import base64 import gzip import importlib import io import logging import secrets import zlib from . import packet from . import payload default_logger = logging.getLogger('engineio.server') class BaseServer: compression_methods = ['gzip', 'deflate'] event_names = ['connect', 'disconnect', 'message'] valid_transports = ['polling', 'websocket'] _default_monitor_clients = True sequence_number = 0 def __init__(self, async_mode=None, ping_interval=25, ping_timeout=20, max_http_buffer_size=1000000, allow_upgrades=True, http_compression=True, compression_threshold=1024, cookie=None, cors_allowed_origins=None, cors_credentials=True, logger=False, json=None, async_handlers=True, monitor_clients=None, transports=None, **kwargs): self.ping_timeout = ping_timeout if isinstance(ping_interval, tuple): self.ping_interval = ping_interval[0] self.ping_interval_grace_period = ping_interval[1] else: self.ping_interval = ping_interval self.ping_interval_grace_period = 0 self.max_http_buffer_size = max_http_buffer_size self.allow_upgrades = allow_upgrades self.http_compression = http_compression self.compression_threshold = compression_threshold self.cookie = cookie self.cors_allowed_origins = cors_allowed_origins self.cors_credentials = cors_credentials self.async_handlers = async_handlers self.sockets = {} self.handlers = {} self.log_message_keys = set() self.start_service_task = monitor_clients \ if monitor_clients is not None else self._default_monitor_clients self.service_task_handle = None self.service_task_event = None if json is not None: packet.Packet.json = json if not isinstance(logger, bool): self.logger = logger else: self.logger = default_logger if self.logger.level == logging.NOTSET: if logger: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) self.logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) modes = self.async_modes() if async_mode is not None: modes = [async_mode] if async_mode in modes else [] self._async = None self.async_mode = None for mode in modes: try: self._async = importlib.import_module( 'engineio.async_drivers.' + mode)._async asyncio_based = self._async['asyncio'] \ if 'asyncio' in self._async else False if asyncio_based != self.is_asyncio_based(): continue # pragma: no cover self.async_mode = mode break except ImportError: pass if self.async_mode is None: raise ValueError('Invalid async_mode specified') if self.is_asyncio_based() and \ ('asyncio' not in self._async or not self._async['asyncio']): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The selected async_mode is not asyncio ' 'compatible') if not self.is_asyncio_based() and 'asyncio' in self._async and \ self._async['asyncio']: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The selected async_mode requires asyncio and ' 'must use the AsyncServer class') if transports is not None: if isinstance(transports, str): transports = [transports] transports = [transport for transport in transports if transport in self.valid_transports] if not transports: raise ValueError('No valid transports provided') self.transports = transports or self.valid_transports'Server initialized for %s.', self.async_mode) def is_asyncio_based(self): return False def async_modes(self): return ['eventlet', 'gevent_uwsgi', 'gevent', 'threading'] def on(self, event, handler=None): """Register an event handler. :param event: The event name. Can be ``'connect'``, ``'message'`` or ``'disconnect'``. :param handler: The function that should be invoked to handle the event. When this parameter is not given, the method acts as a decorator for the handler function. Example usage:: # as a decorator: @eio.on('connect') def connect_handler(sid, environ): print('Connection request') if environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] in blacklisted: return False # reject # as a method: def message_handler(sid, msg): print('Received message: ', msg) eio.send(sid, 'response') eio.on('message', message_handler) The handler function receives the ``sid`` (session ID) for the client as first argument. The ``'connect'`` event handler receives the WSGI environment as a second argument, and can return ``False`` to reject the connection. The ``'message'`` handler receives the message payload as a second argument. The ``'disconnect'`` handler does not take a second argument. """ if event not in self.event_names: raise ValueError('Invalid event') def set_handler(handler): self.handlers[event] = handler return handler if handler is None: return set_handler set_handler(handler) def transport(self, sid): """Return the name of the transport used by the client. The two possible values returned by this function are ``'polling'`` and ``'websocket'``. :param sid: The session of the client. """ return 'websocket' if self._get_socket(sid).upgraded else 'polling' def create_queue(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create a queue object using the appropriate async model. This is a utility function that applications can use to create a queue without having to worry about using the correct call for the selected async mode. """ return self._async['queue'](*args, **kwargs) def get_queue_empty_exception(self): """Return the queue empty exception for the appropriate async model. This is a utility function that applications can use to work with a queue without having to worry about using the correct call for the selected async mode. """ return self._async['queue_empty'] def create_event(self, *args, **kwargs): """Create an event object using the appropriate async model. This is a utility function that applications can use to create an event without having to worry about using the correct call for the selected async mode. """ return self._async['event'](*args, **kwargs) def generate_id(self): """Generate a unique session id.""" id = base64.b64encode( secrets.token_bytes(12) + self.sequence_number.to_bytes(3, 'big')) self.sequence_number = (self.sequence_number + 1) & 0xffffff return id.decode('utf-8').replace('/', '_').replace('+', '-') def _generate_sid_cookie(self, sid, attributes): """Generate the sid cookie.""" cookie = attributes.get('name', 'io') + '=' + sid for attribute, value in attributes.items(): if attribute == 'name': continue if callable(value): value = value() if value is True: cookie += '; ' + attribute else: cookie += '; ' + attribute + '=' + value return cookie def _upgrades(self, sid, transport): """Return the list of possible upgrades for a client connection.""" if not self.allow_upgrades or self._get_socket(sid).upgraded or \ transport == 'websocket': return [] if self._async['websocket'] is None: # pragma: no cover self._log_error_once( 'The WebSocket transport is not available, you must install a ' 'WebSocket server that is compatible with your async mode to ' 'enable it. See the documentation for details.', 'no-websocket') return [] return ['websocket'] def _get_socket(self, sid): """Return the socket object for a given session.""" try: s = self.sockets[sid] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Session not found') if s.closed: del self.sockets[sid] raise KeyError('Session is disconnected') return s def _ok(self, packets=None, headers=None, jsonp_index=None): """Generate a successful HTTP response.""" if packets is not None: if headers is None: headers = [] headers += [('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8')] return {'status': '200 OK', 'headers': headers, 'response': payload.Payload(packets=packets).encode( jsonp_index=jsonp_index).encode('utf-8')} else: return {'status': '200 OK', 'headers': [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')], 'response': b'OK'} def _bad_request(self, message=None): """Generate a bad request HTTP error response.""" if message is None: message = 'Bad Request' message = packet.Packet.json.dumps(message) return {'status': '400 BAD REQUEST', 'headers': [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')], 'response': message.encode('utf-8')} def _method_not_found(self): """Generate a method not found HTTP error response.""" return {'status': '405 METHOD NOT FOUND', 'headers': [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')], 'response': b'Method Not Found'} def _unauthorized(self, message=None): """Generate a unauthorized HTTP error response.""" if message is None: message = 'Unauthorized' message = packet.Packet.json.dumps(message) return {'status': '401 UNAUTHORIZED', 'headers': [('Content-Type', 'application/json')], 'response': message.encode('utf-8')} def _cors_allowed_origins(self, environ): default_origins = [] if 'wsgi.url_scheme' in environ and 'HTTP_HOST' in environ: default_origins.append('{scheme}://{host}'.format( scheme=environ['wsgi.url_scheme'], host=environ['HTTP_HOST'])) if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO' in environ or \ 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' in environ: scheme = environ.get( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', environ['wsgi.url_scheme']).split(',')[0].strip() default_origins.append('{scheme}://{host}'.format( scheme=scheme, host=environ.get( 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', environ['HTTP_HOST']).split( ',')[0].strip())) if self.cors_allowed_origins is None: allowed_origins = default_origins elif self.cors_allowed_origins == '*': allowed_origins = None elif isinstance(self.cors_allowed_origins, str): allowed_origins = [self.cors_allowed_origins] elif callable(self.cors_allowed_origins): origin = environ.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') allowed_origins = [origin] \ if self.cors_allowed_origins(origin) else [] else: allowed_origins = self.cors_allowed_origins return allowed_origins def _cors_headers(self, environ): """Return the cross-origin-resource-sharing headers.""" if self.cors_allowed_origins == []: # special case, CORS handling is completely disabled return [] headers = [] allowed_origins = self._cors_allowed_origins(environ) if 'HTTP_ORIGIN' in environ and \ (allowed_origins is None or environ['HTTP_ORIGIN'] in allowed_origins): headers = [('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', environ['HTTP_ORIGIN'])] if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'OPTIONS': headers += [('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET, POST')] if 'HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS' in environ: headers += [('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', environ['HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS'])] if self.cors_credentials: headers += [('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true')] return headers def _gzip(self, response): """Apply gzip compression to a response.""" bytesio = io.BytesIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=bytesio, mode='w') as gz: gz.write(response) return bytesio.getvalue() def _deflate(self, response): """Apply deflate compression to a response.""" return zlib.compress(response) def _log_error_once(self, message, message_key): """Log message with logging.ERROR level the first time, then log with given level.""" if message_key not in self.log_message_keys: self.logger.error(message + ' (further occurrences of this error ' 'will be logged with level INFO)') self.log_message_keys.add(message_key) else: