""" A command-line utility for fixing text found in a file. """ import os import sys from typing import Union from ftfy import TextFixerConfig, __version__, fix_file ENCODE_ERROR_TEXT_UNIX = """ftfy error: Unfortunately, this output stream does not support Unicode. Your system locale may be very old or misconfigured. You should use a locale that supports UTF-8. One way to do this is to `export LANG=C.UTF-8`. """ ENCODE_ERROR_TEXT_WINDOWS = """ftfy error: Unfortunately, this output stream does not support Unicode. You might be trying to output to the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe), which does not fully support Unicode for historical reasons. In general, we recommend finding a way to run Python without using cmd.exe. You can work around this problem by using the '-o filename' option in ftfy to output to a file instead. """ DECODE_ERROR_TEXT = """ftfy error: This input couldn't be decoded as %r. We got the following error: %s ftfy works best when its input is in a known encoding. You can use `ftfy -g` to guess, if you're desperate. Otherwise, give the encoding name with the `-e` option, such as `ftfy -e latin-1`. """ SAME_FILE_ERROR_TEXT = """ftfy error: Can't read and write the same file. Please output to a new file instead. """ def main() -> None: """ Run ftfy as a command-line utility. """ import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="ftfy (fixes text for you), version %s" % __version__ ) parser.add_argument( "filename", default="-", nargs="?", help="The file whose Unicode is to be fixed. Defaults " "to -, meaning standard input.", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output", type=str, default="-", help="The file to output to. Defaults to -, meaning " "standard output.", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--guess", action="store_true", help="Ask ftfy to guess the encoding of your input. " "This is risky. Overrides -e.", ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--encoding", type=str, default="utf-8", help="The encoding of the input. Defaults to UTF-8.", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--normalization", type=str, default="NFC", help="The normalization of Unicode to apply. " 'Defaults to NFC. Can be "none".', ) parser.add_argument( "--preserve-entities", action="store_true", help="Leave HTML entities as they are. The default " "is to decode them, as long as no HTML tags " "have appeared in the file.", ) args = parser.parse_args() encoding = args.encoding if args.guess: encoding = None if args.filename == "-": # Get a standard input stream made of bytes, so we can decode it as # whatever encoding is necessary. file = sys.stdin.buffer else: file = open(args.filename, "rb") if args.output == "-": outfile = sys.stdout else: if os.path.realpath(args.output) == os.path.realpath(args.filename): sys.stderr.write(SAME_FILE_ERROR_TEXT) sys.exit(1) outfile = open(args.output, "w", encoding="utf-8") normalization = args.normalization if normalization.lower() == "none": normalization = None unescape_html: Union[str, bool] if args.preserve_entities: unescape_html = False else: unescape_html = "auto" config = TextFixerConfig(unescape_html=unescape_html, normalization=normalization) try: for line in fix_file(file, encoding=encoding, config=config): try: outfile.write(line) except UnicodeEncodeError: if sys.platform == "win32": sys.stderr.write(ENCODE_ERROR_TEXT_WINDOWS) else: sys.stderr.write(ENCODE_ERROR_TEXT_UNIX) sys.exit(1) except UnicodeDecodeError as err: sys.stderr.write(DECODE_ERROR_TEXT % (encoding, err)) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()