# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import time import datetime import calendar import pytz_deprecation_shim as pds try: import zoneinfo # pragma: no cover except ImportError: from backports import zoneinfo # pragma: no cover from tzlocal import windows_tz class ZoneInfoNotFoundError(pds.UnknownTimeZoneError, zoneinfo.ZoneInfoNotFoundError): """An exception derived from both pytz and zoneinfo This exception will be trappable both by pytz expecting clients and zoneinfo expecting clients. """ def get_system_offset(): """Get system's timezone offset using built-in library time. For the Timezone constants (altzone, daylight, timezone, and tzname), the value is determined by the timezone rules in effect at module load time or the last time tzset() is called and may be incorrect for times in the past. To keep compatibility with Windows, we're always importing time module here. """ localtime = calendar.timegm(time.localtime()) gmtime = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime()) offset = gmtime - localtime # We could get the localtime and gmtime on either side of a second switch # so we check that the difference is less than one minute, because nobody # has that small DST differences. if abs(offset - time.altzone) < 60: return -time.altzone # pragma: no cover else: return -time.timezone # pragma: no cover def get_tz_offset(tz): """Get timezone's offset using built-in function datetime.utcoffset().""" return int(datetime.datetime.now(tz).utcoffset().total_seconds()) def assert_tz_offset(tz): """Assert that system's timezone offset equals to the timezone offset found. If they don't match, we probably have a misconfiguration, for example, an incorrect timezone set in /etc/timezone file in systemd distributions.""" tz_offset = get_tz_offset(tz) system_offset = get_system_offset() if tz_offset != system_offset: msg = ( "Timezone offset does not match system offset: {} != {}. " "Please, check your config files." ).format(tz_offset, system_offset) raise ValueError(msg) def _tz_name_from_env(tzenv=None): if tzenv is None: tzenv = os.environ.get("TZ") if not tzenv: return None if tzenv in windows_tz.tz_win: # Yup, it's a timezone return tzenv if os.path.isabs(tzenv) and os.path.exists(tzenv): # It's a file specification parts = tzenv.split(os.sep) # Is it a zone info zone? possible_tz = "/".join(parts[-2:]) if possible_tz in windows_tz.tz_win: # Yup, it is return possible_tz # Maybe it's a short one, like UTC? if parts[-1] in windows_tz.tz_win: # Indeed return parts[-1] def _tz_from_env(tzenv=None): if tzenv is None: tzenv = os.environ.get("TZ") if not tzenv: return None # Some weird format that exists: if tzenv[0] == ":": tzenv = tzenv[1:] # TZ specifies a file if os.path.isabs(tzenv) and os.path.exists(tzenv): # Try to see if we can figure out the name tzname = _tz_name_from_env(tzenv) if not tzname: # Nope, not a standard timezone name, just take the filename tzname = tzenv.split(os.sep)[-1] with open(tzenv, "rb") as tzfile: zone = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo.from_file(tzfile, key=tzname) return pds.wrap_zone(zone) # TZ must specify a zoneinfo zone. try: tz = pds.timezone(tzenv) # That worked, so we return this: return tz except pds.UnknownTimeZoneError: # Nope, it's something like "PST4DST" etc, we can't handle that. raise ZoneInfoNotFoundError( "tzlocal() does not support non-zoneinfo timezones like %s. \n" "Please use a timezone in the form of Continent/City" ) from None