#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Processors """ from collections import defaultdict import copy from rebulk import Rebulk, Rule, CustomRule, POST_PROCESS, PRE_PROCESS, AppendMatch, RemoveMatch from .common import seps_no_groups from .common.formatters import cleanup from .common.comparators import marker_sorted from .common.date import valid_year from .common.words import iter_words class EnlargeGroupMatches(CustomRule): """ Enlarge matches that are starting and/or ending group to include brackets in their span. """ priority = PRE_PROCESS def when(self, matches, context): starting = [] ending = [] for group in matches.markers.named('group'): for match in matches.starting(group.start + 1): starting.append(match) for match in matches.ending(group.end - 1): ending.append(match) if starting or ending: return starting, ending return False def then(self, matches, when_response, context): starting, ending = when_response for match in starting: matches.remove(match) match.start -= 1 match.raw_start += 1 matches.append(match) for match in ending: matches.remove(match) match.end += 1 match.raw_end -= 1 matches.append(match) class EquivalentHoles(Rule): """ Creates equivalent matches for holes that have same values than existing (case insensitive) """ priority = POST_PROCESS consequence = AppendMatch def when(self, matches, context): new_matches = [] for filepath in marker_sorted(matches.markers.named('path'), matches): holes = matches.holes(start=filepath.start, end=filepath.end, formatter=cleanup) for name in matches.names: for hole in list(holes): for current_match in matches.named(name): if isinstance(current_match.value, str) and \ hole.value.lower() == current_match.value.lower(): if 'equivalent-ignore' in current_match.tags: continue new_value = _preferred_string(hole.value, current_match.value) if hole.value != new_value: hole.value = new_value if current_match.value != new_value: current_match.value = new_value hole.name = name hole.tags = ['equivalent'] new_matches.append(hole) if hole in holes: holes.remove(hole) return new_matches class RemoveAmbiguous(Rule): """ If multiple matches are found with same name and different values, keep the one in the most valuable filepart. Also keep others match with same name and values than those kept ones. """ priority = POST_PROCESS consequence = RemoveMatch def __init__(self, sort_function=marker_sorted, predicate=None): super().__init__() self.sort_function = sort_function self.predicate = predicate def when(self, matches, context): fileparts = self.sort_function(matches.markers.named('path'), matches) previous_fileparts_names = set() values = defaultdict(list) to_remove = [] for filepart in fileparts: filepart_matches = matches.range(filepart.start, filepart.end, predicate=self.predicate) filepart_names = set() for match in filepart_matches: filepart_names.add(match.name) if match.name in previous_fileparts_names: if match.value not in values[match.name]: to_remove.append(match) else: if match.value not in values[match.name]: values[match.name].append(match.value) previous_fileparts_names.update(filepart_names) return to_remove class RemoveLessSpecificSeasonEpisode(RemoveAmbiguous): """ If multiple season/episodes matches are found with different values, keep the one tagged as 'SxxExx' or in the rightmost filepart. """ def __init__(self, name): super().__init__( sort_function=(lambda markers, matches: marker_sorted(list(reversed(markers)), matches, lambda match: match.name == name and 'SxxExx' in match.tags)), predicate=lambda match: match.name == name) def _preferred_string(value1, value2): # pylint:disable=too-many-return-statements """ Retrieves preferred title from both values. :param value1: :type value1: str :param value2: :type value2: str :return: The preferred title :rtype: str """ if value1 == value2: return value1 if value1.istitle() and not value2.istitle(): return value1 if not value1.isupper() and value2.isupper(): return value1 if not value1.isupper() and value1[0].isupper() and not value2[0].isupper(): return value1 if _count_title_words(value1) > _count_title_words(value2): return value1 return value2 def _count_title_words(value): """ Count only many words are titles in value. :param value: :type value: :return: :rtype: """ ret = 0 for word in iter_words(value): if word.value.istitle(): ret += 1 return ret class SeasonYear(Rule): """ If a season is a valid year and no year was found, create an match with year. """ priority = POST_PROCESS consequence = AppendMatch def when(self, matches, context): ret = [] if not matches.named('year'): for season in matches.named('season'): if valid_year(season.value): year = copy.copy(season) year.name = 'year' ret.append(year) return ret class YearSeason(Rule): """ If a year is found, no season found, and episode is found, create an match with season. """ priority = POST_PROCESS consequence = AppendMatch def when(self, matches, context): ret = [] if not matches.named('season') and matches.named('episode'): for year in matches.named('year'): season = copy.copy(year) season.name = 'season' ret.append(season) return ret class Processors(CustomRule): """ Empty rule for ordering post_processing properly. """ priority = POST_PROCESS def when(self, matches, context): pass def then(self, matches, when_response, context): # pragma: no cover pass class StripSeparators(CustomRule): """ Strip separators from matches. Keep separators if they are from acronyms, like in ".S.H.I.E.L.D." """ priority = POST_PROCESS def when(self, matches, context): return matches def then(self, matches, when_response, context): # pragma: no cover for match in matches: for _ in range(0, len(match.span)): if match.raw[0] in seps_no_groups and (len(match.raw) < 3 or match.raw[2] not in seps_no_groups): match.raw_start += 1 for _ in reversed(range(0, len(match.span))): if match.raw[-1] in seps_no_groups and (len(match.raw) < 3 or match.raw[-3] not in seps_no_groups): match.raw_end -= 1 def processors(config): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Builder for rebulk object. :param config: rule configuration :type config: dict :return: Created Rebulk object :rtype: Rebulk """ return Rebulk().rules(EnlargeGroupMatches, EquivalentHoles, RemoveLessSpecificSeasonEpisode('season'), RemoveLessSpecificSeasonEpisode('episode'), RemoveAmbiguous, SeasonYear, YearSeason, Processors, StripSeparators)