import re from typing import Iterable, List, Match, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union from .errors import MarkupError from .style import Style from .text import Span, Text from ._emoji_replace import _emoji_replace RE_TAGS = re.compile( r"""((\\*)\[([a-z#\/].*?)\])""", re.VERBOSE, ) class Tag(NamedTuple): """A tag in console markup.""" name: str """The tag name. e.g. 'bold'.""" parameters: Optional[str] """Any additional parameters after the name.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return ( if self.parameters is None else f"{} {self.parameters}" ) @property def markup(self) -> str: """Get the string representation of this tag.""" return ( f"[{}]" if self.parameters is None else f"[{}={self.parameters}]" ) def escape(markup: str, _escape=re.compile(r"(\\*)(\[[a-z#\/].*?\])").sub) -> str: """Escapes text so that it won't be interpreted as markup. Args: markup (str): Content to be inserted in to markup. Returns: str: Markup with square brackets escaped. """ def escape_backslashes(match: Match[str]) -> str: """Called by re.sub replace matches.""" backslashes, text = match.groups() return f"{backslashes}{backslashes}\\{text}" markup = _escape(escape_backslashes, markup) return markup def _parse(markup: str) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, Optional[str], Optional[Tag]]]: """Parse markup in to an iterable of tuples of (position, text, tag). Args: markup (str): A string containing console markup """ position = 0 _divmod = divmod _Tag = Tag for match in RE_TAGS.finditer(markup): full_text, escapes, tag_text = match.groups() start, end = match.span() if start > position: yield start, markup[position:start], None if escapes: backslashes, escaped = _divmod(len(escapes), 2) if backslashes: # Literal backslashes yield start, "\\" * backslashes, None start += backslashes * 2 if escaped: # Escape of tag yield start, full_text[len(escapes) :], None position = end continue text, equals, parameters = tag_text.partition("=") yield start, None, _Tag(text, parameters if equals else None) position = end if position < len(markup): yield position, markup[position:], None def render(markup: str, style: Union[str, Style] = "", emoji: bool = True) -> Text: """Render console markup in to a Text instance. Args: markup (str): A string containing console markup. emoji (bool, optional): Also render emoji code. Defaults to True. Raises: MarkupError: If there is a syntax error in the markup. Returns: Text: A test instance. """ emoji_replace = _emoji_replace if "[" not in markup: return Text(emoji_replace(markup) if emoji else markup, style=style) text = Text(style=style) append = text.append normalize = Style.normalize style_stack: List[Tuple[int, Tag]] = [] pop = style_stack.pop spans: List[Span] = [] append_span = spans.append _Span = Span _Tag = Tag def pop_style(style_name: str) -> Tuple[int, Tag]: """Pop tag matching given style name.""" for index, (_, tag) in enumerate(reversed(style_stack), 1): if == style_name: return pop(-index) raise KeyError(style_name) for position, plain_text, tag in _parse(markup): if plain_text is not None: append(emoji_replace(plain_text) if emoji else plain_text) elif tag is not None: if"/"): # Closing tag style_name =[1:].strip() if style_name: # explicit close style_name = normalize(style_name) try: start, open_tag = pop_style(style_name) except KeyError: raise MarkupError( f"closing tag '{tag.markup}' at position {position} doesn't match any open tag" ) from None else: # implicit close try: start, open_tag = pop() except IndexError: raise MarkupError( f"closing tag '[/]' at position {position} has nothing to close" ) from None append_span(_Span(start, len(text), str(open_tag))) else: # Opening tag normalized_tag = _Tag(normalize(, tag.parameters) style_stack.append((len(text), normalized_tag)) text_length = len(text) while style_stack: start, tag = style_stack.pop() style = str(tag) if style: append_span(_Span(start, text_length, style)) text.spans = sorted(spans) return text if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover from rich.console import Console from rich.text import Text console = Console(highlight=False) console.print("Hello [1], [1,2,3] ['hello']") console.print("foo") console.print("Hello [link=]W[b red]o[/]rld[/]!") from rich import print print(escape("[red]")) print(escape(r"\[red]")) print(escape(r"\\[red]")) print(escape(r"\\\[red]"))