# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module provides the default implementation of the `compute_score` parameter in :meth:`~subliminal.core.ProviderPool.download_best_subtitles` and :func:`~subliminal.core.download_best_subtitles`. .. note:: To avoid unnecessary dependency on `sympy <http://www.sympy.org/>`_ and boost subliminal's import time, the resulting scores are hardcoded here and manually updated when the set of equations change. Available matches: * hash * title * year * series * season * episode * release_group * source * audio_codec * resolution * hearing_impaired * video_codec * series_imdb_id * imdb_id * tvdb_id """ from __future__ import division, print_function from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from .video import Episode, Movie logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #: Scores for episodes episode_scores = {'hash': 359, 'series': 180, 'year': 90, 'season': 30, 'episode': 30, 'release_group': 15, 'source': 7, 'audio_codec': 3, 'resolution': 2, 'video_codec': 2, 'hearing_impaired': 1} #: Scores for movies movie_scores = {'hash': 119, 'title': 60, 'year': 30, 'release_group': 15, 'source': 7, 'audio_codec': 3, 'resolution': 2, 'video_codec': 2, 'hearing_impaired': 1} #: Equivalent release groups equivalent_release_groups = ({'FraMeSToR', 'W4NK3R', 'BHDStudio'}, {'LOL', 'DIMENSION'}, {'ASAP', 'IMMERSE', 'FLEET'}, {'AVS', 'SVA'}) def get_equivalent_release_groups(release_group): """Get all the equivalents of the given release group. :param str release_group: the release group to get the equivalents of. :return: the equivalent release groups. :rtype: set """ for equivalent_release_group in equivalent_release_groups: if release_group in equivalent_release_group: return equivalent_release_group return {release_group} def get_scores(video): """Get the scores dict for the given `video`. This will return either :data:`episode_scores` or :data:`movie_scores` based on the type of the `video`. :param video: the video to compute the score against. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :return: the scores dict. :rtype: dict """ if isinstance(video, Episode): return episode_scores elif isinstance(video, Movie): return movie_scores raise ValueError('video must be an instance of Episode or Movie') def compute_score(subtitle, video, hearing_impaired=None): """Compute the score of the `subtitle` against the `video` with `hearing_impaired` preference. :func:`compute_score` uses the :meth:`Subtitle.get_matches <subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle.get_matches>` method and applies the scores (either from :data:`episode_scores` or :data:`movie_scores`) after some processing. :param subtitle: the subtitle to compute the score of. :type subtitle: :class:`~subliminal.subtitle.Subtitle` :param video: the video to compute the score against. :type video: :class:`~subliminal.video.Video` :param bool hearing_impaired: hearing impaired preference. :return: score of the subtitle. :rtype: int """ logger.info('Computing score of %r for video %r with %r', subtitle, video, dict(hearing_impaired=hearing_impaired)) # get the scores dict scores = get_scores(video) logger.debug('Using scores %r', scores) # get the matches matches = subtitle.get_matches(video) logger.debug('Found matches %r', matches) # on hash match, discard everything else if 'hash' in matches: logger.debug('Keeping only hash match') matches &= {'hash'} # handle equivalent matches if isinstance(video, Episode): if 'title' in matches: logger.debug('Adding title match equivalent') matches.add('episode') if 'series_imdb_id' in matches: logger.debug('Adding series_imdb_id match equivalent') matches |= {'series', 'year'} if 'imdb_id' in matches: logger.debug('Adding imdb_id match equivalents') matches |= {'series', 'year', 'season', 'episode'} if 'tvdb_id' in matches: logger.debug('Adding tvdb_id match equivalents') matches |= {'series', 'year', 'season', 'episode'} if 'series_tvdb_id' in matches: logger.debug('Adding series_tvdb_id match equivalents') matches |= {'series', 'year'} elif isinstance(video, Movie): if 'imdb_id' in matches: logger.debug('Adding imdb_id match equivalents') matches |= {'title', 'year'} # handle hearing impaired if hearing_impaired is not None and subtitle.hearing_impaired == hearing_impaired: logger.debug('Matched hearing_impaired') matches.add('hearing_impaired') # compute the score score = sum((scores.get(match, 0) for match in matches)) logger.info('Computed score %r with final matches %r', score, matches) # ensure score is within valid bounds assert 0 <= score <= scores['hash'] + scores['hearing_impaired'] return score def solve_episode_equations(): from sympy import Eq, solve, symbols hash, series, year, season, episode, release_group = symbols('hash series year season episode release_group') source, audio_codec, resolution, video_codec = symbols('source audio_codec resolution video_codec') hearing_impaired = symbols('hearing_impaired') equations = [ # hash is best Eq(hash, series + year + season + episode + release_group + source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec), # series counts for the most part in the total score Eq(series, year + season + episode + release_group + source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec + 1), # year is the second most important part Eq(year, season + episode + release_group + source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec + 1), # season is important too Eq(season, release_group + source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec + 1), # episode is equally important to season Eq(episode, season), # release group is the next most wanted match Eq(release_group, source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec + 1), # source counts as much as audio_codec, resolution and video_codec Eq(source, audio_codec + resolution + video_codec), # audio_codec is more valuable than video_codec Eq(audio_codec, video_codec + 1), # resolution counts as much as video_codec Eq(resolution, video_codec), # video_codec is the least valuable match but counts more than the sum of all scoring increasing matches Eq(video_codec, hearing_impaired + 1), # hearing impaired is only used for score increasing, so put it to 1 Eq(hearing_impaired, 1), ] return solve(equations, [hash, series, year, season, episode, release_group, source, audio_codec, resolution, hearing_impaired, video_codec]) def solve_movie_equations(): from sympy import Eq, solve, symbols hash, title, year, release_group = symbols('hash title year release_group') source, audio_codec, resolution, video_codec = symbols('source audio_codec resolution video_codec') hearing_impaired = symbols('hearing_impaired') equations = [ # hash is best Eq(hash, title + year + release_group + source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec), # title counts for the most part in the total score Eq(title, year + release_group + source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec + 1), # year is the second most important part Eq(year, release_group + source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec + 1), # release group is the next most wanted match Eq(release_group, source + audio_codec + resolution + video_codec + 1), # source counts as much as audio_codec, resolution and video_codec Eq(source, audio_codec + resolution + video_codec), # audio_codec is more valuable than video_codec Eq(audio_codec, video_codec + 1), # resolution counts as much as video_codec Eq(resolution, video_codec), # video_codec is the least valuable match but counts more than the sum of all scoring increasing matches Eq(video_codec, hearing_impaired + 1), # hearing impaired is only used for score increasing, so put it to 1 Eq(hearing_impaired, 1), ] return solve(equations, [hash, title, year, release_group, source, audio_codec, resolution, hearing_impaired, video_codec])