import base64 import logging import subprocess from . import JavaScriptInterpreter ########################################################################################################################################################## BUG_REPORT = 'Cloudflare may have changed their technique, or there may be a bug in the script.' ########################################################################################################################################################## class ChallengeInterpreter(JavaScriptInterpreter): def __init__(self): super(ChallengeInterpreter, self).__init__('nodejs') def eval(self, jsEnv, js): try: js = 'var atob = function(str) {return Buffer.from(str, "base64").toString("binary");};' \ 'var challenge = atob("%s");' \ 'var context = {atob: atob};' \ 'var options = {filename: "iuam-challenge.js", timeout: 4000};' \ 'var answer = require("vm").runInNewContext(challenge, context, options);' \ 'process.stdout.write(String(answer));' \ % base64.b64encode('{}{}'.format(jsEnv, js).encode('UTF-8')).decode('ascii') return subprocess.check_output(['node', '-e', js]) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 2: raise EnvironmentError( 'Missing Node.js runtime. Node is required and must be in the PATH (check with `node -v`). Your Node binary may be called `nodejs` rather than `node`, ' 'in which case you may need to run `apt-get install nodejs-legacy` on some Debian-based systems. (Please read the cloudscraper' ' README\'s Dependencies section:' ) raise except Exception: logging.error('Error executing Cloudflare IUAM Javascript. %s' % BUG_REPORT) raise pass ChallengeInterpreter()