from gzip import GzipFile from io import BytesIO from json import loads as json_loads from os import fsync from sys import exc_info, version from .utils import NoNumpyException # keep 'unused' imports from .comment import strip_comment_line_with_symbol, strip_comments # keep 'unused' imports from .encoders import TricksEncoder, json_date_time_encode, class_instance_encode, ClassInstanceEncoder, \ json_complex_encode, json_set_encode, numeric_types_encode, numpy_encode, nonumpy_encode, NoNumpyEncoder, \ nopandas_encode, pandas_encode # keep 'unused' imports from .decoders import DuplicateJsonKeyException, TricksPairHook, json_date_time_hook, ClassInstanceHook, \ json_complex_hook, json_set_hook, numeric_types_hook, json_numpy_obj_hook, json_nonumpy_obj_hook, \ nopandas_hook, pandas_hook # keep 'unused' imports from json import JSONEncoder is_py3 = (version[:2] == '3.') str_type = str if is_py3 else (basestring, unicode,) ENCODING = 'UTF-8' _cih_instance = ClassInstanceHook() DEFAULT_ENCODERS = [json_date_time_encode, class_instance_encode, json_complex_encode, json_set_encode, numeric_types_encode,] DEFAULT_HOOKS = [json_date_time_hook, _cih_instance, json_complex_hook, json_set_hook, numeric_types_hook,] try: import numpy except ImportError: DEFAULT_ENCODERS = [nonumpy_encode,] + DEFAULT_ENCODERS DEFAULT_HOOKS = [json_nonumpy_obj_hook,] + DEFAULT_HOOKS else: # numpy encode needs to be before complex DEFAULT_ENCODERS = [numpy_encode,] + DEFAULT_ENCODERS DEFAULT_HOOKS = [json_numpy_obj_hook,] + DEFAULT_HOOKS try: import pandas except ImportError: DEFAULT_ENCODERS = [nopandas_encode,] + DEFAULT_ENCODERS DEFAULT_HOOKS = [nopandas_hook,] + DEFAULT_HOOKS else: DEFAULT_ENCODERS = [pandas_encode,] + DEFAULT_ENCODERS DEFAULT_HOOKS = [pandas_hook,] + DEFAULT_HOOKS DEFAULT_NONP_ENCODERS = [nonumpy_encode,] + DEFAULT_ENCODERS # DEPRECATED DEFAULT_NONP_HOOKS = [json_nonumpy_obj_hook,] + DEFAULT_HOOKS # DEPRECATED def dumps(obj, sort_keys=None, cls=TricksEncoder, obj_encoders=DEFAULT_ENCODERS, extra_obj_encoders=(), primitives=False, compression=None, allow_nan=False, conv_str_byte=False, **jsonkwargs): """ Convert a nested data structure to a json string. :param obj: The Python object to convert. :param sort_keys: Keep this False if you want order to be preserved. :param cls: The json encoder class to use, defaults to NoNumpyEncoder which gives a warning for numpy arrays. :param obj_encoders: Iterable of encoders to use to convert arbitrary objects into json-able promitives. :param extra_obj_encoders: Like `obj_encoders` but on top of them: use this to add encoders without replacing defaults. Since v3.5 these happen before default encoders. :param allow_nan: Allow NaN and Infinity values, which is a (useful) violation of the JSON standard (default False). :param conv_str_byte: Try to automatically convert between strings and bytes (assuming utf-8) (default False). :return: The string containing the json-encoded version of obj. Other arguments are passed on to `cls`. Note that `sort_keys` should be false if you want to preserve order. """ if not hasattr(extra_obj_encoders, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('`extra_obj_encoders` should be a tuple in `json_tricks.dump(s)`') encoders = tuple(extra_obj_encoders) + tuple(obj_encoders) txt = cls(sort_keys=sort_keys, obj_encoders=encoders, allow_nan=allow_nan, primitives=primitives, **jsonkwargs).encode(obj) if not is_py3 and isinstance(txt, str): txt = unicode(txt, ENCODING) if not compression: return txt if compression is True: compression = 5 txt = txt.encode(ENCODING) sh = BytesIO() with GzipFile(mode='wb', fileobj=sh, compresslevel=compression) as zh: zh.write(txt) gzstring = sh.getvalue() return gzstring def dump(obj, fp, sort_keys=None, cls=TricksEncoder, obj_encoders=DEFAULT_ENCODERS, extra_obj_encoders=(), primitives=False, compression=None, force_flush=False, allow_nan=False, conv_str_byte=False, **jsonkwargs): """ Convert a nested data structure to a json string. :param fp: File handle or path to write to. :param compression: The gzip compression level, or None for no compression. :param force_flush: If True, flush the file handle used, when possibly also in the operating system (default False). The other arguments are identical to `dumps`. """ txt = dumps(obj, sort_keys=sort_keys, cls=cls, obj_encoders=obj_encoders, extra_obj_encoders=extra_obj_encoders, primitives=primitives, compression=compression, allow_nan=allow_nan, conv_str_byte=conv_str_byte, **jsonkwargs) if isinstance(fp, str_type): fh = open(fp, 'wb+') else: fh = fp if conv_str_byte: try: fh.write(b'') except TypeError: pass # if not isinstance(txt, str_type): # # Cannot write bytes, so must be in text mode, but we didn't get a text # if not compression: # txt = txt.decode(ENCODING) else: try: fh.write(u'') except TypeError: if isinstance(txt, str_type): txt = txt.encode(ENCODING) try: if 'b' not in getattr(fh, 'mode', 'b?') and not isinstance(txt, str_type) and compression: raise IOError('If compression is enabled, the file must be opened in binary mode.') try: fh.write(txt) except TypeError as err: err.args = (err.args[0] + '. A possible reason is that the file is not opened in binary mode; ' 'be sure to set file mode to something like "wb".',) raise finally: if force_flush: fh.flush() try: if fh.fileno() is not None: fsync(fh.fileno()) except (ValueError,): pass if isinstance(fp, str_type): fh.close() return txt def loads(string, preserve_order=True, ignore_comments=True, decompression=None, obj_pairs_hooks=DEFAULT_HOOKS, extra_obj_pairs_hooks=(), cls_lookup_map=None, allow_duplicates=True, conv_str_byte=False, **jsonkwargs): """ Convert a nested data structure to a json string. :param string: The string containing a json encoded data structure. :param decode_cls_instances: True to attempt to decode class instances (requires the environment to be similar the the encoding one). :param preserve_order: Whether to preserve order by using OrderedDicts or not. :param ignore_comments: Remove comments (starting with # or //). :param decompression: True to use gzip decompression, False to use raw data, None to automatically determine (default). Assumes utf-8 encoding! :param obj_pairs_hooks: A list of dictionary hooks to apply. :param extra_obj_pairs_hooks: Like `obj_pairs_hooks` but on top of them: use this to add hooks without replacing defaults. Since v3.5 these happen before default hooks. :param cls_lookup_map: If set to a dict, for example ``globals()``, then classes encoded from __main__ are looked up this dict. :param allow_duplicates: If set to False, an error will be raised when loading a json-map that contains duplicate keys. :param parse_float: A function to parse strings to integers (e.g. Decimal). There is also `parse_int`. :param conv_str_byte: Try to automatically convert between strings and bytes (assuming utf-8) (default False). :return: The string containing the json-encoded version of obj. Other arguments are passed on to json_func. """ if not hasattr(extra_obj_pairs_hooks, '__iter__'): raise TypeError('`extra_obj_pairs_hooks` should be a tuple in `json_tricks.load(s)`') if decompression is None: decompression = string[:2] == b'\x1f\x8b' if decompression: with GzipFile(fileobj=BytesIO(string), mode='rb') as zh: string = string = string.decode(ENCODING) if not isinstance(string, str_type): if conv_str_byte: string = string.decode(ENCODING) else: raise TypeError(('Cannot automatically encode object of type "{0:}" in `json_tricks.load(s)` since ' 'the encoding is not known. You should instead encode the bytes to a string and pass that ' 'string to `load(s)`, for example bytevar.encode("utf-8") if utf-8 is the encoding.').format(type(string))) if ignore_comments: string = strip_comments(string) obj_pairs_hooks = tuple(obj_pairs_hooks) _cih_instance.cls_lookup_map = cls_lookup_map or {} hooks = tuple(extra_obj_pairs_hooks) + obj_pairs_hooks hook = TricksPairHook(ordered=preserve_order, obj_pairs_hooks=hooks, allow_duplicates=allow_duplicates) return json_loads(string, object_pairs_hook=hook, **jsonkwargs) def load(fp, preserve_order=True, ignore_comments=True, decompression=None, obj_pairs_hooks=DEFAULT_HOOKS, extra_obj_pairs_hooks=(), cls_lookup_map=None, allow_duplicates=True, conv_str_byte=False, **jsonkwargs): """ Convert a nested data structure to a json string. :param fp: File handle or path to load from. The other arguments are identical to loads. """ try: if isinstance(fp, str_type): with open(fp, 'rb') as fh: string = else: string = except UnicodeDecodeError as err: # todo: not covered in tests, is it relevant? raise Exception('There was a problem decoding the file content. A possible reason is that the file is not ' + 'opened in binary mode; be sure to set file mode to something like "rb".').with_traceback(exc_info()[2]) return loads(string, preserve_order=preserve_order, ignore_comments=ignore_comments, decompression=decompression, obj_pairs_hooks=obj_pairs_hooks, extra_obj_pairs_hooks=extra_obj_pairs_hooks, cls_lookup_map=cls_lookup_map, allow_duplicates=allow_duplicates, conv_str_byte=conv_str_byte, **jsonkwargs)