# Copyright 2009-2024 Joshua Bronson. All rights reserved. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # * Code review nav * # (see comments in __init__.py) # ============================================================================ # ← Prev: _bidict.py Current: _orderedbase.py Next: _orderedbidict.py → # ============================================================================ """Provide :class:`OrderedBidictBase`.""" from __future__ import annotations import typing as t from weakref import ref as weakref from ._base import BidictBase from ._base import Unwrites from ._bidict import bidict from ._iter import iteritems from ._typing import KT from ._typing import MISSING from ._typing import OKT from ._typing import OVT from ._typing import VT from ._typing import MapOrItems AT = t.TypeVar('AT') # attr type class WeakAttr(t.Generic[AT]): """Descriptor to automatically manage (de)referencing the given slot as a weakref. See https://docs.python.org/3/howto/descriptor.html#managed-attributes for an intro to using descriptors like this for managed attributes. """ def __init__(self, *, slot: str) -> None: self.slot = slot def __set__(self, instance: t.Any, value: AT) -> None: setattr(instance, self.slot, weakref(value)) def __get__(self, instance: t.Any, __owner: t.Any = None) -> AT: return t.cast(AT, getattr(instance, self.slot)()) class Node: """A node in a circular doubly-linked list used to encode the order of items in an ordered bidict. A weak reference to the previous node is stored to avoid creating strong reference cycles. Referencing/dereferencing the weakref is handled automatically by :class:`WeakAttr`. """ prv: WeakAttr[Node] = WeakAttr(slot='_prv_weak') __slots__ = ('__weakref__', '_prv_weak', 'nxt') nxt: Node | WeakAttr[Node] # Allow subclasses to use a WeakAttr for nxt too (see SentinelNode) def __init__(self, prv: Node, nxt: Node) -> None: self.prv = prv self.nxt = nxt def unlink(self) -> None: """Remove self from in between prv and nxt. Self's references to prv and nxt are retained so it can be relinked (see below). """ self.prv.nxt = self.nxt self.nxt.prv = self.prv def relink(self) -> None: """Restore self between prv and nxt after unlinking (see above).""" self.prv.nxt = self.nxt.prv = self class SentinelNode(Node): """Special node in a circular doubly-linked list that links the first node with the last node. When its next and previous references point back to itself it represents an empty list. """ nxt: WeakAttr[Node] = WeakAttr(slot='_nxt_weak') __slots__ = ('_nxt_weak',) def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__(self, self) def iternodes(self, *, reverse: bool = False) -> t.Iterator[Node]: """Iterator yielding nodes in the requested order.""" attr = 'prv' if reverse else 'nxt' node = getattr(self, attr) while node is not self: yield node node = getattr(node, attr) def new_last_node(self) -> Node: """Create and return a new terminal node.""" old_last = self.prv new_last = Node(old_last, self) old_last.nxt = self.prv = new_last return new_last class OrderedBidictBase(BidictBase[KT, VT]): """Base class implementing an ordered :class:`BidirectionalMapping`.""" _node_by_korv: bidict[t.Any, Node] _bykey: bool def __init__(self, arg: MapOrItems[KT, VT] = (), /, **kw: VT) -> None: """Make a new ordered bidirectional mapping. The signature behaves like that of :class:`dict`. Items passed in are added in the order they are passed, respecting the :attr:`~bidict.BidictBase.on_dup` class attribute in the process. The order in which items are inserted is remembered, similar to :class:`collections.OrderedDict`. """ self._sntl = SentinelNode() self._node_by_korv = bidict() self._bykey = True super().__init__(arg, **kw) if t.TYPE_CHECKING: @property def inverse(self) -> OrderedBidictBase[VT, KT]: ... @property def inv(self) -> OrderedBidictBase[VT, KT]: ... def _make_inverse(self) -> OrderedBidictBase[VT, KT]: inv = t.cast(OrderedBidictBase[VT, KT], super()._make_inverse()) inv._sntl = self._sntl inv._node_by_korv = self._node_by_korv inv._bykey = not self._bykey return inv def _assoc_node(self, node: Node, key: KT, val: VT) -> None: korv = key if self._bykey else val self._node_by_korv.forceput(korv, node) def _dissoc_node(self, node: Node) -> None: del self._node_by_korv.inverse[node] node.unlink() def _init_from(self, other: MapOrItems[KT, VT]) -> None: """See :meth:`BidictBase._init_from`.""" super()._init_from(other) bykey = self._bykey korv_by_node = self._node_by_korv.inverse korv_by_node.clear() korv_by_node_set = korv_by_node.__setitem__ self._sntl.nxt = self._sntl.prv = self._sntl new_node = self._sntl.new_last_node for k, v in iteritems(other): korv_by_node_set(new_node(), k if bykey else v) def _write(self, newkey: KT, newval: VT, oldkey: OKT[KT], oldval: OVT[VT], unwrites: Unwrites | None) -> None: """See :meth:`bidict.BidictBase._spec_write`.""" super()._write(newkey, newval, oldkey, oldval, unwrites) assoc, dissoc = self._assoc_node, self._dissoc_node node_by_korv, bykey = self._node_by_korv, self._bykey if oldval is MISSING and oldkey is MISSING: # no key or value duplication # {0: 1, 2: 3} | {4: 5} => {0: 1, 2: 3, 4: 5} newnode = self._sntl.new_last_node() assoc(newnode, newkey, newval) if unwrites is not None: unwrites.append((dissoc, newnode)) elif oldval is not MISSING and oldkey is not MISSING: # key and value duplication across two different items # {0: 1, 2: 3} | {0: 3} => {0: 3} # n1, n2 => n1 (collapse n1 and n2 into n1) # oldkey: 2, oldval: 1, oldnode: n2, newkey: 0, newval: 3, newnode: n1 if bykey: oldnode = node_by_korv[oldkey] newnode = node_by_korv[newkey] else: oldnode = node_by_korv[newval] newnode = node_by_korv[oldval] dissoc(oldnode) assoc(newnode, newkey, newval) if unwrites is not None: unwrites.extend(( (assoc, newnode, newkey, oldval), (assoc, oldnode, oldkey, newval), (oldnode.relink,), )) elif oldval is not MISSING: # just key duplication # {0: 1, 2: 3} | {2: 4} => {0: 1, 2: 4} # oldkey: MISSING, oldval: 3, newkey: 2, newval: 4 node = node_by_korv[newkey if bykey else oldval] assoc(node, newkey, newval) if unwrites is not None: unwrites.append((assoc, node, newkey, oldval)) else: assert oldkey is not MISSING # just value duplication # {0: 1, 2: 3} | {4: 3} => {0: 1, 4: 3} # oldkey: 2, oldval: MISSING, newkey: 4, newval: 3 node = node_by_korv[oldkey if bykey else newval] assoc(node, newkey, newval) if unwrites is not None: unwrites.append((assoc, node, oldkey, newval)) def __iter__(self) -> t.Iterator[KT]: """Iterator over the contained keys in insertion order.""" return self._iter(reverse=False) def __reversed__(self) -> t.Iterator[KT]: """Iterator over the contained keys in reverse insertion order.""" return self._iter(reverse=True) def _iter(self, *, reverse: bool = False) -> t.Iterator[KT]: nodes = self._sntl.iternodes(reverse=reverse) korv_by_node = self._node_by_korv.inverse if self._bykey: for node in nodes: yield korv_by_node[node] else: key_by_val = self._invm for node in nodes: val = korv_by_node[node] yield key_by_val[val] # * Code review nav * # ============================================================================ # ← Prev: _bidict.py Current: _orderedbase.py Next: _orderedbidict.py → # ============================================================================