# testing/fixtures.py # Copyright (C) 2005-2023 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # mypy: ignore-errors from __future__ import annotations import itertools import re import sys import sqlalchemy as sa from . import assertions from . import config from . import schema from .assertions import eq_ from .assertions import ne_ from .entities import BasicEntity from .entities import ComparableEntity from .entities import ComparableMixin # noqa from .util import adict from .util import drop_all_tables_from_metadata from .. import Column from .. import event from .. import func from .. import Integer from .. import select from .. import Table from .. import util from ..orm import DeclarativeBase from ..orm import events as orm_events from ..orm import MappedAsDataclass from ..orm import registry from ..schema import sort_tables_and_constraints from ..sql import visitors from ..sql.elements import ClauseElement @config.mark_base_test_class() class TestBase: # A sequence of requirement names matching testing.requires decorators __requires__ = () # A sequence of dialect names to exclude from the test class. __unsupported_on__ = () # If present, test class is only runnable for the *single* specified # dialect. If you need multiple, use __unsupported_on__ and invert. __only_on__ = None # A sequence of no-arg callables. If any are True, the entire testcase is # skipped. __skip_if__ = None # if True, the testing reaper will not attempt to touch connection # state after a test is completed and before the outer teardown # starts __leave_connections_for_teardown__ = False def assert_(self, val, msg=None): assert val, msg @config.fixture() def nocache(self): _cache = config.db._compiled_cache config.db._compiled_cache = None yield config.db._compiled_cache = _cache @config.fixture() def connection_no_trans(self): eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db with eng.connect() as conn: yield conn @config.fixture() def connection(self): global _connection_fixture_connection eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db conn = eng.connect() trans = conn.begin() _connection_fixture_connection = conn yield conn _connection_fixture_connection = None if trans.is_active: trans.rollback() # trans would not be active here if the test is using # the legacy @provide_metadata decorator still, as it will # run a close all connections. conn.close() @config.fixture() def close_result_when_finished(self): to_close = [] to_consume = [] def go(result, consume=False): to_close.append(result) if consume: to_consume.append(result) yield go for r in to_consume: try: r.all() except: pass for r in to_close: try: r.close() except: pass @config.fixture() def registry(self, metadata): reg = registry( metadata=metadata, type_annotation_map={ str: sa.String().with_variant( sa.String(50), "mysql", "mariadb", "oracle" ) }, ) yield reg reg.dispose() @config.fixture def decl_base(self, metadata): _md = metadata class Base(DeclarativeBase): metadata = _md type_annotation_map = { str: sa.String().with_variant( sa.String(50), "mysql", "mariadb", "oracle" ) } yield Base Base.registry.dispose() @config.fixture def dc_decl_base(self, metadata): _md = metadata class Base(MappedAsDataclass, DeclarativeBase): metadata = _md type_annotation_map = { str: sa.String().with_variant( sa.String(50), "mysql", "mariadb" ) } yield Base Base.registry.dispose() @config.fixture() def future_connection(self, future_engine, connection): # integrate the future_engine and connection fixtures so # that users of the "connection" fixture will get at the # "future" connection yield connection @config.fixture() def future_engine(self): yield @config.fixture() def testing_engine(self): from . import engines def gen_testing_engine( url=None, options=None, future=None, asyncio=False, transfer_staticpool=False, share_pool=False, ): if options is None: options = {} options["scope"] = "fixture" return engines.testing_engine( url=url, options=options, asyncio=asyncio, transfer_staticpool=transfer_staticpool, share_pool=share_pool, ) yield gen_testing_engine engines.testing_reaper._drop_testing_engines("fixture") @config.fixture() def async_testing_engine(self, testing_engine): def go(**kw): kw["asyncio"] = True return testing_engine(**kw) return go @config.fixture def fixture_session(self): return fixture_session() @config.fixture() def metadata(self, request): """Provide bound MetaData for a single test, dropping afterwards.""" from ..sql import schema metadata = schema.MetaData() request.instance.metadata = metadata yield metadata del request.instance.metadata if ( _connection_fixture_connection and _connection_fixture_connection.in_transaction() ): trans = _connection_fixture_connection.get_transaction() trans.rollback() with _connection_fixture_connection.begin(): drop_all_tables_from_metadata( metadata, _connection_fixture_connection ) else: drop_all_tables_from_metadata(metadata, config.db) @config.fixture( params=[ (rollback, second_operation, begin_nested) for rollback in (True, False) for second_operation in ("none", "execute", "begin") for begin_nested in ( True, False, ) ] ) def trans_ctx_manager_fixture(self, request, metadata): rollback, second_operation, begin_nested = request.param t = Table("test", metadata, Column("data", Integer)) eng = getattr(self, "bind", None) or config.db t.create(eng) def run_test(subject, trans_on_subject, execute_on_subject): with subject.begin() as trans: if begin_nested: if not config.requirements.savepoints.enabled: config.skip_test("savepoints not enabled") if execute_on_subject: nested_trans = subject.begin_nested() else: nested_trans = trans.begin_nested() with nested_trans: if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) # for nested trans, we always commit/rollback on the # "nested trans" object itself. # only Session(future=False) will affect savepoint # transaction for session.commit/rollback if rollback: nested_trans.rollback() else: nested_trans.commit() if second_operation != "none": with assertions.expect_raises_message( sa.exc.InvalidRequestError, "Can't operate on closed transaction " "inside context " "manager. Please complete the context " "manager " "before emitting further commands.", ): if second_operation == "execute": if execute_on_subject: subject.execute( t.insert(), {"data": 12} ) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 12}) elif second_operation == "begin": if execute_on_subject: subject.begin_nested() else: trans.begin_nested() # outside the nested trans block, but still inside the # transaction block, we can run SQL, and it will be # committed if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 14}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 14}) else: if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 10}) if trans_on_subject: if rollback: subject.rollback() else: subject.commit() else: if rollback: trans.rollback() else: trans.commit() if second_operation != "none": with assertions.expect_raises_message( sa.exc.InvalidRequestError, "Can't operate on closed transaction inside " "context " "manager. Please complete the context manager " "before emitting further commands.", ): if second_operation == "execute": if execute_on_subject: subject.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 12}) else: trans.execute(t.insert(), {"data": 12}) elif second_operation == "begin": if hasattr(trans, "begin"): trans.begin() else: subject.begin() elif second_operation == "begin_nested": if execute_on_subject: subject.begin_nested() else: trans.begin_nested() expected_committed = 0 if begin_nested: # begin_nested variant, we inserted a row after the nested # block expected_committed += 1 if not rollback: # not rollback variant, our row inserted in the target # block itself would be committed expected_committed += 1 if execute_on_subject: eq_( subject.scalar(select(func.count()).select_from(t)), expected_committed, ) else: with subject.connect() as conn: eq_( conn.scalar(select(func.count()).select_from(t)), expected_committed, ) return run_test _connection_fixture_connection = None class FutureEngineMixin: """alembic's suite still using this""" class TablesTest(TestBase): # 'once', None run_setup_bind = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_define_tables = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_create_tables = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_inserts = "each" # 'each', None run_deletes = "each" # 'once', None run_dispose_bind = None bind = None _tables_metadata = None tables = None other = None sequences = None @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class") def _setup_tables_test_class(self): cls = self.__class__ cls._init_class() cls._setup_once_tables() cls._setup_once_inserts() yield cls._teardown_once_metadata_bind() @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def _setup_tables_test_instance(self): self._setup_each_tables() self._setup_each_inserts() yield self._teardown_each_tables() @property def tables_test_metadata(self): return self._tables_metadata @classmethod def _init_class(cls): if cls.run_define_tables == "each": if cls.run_create_tables == "once": cls.run_create_tables = "each" assert cls.run_inserts in ("each", None) cls.other = adict() cls.tables = adict() cls.sequences = adict() cls.bind = cls.setup_bind() cls._tables_metadata = sa.MetaData() @classmethod def _setup_once_inserts(cls): if cls.run_inserts == "once": cls._load_fixtures() with cls.bind.begin() as conn: cls.insert_data(conn) @classmethod def _setup_once_tables(cls): if cls.run_define_tables == "once": cls.define_tables(cls._tables_metadata) if cls.run_create_tables == "once": cls._tables_metadata.create_all(cls.bind) cls.tables.update(cls._tables_metadata.tables) cls.sequences.update(cls._tables_metadata._sequences) def _setup_each_tables(self): if self.run_define_tables == "each": self.define_tables(self._tables_metadata) if self.run_create_tables == "each": self._tables_metadata.create_all(self.bind) self.tables.update(self._tables_metadata.tables) self.sequences.update(self._tables_metadata._sequences) elif self.run_create_tables == "each": self._tables_metadata.create_all(self.bind) def _setup_each_inserts(self): if self.run_inserts == "each": self._load_fixtures() with self.bind.begin() as conn: self.insert_data(conn) def _teardown_each_tables(self): if self.run_define_tables == "each": self.tables.clear() if self.run_create_tables == "each": drop_all_tables_from_metadata(self._tables_metadata, self.bind) self._tables_metadata.clear() elif self.run_create_tables == "each": drop_all_tables_from_metadata(self._tables_metadata, self.bind) savepoints = getattr(config.requirements, "savepoints", False) if savepoints: savepoints = savepoints.enabled # no need to run deletes if tables are recreated on setup if ( self.run_define_tables != "each" and self.run_create_tables != "each" and self.run_deletes == "each" ): with self.bind.begin() as conn: for table in reversed( [ t for (t, fks) in sort_tables_and_constraints( self._tables_metadata.tables.values() ) if t is not None ] ): try: if savepoints: with conn.begin_nested(): conn.execute(table.delete()) else: conn.execute(table.delete()) except sa.exc.DBAPIError as ex: print( ("Error emptying table %s: %r" % (table, ex)), file=sys.stderr, ) @classmethod def _teardown_once_metadata_bind(cls): if cls.run_create_tables: drop_all_tables_from_metadata(cls._tables_metadata, cls.bind) if cls.run_dispose_bind == "once": cls.dispose_bind(cls.bind) cls._tables_metadata.bind = None if cls.run_setup_bind is not None: cls.bind = None @classmethod def setup_bind(cls): return config.db @classmethod def dispose_bind(cls, bind): if hasattr(bind, "dispose"): bind.dispose() elif hasattr(bind, "close"): bind.close() @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): pass @classmethod def fixtures(cls): return {} @classmethod def insert_data(cls, connection): pass def sql_count_(self, count, fn): self.assert_sql_count(self.bind, fn, count) def sql_eq_(self, callable_, statements): self.assert_sql(self.bind, callable_, statements) @classmethod def _load_fixtures(cls): """Insert rows as represented by the fixtures() method.""" headers, rows = {}, {} for table, data in cls.fixtures().items(): if len(data) < 2: continue if isinstance(table, str): table = cls.tables[table] headers[table] = data[0] rows[table] = data[1:] for table, fks in sort_tables_and_constraints( cls._tables_metadata.tables.values() ): if table is None: continue if table not in headers: continue with cls.bind.begin() as conn: conn.execute( table.insert(), [ dict(zip(headers[table], column_values)) for column_values in rows[table] ], ) class NoCache: @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def _disable_cache(self): _cache = config.db._compiled_cache config.db._compiled_cache = None yield config.db._compiled_cache = _cache class RemovesEvents: @util.memoized_property def _event_fns(self): return set() def event_listen(self, target, name, fn, **kw): self._event_fns.add((target, name, fn)) event.listen(target, name, fn, **kw) @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def _remove_events(self): yield for key in self._event_fns: event.remove(*key) class RemoveORMEventsGlobally: @config.fixture(autouse=True) def _remove_listeners(self): yield orm_events.MapperEvents._clear() orm_events.InstanceEvents._clear() orm_events.SessionEvents._clear() orm_events.InstrumentationEvents._clear() orm_events.QueryEvents._clear() _fixture_sessions = set() def fixture_session(**kw): kw.setdefault("autoflush", True) kw.setdefault("expire_on_commit", True) bind = kw.pop("bind", config.db) sess = sa.orm.Session(bind, **kw) _fixture_sessions.add(sess) return sess def _close_all_sessions(): # will close all still-referenced sessions sa.orm.session.close_all_sessions() _fixture_sessions.clear() def stop_test_class_inside_fixtures(cls): _close_all_sessions() sa.orm.clear_mappers() def after_test(): if _fixture_sessions: _close_all_sessions() class ORMTest(TestBase): pass class MappedTest(TablesTest, assertions.AssertsExecutionResults): # 'once', 'each', None run_setup_classes = "once" # 'once', 'each', None run_setup_mappers = "each" classes = None @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class") def _setup_tables_test_class(self): cls = self.__class__ cls._init_class() if cls.classes is None: cls.classes = adict() cls._setup_once_tables() cls._setup_once_classes() cls._setup_once_mappers() cls._setup_once_inserts() yield cls._teardown_once_class() cls._teardown_once_metadata_bind() @config.fixture(autouse=True, scope="function") def _setup_tables_test_instance(self): self._setup_each_tables() self._setup_each_classes() self._setup_each_mappers() self._setup_each_inserts() yield sa.orm.session.close_all_sessions() self._teardown_each_mappers() self._teardown_each_classes() self._teardown_each_tables() @classmethod def _teardown_once_class(cls): cls.classes.clear() @classmethod def _setup_once_classes(cls): if cls.run_setup_classes == "once": cls._with_register_classes(cls.setup_classes) @classmethod def _setup_once_mappers(cls): if cls.run_setup_mappers == "once": cls.mapper_registry, cls.mapper = cls._generate_registry() cls._with_register_classes(cls.setup_mappers) def _setup_each_mappers(self): if self.run_setup_mappers != "once": ( self.__class__.mapper_registry, self.__class__.mapper, ) = self._generate_registry() if self.run_setup_mappers == "each": self._with_register_classes(self.setup_mappers) def _setup_each_classes(self): if self.run_setup_classes == "each": self._with_register_classes(self.setup_classes) @classmethod def _generate_registry(cls): decl = registry(metadata=cls._tables_metadata) return decl, decl.map_imperatively @classmethod def _with_register_classes(cls, fn): """Run a setup method, framing the operation with a Base class that will catch new subclasses to be established within the "classes" registry. """ cls_registry = cls.classes class _Base: def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: assert cls_registry is not None cls_registry[cls.__name__] = cls super().__init_subclass__() class Basic(BasicEntity, _Base): pass class Comparable(ComparableEntity, _Base): pass cls.Basic = Basic cls.Comparable = Comparable fn() def _teardown_each_mappers(self): # some tests create mappers in the test bodies # and will define setup_mappers as None - # clear mappers in any case if self.run_setup_mappers != "once": sa.orm.clear_mappers() def _teardown_each_classes(self): if self.run_setup_classes != "once": self.classes.clear() @classmethod def setup_classes(cls): pass @classmethod def setup_mappers(cls): pass class DeclarativeMappedTest(MappedTest): run_setup_classes = "once" run_setup_mappers = "once" @classmethod def _setup_once_tables(cls): pass @classmethod def _with_register_classes(cls, fn): cls_registry = cls.classes class _DeclBase(DeclarativeBase): __table_cls__ = schema.Table metadata = cls._tables_metadata type_annotation_map = { str: sa.String().with_variant( sa.String(50), "mysql", "mariadb", "oracle" ) } def __init_subclass__(cls, **kw) -> None: assert cls_registry is not None cls_registry[cls.__name__] = cls super().__init_subclass__(**kw) cls.DeclarativeBasic = _DeclBase # sets up cls.Basic which is helpful for things like composite # classes super()._with_register_classes(fn) if cls._tables_metadata.tables and cls.run_create_tables: cls._tables_metadata.create_all(config.db) class ComputedReflectionFixtureTest(TablesTest): run_inserts = run_deletes = None __backend__ = True __requires__ = ("computed_columns", "table_reflection") regexp = re.compile(r"[\[\]\(\)\s`'\"]*") def normalize(self, text): return self.regexp.sub("", text).lower() @classmethod def define_tables(cls, metadata): from .. import Integer from .. import testing from ..schema import Column from ..schema import Computed from ..schema import Table Table( "computed_default_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("normal", Integer), Column("computed_col", Integer, Computed("normal + 42")), Column("with_default", Integer, server_default="42"), ) t = Table( "computed_column_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("normal", Integer), Column("computed_no_flag", Integer, Computed("normal + 42")), ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: t2 = Table( "computed_column_table", metadata, Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True), Column("normal", Integer), Column("computed_no_flag", Integer, Computed("normal / 42")), schema=config.test_schema, ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_virtual.enabled: t.append_column( Column( "computed_virtual", Integer, Computed("normal + 2", persisted=False), ) ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: t2.append_column( Column( "computed_virtual", Integer, Computed("normal / 2", persisted=False), ) ) if testing.requires.computed_columns_stored.enabled: t.append_column( Column( "computed_stored", Integer, Computed("normal - 42", persisted=True), ) ) if testing.requires.schemas.enabled: t2.append_column( Column( "computed_stored", Integer, Computed("normal * 42", persisted=True), ) ) class CacheKeyFixture: def _compare_equal(self, a, b, compare_values): a_key = a._generate_cache_key() b_key = b._generate_cache_key() if a_key is None: assert a._annotations.get("nocache") assert b_key is None else: eq_(a_key.key, b_key.key) eq_(hash(a_key.key), hash(b_key.key)) for a_param, b_param in zip(a_key.bindparams, b_key.bindparams): assert a_param.compare(b_param, compare_values=compare_values) return a_key, b_key def _run_cache_key_fixture(self, fixture, compare_values): case_a = fixture() case_b = fixture() for a, b in itertools.combinations_with_replacement( range(len(case_a)), 2 ): if a == b: a_key, b_key = self._compare_equal( case_a[a], case_b[b], compare_values ) if a_key is None: continue else: a_key = case_a[a]._generate_cache_key() b_key = case_b[b]._generate_cache_key() if a_key is None or b_key is None: if a_key is None: assert case_a[a]._annotations.get("nocache") if b_key is None: assert case_b[b]._annotations.get("nocache") continue if a_key.key == b_key.key: for a_param, b_param in zip( a_key.bindparams, b_key.bindparams ): if not a_param.compare( b_param, compare_values=compare_values ): break else: # this fails unconditionally since we could not # find bound parameter values that differed. # Usually we intended to get two distinct keys here # so the failure will be more descriptive using the # ne_() assertion. ne_(a_key.key, b_key.key) else: ne_(a_key.key, b_key.key) # ClauseElement-specific test to ensure the cache key # collected all the bound parameters that aren't marked # as "literal execute" if isinstance(case_a[a], ClauseElement) and isinstance( case_b[b], ClauseElement ): assert_a_params = [] assert_b_params = [] for elem in visitors.iterate(case_a[a]): if elem.__visit_name__ == "bindparam": assert_a_params.append(elem) for elem in visitors.iterate(case_b[b]): if elem.__visit_name__ == "bindparam": assert_b_params.append(elem) # note we're asserting the order of the params as well as # if there are dupes or not. ordering has to be # deterministic and matches what a traversal would provide. eq_( sorted(a_key.bindparams, key=lambda b: b.key), sorted( util.unique_list(assert_a_params), key=lambda b: b.key ), ) eq_( sorted(b_key.bindparams, key=lambda b: b.key), sorted( util.unique_list(assert_b_params), key=lambda b: b.key ), ) def _run_cache_key_equal_fixture(self, fixture, compare_values): case_a = fixture() case_b = fixture() for a, b in itertools.combinations_with_replacement( range(len(case_a)), 2 ): self._compare_equal(case_a[a], case_b[b], compare_values)