# coding=utf-8 import io import logging import re import os import time from babelfish import language_converters from subzero.language import Language from requests import Session import urllib.parse from random import randint from subliminal.subtitle import fix_line_ending from subliminal_patch.providers import Provider from subliminal_patch.providers.mixins import ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin from subliminal.providers import ParserBeautifulSoup from bs4.element import Tag, NavigableString from subliminal.score import get_equivalent_release_groups from subliminal_patch.subtitle import Subtitle, guess_matches from subliminal.utils import sanitize, sanitize_release_group from subliminal.video import Episode, Movie from zipfile import ZipFile from rarfile import RarFile, is_rarfile from subliminal_patch.utils import sanitize, fix_inconsistent_naming from guessit import guessit from .utils import FIRST_THOUSAND_OR_SO_USER_AGENTS as AGENT_LIST logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) language_converters.register('supersubtitles = subliminal_patch.converters.supersubtitles:SuperSubtitlesConverter') def fix_tv_naming(title): """Fix TV show titles with inconsistent naming using dictionary, but do not sanitize them. :param str title: original title. :return: new title. :rtype: str """ return fix_inconsistent_naming(title, {"Marvel's WandaVision": "WandaVision", "Marvel's Daredevil": "Daredevil", "Marvel's Luke Cage": "Luke Cage", "Marvel's Iron Fist": "Iron Fist", "Marvel's Jessica Jones": "Jessica Jones", "DC's Legends of Tomorrow": "Legends of Tomorrow", "Star Trek: The Next Generation": "Star Trek TNG", "Loki (aka. Marvel\'s Loki)": "Loki", }, True) def fix_movie_naming(title): return fix_inconsistent_naming(title, { }, True) class SuperSubtitlesSubtitle(Subtitle): """SuperSubtitles Subtitle.""" provider_name = 'supersubtitles' def __str__(self): subtit = "Subtitle id: " + str(self.subtitle_id) \ + " Series: " + self.series \ + " Season: " + str(self.season) \ + " Episode: " + str(self.episode) \ + " Version: " + str(self.version) \ + " Releases: " + str(self.releases) \ + " DownloadLink: " + str(self.page_link) \ + " Matches: " + str(self.matches) if self.year: subtit = subtit + " Year: " + str(self.year) return subtit.encode('utf-8') def __init__(self, language, page_link, subtitle_id, series, season, episode, version, releases, year, imdb_id, uploader, asked_for_episode=None, asked_for_release_group=None): super(SuperSubtitlesSubtitle, self).__init__(language, page_link=page_link) self.subtitle_id = subtitle_id self.series = series self.season = season self.episode = episode self.version = version self.releases = releases self.year = year self.uploader = uploader if year: self.year = int(year) self.release_info = u", ".join(releases) self.page_link = page_link self.asked_for_release_group = asked_for_release_group self.asked_for_episode = asked_for_episode self.imdb_id = imdb_id self.is_pack = True self.matches = None def numeric_id(self): return self.subtitle_id def __repr__(self): ep_addon = (" S%02dE%02d" % (self.season, self.episode)) if self.episode else "" return '<%s %r [%s]>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, u"%s%s%s [%s]" % (self.series, " (%s)" % self.year if self.year else "", ep_addon, self.release_info), self.language) @property def id(self): return str(self.subtitle_id) def get_matches(self, video): type_ = "movie" if isinstance(video, Movie) else "episode" matches = guess_matches(video, guessit(self.release_info, {"type": type_})) # episode if isinstance(video, Episode): # series if video.series and sanitize(self.series) == sanitize(video.series): matches.add('series') # season if video.season and self.season == video.season: matches.add('season') # episode if video.episode and self.episode == video.episode: matches.add('episode') # imdb_id if video.series_imdb_id and self.imdb_id and str(self.imdb_id) == str(video.series_imdb_id): matches.add('series_imdb_id') matches.add('series') matches.add('year') # year if ('series' in matches and video.original_series and self.year is None or video.year and video.year == self.year): matches.add('year') # movie elif isinstance(video, Movie): # title if video.title and (sanitize(self.series) in ( sanitize(name) for name in [video.title] + video.alternative_titles)): matches.add('title') # imdb_id if video.imdb_id and self.imdb_id == video.imdb_id: matches.add('imdb_id') matches.add('title') matches.add('year') # year if video.year and self.year == video.year: matches.add('year') # release_group if (video.release_group and self.version and any(r in sanitize_release_group(self.version) for r in get_equivalent_release_groups(sanitize_release_group(video.release_group)))): matches.add('release_group') self.matches = matches return matches class SuperSubtitlesProvider(Provider, ProviderSubtitleArchiveMixin): """SuperSubtitles Provider.""" languages = {Language('hun', 'HU')} | {Language(lang) for lang in [ 'hun', 'eng' ]} video_types = (Episode, Movie) # https://www.feliratok.info/?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=The+Flash+%282014%29&sid=3212&complexsearch=true&knyelv=0&evad=4&epizod1=1&cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all server_url = 'https://www.feliratok.info/' hearing_impaired_verifiable = False multi_result_throttle = 2 # seconds def __init__(self): self.session = None def initialize(self): self.session = Session() self.session.headers = {'User-Agent': AGENT_LIST[randint(0, len(AGENT_LIST) - 1)]} def terminate(self): self.session.close() @staticmethod def get_language(text): if text == 'Magyar': return Language.fromsupersubtitles('hu') if text == 'Angol': return Language.fromsupersubtitles('en') return None def find_imdb_id(self, sub_id): """ """ url = self.server_url + "index.php?tipus=adatlap&azon=a_" + sub_id # url = https://www.feliratok.info/index.php?tipus=adatlap&azon=a_1518600916 logger.info('Get IMDB id from URL %s', url) r = self.session.get(url, timeout=10).content soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r, ['lxml']) links = soup.find_all("a") for value in links: if "imdb.com" in str(value): # iMDB imdb_id = re.search(r'(?<=www\.imdb\.com/title/).*(?=/")', str(value)) imdb_id = imdb_id.group() if imdb_id else '' return imdb_id return None def find_id(self, series, year, original_title): """ We need to find the id of the series at the following url: https://www.feliratok.info/index.php?term=SERIESNAME&nyelv=0&action=autoname Where SERIESNAME is a searchable string. The result will be something like this: [{"name":"DC\u2019s Legends of Tomorrow (2016)","ID":"3725"},{"name":"Miles from Tomorrowland (2015)", "ID":"3789"},{"name":"No Tomorrow (2016)","ID":"4179"}] """ # Search for exact name url = self.server_url + "index.php?term=" + series + "&nyelv=0&action=autoname" # url = self.server_url + "index.php?term=" + "fla"+ "&nyelv=0&action=autoname" logger.info('Get series id from URL %s', url) r = self.session.get(url, timeout=10) # r is something like this: # [{"name":"DC\u2019s Legends of Tomorrow (2016)","ID":"3725"},{"name":"Miles from Tomorrowland (2015)", # "ID":"3789"},{"name":"No Tomorrow (2016)","ID":"4179"}] results = r.json() # check all of the results: for result in results: try: # "name":"Miles from Tomorrowland (2015)","ID":"3789" result_year = re.search(r"(?<=\()\d\d\d\d(?=\))", result['name']) result_year = result_year.group() if result_year else '' except IndexError: result_year = "" try: # "name":"Miles from Tomorrowland (2015)","ID":"3789" result_title = re.search(r".*(?=\(\d\d\d\d\))", result['name']) result_title = result_title.group() if result_title else '' result_id = result['ID'] except IndexError: continue result_title = fix_tv_naming(result_title).strip().replace("�", "").replace("& ", "").replace(" ", ".") if not result_title: continue guessable = result_title.strip() + ".s01e01." + result_year guess = guessit(guessable, {'type': "episode"}) if sanitize(original_title.replace('& ', '')) == sanitize(guess['title']) and year and guess['year'] and \ year == guess['year']: # Return the founded id return result_id elif sanitize(original_title.replace('& ', '')) == sanitize(guess['title']) and not year: # Return the founded id return result_id return None def query(self, series, languages, video=None): year = video.year subtitle = None if isinstance(video, Episode): series = video.series season = video.season episode = video.episode # seriesa = series.replace(' ', '+') # Get ID of series with original name series_id = self.find_id(series, year, series) if not series_id: # If not founded try without ' char modified_series = urllib.parse.quote_plus(series.replace('\'', '')) series_id = self.find_id(modified_series, year, series) if not series_id and modified_series: # If still not founded try with the longest word is series title modified_series = modified_series.split('+') modified_series = max(modified_series, key=len) series_id = self.find_id(modified_series, year, series) if not series_id: return None # https://www.feliratok.info/index.php?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=&sid=2075&complexsearch=true& # knyelv=0&evad=6&epizod1=16&cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all url = self.server_url + "index.php?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=&sid=" + \ str(series_id) + "&complexsearch=true&knyelv=0&evad=" + str(season) + "&epizod1=" + \ str(episode) + "&cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all" subtitle = self.process_subs(languages, video, url) if not subtitle: # No Subtitle found. Maybe already archived to season pack url = self.server_url + "index.php?search=&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&sorozatnev=&sid=" + \ str(series_id) + "&complexsearch=true&knyelv=0&evad=" + \ str(season) + "&epizod1=&evadpakk=on&cimke=0&minoseg=0&rlsr=0&tab=all" subtitle = self.process_subs(languages, video, url) if isinstance(video, Movie): title = urllib.parse.quote_plus(series) # https://www.feliratok.info/index.php?search=The+Hitman%27s+BodyGuard&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&tab=film url = self.server_url + "index.php?search=" + title + "&soriSorszam=&nyelv=&tab=film" subtitle = self.process_subs(languages, video, url) return subtitle def process_subs(self, languages, video, url): subtitles = [] logger.info('URL for subtitles %s', url) r = self.session.get(url, timeout=10).content soup = ParserBeautifulSoup(r, ['lxml']) tables = soup.find_all("table") tables = tables[0].find_all("tr") i = 0 series_imdb_id = None for table in tables: if "vilagit" in str(table) and i > 1: asked_for_episode = None sub_season = None sub_episode = None sub_english = table.findAll("div", {"class": "eredeti"}) sub_english_name = None if isinstance(video, Episode): asked_for_episode = video.episode if "Season" not in str(sub_english): # [
Gossip Girl (Season 3) (DVDRip-REWARD)
] sub_english_name = re.search(r'(?<=
).*?(?= -)', str(sub_english)) sub_english_name = sub_english_name.group() if sub_english_name else '' sub_season = re.search(r"(?<=- ).*?(?= - )", str(sub_english)) sub_season = sub_season.group() if sub_season else '' sub_season = int((sub_season.split('x')[0]).strip()) sub_episode = re.search(r"(?<=- ).*?(?= - )", str(sub_english)) sub_episode = sub_episode.group() if sub_episode else '' sub_episode = int((sub_episode.split('x')[1]).strip()) else: # [
DC's Legends of Tomorrow - 3x11 - Here I Go Again (HDTV-AFG, HDTV-RMX, # 720p-SVA, 720p-PSA
] sub_english_name = \ re.search(r'(?<=
).*?(?=\(Season)', str(sub_english)) sub_english_name = sub_english_name.group() if sub_english_name else '' sub_season = re.search(r"(?<=Season )\d+(?=\))", str(sub_english)) sub_season = int(sub_season.group()) if sub_season else None sub_episode = int(video.episode) if isinstance(video, Movie): sub_english_name = re.search(r'(?<=
)', str(sub_english)) sub_english_name = sub_english_name.group() if sub_english_name else '' sub_english_name = sub_english_name.split(' (')[0] sub_english_name = sub_english_name.replace('&', '&') sub_version = 'n/a' if len(str(sub_english).split('(')) > 1: sub_version = (str(sub_english).split('(')[len(str(sub_english).split('(')) - 1]).split(')')[0] # Angol lang = table.find("small") sub_language = re.search(r"(?<=).*(?=)", str(lang)) sub_language = sub_language.group() if sub_language else '' sub_language = self.get_language(sub_language) # link = str(table.findAll("a")[len(table.findAll("a")) - 1]).replace("amp;", "") sub_downloadlink = re.search(r'(?<=href="/).*(?=">)', link) sub_downloadlink = sub_downloadlink.group() if sub_downloadlink else '' sub_downloadlink = self.server_url + sub_downloadlink sub_id = re.search(r"(?<=felirat=).*(?=\">)", link) sub_id = sub_id.group() if sub_id else '' sub_year = video.year sub_releases = [s.strip() for s in sub_version.split(',')] uploader = '' for item in table.contents[7].contents: if isinstance(item, Tag): uploader = item.text.lstrip('\r\n\t\t\t\t\t').rstrip('\r\n\t\t\t\t') elif isinstance(item, NavigableString): uploader = item.lstrip('\r\n\t\t\t\t\t').rstrip('\r\n\t\t\t\t') # For episodes we open the series page so all subtitles imdb_id must be the same. no need to check all if isinstance(video, Episode) and series_imdb_id is not None: sub_imdb_id = series_imdb_id else: sub_imdb_id = self.find_imdb_id(sub_id) series_imdb_id = sub_imdb_id subtitle = SuperSubtitlesSubtitle(sub_language, sub_downloadlink, sub_id, sub_english_name.strip(), sub_season, sub_episode, sub_version, sub_releases, sub_year, sub_imdb_id, uploader, asked_for_episode, asked_for_release_group=video.release_group) if subtitle.language in languages: subtitles.append(subtitle) i = i + 1 return subtitles def list_subtitles(self, video, languages): titles = [] if isinstance(video, Episode): titles = [video.series] + video.alternative_series elif isinstance(video, Movie): titles = [video.title] + video.alternative_titles subtitles = [] for title in titles: subs = self.query(title, languages, video=video) if subs: for item in subs: if isinstance(video, Episode): fixed_title = fix_tv_naming(item.series) else: fixed_title = fix_movie_naming(item.series) if fixed_title in titles: subtitles.append(item) time.sleep(self.multi_result_throttle) return subtitles def download_subtitle(self, subtitle): # download as a zip logger.info('Downloading subtitle %r', subtitle.subtitle_id) r = self.session.get(subtitle.page_link, timeout=10) r.raise_for_status() if ".rar" in subtitle.page_link: logger.debug('Archive identified as rar') archive_stream = io.BytesIO(r.content) archive = RarFile(archive_stream) subtitle.content = self.get_subtitle_from_archive(subtitle, archive) elif ".zip" in subtitle.page_link: logger.debug('Archive identified as zip') archive_stream = io.BytesIO(r.content) archive = ZipFile(archive_stream) subtitle.content = self.get_subtitle_from_archive(subtitle, archive) else: subtitle.content = fix_line_ending(r.content)