# Copyright: 2013 Paul Traylor # These sources are released under the terms of the MIT license: see LICENSE """ The gntp.notifier module is provided as a simple way to send notifications using GNTP .. note:: This class is intended to mostly mirror the older Python bindings such that you should be able to replace instances of the old bindings with this class. `Original Python bindings `_ """ import logging import platform import socket import sys from .version import __version__ from . import core from . import errors as errors from . import shim __all__ = [ 'mini', 'GrowlNotifier', ] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GrowlNotifier(object): """Helper class to simplfy sending Growl messages :param string applicationName: Sending application name :param list notification: List of valid notifications :param list defaultNotifications: List of notifications that should be enabled by default :param string applicationIcon: Icon URL :param string hostname: Remote host :param integer port: Remote port """ passwordHash = 'MD5' socketTimeout = 3 def __init__(self, applicationName='Python GNTP', notifications=[], defaultNotifications=None, applicationIcon=None, hostname='localhost', password=None, port=23053): self.applicationName = applicationName self.notifications = list(notifications) if defaultNotifications: self.defaultNotifications = list(defaultNotifications) else: self.defaultNotifications = self.notifications self.applicationIcon = applicationIcon self.password = password self.hostname = hostname self.port = int(port) def _checkIcon(self, data): ''' Check the icon to see if it's valid If it's a simple URL icon, then we return True. If it's a data icon then we return False ''' logger.info('Checking icon') return shim.u(data).startswith('http') def register(self): """Send GNTP Registration .. warning:: Before sending notifications to Growl, you need to have sent a registration message at least once """ logger.info('Sending registration to %s:%s', self.hostname, self.port) register = core.GNTPRegister() register.add_header('Application-Name', self.applicationName) for notification in self.notifications: enabled = notification in self.defaultNotifications register.add_notification(notification, enabled) if self.applicationIcon: if self._checkIcon(self.applicationIcon): register.add_header('Application-Icon', self.applicationIcon) else: resource = register.add_resource(self.applicationIcon) register.add_header('Application-Icon', resource) if self.password: register.set_password(self.password, self.passwordHash) self.add_origin_info(register) self.register_hook(register) return self._send('register', register) def notify(self, noteType, title, description, icon=None, sticky=False, priority=None, callback=None, identifier=None, custom={}): """Send a GNTP notifications .. warning:: Must have registered with growl beforehand or messages will be ignored :param string noteType: One of the notification names registered earlier :param string title: Notification title (usually displayed on the notification) :param string description: The main content of the notification :param string icon: Icon URL path :param boolean sticky: Sticky notification :param integer priority: Message priority level from -2 to 2 :param string callback: URL callback :param dict custom: Custom attributes. Key names should be prefixed with X- according to the spec but this is not enforced by this class .. warning:: For now, only URL callbacks are supported. In the future, the callback argument will also support a function """ logger.info('Sending notification [%s] to %s:%s', noteType, self.hostname, self.port) assert noteType in self.notifications notice = core.GNTPNotice() notice.add_header('Application-Name', self.applicationName) notice.add_header('Notification-Name', noteType) notice.add_header('Notification-Title', title) if self.password: notice.set_password(self.password, self.passwordHash) if sticky: notice.add_header('Notification-Sticky', sticky) if priority: notice.add_header('Notification-Priority', priority) if icon: if self._checkIcon(icon): notice.add_header('Notification-Icon', icon) else: resource = notice.add_resource(icon) notice.add_header('Notification-Icon', resource) if description: notice.add_header('Notification-Text', description) if callback: notice.add_header('Notification-Callback-Target', callback) if identifier: notice.add_header('Notification-Coalescing-ID', identifier) for key in custom: notice.add_header(key, custom[key]) self.add_origin_info(notice) self.notify_hook(notice) return self._send('notify', notice) def subscribe(self, id, name, port): """Send a Subscribe request to a remote machine""" sub = core.GNTPSubscribe() sub.add_header('Subscriber-ID', id) sub.add_header('Subscriber-Name', name) sub.add_header('Subscriber-Port', port) if self.password: sub.set_password(self.password, self.passwordHash) self.add_origin_info(sub) self.subscribe_hook(sub) return self._send('subscribe', sub) def add_origin_info(self, packet): """Add optional Origin headers to message""" packet.add_header('Origin-Machine-Name', platform.node()) packet.add_header('Origin-Software-Name', 'gntp.py') packet.add_header('Origin-Software-Version', __version__) packet.add_header('Origin-Platform-Name', platform.system()) packet.add_header('Origin-Platform-Version', platform.platform()) def register_hook(self, packet): pass def notify_hook(self, packet): pass def subscribe_hook(self, packet): pass def _send(self, messagetype, packet): """Send the GNTP Packet""" packet.validate() data = packet.encode() logger.debug('To : %s:%s <%s>\n%s', self.hostname, self.port, packet.__class__, data) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(self.socketTimeout) try: s.connect((self.hostname, self.port)) s.send(data) recv_data = s.recv(1024) while not recv_data.endswith(shim.b("\r\n\r\n")): recv_data += s.recv(1024) except socket.error: # Python2.5 and Python3 compatibile exception exc = sys.exc_info()[1] raise errors.NetworkError(exc) response = core.parse_gntp(recv_data) s.close() logger.debug('From : %s:%s <%s>\n%s', self.hostname, self.port, response.__class__, response) if type(response) == core.GNTPOK: return True logger.error('Invalid response: %s', response.error()) return response.error() def mini(description, applicationName='PythonMini', noteType="Message", title="Mini Message", applicationIcon=None, hostname='localhost', password=None, port=23053, sticky=False, priority=None, callback=None, notificationIcon=None, identifier=None, notifierFactory=GrowlNotifier): """Single notification function Simple notification function in one line. Has only one required parameter and attempts to use reasonable defaults for everything else :param string description: Notification message .. warning:: For now, only URL callbacks are supported. In the future, the callback argument will also support a function """ try: growl = notifierFactory( applicationName=applicationName, notifications=[noteType], defaultNotifications=[noteType], applicationIcon=applicationIcon, hostname=hostname, password=password, port=port, ) result = growl.register() if result is not True: return result return growl.notify( noteType=noteType, title=title, description=description, icon=notificationIcon, sticky=sticky, priority=priority, callback=callback, identifier=identifier, ) except Exception: # We want the "mini" function to be simple and swallow Exceptions # in order to be less invasive logger.exception("Growl error") if __name__ == '__main__': # If we're running this module directly we're likely running it as a test # so extra debugging is useful logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) mini('Testing mini notification')