# coding=utf-8 import logging import json import time from requests import Session from signalr import Connection from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from signalrcore.hub_connection_builder import HubConnectionBuilder from constants import headers from sonarr.sync.episodes import sync_episodes, sync_one_episode from sonarr.sync.series import update_series, update_one_series from radarr.sync.movies import update_movies, update_one_movie from sonarr.info import get_sonarr_info, url_sonarr from radarr.info import url_radarr from .config import settings from .scheduler import scheduler from .get_args import args class SonarrSignalrClientLegacy: def __init__(self): super(SonarrSignalrClientLegacy, self).__init__() self.apikey_sonarr = None self.session = Session() self.session.timeout = 60 self.session.verify = False self.session.headers = headers self.connection = None def start(self): if get_sonarr_info.is_legacy(): logging.warning('BAZARR can only sync from Sonarr v3 SignalR feed to get real-time update. You should ' 'consider upgrading your version({}).'.format(get_sonarr_info.version())) else: logging.info('BAZARR trying to connect to Sonarr SignalR feed...') self.configure() while not self.connection.started: try: self.connection.start() except ConnectionError: time.sleep(5) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logging.error("BAZARR cannot parse JSON returned by SignalR feed. This is caused by a permissions " "issue when Sonarr try to access its /config/.config directory." "Typically permissions are too permissive - only the user and group Sonarr runs as should have Read/Write permissions (e.g. files 664 / folders 775)" "You should fix permissions on that directory and restart Sonarr. Also, if you're a Docker image " "user, you should make sure you properly defined PUID/PGID environment variables. " "Otherwise, please contact Sonarr support.") else: logging.info('BAZARR SignalR client for Sonarr is connected and waiting for events.') finally: if not args.dev: scheduler.add_job(update_series, kwargs={'send_event': True}, max_instances=1) scheduler.add_job(sync_episodes, kwargs={'send_event': True}, max_instances=1) def stop(self, log=True): try: self.connection.close() except Exception: pass if log: logging.info('BAZARR SignalR client for Sonarr is now disconnected.') def restart(self): if self.connection: if self.connection.started: try: self.stop(log=False) except Exception: self.connection.started = False if settings.general.getboolean('use_sonarr'): self.start() def exception_handler(self, type, exception, traceback): logging.error('BAZARR connection to Sonarr SignalR feed has been lost.') self.restart() def configure(self): self.apikey_sonarr = settings.sonarr.apikey self.connection = Connection(url_sonarr() + "/signalr", self.session) self.connection.qs = {'apikey': self.apikey_sonarr} sonarr_hub = self.connection.register_hub('') # Sonarr doesn't use named hub sonarr_method = ['series', 'episode'] for item in sonarr_method: sonarr_hub.client.on(item, dispatcher) self.connection.exception += self.exception_handler class SonarrSignalrClient: def __init__(self): super(SonarrSignalrClient, self).__init__() self.apikey_sonarr = None self.connection = None def start(self): self.configure() logging.info('BAZARR trying to connect to Sonarr SignalR feed...') while self.connection.transport.state.value not in [0, 1, 2]: try: self.connection.start() except ConnectionError: time.sleep(5) def stop(self): logging.info('BAZARR SignalR client for Sonarr is now disconnected.') self.connection.stop() def restart(self): if self.connection: if self.connection.transport.state.value in [0, 1, 2]: self.stop() if settings.general.getboolean('use_sonarr'): self.start() def exception_handler(self): logging.error("BAZARR connection to Sonarr SignalR feed has failed. We'll try to reconnect.") self.restart() @staticmethod def on_connect_handler(): logging.info('BAZARR SignalR client for Sonarr is connected and waiting for events.') if not args.dev: scheduler.add_job(update_series, kwargs={'send_event': True}, max_instances=1) scheduler.add_job(sync_episodes, kwargs={'send_event': True}, max_instances=1) def configure(self): self.apikey_sonarr = settings.sonarr.apikey self.connection = HubConnectionBuilder() \ .with_url(url_sonarr() + "/signalr/messages?access_token={}".format(self.apikey_sonarr), options={ "verify_ssl": False, "headers": headers }) \ .with_automatic_reconnect({ "type": "raw", "keep_alive_interval": 5, "reconnect_interval": 180, "max_attempts": None }).build() self.connection.on_open(self.on_connect_handler) self.connection.on_reconnect(lambda: logging.error('BAZARR SignalR client for Sonarr connection as been lost. ' 'Trying to reconnect...')) self.connection.on_close(lambda: logging.debug('BAZARR SignalR client for Sonarr is disconnected.')) self.connection.on_error(self.exception_handler) self.connection.on("receiveMessage", dispatcher) class RadarrSignalrClient: def __init__(self): super(RadarrSignalrClient, self).__init__() self.apikey_radarr = None self.connection = None def start(self): self.configure() logging.info('BAZARR trying to connect to Radarr SignalR feed...') while self.connection.transport.state.value not in [0, 1, 2]: try: self.connection.start() except ConnectionError: time.sleep(5) def stop(self): logging.info('BAZARR SignalR client for Radarr is now disconnected.') self.connection.stop() def restart(self): if self.connection: if self.connection.transport.state.value in [0, 1, 2]: self.stop() if settings.general.getboolean('use_radarr'): self.start() def exception_handler(self): logging.error("BAZARR connection to Radarr SignalR feed has failed. We'll try to reconnect.") self.restart() @staticmethod def on_connect_handler(): logging.info('BAZARR SignalR client for Radarr is connected and waiting for events.') if not args.dev: scheduler.add_job(update_movies, kwargs={'send_event': True}, max_instances=1) def configure(self): self.apikey_radarr = settings.radarr.apikey self.connection = HubConnectionBuilder() \ .with_url(url_radarr() + "/signalr/messages?access_token={}".format(self.apikey_radarr), options={ "verify_ssl": False, "headers": headers }) \ .with_automatic_reconnect({ "type": "raw", "keep_alive_interval": 5, "reconnect_interval": 180, "max_attempts": None }).build() self.connection.on_open(self.on_connect_handler) self.connection.on_reconnect(lambda: logging.error('BAZARR SignalR client for Radarr connection as been lost. ' 'Trying to reconnect...')) self.connection.on_close(lambda: logging.debug('BAZARR SignalR client for Radarr is disconnected.')) self.connection.on_error(self.exception_handler) self.connection.on("receiveMessage", dispatcher) def dispatcher(data): try: topic = media_id = action = None episodesChanged = None if isinstance(data, dict): topic = data['name'] try: media_id = data['body']['resource']['id'] action = data['body']['action'] if 'episodesChanged' in data['body']['resource']: episodesChanged = data['body']['resource']['episodesChanged'] except KeyError: return elif isinstance(data, list): topic = data[0]['name'] try: media_id = data[0]['body']['resource']['id'] action = data[0]['body']['action'] except KeyError: return if topic == 'series': update_one_series(series_id=media_id, action=action) if episodesChanged: # this will happen if a season monitored status is changed. sync_episodes(series_id=media_id, send_event=True) elif topic == 'episode': sync_one_episode(episode_id=media_id, defer_search=settings.sonarr.getboolean('defer_search_signalr')) elif topic == 'movie': update_one_movie(movie_id=media_id, action=action, defer_search=settings.radarr.getboolean('defer_search_signalr')) except Exception as e: logging.debug('BAZARR an exception occurred while parsing SignalR feed: {}'.format(repr(e))) finally: return sonarr_signalr_client = SonarrSignalrClientLegacy() if get_sonarr_info.version().startswith(('0.', '2.', '3.')) else \ SonarrSignalrClient() radarr_signalr_client = RadarrSignalrClient()