import uuid from .hub.base_hub_connection import BaseHubConnection from .hub.auth_hub_connection import AuthHubConnection from .transport.websockets.reconnection import \ IntervalReconnectionHandler, RawReconnectionHandler, ReconnectionType from .helpers import Helpers from .messages.invocation_message import InvocationMessage from .protocol.json_hub_protocol import JsonHubProtocol from .subject import Subject class HubConnectionBuilder(object): """ Hub connection class, manages handshake and messaging Args: hub_url: SignalR core url Raises: HubConnectionError: Raises an Exception if url is empty or None """ def __init__(self): self.hub_url = None self.hub = None self.options = { "access_token_factory": None } self.token = None self.headers = dict() self.negotiate_headers = None self.has_auth_configured = None self.protocol = None self.reconnection_handler = None self.keep_alive_interval = None self.verify_ssl = True self.enable_trace = False # socket trace self.skip_negotiation = False # By default do not skip negotiation self.running = False def with_url( self, hub_url: str, options: dict = None): """Configure the hub url and options like negotiation and auth function def login(self): response = self.login_url, json={ "username":, "password": self.password },verify=False) return response.json()["token"] self.connection = HubConnectionBuilder()\ .with_url(self.server_url, options={ "verify_ssl": False, "access_token_factory": self.login, "headers": { "mycustomheader": "mycustomheadervalue" } })\ .configure_logging(logging.ERROR)\ .with_automatic_reconnect({ "type": "raw", "keep_alive_interval": 10, "reconnect_interval": 5, "max_attempts": 5 }).build() Args: hub_url (string): Hub URL options ([dict], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: If url is invalid TypeError: If options are not a dict or auth function is not callable Returns: [HubConnectionBuilder]: configured connection """ if hub_url is None or hub_url.strip() == "": raise ValueError("hub_url must be a valid url.") if options is not None and type(options) != dict: raise TypeError( "options must be a dict {0}.".format(self.options)) if options is not None \ and "access_token_factory" in options.keys()\ and not callable(options["access_token_factory"]): raise TypeError( "access_token_factory must be a function without params") if options is not None: self.has_auth_configured = \ "access_token_factory" in options.keys()\ and callable(options["access_token_factory"]) self.skip_negotiation = "skip_negotiation" in options.keys()\ and options["skip_negotiation"] self.hub_url = hub_url self.hub = None self.options = self.options if options is None else options return self def configure_logging( self, logging_level, socket_trace=False, handler=None): """Configures signalr logging Args: logging_level ([type]): logging.INFO | logging.DEBUG ... from python logging class socket_trace (bool, optional): Enables socket package trace. Defaults to False. handler ([type], optional): Custom logging handler. Defaults to None. Returns: [HubConnectionBuilder]: Instance hub with logging configured """ Helpers.configure_logger(logging_level, handler) self.enable_trace = socket_trace return self def with_hub_protocol(self, protocol): """Changes transport protocol from signalrcore.protocol.messagepack_protocol\ import MessagePackHubProtocol HubConnectionBuilder()\ .with_url(self.server_url, options={"verify_ssl":False})\ ... .with_hub_protocol(MessagePackHubProtocol())\ ... .build() Args: protocol (JsonHubProtocol|MessagePackHubProtocol): protocol instance Returns: HubConnectionBuilder: instance configured """ self.protocol = protocol return self def build(self): """Configures the connection hub Raises: TypeError: Checks parameters an raises TypeError if one of them is wrong Returns: [HubConnectionBuilder]: [self object for fluent interface purposes] """ if self.protocol is None: self.protocol = JsonHubProtocol() if "headers" in self.options.keys()\ and type(self.options["headers"]) is dict: self.headers.update(self.options["headers"]) if self.has_auth_configured: auth_function = self.options["access_token_factory"] if auth_function is None or not callable(auth_function): raise TypeError( "access_token_factory is not function") if "verify_ssl" in self.options.keys()\ and type(self.options["verify_ssl"]) is bool: self.verify_ssl = self.options["verify_ssl"] return AuthHubConnection( headers=self.headers, auth_function=auth_function, url=self.hub_url, protocol=self.protocol, keep_alive_interval=self.keep_alive_interval, reconnection_handler=self.reconnection_handler, verify_ssl=self.verify_ssl, skip_negotiation=self.skip_negotiation, enable_trace=self.enable_trace)\ if self.has_auth_configured else\ BaseHubConnection( url=self.hub_url, protocol=self.protocol, keep_alive_interval=self.keep_alive_interval, reconnection_handler=self.reconnection_handler, headers=self.headers, verify_ssl=self.verify_ssl, skip_negotiation=self.skip_negotiation, enable_trace=self.enable_trace) def with_automatic_reconnect(self, data: dict): """Configures automatic reconnection hub = HubConnectionBuilder()\ .with_url(self.server_url, options={"verify_ssl":False})\ .configure_logging(logging.ERROR)\ .with_automatic_reconnect({ "type": "raw", "keep_alive_interval": 10, "reconnect_interval": 5, "max_attempts": 5 })\ .build() Args: data (dict): [dict with autmatic reconnection parameters] Returns: [HubConnectionBuilder]: [self object for fluent interface purposes] """ reconnect_type = data.get("type", "raw") # Infinite reconnect attempts max_attempts = data.get("max_attempts", None) # 5 sec interval reconnect_interval = data.get("reconnect_interval", 5) keep_alive_interval = data.get("keep_alive_interval", 15) intervals = data.get("intervals", []) # Reconnection intervals self.keep_alive_interval = keep_alive_interval reconnection_type = ReconnectionType[reconnect_type] if reconnection_type == ReconnectionType.raw: self.reconnection_handler = RawReconnectionHandler( reconnect_interval, max_attempts ) if reconnection_type == ReconnectionType.interval: self.reconnection_handler = IntervalReconnectionHandler( intervals ) return self