.e. read data from disk each time :func:`AudioSource.read` is called), `large_file` should be True. Note that the current implementation supports only wave and raw formats for lazy audio loading. If an audio format is `raw`, the following keyword arguments are required: - `sampling_rate`, `sr`: int, sampling rate of audio data. - `sample_width`, `sw`: int, size in bytes of one audio sample. - `channels`, `ch`: int, number of channels of audio data. See also -------- :func:`to_file`. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to input audio or video file. audio_format : str audio format used to save data (e.g. raw, webm, wav, ogg). large_file : bool, default: False if True, audio won't fully be loaded to memory but only when a window is read from disk. Other Parameters ---------------- sampling_rate, sr: int sampling rate of audio data sample_width : int sample width (i.e. number of bytes used to represent one audio sample) channels : int number of channels of audio data Returns ------- audio_source : AudioSource an :class:`AudioSource` object that reads data from input file. Raises ------ `AudioIOError` raised if audio data cannot be read in the given format or if `format` is `raw` and one or more audio parameters are missing. """ audio_format = _guess_audio_format(audio_format, filename) if audio_format == "raw": srate, swidth, channels = _get_audio_parameters(kwargs) return _load_raw(filename, srate, swidth, channels, large_file) if audio_format in ["wav", "wave"]: return _load_wave(filename, large_file) if large_file: err_msg = "if 'large_file` is True file format should be raw or wav" raise AudioIOError(err_msg) if _WITH_PYDUB: return _load_with_pydub(filename, audio_format=audio_format) else: raise AudioIOError( "pydub is required for audio formats other than raw or wav" ) def _save_raw(data, file): """ Saves audio data as a headerless (i.e. raw) file. See also :func:`to_file`. """ with open(file, "wb") as fp: fp.write(data) def _save_wave(data, file, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels): """ Saves audio data to a wave file. See also :func:`to_file`. """ if None in (sampling_rate, sample_width, channels): raise AudioParameterError( "All audio parameters are required to save wave audio files" ) with wave.open(file, "w") as fp: fp.setframerate(sampling_rate) fp.setsampwidth(sample_width) fp.setnchannels(channels) fp.writeframes(data) def _save_with_pydub( data, file, audio_format, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels ): """ Saves audio data with pydub (https://github.com/jiaaro/pydub). See also :func:`to_file`. """ segment = AudioSegment( data, frame_rate=sampling_rate, sample_width=sample_width, channels=channels, ) with open(file, "wb") as fp: segment.export(fp, format=audio_format) def to_file(data, file, audio_format=None, **kwargs): """ Writes audio data to file. If `audio_format` is `None`, output audio format will be guessed from extension. If `audio_format` is `None` and `file` comes without an extension then audio data will be written as a raw audio file. Parameters ---------- data : bytes-like audio data to be written. Can be a `bytes`, `bytearray`, `memoryview`, `array` or `numpy.ndarray` object. file : str path to output audio file. audio_format : str audio format used to save data (e.g. raw, webm, wav, ogg) kwargs: dict If an audio format other than `raw` is used, the following keyword arguments are required: - `sampling_rate`, `sr`: int, sampling rate of audio data. - `sample_width`, `sw`: int, size in bytes of one audio sample. - `channels`, `ch`: int, number of channels of audio data. Raises ------ `AudioParameterError` if output format is different than raw and one or more audio parameters are missing. `AudioIOError` if audio data cannot be written in the desired format. """ audio_format = _guess_audio_format(audio_format, file) if audio_format in (None, "raw"): _save_raw(data, file) return try: sampling_rate, sample_width, channels = _get_audio_parameters(kwargs) except AudioParameterError as exc: err_message = "All audio parameters are required to save formats " "other than raw. Error detail: {}".format(exc) raise AudioParameterError(err_message) if audio_format in ("wav", "wave"): _save_wave(data, file, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels) elif _WITH_PYDUB: _save_with_pydub( data, file, audio_format, sampling_rate, sample_width, channels ) else: err_message = "cannot write file format {} (file name: {})" raise AudioIOError(err_message.format(audio_format, file))