"""Tests of the bs4.element.PageElement class""" import copy import pickle import pytest import sys from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.element import ( Comment, ResultSet, SoupStrainer, ) from . import ( SoupTest, ) class TestEncoding(SoupTest): """Test the ability to encode objects into strings.""" def test_unicode_string_can_be_encoded(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) assert soup.b.string.encode("utf-8") == "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf-8") def test_tag_containing_unicode_string_can_be_encoded(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) assert soup.b.encode("utf-8") == html.encode("utf-8") def test_encoding_substitutes_unrecognized_characters_by_default(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) assert soup.b.encode("ascii") == b"" def test_encoding_can_be_made_strict(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) with pytest.raises(UnicodeEncodeError): soup.encode("ascii", errors="strict") def test_decode_contents(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) assert "\N{SNOWMAN}" == soup.b.decode_contents() def test_encode_contents(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) assert "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf8") == soup.b.encode_contents( encoding="utf8" ) def test_encode_deeply_nested_document(self): # This test verifies that encoding a string doesn't involve # any recursive function calls. If it did, this test would # overflow the Python interpreter stack. limit = sys.getrecursionlimit() + 1 markup = "" * limit soup = self.soup(markup) encoded = soup.encode() assert limit == encoded.count(b"") def test_deprecated_renderContents(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) soup.renderContents() assert "\N{SNOWMAN}".encode("utf8") == soup.b.renderContents() def test_repr(self): html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) assert html == repr(soup) class TestFormatters(SoupTest): """Test the formatting feature, used by methods like decode() and prettify(), and the formatters themselves. """ def test_default_formatter_is_minimal(self): markup = "<<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>>" soup = self.soup(markup) decoded = soup.decode(formatter="minimal") # The < is converted back into < but the e-with-acute is left alone. assert decoded == self.document_for( "<<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>>" ) def test_formatter_html(self): markup = "
<<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>>" soup = self.soup(markup) decoded = soup.decode(formatter="html") assert decoded == self.document_for( "
<<Sacré bleu!>>" ) def test_formatter_html5(self): markup = "
<<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>>" soup = self.soup(markup) decoded = soup.decode(formatter="html5") assert decoded == self.document_for( "
<<Sacré bleu!>>" ) def test_formatter_minimal(self): markup = "<<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>>" soup = self.soup(markup) decoded = soup.decode(formatter="minimal") # The < is converted back into < but the e-with-acute is left alone. assert decoded == self.document_for( "<<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>>" ) def test_formatter_null(self): markup = "<<Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!>>" soup = self.soup(markup) decoded = soup.decode(formatter=None) # Neither the angle brackets nor the e-with-acute are converted. # This is not valid HTML, but it's what the user wanted. assert decoded == self.document_for( "<>" ) def test_formatter_custom(self): markup = "<foo>bar
" soup = self.soup(markup) decoded = soup.decode(formatter = lambda x: x.upper()) # Instead of normal entity conversion code, the custom # callable is called on every string. assert decoded == self.document_for("BAR
") def test_formatter_is_run_on_attribute_values(self): markup = 'e' soup = self.soup(markup) a = soup.a expect_minimal = 'e' assert expect_minimal == a.decode() assert expect_minimal == a.decode(formatter="minimal") expect_html = 'e' assert expect_html == a.decode(formatter="html") assert markup == a.decode(formatter=None) expect_upper = 'E' assert expect_upper == a.decode(formatter=lambda x: x.upper()) def test_formatter_skips_script_tag_for_html_documents(self): doc = """ """ encoded = BeautifulSoup(doc, 'html.parser').encode() assert b"< < hey > >" in encoded def test_formatter_skips_style_tag_for_html_documents(self): doc = """ """ encoded = BeautifulSoup(doc, 'html.parser').encode() assert b"< < hey > >" in encoded def test_prettify_leaves_preformatted_text_alone(self): soup = self.soup("
  \tbar\n  \n  
") # Everything outside the
 tag is reformatted, but everything
        # inside is left alone.
        assert '
\n foo\n
  \tbar\n  \n  
\n baz\n \n
\n' == soup.div.prettify() def test_prettify_handles_nested_string_literal_tags(self): # Most of this markup is inside a
 tag, so prettify()
        # only does three things to it:
        # 1. Add a newline and a space between the 
and the
        # 2. Add a newline after the 
# 3. Add a newline at the end. # # The contents of the
 tag are left completely alone.  In
        # particular, we don't start adding whitespace again once we
        # encounter the first 
tag, because we know it's not # the one that put us into string literal mode. markup = """
 for you 
""" expect = """
 for you 
""" soup = self.soup(markup) assert expect == soup.div.prettify() def test_prettify_accepts_formatter_function(self): soup = BeautifulSoup("foo", 'html.parser') pretty = soup.prettify(formatter = lambda x: x.upper()) assert "FOO" in pretty def test_prettify_outputs_unicode_by_default(self): soup = self.soup("") assert str == type(soup.prettify()) def test_prettify_can_encode_data(self): soup = self.soup("") assert bytes == type(soup.prettify("utf-8")) def test_html_entity_substitution_off_by_default(self): markup = "Sacr\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE} bleu!" soup = self.soup(markup) encoded = soup.b.encode("utf-8") assert encoded == markup.encode('utf-8') def test_encoding_substitution(self): # Here's the tag saying that a document is # encoded in Shift-JIS. meta_tag = ('') soup = self.soup(meta_tag) # Parse the document, and the charset apprears unchanged. assert soup.meta['content'] == 'text/html; charset=x-sjis' # Encode the document into some encoding, and the encoding is # substituted into the meta tag. utf_8 = soup.encode("utf-8") assert b"charset=utf-8" in utf_8 euc_jp = soup.encode("euc_jp") assert b"charset=euc_jp" in euc_jp shift_jis = soup.encode("shift-jis") assert b"charset=shift-jis" in shift_jis utf_16_u = soup.encode("utf-16").decode("utf-16") assert "charset=utf-16" in utf_16_u def test_encoding_substitution_doesnt_happen_if_tag_is_strained(self): markup = ('
') # Beautiful Soup used to try to rewrite the meta tag even if the # meta tag got filtered out by the strainer. This test makes # sure that doesn't happen. strainer = SoupStrainer('pre') soup = self.soup(markup, parse_only=strainer) assert soup.contents[0].name == 'pre' class TestPersistence(SoupTest): "Testing features like pickle and deepcopy." def setup_method(self): self.page = """ Beautiful Soup: We called him Tortoise because he taught us. foo bar """ self.tree = self.soup(self.page) def test_pickle_and_unpickle_identity(self): # Pickling a tree, then unpickling it, yields a tree identical # to the original. dumped = pickle.dumps(self.tree, 2) loaded = pickle.loads(dumped) assert loaded.__class__ == BeautifulSoup assert loaded.decode() == self.tree.decode() def test_deepcopy_identity(self): # Making a deepcopy of a tree yields an identical tree. copied = copy.deepcopy(self.tree) assert copied.decode() == self.tree.decode() def test_copy_deeply_nested_document(self): # This test verifies that copy and deepcopy don't involve any # recursive function calls. If they did, this test would # overflow the Python interpreter stack. limit = sys.getrecursionlimit() + 1 markup = "" * limit soup = self.soup(markup) copied = copy.copy(soup) copied = copy.deepcopy(soup) def test_copy_preserves_encoding(self): soup = BeautifulSoup(b'


', 'html.parser') encoding = soup.original_encoding copy = soup.__copy__() assert "


" == str(copy) assert encoding == copy.original_encoding def test_copy_preserves_builder_information(self): tag = self.soup('

').p # Simulate a tag obtained from a source file. tag.sourceline = 10 tag.sourcepos = 33 copied = tag.__copy__() # The TreeBuilder object is no longer availble, but information # obtained from it gets copied over to the new Tag object. assert tag.sourceline == copied.sourceline assert tag.sourcepos == copied.sourcepos assert tag.can_be_empty_element == copied.can_be_empty_element assert tag.cdata_list_attributes == copied.cdata_list_attributes assert tag.preserve_whitespace_tags == copied.preserve_whitespace_tags assert tag.interesting_string_types == copied.interesting_string_types def test_unicode_pickle(self): # A tree containing Unicode characters can be pickled. html = "\N{SNOWMAN}" soup = self.soup(html) dumped = pickle.dumps(soup, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) loaded = pickle.loads(dumped) assert loaded.decode() == soup.decode() def test_copy_navigablestring_is_not_attached_to_tree(self): html = "FooBar" soup = self.soup(html) s1 = soup.find(string="Foo") s2 = copy.copy(s1) assert s1 == s2 assert None == s2.parent assert None == s2.next_element assert None != s1.next_sibling assert None == s2.next_sibling assert None == s2.previous_element def test_copy_navigablestring_subclass_has_same_type(self): html = "" soup = self.soup(html) s1 = soup.string s2 = copy.copy(s1) assert s1 == s2 assert isinstance(s2, Comment) def test_copy_entire_soup(self): html = "
end" soup = self.soup(html) soup_copy = copy.copy(soup) assert soup == soup_copy def test_copy_tag_copies_contents(self): html = "
end" soup = self.soup(html) div = soup.div div_copy = copy.copy(div) # The two tags look the same, and evaluate to equal. assert str(div) == str(div_copy) assert div == div_copy # But they're not the same object. assert div is not div_copy # And they don't have the same relation to the parse tree. The # copy is not associated with a parse tree at all. assert None == div_copy.parent assert None == div_copy.previous_element assert None == div_copy.find(string='Bar').next_element assert None != div.find(string='Bar').next_element