import builtins import os import sys from array import array from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, is_dataclass from itertools import islice from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Union, Tuple, ) from rich.highlighter import ReprHighlighter from . import get_console from ._loop import loop_last from ._pick import pick_bool from .abc import RichRenderable from .cells import cell_len from .highlighter import ReprHighlighter from .jupyter import JupyterMixin, JupyterRenderable from .measure import Measurement from .text import Text if TYPE_CHECKING: from .console import ( Console, ConsoleOptions, HighlighterType, JustifyMethod, OverflowMethod, RenderResult, ) def install( console: "Console" = None, overflow: "OverflowMethod" = "ignore", crop: bool = False, indent_guides: bool = False, max_length: int = None, max_string: int = None, expand_all: bool = False, ) -> None: """Install automatic pretty printing in the Python REPL. Args: console (Console, optional): Console instance or ``None`` to use global console. Defaults to None. overflow (Optional[OverflowMethod], optional): Overflow method. Defaults to "ignore". crop (Optional[bool], optional): Enable cropping of long lines. Defaults to False. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indentation guides. Defaults to False. max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to None. max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to None. expand_all (bool, optional): Expand all containers. Defaults to False """ from rich import get_console from .console import ConsoleRenderable # needed here to prevent circular import console = console or get_console() assert console is not None def display_hook(value: Any) -> None: """Replacement sys.displayhook which prettifies objects with Rich.""" if value is not None: assert console is not None builtins._ = None # type: ignore console.print( value if isinstance(value, RichRenderable) else Pretty( value, overflow=overflow, indent_guides=indent_guides, max_length=max_length, max_string=max_string, expand_all=expand_all, ), crop=crop, ) builtins._ = value # type: ignore def ipy_display_hook(value: Any) -> None: # pragma: no cover assert console is not None # always skip rich generated jupyter renderables or None values if isinstance(value, JupyterRenderable) or value is None: return # on jupyter rich display, if using one of the special representations dont use rich if console.is_jupyter and any(attr.startswith("_repr_") for attr in dir(value)): return if hasattr(value, "_repr_mimebundle_"): return # certain renderables should start on a new line if isinstance(value, ConsoleRenderable): console.line() console.print( value if isinstance(value, RichRenderable) else Pretty( value, overflow=overflow, indent_guides=indent_guides, max_length=max_length, max_string=max_string, expand_all=expand_all, margin=12, ), crop=crop, ) try: # pragma: no cover ip = get_ipython() # type: ignore from IPython.core.formatters import BaseFormatter # replace plain text formatter with rich formatter rich_formatter = BaseFormatter() rich_formatter.for_type(object, func=ipy_display_hook) ip.display_formatter.formatters["text/plain"] = rich_formatter except Exception: sys.displayhook = display_hook class Pretty(JupyterMixin): """A rich renderable that pretty prints an object. Args: _object (Any): An object to pretty print. highlighter (HighlighterType, optional): Highlighter object to apply to result, or None for ReprHighlighter. Defaults to None. indent_size (int, optional): Number of spaces in indent. Defaults to 4. justify (JustifyMethod, optional): Justify method, or None for default. Defaults to None. overflow (OverflowMethod, optional): Overflow method, or None for default. Defaults to None. no_wrap (Optional[bool], optional): Disable word wrapping. Defaults to False. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indentation guides. Defaults to False. max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to None. max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to None. expand_all (bool, optional): Expand all containers. Defaults to False. margin (int, optional): Subtrace a margin from width to force containers to expand earlier. Defaults to 0. insert_line (bool, optional): Insert a new line if the output has multiple new lines. Defaults to False. """ def __init__( self, _object: Any, highlighter: "HighlighterType" = None, *, indent_size: int = 4, justify: "JustifyMethod" = None, overflow: Optional["OverflowMethod"] = None, no_wrap: Optional[bool] = False, indent_guides: bool = False, max_length: int = None, max_string: int = None, expand_all: bool = False, margin: int = 0, insert_line: bool = False, ) -> None: self._object = _object self.highlighter = highlighter or ReprHighlighter() self.indent_size = indent_size self.justify = justify self.overflow = overflow self.no_wrap = no_wrap self.indent_guides = indent_guides self.max_length = max_length self.max_string = max_string self.expand_all = expand_all self.margin = margin self.insert_line = insert_line def __rich_console__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> "RenderResult": pretty_str = pretty_repr( self._object, max_width=options.max_width - self.margin, indent_size=self.indent_size, max_length=self.max_length, max_string=self.max_string, expand_all=self.expand_all, ) pretty_text = Text( pretty_str, justify=self.justify or options.justify, overflow=self.overflow or options.overflow, no_wrap=pick_bool(self.no_wrap, options.no_wrap), style="pretty", ) pretty_text = ( self.highlighter(pretty_text) if pretty_text else Text( f"{type(self._object)}.__repr__ returned empty string", style="dim italic", ) ) if self.indent_guides and not options.ascii_only: pretty_text = pretty_text.with_indent_guides( self.indent_size, style="repr.indent" ) if self.insert_line and "\n" in pretty_text: yield "" yield pretty_text def __rich_measure__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> "Measurement": pretty_str = pretty_repr( self._object, max_width=options.max_width, indent_size=self.indent_size, max_length=self.max_length, max_string=self.max_string, ) text_width = ( max(cell_len(line) for line in pretty_str.splitlines()) if pretty_str else 0 ) return Measurement(text_width, text_width) def _get_braces_for_defaultdict(_object: defaultdict) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: return ( f"defaultdict({_object.default_factory!r}, {{", "})", f"defaultdict({_object.default_factory!r}, {{}})", ) def _get_braces_for_array(_object: array) -> Tuple[str, str, str]: return (f"array({_object.typecode!r}, [", "])", "array({_object.typecode!r})") _BRACES: Dict[type, Callable[[Any], Tuple[str, str, str]]] = { os._Environ: lambda _object: ("environ({", "})", "environ({})"), array: _get_braces_for_array, defaultdict: _get_braces_for_defaultdict, Counter: lambda _object: ("Counter({", "})", "Counter()"), deque: lambda _object: ("deque([", "])", "deque()"), dict: lambda _object: ("{", "}", "{}"), frozenset: lambda _object: ("frozenset({", "})", "frozenset()"), list: lambda _object: ("[", "]", "[]"), set: lambda _object: ("{", "}", "set()"), tuple: lambda _object: ("(", ")", "()"), } _CONTAINERS = tuple(_BRACES.keys()) _MAPPING_CONTAINERS = (dict, os._Environ) def is_expandable(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check if an object may be expanded by pretty print.""" return ( isinstance(obj, _CONTAINERS) or (is_dataclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, type)) or hasattr(obj, "__rich_repr__") ) @dataclass class Node: """A node in a repr tree. May be atomic or a container.""" key_repr: str = "" value_repr: str = "" open_brace: str = "" close_brace: str = "" empty: str = "" last: bool = False is_tuple: bool = False children: Optional[List["Node"]] = None key_separator = ": " @property def separator(self) -> str: """Get separator between items.""" return "" if self.last else "," def iter_tokens(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Generate tokens for this node.""" if self.key_repr: yield self.key_repr yield self.key_separator if self.value_repr: yield self.value_repr elif self.children is not None: if self.children: yield self.open_brace if self.is_tuple and len(self.children) == 1: yield from self.children[0].iter_tokens() yield "," else: for child in self.children: yield from child.iter_tokens() if not child.last: yield ", " yield self.close_brace else: yield self.empty def check_length(self, start_length: int, max_length: int) -> bool: """Check the length fits within a limit. Args: start_length (int): Starting length of the line (indent, prefix, suffix). max_length (int): Maximum length. Returns: bool: True if the node can be rendered within max length, otherwise False. """ total_length = start_length for token in self.iter_tokens(): total_length += cell_len(token) if total_length > max_length: return False return True def __str__(self) -> str: repr_text = "".join(self.iter_tokens()) return repr_text def render( self, max_width: int = 80, indent_size: int = 4, expand_all: bool = False ) -> str: """Render the node to a pretty repr. Args: max_width (int, optional): Maximum width of the repr. Defaults to 80. indent_size (int, optional): Size of indents. Defaults to 4. expand_all (bool, optional): Expand all levels. Defaults to False. Returns: str: A repr string of the original object. """ lines = [_Line(node=self, is_root=True)] line_no = 0 while line_no < len(lines): line = lines[line_no] if line.expandable and not line.expanded: if expand_all or not line.check_length(max_width): lines[line_no : line_no + 1] = line.expand(indent_size) line_no += 1 repr_str = "\n".join(str(line) for line in lines) return repr_str @dataclass class _Line: """A line in repr output.""" is_root: bool = False node: Optional[Node] = None text: str = "" suffix: str = "" whitespace: str = "" expanded: bool = False @property def expandable(self) -> bool: """Check if the line may be expanded.""" return bool(self.node is not None and self.node.children) def check_length(self, max_length: int) -> bool: """Check this line fits within a given number of cells.""" start_length = ( len(self.whitespace) + cell_len(self.text) + cell_len(self.suffix) ) assert self.node is not None return self.node.check_length(start_length, max_length) def expand(self, indent_size: int) -> Iterable["_Line"]: """Expand this line by adding children on their own line.""" node = self.node assert node is not None whitespace = self.whitespace assert node.children if node.key_repr: yield _Line( text=f"{node.key_repr}{node.key_separator}{node.open_brace}", whitespace=whitespace, ) else: yield _Line(text=node.open_brace, whitespace=whitespace) child_whitespace = self.whitespace + " " * indent_size tuple_of_one = node.is_tuple and len(node.children) == 1 for child in node.children: separator = "," if tuple_of_one else child.separator line = _Line( node=child, whitespace=child_whitespace, suffix=separator, ) yield line yield _Line( text=node.close_brace, whitespace=whitespace, suffix="," if (tuple_of_one and not self.is_root) else node.separator, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.whitespace}{self.text}{self.node or ''}{self.suffix}" def traverse(_object: Any, max_length: int = None, max_string: int = None) -> Node: """Traverse object and generate a tree. Args: _object (Any): Object to be traversed. max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to None. max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable truncating. Defaults to None. Returns: Node: The root of a tree structure which can be used to render a pretty repr. """ def to_repr(obj: Any) -> str: """Get repr string for an object, but catch errors.""" if ( max_string is not None and isinstance(obj, (bytes, str)) and len(obj) > max_string ): truncated = len(obj) - max_string obj_repr = f"{obj[:max_string]!r}+{truncated}" else: try: obj_repr = repr(obj) except Exception as error: obj_repr = f"" return obj_repr visited_ids: Set[int] = set() push_visited = visited_ids.add pop_visited = visited_ids.remove def _traverse(obj: Any, root: bool = False) -> Node: """Walk the object depth first.""" obj_type = type(obj) py_version = (sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) children: List[Node] def iter_rich_args(rich_args) -> Iterable[Union[Any, Tuple[str, Any]]]: for arg in rich_args: if isinstance(arg, tuple): if len(arg) == 3: key, child, default = arg if default == child: continue yield key, child elif len(arg) == 2: key, child = arg yield key, child elif len(arg) == 1: yield arg[0] else: yield arg if hasattr(obj, "__rich_repr__"): args = list(iter_rich_args(obj.__rich_repr__())) if args: children = [] append = children.append node = Node( open_brace=f"{obj.__class__.__name__}(", close_brace=")", children=children, last=root, ) for last, arg in loop_last(args): if isinstance(arg, tuple): key, child = arg child_node = _traverse(child) child_node.last = last child_node.key_repr = key child_node.last = last child_node.key_separator = "=" append(child_node) else: child_node = _traverse(arg) child_node.last = last append(child_node) else: node = Node( value_repr=f"{obj.__class__.__name__}()", children=[], last=root ) elif ( is_dataclass(obj) and not isinstance(obj, type) and ( "__create_fn__" in obj.__repr__.__qualname__ or py_version == (3, 6) ) # Check if __repr__ wasn't overriden ): obj_id = id(obj) if obj_id in visited_ids: # Recursion detected return Node(value_repr="...") push_visited(obj_id) children = [] append = children.append node = Node( open_brace=f"{obj.__class__.__name__}(", close_brace=")", children=children, last=root, ) for last, field in loop_last(fields(obj)): if field.repr: child_node = _traverse(getattr(obj, child_node.key_repr = child_node.last = last child_node.key_separator = "=" append(child_node) pop_visited(obj_id) elif obj_type in _CONTAINERS: obj_id = id(obj) if obj_id in visited_ids: # Recursion detected return Node(value_repr="...") push_visited(obj_id) open_brace, close_brace, empty = _BRACES[obj_type](obj) if obj: children = [] node = Node( open_brace=open_brace, close_brace=close_brace, children=children, last=root, ) append = children.append num_items = len(obj) last_item_index = num_items - 1 if isinstance(obj, _MAPPING_CONTAINERS): iter_items = iter(obj.items()) if max_length is not None: iter_items = islice(iter_items, max_length) for index, (key, child) in enumerate(iter_items): child_node = _traverse(child) child_node.key_repr = to_repr(key) child_node.last = index == last_item_index append(child_node) else: iter_values = iter(obj) if max_length is not None: iter_values = islice(iter_values, max_length) for index, child in enumerate(iter_values): child_node = _traverse(child) child_node.last = index == last_item_index append(child_node) if max_length is not None and num_items > max_length: append(Node(value_repr=f"... +{num_items-max_length}", last=True)) else: node = Node(empty=empty, children=[], last=root) pop_visited(obj_id) else: node = Node(value_repr=to_repr(obj), last=root) node.is_tuple = isinstance(obj, tuple) return node node = _traverse(_object, root=True) return node def pretty_repr( _object: Any, *, max_width: int = 80, indent_size: int = 4, max_length: int = None, max_string: int = None, expand_all: bool = False, ) -> str: """Prettify repr string by expanding on to new lines to fit within a given width. Args: _object (Any): Object to repr. max_width (int, optional): Desired maximum width of repr string. Defaults to 80. indent_size (int, optional): Number of spaces to indent. Defaults to 4. max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to None. max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of string before truncating, or None to disable truncating. Defaults to None. expand_all (bool, optional): Expand all containers regardless of available width. Defaults to False. Returns: str: A possibly multi-line representation of the object. """ if isinstance(_object, Node): node = _object else: node = traverse(_object, max_length=max_length, max_string=max_string) repr_str = node.render( max_width=max_width, indent_size=indent_size, expand_all=expand_all ) return repr_str def pprint( _object: Any, *, console: "Console" = None, indent_guides: bool = True, max_length: int = None, max_string: int = None, expand_all: bool = False, ): """A convenience function for pretty printing. Args: _object (Any): Object to pretty print. console (Console, optional): Console instance, or None to use default. Defaults to None. max_length (int, optional): Maximum length of containers before abbreviating, or None for no abbreviation. Defaults to None. max_string (int, optional): Maximum length of strings before truncating, or None to disable. Defaults to None. indent_guides (bool, optional): Enable indentation guides. Defaults to True. expand_all (bool, optional): Expand all containers. Defaults to False. """ _console = get_console() if console is None else console _console.print( Pretty( _object, max_length=max_length, max_string=max_string, indent_guides=indent_guides, expand_all=expand_all, overflow="ignore", ), soft_wrap=True, ) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover class BrokenRepr: def __repr__(self): 1 / 0 d = defaultdict(int) d["foo"] = 5 data = { "foo": [ 1, "Hello World!", 100.123, 323.232, 432324.0, {5, 6, 7, (1, 2, 3, 4), 8}, ], "bar": frozenset({1, 2, 3}), "defaultdict": defaultdict( list, {"crumble": ["apple", "rhubarb", "butter", "sugar", "flour"]} ), "counter": Counter( [ "apple", "orange", "pear", "kumquat", "kumquat", "durian" * 100, ] ), "atomic": (False, True, None), "Broken": BrokenRepr(), } data["foo"].append(data) # type: ignore from rich import print print(Pretty(data, indent_guides=True, max_string=20))