import datetime import json import re import typing from datetime import timedelta from decimal import Decimal import babelfish import yaml from yaml.composer import Composer from yaml.constructor import SafeConstructor from yaml.parser import Parser from yaml.reader import Reader from yaml.resolver import Resolver as DefaultResolver from yaml.scanner import Scanner from knowit.units import units from knowit.utils import round_decimal def format_property(profile: str, o): """Convert properties to string.""" if isinstance(o, timedelta): return format_duration(o, profile) if isinstance(o, babelfish.language.Language): return format_language(o, profile) if hasattr(o, 'units'): return format_quantity(o, profile) return str(o) def get_json_encoder(context): """Return json encoder that handles all needed object types.""" class StringEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """String json encoder.""" def default(self, o): return format_property(context['profile'], o) return StringEncoder def get_yaml_dumper(context): """Return yaml dumper that handles all needed object types.""" class CustomDumper(yaml.SafeDumper): """Custom YAML Dumper.""" def default_representer(self, data): """Convert data to string.""" if isinstance(data, int): return self.represent_int(data) return self.represent_str(str(data)) def default_language_representer(self, data): """Convert language to string.""" return self.represent_str(format_language(data, context['profile'])) def default_quantity_representer(self, data): """Convert quantity to string.""" return self.default_representer(format_quantity(data, context['profile'])) def default_duration_representer(self, data): """Convert quantity to string.""" return self.default_representer(format_duration(data, context['profile'])) CustomDumper.add_representer(babelfish.Language, CustomDumper.default_language_representer) CustomDumper.add_representer(timedelta, CustomDumper.default_duration_representer) CustomDumper.add_representer(units.Quantity, CustomDumper.default_quantity_representer) CustomDumper.add_representer(Decimal, CustomDumper.default_representer) return CustomDumper def get_yaml_loader(constructors=None): """Return a yaml loader that handles sequences as python lists.""" constructors = constructors or {} yaml_implicit_resolvers = dict(DefaultResolver.yaml_implicit_resolvers) class Resolver(DefaultResolver): """Custom YAML Resolver.""" Resolver.yaml_implicit_resolvers.clear() for ch, vs in yaml_implicit_resolvers.items(): Resolver.yaml_implicit_resolvers.setdefault(ch, []).extend( (tag, regexp) for tag, regexp in vs if not tag.endswith('float') ) Resolver.add_implicit_resolver( # regex copied from yaml source '!decimal', re.compile(r'''^(?: [-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)\.[0-9_]*(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)? |\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+][0-9]+)? |[-+]?[0-9][0-9_]*(?::[0-9]?[0-9])+\.[0-9_]* |[-+]?\.(?:inf|Inf|INF) |\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN) )$''', re.VERBOSE), list('-+0123456789.') ) class CustomLoader(Reader, Scanner, Parser, Composer, SafeConstructor, Resolver): """Custom YAML Loader.""" def __init__(self, stream): Reader.__init__(self, stream) Scanner.__init__(self) Parser.__init__(self) Composer.__init__(self) SafeConstructor.__init__(self) Resolver.__init__(self) CustomLoader.add_constructor(',2002:seq', yaml.Loader.construct_python_tuple) for tag, constructor in constructors.items(): CustomLoader.add_constructor(tag, constructor) def decimal_constructor(loader, node): value = loader.construct_scalar(node) return Decimal(value) CustomLoader.add_constructor('!decimal', decimal_constructor) return CustomLoader def format_duration( duration: datetime.timedelta, profile='default', ) -> typing.Union[str, Decimal]: if profile == 'technical': return str(duration) seconds = duration.total_seconds() if profile == 'code': return round_decimal( Decimal((duration.days * 86400 + duration.seconds) * 10 ** 6 + duration.microseconds) / 10**6, min_digits=1 ) hours = int(seconds // 3600) seconds = seconds - (hours * 3600) minutes = int(seconds // 60) seconds = int(seconds - (minutes * 60)) if profile == 'human': if hours > 0: return f'{hours} hours {minutes:02d} minutes { seconds:02d} seconds' if minutes > 0: return f'{minutes} minutes {seconds:02d} seconds' return f'{seconds} seconds' return f'{hours}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}' def format_language( language: babelfish.language.Language, profile: str = 'default', ) -> str: if profile in ('default', 'human'): return str( return str(language) def format_quantity( quantity, profile='default', ) -> str: """Human friendly format.""" if profile == 'code': return quantity.magnitude unit = quantity.units if unit != 'bit': technical = profile == 'technical' if unit == 'hertz': return _format_quantity(quantity.magnitude, unit='Hz', binary=technical, precision=3 if technical else 1) root_unit = quantity.to_root_units().units if root_unit == 'bit': return _format_quantity(quantity.magnitude, binary=technical, precision=3 if technical else 2) if root_unit == 'bit / second': return _format_quantity(quantity.magnitude, unit='bps', binary=technical, precision=3 if technical else 1) return str(quantity) def _format_quantity( num, unit: str = 'B', binary: bool = False, precision: int = 2, ) -> str: if binary: factor = 1024 affix = 'i' else: factor = 1000 affix = '' for prefix in ('', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z'): if abs(num) < factor: break num /= factor else: prefix = 'Y' return f'{num:3.{precision}f} {prefix}{affix}{unit}' YAMLLoader = get_yaml_loader()