import collections import json import sys import uuid from flask import ( template_rendered, request, g, Response, current_app, abort, url_for ) from flask_debugtoolbar import module from flask_debugtoolbar.panels import DebugPanel _ = lambda x: x class TemplateDebugPanel(DebugPanel): """ Panel that displays the time a response took in milliseconds. """ name = 'Template' has_content = True # save the context for the 5 most recent requests template_cache = collections.deque(maxlen=5) @classmethod def get_cache_for_key(self, key): for cache_key, value in self.template_cache: if key == cache_key: return value raise KeyError(key) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.key = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.templates = [] template_rendered.connect(self._store_template_info) def _store_template_info(self, sender, **kwargs): # only record in the cache if the editor is enabled and there is # actually a template for this request if not self.templates and is_editor_enabled(): self.template_cache.append((self.key, self.templates)) self.templates.append(kwargs) def process_request(self, request): pass def process_response(self, request, response): pass def nav_title(self): return _('Templates') def nav_subtitle(self): return "%d rendered" % len(self.templates) def title(self): return _('Templates') def url(self): return '' def content(self): return self.render('panels/template.html', { 'key': self.key, 'templates': self.templates, 'editable': is_editor_enabled(), }) def is_editor_enabled(): return current_app.config.get('DEBUG_TB_TEMPLATE_EDITOR_ENABLED') def require_enabled(): if not is_editor_enabled(): abort(403) def _get_source(template): with open(template.filename, 'rb') as fp: source = return source.decode(_template_encoding()) def _template_encoding(): return getattr(current_app.jinja_loader, 'encoding', 'utf-8') @module.route('/template/') def template_editor(key): require_enabled() # TODO set up special loader that caches templates it loads # and can override template contents templates = [t['template'] for t in TemplateDebugPanel.get_cache_for_key(key)] return g.debug_toolbar.render('panels/template_editor.html', { 'static_path': url_for('_debug_toolbar.static', filename=''), 'request': request, 'templates': [ {'name':, 'source': _get_source(t)} for t in templates ] }) @module.route('/template//save', methods=['POST']) def save_template(key): require_enabled() template = TemplateDebugPanel.get_cache_for_key(key)[0]['template'] content = request.form['content'].encode(_template_encoding()) with open(template.filename, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(content) return 'ok' @module.route('/template/', methods=['POST']) def template_preview(key): require_enabled() context = TemplateDebugPanel.get_cache_for_key(key)[0]['context'] content = request.form['content'] env = current_app.jinja_env.overlay(autoescape=True) try: template = env.from_string(content) return template.render(context) except Exception as e: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] try: while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next msg = {'lineno': tb.tb_lineno, 'error': str(e)} return Response(json.dumps(msg), status=400, mimetype='application/json') finally: del tb