""" websocket - WebSocket client library for Python Copyright (C) 2010 Hiroki Ohtani(liris) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import errno import os import socket import sys from ._exceptions import * from ._logging import * from ._socket import* from ._ssl_compat import * from ._url import * from base64 import encodebytes as base64encode __all__ = ["proxy_info", "connect", "read_headers"] try: import socks ProxyConnectionError = socks.ProxyConnectionError HAS_PYSOCKS = True except: class ProxyConnectionError(BaseException): pass HAS_PYSOCKS = False class proxy_info(object): def __init__(self, **options): self.type = options.get("proxy_type") or "http" if not(self.type in ['http', 'socks4', 'socks5', 'socks5h']): raise ValueError("proxy_type must be 'http', 'socks4', 'socks5' or 'socks5h'") self.host = options.get("http_proxy_host", None) if self.host: self.port = options.get("http_proxy_port", 0) self.auth = options.get("http_proxy_auth", None) self.no_proxy = options.get("http_no_proxy", None) else: self.port = 0 self.auth = None self.no_proxy = None def _open_proxied_socket(url, options, proxy): hostname, port, resource, is_secure = parse_url(url) if not HAS_PYSOCKS: raise WebSocketException("PySocks module not found.") ptype = socks.SOCKS5 rdns = False if proxy.type == "socks4": ptype = socks.SOCKS4 if proxy.type == "http": ptype = socks.HTTP if proxy.type[-1] == "h": rdns = True sock = socks.create_connection( (hostname, port), proxy_type=ptype, proxy_addr=proxy.host, proxy_port=proxy.port, proxy_rdns=rdns, proxy_username=proxy.auth[0] if proxy.auth else None, proxy_password=proxy.auth[1] if proxy.auth else None, timeout=options.timeout, socket_options=DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTION + options.sockopt ) if is_secure and HAVE_SSL: sock = _ssl_socket(sock, options.sslopt, hostname) elif is_secure: raise WebSocketException("SSL not available.") return sock, (hostname, port, resource) def connect(url, options, proxy, socket): if proxy.host and not socket and not (proxy.type == 'http'): return _open_proxied_socket(url, options, proxy) hostname, port, resource, is_secure = parse_url(url) if socket: return socket, (hostname, port, resource) addrinfo_list, need_tunnel, auth = _get_addrinfo_list( hostname, port, is_secure, proxy) if not addrinfo_list: raise WebSocketException( "Host not found.: " + hostname + ":" + str(port)) sock = None try: sock = _open_socket(addrinfo_list, options.sockopt, options.timeout) if need_tunnel: sock = _tunnel(sock, hostname, port, auth) if is_secure: if HAVE_SSL: sock = _ssl_socket(sock, options.sslopt, hostname) else: raise WebSocketException("SSL not available.") return sock, (hostname, port, resource) except: if sock: sock.close() raise def _get_addrinfo_list(hostname, port, is_secure, proxy): phost, pport, pauth = get_proxy_info( hostname, is_secure, proxy.host, proxy.port, proxy.auth, proxy.no_proxy) try: # when running on windows 10, getaddrinfo without socktype returns a socktype 0. # This generates an error exception: `_on_error: exception Socket type must be stream or datagram, not 0` # or `OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument` when creating socket. Force the socket type to SOCK_STREAM. if not phost: addrinfo_list = socket.getaddrinfo( hostname, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.SOL_TCP) return addrinfo_list, False, None else: pport = pport and pport or 80 # when running on windows 10, the getaddrinfo used above # returns a socktype 0. This generates an error exception: # _on_error: exception Socket type must be stream or datagram, not 0 # Force the socket type to SOCK_STREAM addrinfo_list = socket.getaddrinfo(phost, pport, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.SOL_TCP) return addrinfo_list, True, pauth except socket.gaierror as e: raise WebSocketAddressException(e) def _open_socket(addrinfo_list, sockopt, timeout): err = None for addrinfo in addrinfo_list: family, socktype, proto = addrinfo[:3] sock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto) sock.settimeout(timeout) for opts in DEFAULT_SOCKET_OPTION: sock.setsockopt(*opts) for opts in sockopt: sock.setsockopt(*opts) address = addrinfo[4] err = None while not err: try: sock.connect(address) except ProxyConnectionError as error: err = WebSocketProxyException(str(error)) err.remote_ip = str(address[0]) continue except socket.error as error: error.remote_ip = str(address[0]) try: eConnRefused = (errno.ECONNREFUSED, errno.WSAECONNREFUSED) except: eConnRefused = (errno.ECONNREFUSED, ) if error.errno == errno.EINTR: continue elif error.errno in eConnRefused: err = error continue else: if sock: sock.close() raise error else: break else: continue break else: if err: raise err return sock def _wrap_sni_socket(sock, sslopt, hostname, check_hostname): context = ssl.SSLContext(sslopt.get('ssl_version', ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)) if sslopt.get('cert_reqs', ssl.CERT_NONE) != ssl.CERT_NONE: cafile = sslopt.get('ca_certs', None) capath = sslopt.get('ca_cert_path', None) if cafile or capath: context.load_verify_locations(cafile=cafile, capath=capath) elif hasattr(context, 'load_default_certs'): context.load_default_certs(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH) if sslopt.get('certfile', None): context.load_cert_chain( sslopt['certfile'], sslopt.get('keyfile', None), sslopt.get('password', None), ) # see # https://github.com/liris/websocket-client/commit/b96a2e8fa765753e82eea531adb19716b52ca3ca#commitcomment-10803153 context.verify_mode = sslopt['cert_reqs'] if HAVE_CONTEXT_CHECK_HOSTNAME: context.check_hostname = check_hostname if 'ciphers' in sslopt: context.set_ciphers(sslopt['ciphers']) if 'cert_chain' in sslopt: certfile, keyfile, password = sslopt['cert_chain'] context.load_cert_chain(certfile, keyfile, password) if 'ecdh_curve' in sslopt: context.set_ecdh_curve(sslopt['ecdh_curve']) return context.wrap_socket( sock, do_handshake_on_connect=sslopt.get('do_handshake_on_connect', True), suppress_ragged_eofs=sslopt.get('suppress_ragged_eofs', True), server_hostname=hostname, ) def _ssl_socket(sock, user_sslopt, hostname): sslopt = dict(cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED) sslopt.update(user_sslopt) certPath = os.environ.get('WEBSOCKET_CLIENT_CA_BUNDLE') if certPath and os.path.isfile(certPath) \ and user_sslopt.get('ca_certs', None) is None: sslopt['ca_certs'] = certPath elif certPath and os.path.isdir(certPath) \ and user_sslopt.get('ca_cert_path', None) is None: sslopt['ca_cert_path'] = certPath check_hostname = sslopt["cert_reqs"] != ssl.CERT_NONE and sslopt.pop( 'check_hostname', True) sock = _wrap_sni_socket(sock, sslopt, hostname, check_hostname) if not HAVE_CONTEXT_CHECK_HOSTNAME and check_hostname: match_hostname(sock.getpeercert(), hostname) return sock def _tunnel(sock, host, port, auth): debug("Connecting proxy...") connect_header = "CONNECT %s:%d HTTP/1.1\r\n" % (host, port) connect_header += "Host: %s:%d\r\n" % (host, port) # TODO: support digest auth. if auth and auth[0]: auth_str = auth[0] if auth[1]: auth_str += ":" + auth[1] encoded_str = base64encode(auth_str.encode()).strip().decode().replace('\n', '') connect_header += "Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s\r\n" % encoded_str connect_header += "\r\n" dump("request header", connect_header) send(sock, connect_header) try: status, resp_headers, status_message = read_headers(sock) except Exception as e: raise WebSocketProxyException(str(e)) if status != 200: raise WebSocketProxyException( "failed CONNECT via proxy status: %r" % status) return sock def read_headers(sock): status = None status_message = None headers = {} trace("--- response header ---") while True: line = recv_line(sock) line = line.decode('utf-8').strip() if not line: break trace(line) if not status: status_info = line.split(" ", 2) status = int(status_info[1]) if len(status_info) > 2: status_message = status_info[2] else: kv = line.split(":", 1) if len(kv) == 2: key, value = kv if key.lower() == "set-cookie" and headers.get("set-cookie"): headers["set-cookie"] = headers.get("set-cookie") + "; " + value.strip() else: headers[key.lower()] = value.strip() else: raise WebSocketException("Invalid header") trace("-----------------------") return status, headers, status_message