from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals import re from .formatbase import FormatBase from .ssaevent import SSAEvent from .ssastyle import SSAStyle from .substation import parse_tags from .time import ms_to_times, make_time, tmptimestamp_to_ms #: Pattern that matches TMP timestamp TMPTIMESTAMP = re.compile(r"(\d{1,2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})") #: Pattern that matches TMP line TMP_LINE = re.compile(r"(\d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2}):(.+)") #: Largest timestamp allowed in Tmp, ie. 99:59:59. MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME = make_time(h=100) - 1 def ms_to_timestamp(ms): """Convert ms to 'HH:MM:SS'""" # XXX throw on overflow/underflow? if ms < 0: ms = 0 if ms > MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME: ms = MAX_REPRESENTABLE_TIME h, m, s, ms = ms_to_times(ms) return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) class TmpFormat(FormatBase): @classmethod def guess_format(cls, text): if "[Script Info]" in text or "[V4+ Styles]" in text: # disambiguation vs. SSA/ASS return None for line in text.splitlines(): if TMP_LINE.match(line) and len(TMP_LINE.findall(line)) == 1: return "tmp" @classmethod def from_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, **kwargs): timestamps = [] # (start) lines = [] # contains lists of lines following each timestamp for line in fp: match = TMP_LINE.match(line) if not match: continue start, text = match.groups() start = tmptimestamp_to_ms(TMPTIMESTAMP.match(start).groups()) #calculate endtime from starttime + 500 miliseconds + 67 miliseconds per each character (15 chars per second) end = start + 500 + (len(line) * 67) timestamps.append((start, end)) lines.append(text) def prepare_text(lines): lines = lines.replace("|", r"\N") # convert newlines lines = re.sub(r"< *u *>", "{\\\\u1}", lines) # not r" for Python 2.7 compat, triggers unicodeescape lines = re.sub(r"< */? *[a-zA-Z][^>]*>", "", lines) # strip other HTML tags return lines = [SSAEvent(start=start, end=end, text=prepare_text(lines)) for (start, end), lines in zip(timestamps, lines)] @classmethod def to_file(cls, subs, fp, format_, **kwargs): def prepare_text(text, style): body = [] for fragment, sty in parse_tags(text, style, subs.styles): fragment = fragment.replace(r"\h", " ") fragment = fragment.replace(r"\n", "\n") fragment = fragment.replace(r"\N", "\n") if sty.italic: fragment = "%s" % fragment if sty.underline: fragment = "%s" % fragment if sty.strikeout: fragment = "%s" % fragment body.append(fragment) return re.sub("\n+", "\n", "".join(body).strip()) visible_lines = (line for line in subs if not line.is_comment) for i, line in enumerate(visible_lines, 1): start = ms_to_timestamp(line.start) #end = ms_to_timestamp(line.end) text = prepare_text(line.text, subs.styles.get(, SSAStyle.DEFAULT_STYLE)) #print("%d" % i, file=fp) # Python 2.7 compat print(start + ":" + text, end="\n", file=fp) #print(text, end="\n\n", file=fp)