import os import signal import socket import sys import time import unittest import warnings import cherrypy import cherrypy.process.servers from cherrypy._cpcompat import BadStatusLine, ntob from cherrypy.test import helper engine = cherrypy.engine thisdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)) class Dependency: def __init__(self, bus): self.bus = bus self.running = False self.startcount = 0 self.gracecount = 0 self.threads = {} def subscribe(self): self.bus.subscribe('start', self.start) self.bus.subscribe('stop', self.stop) self.bus.subscribe('graceful', self.graceful) self.bus.subscribe('start_thread', self.startthread) self.bus.subscribe('stop_thread', self.stopthread) def start(self): self.running = True self.startcount += 1 def stop(self): self.running = False def graceful(self): self.gracecount += 1 def startthread(self, thread_id): self.threads[thread_id] = None def stopthread(self, thread_id): del self.threads[thread_id] db_connection = Dependency(engine) def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return 'Hello World' @cherrypy.expose def ctrlc(self): raise KeyboardInterrupt() @cherrypy.expose def graceful(self): engine.graceful() return 'app was (gracefully) restarted succesfully' @cherrypy.expose def block_explicit(self): while True: if cherrypy.response.timed_out: cherrypy.response.timed_out = False return 'broken!' time.sleep(0.01) @cherrypy.expose def block_implicit(self): time.sleep(0.5) return 'response.timeout = %s' % cherrypy.response.timeout cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) cherrypy.config.update({ 'environment': 'test_suite', 'engine.timeout_monitor.frequency': 0.1, }) db_connection.subscribe() # ------------ Enough helpers. Time for real live test cases. ------------ # class ServerStateTests(helper.CPWebCase): setup_server = staticmethod(setup_server) def setUp(self): cherrypy.server.socket_timeout = 0.1 self.do_gc_test = False def test_0_NormalStateFlow(self): engine.stop() # Our db_connection should not be running self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False) self.assertEqual(db_connection.startcount, 1) self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0) # Test server start engine.start() self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STARTED) host = cherrypy.server.socket_host port = cherrypy.server.socket_port self.assertRaises(IOError, cherrypy._cpserver.check_port, host, port) # The db_connection should be running now self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True) self.assertEqual(db_connection.startcount, 2) self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0) self.getPage('/') self.assertBody('Hello World') self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 1) # Test engine stop. This will also stop the HTTP server. engine.stop() self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STOPPED) # Verify that our custom stop function was called self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False) self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0) # Block the main thread now and verify that exit() works. def exittest(): self.getPage('/') self.assertBody('Hello World') engine.exit() cherrypy.server.start() engine.start_with_callback(exittest) engine.block() self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.EXITING) def test_1_Restart(self): cherrypy.server.start() engine.start() # The db_connection should be running now self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True) grace = db_connection.gracecount self.getPage('/') self.assertBody('Hello World') self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 1) # Test server restart from this thread engine.graceful() self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STARTED) self.getPage('/') self.assertBody('Hello World') self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True) self.assertEqual(db_connection.gracecount, grace + 1) self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 1) # Test server restart from inside a page handler self.getPage('/graceful') self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STARTED) self.assertBody('app was (gracefully) restarted succesfully') self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, True) self.assertEqual(db_connection.gracecount, grace + 2) # Since we are requesting synchronously, is only one thread used? # Note that the "/graceful" request has been flushed. self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0) engine.stop() self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.STOPPED) self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False) self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0) def test_2_KeyboardInterrupt(self): # Raise a keyboard interrupt in the HTTP server's main thread. # We must start the server in this, the main thread engine.start() cherrypy.server.start() self.persistent = True try: # Make the first request and assert there's no "Connection: close". self.getPage('/') self.assertStatus('200 OK') self.assertBody('Hello World') self.assertNoHeader('Connection') cherrypy.server.httpserver.interrupt = KeyboardInterrupt engine.block() self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False) self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0) self.assertEqual(engine.state, engine.states.EXITING) finally: self.persistent = False # Raise a keyboard interrupt in a page handler; on multithreaded # servers, this should occur in one of the worker threads. # This should raise a BadStatusLine error, since the worker # thread will just die without writing a response. engine.start() cherrypy.server.start() # From python3.5 a new exception is retuned when the connection # ends abruptly: # http.client.RemoteDisconnected # RemoteDisconnected is a subclass of: # (ConnectionResetError, http.client.BadStatusLine) # and ConnectionResetError is an indirect subclass of: # OSError # From python 3.3 an up socket.error is an alias to OSError # following PEP-3151, therefore http.client.RemoteDisconnected # is considered a socket.error. # # raise_subcls specifies the classes that are not going # to be considered as a socket.error for the retries. # Given that RemoteDisconnected is part BadStatusLine # we can use the same call for all py3 versions without # sideffects. python < 3.5 will raise directly BadStatusLine # which is not a subclass for socket.error/OSError. try: self.getPage('/ctrlc', raise_subcls=BadStatusLine) except BadStatusLine: pass else: print(self.body)'AssertionError: BadStatusLine not raised') engine.block() self.assertEqual(db_connection.running, False) self.assertEqual(len(db_connection.threads), 0) def test_3_Deadlocks(self): cherrypy.config.update({'response.timeout': 0.2}) engine.start() cherrypy.server.start() try: self.assertNotEqual(engine.timeout_monitor.thread, None) # Request a "normal" page. self.assertEqual(engine.timeout_monitor.servings, []) self.getPage('/') self.assertBody('Hello World') # request.close is called async. while engine.timeout_monitor.servings: sys.stdout.write('.') time.sleep(0.01) # Request a page that explicitly checks itself for deadlock. # The deadlock_timeout should be 2 secs. self.getPage('/block_explicit') self.assertBody('broken!') # Request a page that implicitly breaks deadlock. # If we deadlock, we want to touch as little code as possible, # so we won't even call handle_error, just bail ASAP. self.getPage('/block_implicit') self.assertStatus(500) self.assertInBody('raise cherrypy.TimeoutError()') finally: engine.exit() def test_4_Autoreload(self): # If test_3 has not been executed, the server won't be stopped, # so we'll have to do it. if engine.state != engine.states.EXITING: engine.exit() # Start the demo script in a new process p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https')) p.write_conf(extra='test_case_name: "test_4_Autoreload"') p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') try: self.getPage('/start') start = float(self.body) # Give the autoreloader time to cache the file time. time.sleep(2) # Touch the file os.utime(os.path.join(thisdir, ''), None) # Give the autoreloader time to re-exec the process time.sleep(2) host = cherrypy.server.socket_host port = cherrypy.server.socket_port cherrypy._cpserver.wait_for_occupied_port(host, port) self.getPage('/start') if not (float(self.body) > start): raise AssertionError('start time %s not greater than %s' % (float(self.body), start)) finally: # Shut down the spawned process self.getPage('/exit') p.join() def test_5_Start_Error(self): # If test_3 has not been executed, the server won't be stopped, # so we'll have to do it. if engine.state != engine.states.EXITING: engine.exit() # If a process errors during start, it should stop the engine # and exit with a non-zero exit code. p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https'), wait=True) p.write_conf( extra="""starterror: True test_case_name: "test_5_Start_Error" """ ) p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') if p.exit_code == 0:'Process failed to return nonzero exit code.') class PluginTests(helper.CPWebCase): def test_daemonize(self): if not in ['posix']: return self.skip('skipped (not on posix) ') self.HOST = '' self.PORT = 8081 # Spawn the process and wait, when this returns, the original process # is finished. If it daemonized properly, we should still be able # to access pages. p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https'), wait=True, daemonize=True, socket_host='', socket_port=8081) p.write_conf( extra='test_case_name: "test_daemonize"') p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') try: # Just get the pid of the daemonization process. self.getPage('/pid') self.assertStatus(200) page_pid = int(self.body) self.assertEqual(page_pid, p.get_pid()) finally: # Shut down the spawned process self.getPage('/exit') p.join() # Wait until here to test the exit code because we want to ensure # that we wait for the daemon to finish running before we fail. if p.exit_code != 0:'Daemonized parent process failed to exit cleanly.') class SignalHandlingTests(helper.CPWebCase): def test_SIGHUP_tty(self): # When not daemonized, SIGHUP should shut down the server. try: from signal import SIGHUP except ImportError: return self.skip('skipped (no SIGHUP) ') # Spawn the process. p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https')) p.write_conf( extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGHUP_tty"') p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') # Send a SIGHUP os.kill(p.get_pid(), SIGHUP) # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh. p.join() def test_SIGHUP_daemonized(self): # When daemonized, SIGHUP should restart the server. try: from signal import SIGHUP except ImportError: return self.skip('skipped (no SIGHUP) ') if not in ['posix']: return self.skip('skipped (not on posix) ') # Spawn the process and wait, when this returns, the original process # is finished. If it daemonized properly, we should still be able # to access pages. p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https'), wait=True, daemonize=True) p.write_conf( extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGHUP_daemonized"') p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') pid = p.get_pid() try: # Send a SIGHUP os.kill(pid, SIGHUP) # Give the server some time to restart time.sleep(2) self.getPage('/pid') self.assertStatus(200) new_pid = int(self.body) self.assertNotEqual(new_pid, pid) finally: # Shut down the spawned process self.getPage('/exit') p.join() def _require_signal_and_kill(self, signal_name): if not hasattr(signal, signal_name): self.skip('skipped (no %(signal_name)s)' % vars()) if not hasattr(os, 'kill'): self.skip('skipped (no os.kill)') def test_SIGTERM(self): 'SIGTERM should shut down the server whether daemonized or not.' self._require_signal_and_kill('SIGTERM') # Spawn a normal, undaemonized process. p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https')) p.write_conf( extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGTERM"') p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') # Send a SIGTERM os.kill(p.get_pid(), signal.SIGTERM) # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh. p.join() if in ['posix']: # Spawn a daemonized process and test again. p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https'), wait=True, daemonize=True) p.write_conf( extra='test_case_name: "test_SIGTERM_2"') p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') # Send a SIGTERM os.kill(p.get_pid(), signal.SIGTERM) # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh. p.join() def test_signal_handler_unsubscribe(self): self._require_signal_and_kill('SIGTERM') # Although Windows has `os.kill` and SIGTERM is defined, the # platform does not implement signals and sending SIGTERM # will result in a forced termination of the process. # Therefore, this test is not suitable for Windows. if == 'nt': self.skip('SIGTERM not available') # Spawn a normal, undaemonized process. p = helper.CPProcess(ssl=(self.scheme.lower() == 'https')) p.write_conf( extra="""unsubsig: True test_case_name: "test_signal_handler_unsubscribe" """) p.start(imports='cherrypy.test._test_states_demo') # Ask the process to quit os.kill(p.get_pid(), signal.SIGTERM) # This might hang if things aren't working right, but meh. p.join() # Assert the old handler ran. target_line = open(p.error_log, 'rb').readlines()[-10] if not ntob('I am an old SIGTERM handler.') in target_line:'Old SIGTERM handler did not run.\n%r' % target_line) class WaitTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_wait_for_occupied_port_INADDR_ANY(self): """ Wait on INADDR_ANY should not raise IOError In cases where the loopback interface does not exist, CherryPy cannot effectively determine if a port binding to INADDR_ANY was effected. In this situation, CherryPy should assume that it failed to detect the binding (not that the binding failed) and only warn that it could not verify it. """ # At such a time that CherryPy can reliably determine one or more # viable IP addresses of the host, this test may be removed. # Simulate the behavior we observe when no loopback interface is # present by: finding a port that's not occupied, then wait on it. free_port = self.find_free_port() servers = cherrypy.process.servers def with_shorter_timeouts(func): """ A context where occupied_port_timeout is much smaller to speed test runs. """ # When we have Python 2.5, simplify using the with_statement. orig_timeout = servers.occupied_port_timeout servers.occupied_port_timeout = .07 try: func() finally: servers.occupied_port_timeout = orig_timeout def do_waiting(): # Wait on the free port that's unbound with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: servers.wait_for_occupied_port('', free_port) self.assertEqual(len(w), 1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(w[0], warnings.WarningMessage)) self.assertTrue( 'Unable to verify that the server is bound on ' in str(w[0])) # The wait should still raise an IO error if INADDR_ANY was # not supplied. self.assertRaises(IOError, servers.wait_for_occupied_port, '', free_port) with_shorter_timeouts(do_waiting) def find_free_port(self): 'Find a free port by binding to port 0 then unbinding.' sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(('', 0)) free_port = sock.getsockname()[1] sock.close() return free_port