"""Console script for deep_translator.""" __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2020 Nidhal Baccouri" import argparse from typing import Optional from deep_translator.engines import __engines__ class CLI(object): translators_dict = __engines__ translator = None def __init__(self, custom_args: Optional[list] = None): self.custom_args = custom_args self.args = self.parse_args() translator_class = self.translators_dict.get( self.args.translator, None ) if not translator_class: raise Exception( f"Translator {self.args.translator} is not supported." f"Supported translators: {list(self.translators_dict.keys())}" ) self.translator = translator_class( source=self.args.source, target=self.args.target ) def translate(self) -> None: """ function used to provide translations from the parsed terminal arguments @return: None """ res = self.translator.translate(self.args.text) print(f"Translation from {self.args.source} to {self.args.target}") print("-" * 50) print(f"Translation result: {res}") def get_supported_languages(self) -> None: """ function used to return the languages supported by the translator service from the parsed terminal arguments @return: None """ translator_supported_languages = ( self.translator.get_supported_languages(as_dict=True) ) print(f"Languages supported by '{self.args.translator}' are :\n") print(translator_supported_languages) def parse_args(self) -> argparse.Namespace: """ function responsible for parsing terminal arguments and provide them for further use in the translation process """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=True, description="Official CLI for deep-translator", usage="dt --help", ) parser.add_argument( "--translator", "-trans", default="google", type=str, help="name of the translator you want to use", ) parser.add_argument( "--source", "-src", default="auto", type=str, help="source language to translate from", ) parser.add_argument( "--target", "-tg", type=str, help="target language to translate to" ) parser.add_argument( "--text", "-txt", type=str, help="text you want to translate" ) parser.add_argument( "--languages", "-lang", action="store_true", help="all the languages available with the translator" "Run the command deep_translator -trans -lang", ) parsed_args = ( parser.parse_args(self.custom_args) if self.custom_args else parser.parse_args() ) return parsed_args def run(self) -> None: if self.args.languages: self.get_supported_languages() else: self.translate()