# Multiple input strings having same expected results can be chained. # Use - marker to check inputs that should not match results. ? +09.03.08 ? +09.03.2008 ? +2008.03.09 : date: 2008-03-09 ? +31.01.15 ? +31.01.2015 ? +15.01.31 ? +2015.01.31 : date: 2015-01-31 ? +01.02.03 : date: 2003-02-01 ? +01.02.03 : options: --date-year-first date: 2001-02-03 ? +01.02.03 : options: --date-day-first date: 2003-02-01 ? 1919 ? 2030 : !!map {} ? 2029 : year: 2029 ? (1920) : year: 1920 ? 2012 : year: 2012 ? 2011 2013 (2012) (2015) # first marked year is guessed. : title: "2011 2013" year: 2012 ? 2012 2009 S01E02 2015 # If no year is marked, the second one is guessed. : title: "2012" year: 2009 episode_title: "2015" ? Something 2 mar 2013) : title: Something date: 2013-03-02 type: episode