from collections import MutableSequence import io from io import open from itertools import chain import os.path import logging from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Iterable, Any from .common import IntOrFloat from .formats import autodetect_format, get_format_class, get_format_identifier from .substation import is_valid_field_content from .ssaevent import SSAEvent from .ssastyle import SSAStyle from .time import make_time, ms_to_str class SSAFile(MutableSequence): """ Subtitle file in SubStation Alpha format. This class has a list-like interface which exposes :attr:``, list of subtitles in the file:: subs = SSAFile.load("") for line in subs: print(line.text) subs.insert(0, SSAEvent(start=0, end=make_time(s=2.5), text="New first subtitle")) del subs[0] """ DEFAULT_INFO = { "WrapStyle": "0", "ScaledBorderAndShadow": "yes", "Collisions": "Normal" } def __init__(self): List[SSAEvent] = [] #: List of :class:`SSAEvent` instances, ie. individual subtitles. self.styles: Dict[str, SSAStyle] = {"Default": SSAStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE.copy()} #: Dict of :class:`SSAStyle` instances. Dict[str, str] = self.DEFAULT_INFO.copy() #: Dict with script metadata, ie. ``[Script Info]``. self.aegisub_project: Dict[str, str] = {} #: Dict with Aegisub project, ie. ``[Aegisub Project Garbage]``. self.fonts_opaque: Dict[str, Any] = {} #: Dict with embedded fonts, ie. ``[Fonts]``. self.fps: Optional[float] = None #: Framerate used when reading the file, if applicable. self.format: Optional[str] = None #: Format of source subtitle file, if applicable, eg. ``"srt"``. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # I/O methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @classmethod def load(cls, path: str, encoding: str="utf-8", format_: Optional[str]=None, fps: Optional[float]=None, **kwargs) -> "SSAFile": """ Load subtitle file from given path. This method is implemented in terms of :meth:`SSAFile.from_file()`. See also: Specific formats may implement additional loading options, please refer to documentation of the implementation classes (eg. :meth:`pysubs2.subrip.SubripFormat.from_file()`) Arguments: path (str): Path to subtitle file. encoding (str): Character encoding of input file. Defaults to UTF-8, you may need to change this. format_ (str): Optional, forces use of specific parser (eg. `"srt"`, `"ass"`). Otherwise, format is detected automatically from file contents. This argument should be rarely needed. fps (float): Framerate for frame-based formats (MicroDVD), for other formats this argument is ignored. Framerate might be detected from the file, in which case you don't need to specify it here (when given, this argument overrides autodetection). kwargs: Extra options for the reader. Returns: SSAFile Raises: IOError UnicodeDecodeError pysubs2.exceptions.UnknownFPSError pysubs2.exceptions.UnknownFormatIdentifierError pysubs2.exceptions.FormatAutodetectionError Note: pysubs2 may autodetect subtitle format and/or framerate. These values are set as :attr:`SSAFile.format` and :attr:`SSAFile.fps` attributes. Example: >>> subs1 = pysubs2.load("") >>> subs2 = pysubs2.load("microdvd-subtitles.sub", fps=23.976) >>> subs3 = pysubs2.load("", keep_unknown_html_tags=True) """ with open(path, encoding=encoding) as fp: return cls.from_file(fp, format_, fps=fps, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_string(cls, string: str, format_: Optional[str]=None, fps: Optional[float]=None, **kwargs) -> "SSAFile": """ Load subtitle file from string. See :meth:`SSAFile.load()` for full description. Arguments: string (str): Subtitle file in a string. Note that the string must be Unicode (in Python 2). Returns: SSAFile Example: >>> text = ''' ... 1 ... 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,000 ... An example SubRip file. ... ''' >>> subs = SSAFile.from_string(text) """ fp = io.StringIO(string) return cls.from_file(fp, format_, fps=fps, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_file(cls, fp: io.TextIOBase, format_: Optional[str]=None, fps: Optional[float]=None, **kwargs) -> "SSAFile": """ Read subtitle file from file object. See :meth:`SSAFile.load()` for full description. Note: This is a low-level method. Usually, one of :meth:`SSAFile.load()` or :meth:`SSAFile.from_string()` is preferable. Arguments: fp (file object): A file object, ie. :class:`io.TextIOBase` instance. Note that the file must be opened in text mode (as opposed to binary). Returns: SSAFile """ if format_ is None: # Autodetect subtitle format, then read again using correct parser. # The file might be a pipe and we need to read it twice, # so just buffer everything. text = fragment = text[:10000] format_ = autodetect_format(fragment) fp = io.StringIO(text) impl = get_format_class(format_) subs = cls() # an empty subtitle file subs.format = format_ subs.fps = fps impl.from_file(subs, fp, format_, fps=fps, **kwargs) return subs def save(self, path: str, encoding: str="utf-8", format_: Optional[str]=None, fps: Optional[float]=None, **kwargs): """ Save subtitle file to given path. This method is implemented in terms of :meth:`SSAFile.to_file()`. See also: Specific formats may implement additional saving options, please refer to documentation of the implementation classes (eg. :meth:`pysubs2.subrip.SubripFormat.to_file()`) Arguments: path (str): Path to subtitle file. encoding (str): Character encoding of output file. Defaults to UTF-8, which should be fine for most purposes. format_ (str): Optional, specifies desired subtitle format (eg. `"srt"`, `"ass"`). Otherwise, format is detected automatically from file extension. Thus, this argument is rarely needed. fps (float): Framerate for frame-based formats (MicroDVD), for other formats this argument is ignored. When omitted, :attr:`SSAFile.fps` value is used (ie. the framerate used for loading the file, if any). When the :class:`SSAFile` wasn't loaded from MicroDVD, or if you wish save it with different framerate, use this argument. See also :meth:`SSAFile.transform_framerate()` for fixing bad frame-based to time-based conversions. kwargs: Extra options for the writer. Raises: IOError UnicodeEncodeError pysubs2.exceptions.UnknownFPSError pysubs2.exceptions.UnknownFormatIdentifierError pysubs2.exceptions.UnknownFileExtensionError """ if format_ is None: ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower() format_ = get_format_identifier(ext) with open(path, "w", encoding=encoding) as fp: self.to_file(fp, format_, fps=fps, **kwargs) def to_string(self, format_: str, fps: Optional[float]=None, **kwargs) -> str: """ Get subtitle file as a string. See :meth:`` for full description. Returns: str """ fp = io.StringIO() self.to_file(fp, format_, fps=fps, **kwargs) return fp.getvalue() def to_file(self, fp: io.TextIOBase, format_: str, fps: Optional[float]=None, **kwargs): """ Write subtitle file to file object. See :meth:`` for full description. Note: This is a low-level method. Usually, one of :meth:`` or :meth:`SSAFile.to_string()` is preferable. Arguments: fp (file object): A file object, ie. :class:`io.TextIOBase` instance. Note that the file must be opened in text mode (as opposed to binary). """ impl = get_format_class(format_) impl.to_file(self, fp, format_, fps=fps, **kwargs) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Retiming subtitles # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def shift(self, h: IntOrFloat=0, m: IntOrFloat=0, s: IntOrFloat=0, ms: IntOrFloat=0, frames: Optional[int]=None, fps: Optional[float]=None): """ Shift all subtitles by constant time amount. Shift may be time-based (the default) or frame-based. In the latter case, specify both frames and fps. h, m, s, ms will be ignored. Arguments: h, m, s, ms: Integer or float values, may be positive or negative. frames (int): When specified, must be an integer number of frames. May be positive or negative. fps must be also specified. fps (float): When specified, must be a positive number. Raises: ValueError: Invalid fps or missing number of frames. """ delta = make_time(h=h, m=m, s=s, ms=ms, frames=frames, fps=fps) for line in self: line.start += delta line.end += delta def transform_framerate(self, in_fps: float, out_fps: float): """ Rescale all timestamps by ratio of in_fps/out_fps. Can be used to fix files converted from frame-based to time-based with wrongly assumed framerate. Arguments: in_fps (float) out_fps (float) Raises: ValueError: Non-positive framerate given. """ if in_fps <= 0 or out_fps <= 0: raise ValueError("Framerates must be positive, cannot transform %f -> %f" % (in_fps, out_fps)) ratio = in_fps / out_fps for line in self: line.start = int(round(line.start * ratio)) line.end = int(round(line.end * ratio)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Working with styles # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def rename_style(self, old_name: str, new_name: str): """ Rename a style, including references to it. Arguments: old_name (str): Style to be renamed. new_name (str): New name for the style (must be unused). Raises: KeyError: No style named old_name. ValueError: new_name is not a legal name (cannot use commas) or new_name is taken. """ if old_name not in self.styles: raise KeyError("Style %r not found" % old_name) if new_name in self.styles: raise ValueError("There is already a style called %r" % new_name) if not is_valid_field_content(new_name): raise ValueError("%r is not a valid name" % new_name) self.styles[new_name] = self.styles[old_name] del self.styles[old_name] for line in self: # XXX also handle \r override tag if == old_name: = new_name def import_styles(self, subs: "SSAFile", overwrite: bool=True): """ Merge in styles from other SSAFile. Arguments: subs (SSAFile): Subtitle file imported from. overwrite (bool): On name conflict, use style from the other file (default: True). """ if not isinstance(subs, SSAFile): raise TypeError("Must supply an SSAFile.") for name, style in subs.styles.items(): if name not in self.styles or overwrite: self.styles[name] = style # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Helper methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def remove_miscellaneous_events(self): """ Remove subtitles which appear to be non-essential (the --clean in CLI) Currently, this removes events matching any of these criteria: - SSA event type Comment - SSA drawing tags - Less than two characters of text - Duplicated text with identical time interval (only the first event is kept) """ new_events = [] duplicate_text_ids = set() times_to_texts = {} for i, e in enumerate(self): tmp = times_to_texts.setdefault((e.start, e.end), []) if tmp.count(e.plaintext) > 0: duplicate_text_ids.add(i) tmp.append(e.plaintext) for i, e in enumerate(self): if e.is_drawing or e.is_comment: continue if len(e.plaintext.strip()) < 2: continue if i in duplicate_text_ids: continue new_events.append(e) = new_events def equals(self, other: "SSAFile"): """ Equality of two SSAFiles. Compares :attr:``, :attr:`SSAFile.styles` and :attr:``. Order of entries in OrderedDicts does not matter. "ScriptType" key in info is considered an implementation detail and thus ignored. Useful mostly in unit tests. Differences are logged at DEBUG level. """ if isinstance(other, SSAFile): for key in set(chain(, - {"ScriptType"}: sv, ov =, if sv is None: logging.debug("%r missing in", key) return False elif ov is None: logging.debug("%r missing in", key) return False elif sv != ov: logging.debug("info %r differs (self=%r, other=%r)", key, sv, ov) return False for key in set(chain(self.fonts_opaque.keys(), other.fonts_opaque.keys())): sv, ov = self.fonts_opaque.get(key), other.fonts_opaque.get(key) if sv is None: logging.debug("%r missing in self.fonts_opaque", key) return False elif ov is None: logging.debug("%r missing in other.fonts_opaque", key) return False elif sv != ov: logging.debug("fonts_opaque %r differs (self=%r, other=%r)", key, sv, ov) return False for key in set(chain(self.styles.keys(), other.styles.keys())): sv, ov = self.styles.get(key), other.styles.get(key) if sv is None: logging.debug("%r missing in self.styles", key) return False elif ov is None: logging.debug("%r missing in other.styles", key) return False elif sv != ov: for k in sv.FIELDS: if getattr(sv, k) != getattr(ov, k): logging.debug("difference in field %r", k) logging.debug("style %r differs (self=%r, other=%r)", key, sv.as_dict(), ov.as_dict()) return False if len(self) != len(other): logging.debug("different # of subtitles (self=%d, other=%d)", len(self), len(other)) return False for i, (se, oe) in enumerate(zip(, if not se.equals(oe): for k in se.FIELDS: if getattr(se, k) != getattr(oe, k): logging.debug("difference in field %r", k) logging.debug("event %d differs (self=%r, other=%r)", i, se.as_dict(), oe.as_dict()) return False return True else: raise TypeError("Cannot compare to non-SSAFile object") def __repr__(self): if max_time = max(ev.end for ev in self) s = f"" else: s = f"" return s # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MutableSequence implementation + sort() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def sort(self): """Sort subtitles time-wise, in-place.""" def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[SSAEvent]: return iter( def __getitem__(self, item: int): return[item] def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: SSAEvent): if isinstance(value, SSAEvent):[key] = value else: raise TypeError(" must contain only SSAEvent objects") def __delitem__(self, key: int): del[key] def __len__(self): return len( def insert(self, index: int, value: SSAEvent): if isinstance(value, SSAEvent):, value) else: raise TypeError(" must contain only SSAEvent objects")