import re import collections from . import compat def coerce_string_conf(d): result = {} for k, v in d.items(): if not isinstance(v, compat.string_types): result[k] = v continue v = v.strip() if re.match(r'^[-+]?\d+$', v): result[k] = int(v) elif re.match(r'^[-+]?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?$', v): result[k] = float(v) elif v.lower() in ('false', 'true'): result[k] = v.lower() == 'true' elif v == 'None': result[k] = None else: result[k] = v return result class PluginLoader(object): def __init__(self, group): = group self.impls = {} def load(self, name): if name in self.impls: return self.impls[name]() else: # pragma NO COVERAGE import pkg_resources for impl in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(, name): self.impls[name] = impl.load return impl.load() else: raise self.NotFound( "Can't load plugin %s %s" % (, name) ) def register(self, name, modulepath, objname): def load(): mod = __import__(modulepath, fromlist=[objname]) return getattr(mod, objname) self.impls[name] = load class NotFound(Exception): """The specified plugin could not be found.""" class memoized_property(object): """A read-only @property that is only evaluated once.""" def __init__(self, fget, doc=None): self.fget = fget self.__doc__ = doc or fget.__doc__ self.__name__ = fget.__name__ def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: return self obj.__dict__[self.__name__] = result = self.fget(obj) return result def to_list(x, default=None): """Coerce to a list.""" if x is None: return default if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): return [x] else: return x class KeyReentrantMutex(object): def __init__(self, key, mutex, keys): self.key = key self.mutex = mutex self.keys = keys @classmethod def factory(cls, mutex): # this collection holds zero or one # thread idents as the key; a set of # keynames held as the value. keystore = collections.defaultdict(set) def fac(key): return KeyReentrantMutex(key, mutex, keystore) return fac def acquire(self, wait=True): current_thread = compat.threading.current_thread().ident keys = self.keys.get(current_thread) if keys is not None and \ self.key not in keys: # current lockholder, new key. add it in keys.add(self.key) return True elif self.mutex.acquire(wait=wait): # after acquire, create new set and add our key self.keys[current_thread].add(self.key) return True else: return False def release(self): current_thread = compat.threading.current_thread().ident keys = self.keys.get(current_thread) assert keys is not None, "this thread didn't do the acquire" assert self.key in keys, "No acquire held for key '%s'" % self.key keys.remove(self.key) if not keys: # when list of keys empty, remove # the thread ident and unlock. del self.keys[current_thread] self.mutex.release()