import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np AUDITOK_PLOT_THEME = { "figure": {"facecolor": "#482a36", "alpha": 0.2}, "plot": {"facecolor": "#282a36"}, "energy_threshold": { "color": "#e31f8f", "linestyle": "--", "linewidth": 1, }, "signal": {"color": "#40d970", "linestyle": "-", "linewidth": 1}, "detections": { "facecolor": "#777777", "edgecolor": "#ff8c1a", "linewidth": 1, "alpha": 0.75, }, } def _make_time_axis(nb_samples, sampling_rate): sample_duration = 1 / sampling_rate x = np.linspace(0, sample_duration * (nb_samples - 1), nb_samples) return x def _plot_line(x, y, theme, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, **kwargs): color = theme.get("color", theme.get("c")) ls = theme.get("linestyle", theme.get("ls")) lw = theme.get("linewidth", theme.get("lw")) plt.plot(x, y, c=color, ls=ls, lw=lw, **kwargs) plt.xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=8) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=8) def _plot_detections(subplot, detections, theme): fc = theme.get("facecolor", theme.get("fc")) ec = theme.get("edgecolor", theme.get("ec")) ls = theme.get("linestyle", theme.get("ls")) lw = theme.get("linewidth", theme.get("lw")) alpha = theme.get("alpha") for (start, end) in detections: subplot.axvspan(start, end, fc=fc, ec=ec, ls=ls, lw=lw, alpha=alpha) def plot( audio_region, scale_signal=True, detections=None, energy_threshold=None, show=True, figsize=None, save_as=None, dpi=120, theme="auditok", ): y = np.asarray(audio_region) if len(y.shape) == 1: y = y.reshape(1, -1) nb_subplots, nb_samples = y.shape sampling_rate = audio_region.sampling_rate time_axis = _make_time_axis(nb_samples, sampling_rate) if energy_threshold is not None: eth_log10 = energy_threshold * np.log(10) / 10 amplitude_threshold = np.sqrt(np.exp(eth_log10)) else: amplitude_threshold = None if detections is None: detections = [] else: # End of detection corresponds to the end of the last sample but # to stay compatible with the time axis of signal plotting we want end # of detection to correspond to the *start* of the that last sample. detections = [ (start, end - (1 / sampling_rate)) for (start, end) in detections ] if theme == "auditok": theme = AUDITOK_PLOT_THEME fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi) fig_theme = theme.get("figure", theme.get("fig", {})) fig_fc = fig_theme.get("facecolor", fig_theme.get("ffc")) fig_alpha = fig_theme.get("alpha", 1) fig.patch.set_facecolor(fig_fc) fig.patch.set_alpha(fig_alpha) plot_theme = theme.get("plot", {}) plot_fc = plot_theme.get("facecolor", plot_theme.get("pfc")) if nb_subplots > 2 and nb_subplots % 2 == 0: nb_rows = nb_subplots // 2 nb_columns = 2 else: nb_rows = nb_subplots nb_columns = 1 for sid, samples in enumerate(y, 1): ax = fig.add_subplot(nb_rows, nb_columns, sid) ax.set_facecolor(plot_fc) if scale_signal: std = samples.std() if std > 0: mean = samples.mean() std = samples.std() samples = (samples - mean) / std max_ = samples.max() plt.ylim(-1.5 * max_, 1.5 * max_) if amplitude_threshold is not None: if scale_signal and std > 0: amp_th = (amplitude_threshold - mean) / std else: amp_th = amplitude_threshold eth_theme = theme.get("energy_threshold", theme.get("eth", {})) _plot_line( [time_axis[0], time_axis[-1]], [amp_th] * 2, eth_theme, label="Detection threshold", ) if sid == 1: legend = plt.legend( ["Detection threshold"], facecolor=fig_fc, framealpha=0.1, bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.15, 1.0, 0.102), loc=2, ) legend = plt.gca().add_artist(legend) signal_theme = theme.get("signal", {}) _plot_line( time_axis, samples, signal_theme, xlabel="Time (seconds)", ylabel="Signal{}".format(" (scaled)" if scale_signal else ""), ) detections_theme = theme.get("detections", {}) _plot_detections(ax, detections, detections_theme) plt.title("Channel {}".format(sid), fontsize=10) plt.xticks(fontsize=8) plt.yticks(fontsize=8) plt.tight_layout() if save_as is not None: plt.savefig(save_as, dpi=dpi) if show: