# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import syslog from .NotifyBase import NotifyBase from ..common import NotifyType from ..utils import parse_bool from ..AppriseLocale import gettext_lazy as _ class SyslogFacility: """ All of the supported facilities """ KERN = 'kern' USER = 'user' MAIL = 'mail' DAEMON = 'daemon' AUTH = 'auth' SYSLOG = 'syslog' LPR = 'lpr' NEWS = 'news' UUCP = 'uucp' CRON = 'cron' LOCAL0 = 'local0' LOCAL1 = 'local1' LOCAL2 = 'local2' LOCAL3 = 'local3' LOCAL4 = 'local4' LOCAL5 = 'local5' LOCAL6 = 'local6' LOCAL7 = 'local7' SYSLOG_FACILITY_MAP = { SyslogFacility.KERN: syslog.LOG_KERN, SyslogFacility.USER: syslog.LOG_USER, SyslogFacility.MAIL: syslog.LOG_MAIL, SyslogFacility.DAEMON: syslog.LOG_DAEMON, SyslogFacility.AUTH: syslog.LOG_AUTH, SyslogFacility.SYSLOG: syslog.LOG_SYSLOG, SyslogFacility.LPR: syslog.LOG_LPR, SyslogFacility.NEWS: syslog.LOG_NEWS, SyslogFacility.UUCP: syslog.LOG_UUCP, SyslogFacility.CRON: syslog.LOG_CRON, SyslogFacility.LOCAL0: syslog.LOG_LOCAL0, SyslogFacility.LOCAL1: syslog.LOG_LOCAL1, SyslogFacility.LOCAL2: syslog.LOG_LOCAL2, SyslogFacility.LOCAL3: syslog.LOG_LOCAL3, SyslogFacility.LOCAL4: syslog.LOG_LOCAL4, SyslogFacility.LOCAL5: syslog.LOG_LOCAL5, SyslogFacility.LOCAL6: syslog.LOG_LOCAL6, SyslogFacility.LOCAL7: syslog.LOG_LOCAL7, } SYSLOG_FACILITY_RMAP = { syslog.LOG_KERN: SyslogFacility.KERN, syslog.LOG_USER: SyslogFacility.USER, syslog.LOG_MAIL: SyslogFacility.MAIL, syslog.LOG_DAEMON: SyslogFacility.DAEMON, syslog.LOG_AUTH: SyslogFacility.AUTH, syslog.LOG_SYSLOG: SyslogFacility.SYSLOG, syslog.LOG_LPR: SyslogFacility.LPR, syslog.LOG_NEWS: SyslogFacility.NEWS, syslog.LOG_UUCP: SyslogFacility.UUCP, syslog.LOG_CRON: SyslogFacility.CRON, syslog.LOG_LOCAL0: SyslogFacility.LOCAL0, syslog.LOG_LOCAL1: SyslogFacility.LOCAL1, syslog.LOG_LOCAL2: SyslogFacility.LOCAL2, syslog.LOG_LOCAL3: SyslogFacility.LOCAL3, syslog.LOG_LOCAL4: SyslogFacility.LOCAL4, syslog.LOG_LOCAL5: SyslogFacility.LOCAL5, syslog.LOG_LOCAL6: SyslogFacility.LOCAL6, syslog.LOG_LOCAL7: SyslogFacility.LOCAL7, } class NotifySyslog(NotifyBase): """ A wrapper for Syslog Notifications """ # The default descriptive name associated with the Notification service_name = 'Syslog' # The services URL service_url = 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5424' # The default secure protocol secure_protocol = 'syslog' # A URL that takes you to the setup/help of the specific protocol setup_url = 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki/Notify_syslog' # Disable throttle rate for Syslog requests since they are normally # local anyway request_rate_per_sec = 0 # Title to be added to body if present title_maxlen = 0 # Define object templates templates = ( '{schema}://', '{schema}://{facility}', ) # Define our template tokens template_tokens = dict(NotifyBase.template_tokens, **{ 'facility': { 'name': _('Facility'), 'type': 'choice:string', 'values': [k for k in SYSLOG_FACILITY_MAP.keys()], 'default': SyslogFacility.USER, }, }) # Define our template arguments template_args = dict(NotifyBase.template_args, **{ 'facility': { # We map back to the same element defined in template_tokens 'alias_of': 'facility', }, 'logpid': { 'name': _('Log PID'), 'type': 'bool', 'default': True, 'map_to': 'log_pid', }, 'logperror': { 'name': _('Log to STDERR'), 'type': 'bool', 'default': False, 'map_to': 'log_perror', }, }) def __init__(self, facility=None, log_pid=True, log_perror=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize Syslog Object """ super(NotifySyslog, self).__init__(**kwargs) if facility: try: self.facility = SYSLOG_FACILITY_MAP[facility] except KeyError: msg = 'An invalid syslog facility ' \ '({}) was specified.'.format(facility) self.logger.warning(msg) raise TypeError(msg) else: self.facility = \ SYSLOG_FACILITY_MAP[ self.template_tokens['facility']['default']] # Logging Options self.logoptions = 0 # Include PID with each message. # This may not appear evident if using journalctl since the pid # will always display itself; however it will appear visible # for log_perror combinations self.log_pid = log_pid # Print to stderr as well. self.log_perror = log_perror if log_pid: self.logoptions |= syslog.LOG_PID if log_perror: self.logoptions |= syslog.LOG_PERROR # Initialize our loggig syslog.openlog( self.app_id, logoption=self.logoptions, facility=self.facility) return def send(self, body, title='', notify_type=NotifyType.INFO, **kwargs): """ Perform Syslog Notification """ _pmap = { NotifyType.INFO: syslog.LOG_INFO, NotifyType.SUCCESS: syslog.LOG_NOTICE, NotifyType.FAILURE: syslog.LOG_CRIT, NotifyType.WARNING: syslog.LOG_WARNING, } # Always call throttle before any remote server i/o is made self.throttle() try: syslog.syslog(_pmap[notify_type], body) except KeyError: # An invalid notification type was specified self.logger.warning( 'An invalid notification type ' '({}) was specified.'.format(notify_type)) return False return True def url(self, privacy=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns the URL built dynamically based on specified arguments. """ # Define any URL parameters params = { 'logperror': 'yes' if self.log_perror else 'no', 'logpid': 'yes' if self.log_pid else 'no', } # Extend our parameters params.update(self.url_parameters(privacy=privacy, *args, **kwargs)) return '{schema}://{facility}/?{params}'.format( facility=self.template_tokens['facility']['default'] if self.facility not in SYSLOG_FACILITY_RMAP else SYSLOG_FACILITY_RMAP[self.facility], schema=self.secure_protocol, params=NotifySyslog.urlencode(params), ) @staticmethod def parse_url(url): """ Parses the URL and returns enough arguments that can allow us to re-instantiate this object. """ results = NotifyBase.parse_url(url, verify_host=False) if not results: # We're done early as we couldn't load the results return results # if specified; save hostname into facility facility = None if not results['host'] \ else NotifySyslog.unquote(results['host']) # However if specified on the URL, that will over-ride what was # identified if 'facility' in results['qsd'] and len(results['qsd']['facility']): facility = results['qsd']['facility'].lower() if facility and facility not in SYSLOG_FACILITY_MAP: # Find first match; if no match is found we set the result # to the matching key. This allows us to throw a TypeError # during the __init__() call. The benifit of doing this # check here is if we do have a valid match, we can support # short form matches like 'u' which will match against user facility = next((f for f in SYSLOG_FACILITY_MAP.keys() if f.startswith(facility)), facility) # Save facility results['facility'] = facility # Include PID as part of the message logged results['log_pid'] = \ parse_bool(results['qsd'].get('logpid', True)) # Print to stderr as well. results['log_perror'] = \ parse_bool(results['qsd'].get('logperror', False)) return results