# Copyright 2009-2022 Joshua Bronson. All rights reserved. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """Provide :func:`bidict.namedbidict`.""" import typing as t from sys import _getframe from ._base import BidictBase from ._bidict import bidict from ._typing import KT, VT # pyright: reportPrivateUsage=false, reportUnnecessaryIsInstance=false class NamedBidictBase: """Base class that namedbidicts derive from.""" def namedbidict( typename: str, keyname: str, valname: str, *, base_type: t.Type[BidictBase[KT, VT]] = bidict, ) -> t.Type[BidictBase[KT, VT]]: r"""Create a new subclass of *base_type* with custom accessors. Like :func:`collections.namedtuple` for bidicts. The new class's ``__name__`` and ``__qualname__`` will be set to *typename*, and its ``__module__`` will be set to the caller's module. Instances of the new class will provide access to their :attr:`inverse ` instances via the custom *keyname*\_for property, and access to themselves via the custom *valname*\_for property. *See also* the :ref:`namedbidict usage documentation ` (https://bidict.rtfd.io/other-bidict-types.html#namedbidict) :raises ValueError: if any of the *typename*, *keyname*, or *valname* strings is not a valid Python identifier, or if *keyname == valname*. :raises TypeError: if *base_type* is not a :class:`bidict.BidictBase` subclass. Any of the concrete bidict types pictured in the :ref:`other-bidict-types:Bidict Types Diagram` may be provided (https://bidict.rtfd.io/other-bidict-types.html#bidict-types-diagram). """ if not issubclass(base_type, BidictBase): raise TypeError(f'{base_type} is not a BidictBase subclass') names = (typename, keyname, valname) if not all(map(str.isidentifier, names)) or keyname == valname: raise ValueError(names) basename = base_type.__name__ get_keyname = property(lambda self: keyname, doc='The keyname of this namedbidict.') get_valname = property(lambda self: valname, doc='The valname of this namedbidict.') val_by_key_name = f'{valname}_for' key_by_val_name = f'{keyname}_for' val_by_key_doc = f'{typename} forward {basename}: {keyname} -> {valname}' key_by_val_doc = f'{typename} inverse {basename}: {valname} -> {keyname}' get_val_by_key = property(lambda self: self, doc=val_by_key_doc) get_key_by_val = property(lambda self: self.inverse, doc=key_by_val_doc) class NamedBidict(base_type, NamedBidictBase): # type: ignore [valid-type,misc] # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5865 """NamedBidict.""" keyname = get_keyname valname = get_valname @classmethod def _inv_cls_dict_diff(cls) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]: base_diff = super()._inv_cls_dict_diff() return { **base_diff, 'keyname': get_valname, 'valname': get_keyname, val_by_key_name: get_key_by_val, key_by_val_name: get_val_by_key, } NamedInv = NamedBidict._inv_cls assert NamedInv is not NamedBidict, 'namedbidict classes are not their own inverses' setattr(NamedBidict, val_by_key_name, get_val_by_key) setattr(NamedBidict, key_by_val_name, get_key_by_val) NamedBidict.__name__ = NamedBidict.__qualname__ = typename NamedInv.__name__ = NamedInv.__qualname__ = f'{typename}Inv' NamedBidict.__doc__ = f'NamedBidict({basename}) {typename!r}: {keyname} -> {valname}' NamedInv.__doc__ = f'NamedBidictInv({basename}) {typename!r}: {valname} -> {keyname}' caller_module = _getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__') NamedBidict.__module__ = NamedInv.__module__ = caller_module return NamedBidict # pyright: ignore [reportUnknownVariableType]