# Copyright 2009-2024 Joshua Bronson. All rights reserved. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # * Code review nav * # (see comments in __init__.py) # ============================================================================ # ← Prev: _frozen.py Current: _bidict.py Next: _orderedbase.py → # ============================================================================ """Provide :class:`MutableBidict` and :class:`bidict`.""" from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from ._abc import MutableBidirectionalMapping from ._base import BidictBase from ._dup import ON_DUP_DROP_OLD from ._dup import ON_DUP_RAISE from ._dup import OnDup from ._typing import DT from ._typing import KT from ._typing import MISSING from ._typing import ODT from ._typing import VT from ._typing import MapOrItems class MutableBidict(BidictBase[KT, VT], MutableBidirectionalMapping[KT, VT]): """Base class for mutable bidirectional mappings.""" if t.TYPE_CHECKING: @property def inverse(self) -> MutableBidict[VT, KT]: ... @property def inv(self) -> MutableBidict[VT, KT]: ... def _pop(self, key: KT) -> VT: val = self._fwdm.pop(key) del self._invm[val] return val def __delitem__(self, key: KT) -> None: """*x.__delitem__(y) ⟺ del x[y]*""" self._pop(key) def __setitem__(self, key: KT, val: VT) -> None: """Set the value for *key* to *val*. If *key* is already associated with *val*, this is a no-op. If *key* is already associated with a different value, the old value will be replaced with *val*, as with dict's :meth:`__setitem__`. If *val* is already associated with a different key, an exception is raised to protect against accidental removal of the key that's currently associated with *val*. Use :meth:`put` instead if you want to specify different behavior in the case that the provided key or value duplicates an existing one. Or use :meth:`forceput` to unconditionally associate *key* with *val*, replacing any existing items as necessary to preserve uniqueness. :raises bidict.ValueDuplicationError: if *val* duplicates that of an existing item. :raises bidict.KeyAndValueDuplicationError: if *key* duplicates the key of an existing item and *val* duplicates the value of a different existing item. """ self.put(key, val, on_dup=self.on_dup) def put(self, key: KT, val: VT, on_dup: OnDup = ON_DUP_RAISE) -> None: """Associate *key* with *val*, honoring the :class:`OnDup` given in *on_dup*. For example, if *on_dup* is :attr:`~bidict.ON_DUP_RAISE`, then *key* will be associated with *val* if and only if *key* is not already associated with an existing value and *val* is not already associated with an existing key, otherwise an exception will be raised. If *key* is already associated with *val*, this is a no-op. :raises bidict.KeyDuplicationError: if attempting to insert an item whose key only duplicates an existing item's, and *on_dup.key* is :attr:`~bidict.RAISE`. :raises bidict.ValueDuplicationError: if attempting to insert an item whose value only duplicates an existing item's, and *on_dup.val* is :attr:`~bidict.RAISE`. :raises bidict.KeyAndValueDuplicationError: if attempting to insert an item whose key duplicates one existing item's, and whose value duplicates another existing item's, and *on_dup.val* is :attr:`~bidict.RAISE`. """ self._update(((key, val),), on_dup=on_dup) def forceput(self, key: KT, val: VT) -> None: """Associate *key* with *val* unconditionally. Replace any existing mappings containing key *key* or value *val* as necessary to preserve uniqueness. """ self.put(key, val, on_dup=ON_DUP_DROP_OLD) def clear(self) -> None: """Remove all items.""" self._fwdm.clear() self._invm.clear() @t.overload def pop(self, key: KT, /) -> VT: ... @t.overload def pop(self, key: KT, default: DT = ..., /) -> VT | DT: ... def pop(self, key: KT, default: ODT[DT] = MISSING, /) -> VT | DT: """*x.pop(k[, d]) → v* Remove specified key and return the corresponding value. :raises KeyError: if *key* is not found and no *default* is provided. """ try: return self._pop(key) except KeyError: if default is MISSING: raise return default def popitem(self) -> tuple[KT, VT]: """*x.popitem() → (k, v)* Remove and return some item as a (key, value) pair. :raises KeyError: if *x* is empty. """ key, val = self._fwdm.popitem() del self._invm[val] return key, val def update(self, arg: MapOrItems[KT, VT] = (), /, **kw: VT) -> None: """Like calling :meth:`putall` with *self.on_dup* passed for *on_dup*.""" self._update(arg, kw=kw) def forceupdate(self, arg: MapOrItems[KT, VT] = (), /, **kw: VT) -> None: """Like a bulk :meth:`forceput`.""" self._update(arg, kw=kw, on_dup=ON_DUP_DROP_OLD) def putall(self, items: MapOrItems[KT, VT], on_dup: OnDup = ON_DUP_RAISE) -> None: """Like a bulk :meth:`put`. If one of the given items causes an exception to be raised, none of the items is inserted. """ self._update(items, on_dup=on_dup) # other's type is Mapping rather than Maplike since bidict() |= SupportsKeysAndGetItem({}) # raises a TypeError, just like dict() |= SupportsKeysAndGetItem({}) does. def __ior__(self, other: t.Mapping[KT, VT]) -> MutableBidict[KT, VT]: """Return self|=other.""" self.update(other) return self class bidict(MutableBidict[KT, VT]): """The main bidirectional mapping type. See :ref:`intro:Introduction` and :ref:`basic-usage:Basic Usage` to get started (also available at https://bidict.rtfd.io). """ if t.TYPE_CHECKING: @property def inverse(self) -> bidict[VT, KT]: ... @property def inv(self) -> bidict[VT, KT]: ... # * Code review nav * # ============================================================================ # ← Prev: _frozen.py Current: _bidict.py Next: _orderedbase.py → # ============================================================================