# coding=utf-8 from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import bazarr.libs from six import PY3 import subprocess as sp import time import os import sys import platform import re import signal from bazarr.get_args import args def check_python_version(): python_version = platform.python_version_tuple() minimum_python_version_tuple = (2, 7, 13) minimum_python3_version_tuple = (3, 6, 0) minimum_python_version = ".".join(str(i) for i in minimum_python_version_tuple) minimum_python3_version = ".".join(str(i) for i in minimum_python3_version_tuple) if int(python_version[0]) == minimum_python3_version_tuple[0]: if int(python_version[1]) >= minimum_python3_version_tuple[1]: pass else: print("Python " + minimum_python3_version + " or greater required. Current version is " + platform.python_version() + ". Please upgrade Python.") os._exit(0) elif int(python_version[1]) < minimum_python_version_tuple[1] or int(re.search(r'\d+', python_version[2]).group()) < minimum_python_version_tuple[2]: print("Python " + minimum_python_version + " or greater required. Current version is " + platform.python_version() + ". Please upgrade Python.") os._exit(0) check_python_version() dir_name = os.path.dirname(__file__) class ProcessRegistry: def register(self, process): pass def unregister(self, process): pass class DaemonStatus(ProcessRegistry): def __init__(self): self.__should_stop = False self.__processes = set() def register(self, process): self.__processes.add(process) def unregister(self, process): self.__processes.remove(process) ''' Waits all the provided processes for the specified amount of time in seconds. ''' @staticmethod def __wait_for_processes(processes, timeout): reference_ts = time.time() elapsed = 0 remaining_processes = list(processes) while elapsed < timeout and len(remaining_processes) > 0: remaining_time = timeout - elapsed for ep in list(remaining_processes): if ep.poll() is not None: remaining_processes.remove(ep) else: if remaining_time > 0: if PY3: try: ep.wait(remaining_time) remaining_processes.remove(ep) except sp.TimeoutExpired: pass else: ''' In python 2 there is no such thing as some mechanism to wait with a timeout. ''' time.sleep(1) elapsed = time.time() - reference_ts remaining_time = timeout - elapsed return remaining_processes ''' Sends to every single of the specified processes the given signal and (if live_processes is not None) append to it processes which are still alive. ''' @staticmethod def __send_signal(processes, signal_no, live_processes=None): for ep in processes: if ep.poll() is None: if live_processes is not None: live_processes.append(ep) try: ep.send_signal(signal_no) except Exception as e: print('Failed sending signal %s to process %s because of an unexpected error: %s' % (signal_no, ep.pid, e)) return live_processes ''' Flags this instance as should stop and terminates as smoothly as possible children processes. ''' def stop(self): self.__should_stop = True live_processes = DaemonStatus.__send_signal(self.__processes, signal.SIGINT, list()) live_processes = DaemonStatus.__wait_for_processes(live_processes, 120) DaemonStatus.__send_signal(live_processes, signal.SIGTERM) def should_stop(self): return self.__should_stop def start_bazarr(process_registry=ProcessRegistry()): script = [sys.executable, "-u", os.path.normcase(os.path.join(dir_name, 'bazarr', 'main.py'))] + sys.argv[1:] ep = sp.Popen(script, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.STDOUT, stdin=sp.PIPE) process_registry.register(ep) print("Bazarr starting...") try: while True: line = ep.stdout.readline() if line == '' or not line: # Process ended so let's unregister it process_registry.unregister(ep) break if PY3: sys.stdout.buffer.write(line) else: sys.stdout.write(line) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if __name__ == '__main__': restartfile = os.path.normcase(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'bazarr.restart')) stopfile = os.path.normcase(os.path.join(args.config_dir, 'bazarr.stop')) try: os.remove(restartfile) except: pass try: os.remove(stopfile) except: pass def daemon(bazarr_runner = lambda: start_bazarr()): if os.path.exists(stopfile): try: os.remove(stopfile) except: print('Unable to delete stop file.') else: print('Bazarr exited.') os._exit(0) if os.path.exists(restartfile): try: os.remove(restartfile) except: print('Unable to delete restart file.') else: bazarr_runner() bazarr_runner = lambda: start_bazarr() should_stop = lambda: False if PY3: daemonStatus = DaemonStatus() def shutdown(): # indicates that everything should stop daemonStatus.stop() # emulate a Ctrl C command on itself (bypasses the signal thing but, then, emulates the "Ctrl+C break") os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signal_no, frame: shutdown()) should_stop = lambda: daemonStatus.should_stop() bazarr_runner = lambda: start_bazarr(daemonStatus) bazarr_runner() # Keep the script running forever until stop is requested through term or keyboard interrupt while not should_stop(): daemon(bazarr_runner) time.sleep(1)