import struct from socket import error from ._compat import string_types, range_type, text_type from .exceptions import ProtocolError from .exceptions import WebSocketError from .exceptions import FrameTooLargeException from .utf8validator import Utf8Validator MSG_SOCKET_DEAD = "Socket is dead" MSG_ALREADY_CLOSED = "Connection is already closed" MSG_CLOSED = "Connection closed" class WebSocket(object): """ Base class for supporting websocket operations. :ivar environ: The http environment referenced by this connection. :ivar closed: Whether this connection is closed/closing. :ivar stream: The underlying file like object that will be read from / written to by this WebSocket object. """ __slots__ = ('utf8validator', 'utf8validate_last', 'environ', 'closed', 'stream', 'raw_write', 'raw_read', 'handler') OPCODE_CONTINUATION = 0x00 OPCODE_TEXT = 0x01 OPCODE_BINARY = 0x02 OPCODE_CLOSE = 0x08 OPCODE_PING = 0x09 OPCODE_PONG = 0x0a def __init__(self, environ, stream, handler): self.environ = environ self.closed = False = stream self.raw_write = stream.write self.raw_read = self.utf8validator = Utf8Validator() self.handler = handler def __del__(self): try: self.close() except: # close() may fail if __init__ didn't complete pass def _decode_bytes(self, bytestring): """ Internal method used to convert the utf-8 encoded bytestring into unicode. If the conversion fails, the socket will be closed. """ if not bytestring: return '' try: return bytestring.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: self.close(1007) raise def _encode_bytes(self, text): """ :returns: The utf-8 byte string equivalent of `text`. """ if not isinstance(text, str): text = text_type(text or '') return text.encode("utf-8") def _is_valid_close_code(self, code): """ :returns: Whether the returned close code is a valid hybi return code. """ if code < 1000: return False if 1004 <= code <= 1006: return False if 1012 <= code <= 1016: return False if code == 1100: # not sure about this one but the autobahn fuzzer requires it. return False if 2000 <= code <= 2999: return False return True @property def current_app(self): if hasattr(self.handler.server.application, 'current_app'): return self.handler.server.application.current_app else: # For backwards compatibility reasons class MockApp(): def on_close(self, *args): pass return MockApp() @property def origin(self): if not self.environ: return return self.environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') @property def protocol(self): if not self.environ: return return self.environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL') @property def version(self): if not self.environ: return return self.environ.get('HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_VERSION') @property def path(self): if not self.environ: return return self.environ.get('PATH_INFO') @property def logger(self): return self.handler.logger def handle_close(self, header, payload): """ Called when a close frame has been decoded from the stream. :param header: The decoded `Header`. :param payload: The bytestring payload associated with the close frame. """ if not payload: self.close(1000, None) return if len(payload) < 2: raise ProtocolError('Invalid close frame: {0} {1}'.format( header, payload)) code = struct.unpack('!H', payload[:2])[0] payload = payload[2:] if payload: validator = Utf8Validator() val = validator.validate(payload) if not val[0]: raise UnicodeError if not self._is_valid_close_code(code): raise ProtocolError('Invalid close code {0}'.format(code)) self.close(code, payload) def handle_ping(self, header, payload): self.send_frame(payload, self.OPCODE_PONG) def handle_pong(self, header, payload): pass def read_frame(self): """ Block until a full frame has been read from the socket. This is an internal method as calling this will not cleanup correctly if an exception is called. Use `receive` instead. :return: The header and payload as a tuple. """ header = Header.decode_header( if header.flags: raise ProtocolError if not header.length: return header, b'' try: payload = self.raw_read(header.length) except error: payload = b'' except Exception: # TODO log out this exception payload = b'' if len(payload) != header.length: raise WebSocketError('Unexpected EOF reading frame payload') if header.mask: payload = header.unmask_payload(payload) return header, payload def validate_utf8(self, payload): # Make sure the frames are decodable independently self.utf8validate_last = self.utf8validator.validate(payload) if not self.utf8validate_last[0]: raise UnicodeError("Encountered invalid UTF-8 while processing " "text message at payload octet index " "{0:d}".format(self.utf8validate_last[3])) def read_message(self): """ Return the next text or binary message from the socket. This is an internal method as calling this will not cleanup correctly if an exception is called. Use `receive` instead. """ opcode = None message = bytearray() while True: header, payload = self.read_frame() f_opcode = header.opcode if f_opcode in (self.OPCODE_TEXT, self.OPCODE_BINARY): # a new frame if opcode: raise ProtocolError("The opcode in non-fin frame is " "expected to be zero, got " "{0!r}".format(f_opcode)) # Start reading a new message, reset the validator self.utf8validator.reset() self.utf8validate_last = (True, True, 0, 0) opcode = f_opcode elif f_opcode == self.OPCODE_CONTINUATION: if not opcode: raise ProtocolError("Unexpected frame with opcode=0") elif f_opcode == self.OPCODE_PING: self.handle_ping(header, payload) continue elif f_opcode == self.OPCODE_PONG: self.handle_pong(header, payload) continue elif f_opcode == self.OPCODE_CLOSE: self.handle_close(header, payload) return else: raise ProtocolError("Unexpected opcode={0!r}".format(f_opcode)) if opcode == self.OPCODE_TEXT: self.validate_utf8(payload) message += payload if header.fin: break if opcode == self.OPCODE_TEXT: self.validate_utf8(message) return self._decode_bytes(message) else: return message def receive(self): """ Read and return a message from the stream. If `None` is returned, then the socket is considered closed/errored. """ if self.closed: self.current_app.on_close(MSG_ALREADY_CLOSED) raise WebSocketError(MSG_ALREADY_CLOSED) try: return self.read_message() except UnicodeError: self.close(1007) except ProtocolError: self.close(1002) except error: self.close() self.current_app.on_close(MSG_CLOSED) return None def send_frame(self, message, opcode): """ Send a frame over the websocket with message as its payload """ if self.closed: self.current_app.on_close(MSG_ALREADY_CLOSED) raise WebSocketError(MSG_ALREADY_CLOSED) if opcode in (self.OPCODE_TEXT, self.OPCODE_PING): message = self._encode_bytes(message) elif opcode == self.OPCODE_BINARY: message = bytes(message) header = Header.encode_header(True, opcode, b'', len(message), 0) try: self.raw_write(header + message) except error: raise WebSocketError(MSG_SOCKET_DEAD) except: raise def send(self, message, binary=None): """ Send a frame over the websocket with message as its payload """ if binary is None: binary = not isinstance(message, string_types) opcode = self.OPCODE_BINARY if binary else self.OPCODE_TEXT try: self.send_frame(message, opcode) except WebSocketError: self.current_app.on_close(MSG_SOCKET_DEAD) raise WebSocketError(MSG_SOCKET_DEAD) def close(self, code=1000, message=b''): """ Close the websocket and connection, sending the specified code and message. The underlying socket object is _not_ closed, that is the responsibility of the initiator. """ if self.closed: self.current_app.on_close(MSG_ALREADY_CLOSED) try: message = self._encode_bytes(message) self.send_frame(message, opcode=self.OPCODE_CLOSE) except WebSocketError: # Failed to write the closing frame but it's ok because we're # closing the socket anyway. self.logger.debug("Failed to write closing frame -> closing socket") finally: self.logger.debug("Closed WebSocket") self.closed = True = None self.raw_write = None self.raw_read = None self.environ = None #self.current_app.on_close(MSG_ALREADY_CLOSED) class Stream(object): """ Wraps the handler's socket/rfile attributes and makes it in to a file like object that can be read from/written to by the lower level websocket api. """ __slots__ = ('handler', 'read', 'write') def __init__(self, handler): self.handler = handler = self.write = handler.socket.sendall class Header(object): __slots__ = ('fin', 'mask', 'opcode', 'flags', 'length') FIN_MASK = 0x80 OPCODE_MASK = 0x0f MASK_MASK = 0x80 LENGTH_MASK = 0x7f RSV0_MASK = 0x40 RSV1_MASK = 0x20 RSV2_MASK = 0x10 # bitwise mask that will determine the reserved bits for a frame header HEADER_FLAG_MASK = RSV0_MASK | RSV1_MASK | RSV2_MASK def __init__(self, fin=0, opcode=0, flags=0, length=0): self.mask = '' self.fin = fin self.opcode = opcode self.flags = flags self.length = length def mask_payload(self, payload): payload = bytearray(payload) mask = bytearray(self.mask) for i in range_type(self.length): payload[i] ^= mask[i % 4] return payload # it's the same operation unmask_payload = mask_payload def __repr__(self): opcodes = { 0: 'continuation(0)', 1: 'text(1)', 2: 'binary(2)', 8: 'close(8)', 9: 'ping(9)', 10: 'pong(10)' } flags = { 0x40: 'RSV1 MASK', 0x20: 'RSV2 MASK', 0x10: 'RSV3 MASK' } return ("
").format( self.fin, opcodes.get(self.opcode, 'reserved({})'.format(self.opcode)), self.length, flags.get(self.flags, 'reserved({})'.format(self.flags)), self.mask, id(self) ) @classmethod def decode_header(cls, stream): """ Decode a WebSocket header. :param stream: A file like object that can be 'read' from. :returns: A `Header` instance. """ read = data = read(2) if len(data) != 2: raise WebSocketError("Unexpected EOF while decoding header") first_byte, second_byte = struct.unpack('!BB', data) header = cls( fin=first_byte & cls.FIN_MASK == cls.FIN_MASK, opcode=first_byte & cls.OPCODE_MASK, flags=first_byte & cls.HEADER_FLAG_MASK, length=second_byte & cls.LENGTH_MASK) has_mask = second_byte & cls.MASK_MASK == cls.MASK_MASK if header.opcode > 0x07: if not header.fin: raise ProtocolError( "Received fragmented control frame: {0!r}".format(data)) # Control frames MUST have a payload length of 125 bytes or less if header.length > 125: raise FrameTooLargeException( "Control frame cannot be larger than 125 bytes: " "{0!r}".format(data)) if header.length == 126: # 16 bit length data = read(2) if len(data) != 2: raise WebSocketError('Unexpected EOF while decoding header') header.length = struct.unpack('!H', data)[0] elif header.length == 127: # 64 bit length data = read(8) if len(data) != 8: raise WebSocketError('Unexpected EOF while decoding header') header.length = struct.unpack('!Q', data)[0] if has_mask: mask = read(4) if len(mask) != 4: raise WebSocketError('Unexpected EOF while decoding header') header.mask = mask return header @classmethod def encode_header(cls, fin, opcode, mask, length, flags): """ Encodes a WebSocket header. :param fin: Whether this is the final frame for this opcode. :param opcode: The opcode of the payload, see `OPCODE_*` :param mask: Whether the payload is masked. :param length: The length of the frame. :param flags: The RSV* flags. :return: A bytestring encoded header. """ first_byte = opcode second_byte = 0 extra = b"" result = bytearray() if fin: first_byte |= cls.FIN_MASK if flags & cls.RSV0_MASK: first_byte |= cls.RSV0_MASK if flags & cls.RSV1_MASK: first_byte |= cls.RSV1_MASK if flags & cls.RSV2_MASK: first_byte |= cls.RSV2_MASK # now deal with length complexities if length < 126: second_byte += length elif length <= 0xffff: second_byte += 126 extra = struct.pack('!H', length) elif length <= 0xffffffffffffffff: second_byte += 127 extra = struct.pack('!Q', length) else: raise FrameTooLargeException if mask: second_byte |= cls.MASK_MASK result.append(first_byte) result.append(second_byte) result.extend(extra) if mask: result.extend(mask) return result