from __future__ import annotations import typing as t import sqlalchemy as sa import sqlalchemy.exc as sa_exc import sqlalchemy.orm as sa_orm from flask.globals import app_ctx if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from .extension import SQLAlchemy class Session(sa_orm.Session): """A SQLAlchemy :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Session` class that chooses what engine to use based on the bind key associated with the metadata associated with the thing being queried. To customize ``db.session``, subclass this and pass it as the ``class_`` key in the ``session_options`` to :class:`.SQLAlchemy`. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 Renamed from ``SignallingSession``. """ def __init__(self, db: SQLAlchemy, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._db = db self._model_changes: dict[object, tuple[t.Any, str]] = {} def get_bind( self, mapper: t.Any | None = None, clause: t.Any | None = None, bind: sa.engine.Engine | sa.engine.Connection | None = None, **kwargs: t.Any, ) -> sa.engine.Engine | sa.engine.Connection: """Select an engine based on the ``bind_key`` of the metadata associated with the model or table being queried. If no bind key is set, uses the default bind. .. versionchanged:: 3.0.3 Fix finding the bind for a joined inheritance model. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 The implementation more closely matches the base SQLAlchemy implementation. .. versionchanged:: 2.1 Support joining an external transaction. """ if bind is not None: return bind engines = self._db.engines if mapper is not None: try: mapper = sa.inspect(mapper) except sa_exc.NoInspectionAvailable as e: if isinstance(mapper, type): raise sa_orm.exc.UnmappedClassError(mapper) from e raise engine = _clause_to_engine(mapper.local_table, engines) if engine is not None: return engine if clause is not None: engine = _clause_to_engine(clause, engines) if engine is not None: return engine if None in engines: return engines[None] return super().get_bind(mapper=mapper, clause=clause, bind=bind, **kwargs) def _clause_to_engine( clause: sa.ClauseElement | None, engines: t.Mapping[str | None, sa.engine.Engine], ) -> sa.engine.Engine | None: """If the clause is a table, return the engine associated with the table's metadata's bind key. """ table = None if clause is not None: if isinstance(clause, sa.Table): table = clause elif isinstance(clause, sa.UpdateBase) and isinstance(clause.table, sa.Table): table = clause.table if table is not None and "bind_key" in key =["bind_key"] if key not in engines: raise sa_exc.UnboundExecutionError( f"Bind key '{key}' is not in 'SQLALCHEMY_BINDS' config." ) return engines[key] return None def _app_ctx_id() -> int: """Get the id of the current Flask application context for the session scope.""" return id(app_ctx._get_current_object()) # type: ignore[attr-defined]