# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import annotations from datetime import timedelta import logging from .disposition import FFprobeSubtitleDisposition from .exceptions import UnsupportedCodec from .tags import FFprobeGenericSubtitleTags logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FFprobeSubtitleStream: """Base class for FFprobe (FFmpeg) extractable subtitle streams.""" def __init__(self, stream: dict): """ :raises: LanguageNotFound, UnsupportedCodec """ self.index = int(stream["index"]) self.codec_name = stream["codec_name"] try: self._codec = _codecs[self.codec_name] except KeyError: raise UnsupportedCodec(f"{self.codec_name} is not supported") self.r_frame_rate = stream.get("r_frame_rate") self.avg_frame_rate = stream.get("avg_frame_rate") self.start_time = timedelta(seconds=float(stream.get("start_time", 0))) self.start_pts = timedelta(milliseconds=int(stream.get("start_pts", 0))) self.duration_ts = timedelta(milliseconds=int(stream.get("duration_ts", 0))) self.duration = timedelta(seconds=float(stream.get("duration", 0))) self.tags = FFprobeGenericSubtitleTags.detect_cls_from_data( stream.get("tags", {}) ) self.disposition = FFprobeSubtitleDisposition(stream.get("disposition", {})) if stream.get("tags") is not None: self.disposition.update_from_tags(stream["tags"]) def convert_args(self, convert_format, outfile): """ convert_format: Union[str, None] = the codec format to convert. if None is set, defaults to 'convert_default_format' codec's key outfile: str = output file raises UnsupportedCodec if convert_format doesn't exist or if the codec doesn't support conversion """ convert_format = convert_format or self._codec["convert_default_format"] if convert_format is None or not any( convert_format == item["copy_format"] for item in _codecs.values() ): raise UnsupportedCodec(f"Unknown convert format: {convert_format}") if not self._codec["convert"]: raise UnsupportedCodec( f"{self.codec_name} codec doesn't support conversion" ) return ["-map", f"0:{self.index}", "-f", convert_format, outfile] def copy_args(self, outfile): "raises UnsupportedCodec if the codec doesn't support copy" if not self._codec["copy"] or not self._codec["copy_format"]: raise UnsupportedCodec(f"{self.codec_name} doesn't support copy") return [ "-map", f"0:{self.index}", "-c:s", "copy", "-f", self._codec["copy_format"], outfile, ] @property def language(self): # Legacy return self.tags.language @property def extension(self): return self._codec["copy_format"] or self._codec["convert_default_format"] or "" @property def convert_default_format(self): return self._codec["convert_default_format"] @property def type(self): return self._codec["type"] @property def suffix(self): return ".".join( item for item in (self.tags.suffix, self.disposition.suffix, self.extension) if item ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.codec_name.upper()}: {self.tags}@{self.disposition}>" _codecs = { "ass": { "type": "text", "copy": True, "copy_format": "ass", "convert": True, "convert_default_format": "srt", }, "subrip": { "type": "text", "copy": True, "copy_format": "srt", "convert": True, "convert_default_format": "srt", }, "webvtt": { "type": "text", "copy": True, "copy_format": "webvtt", "convert": True, "convert_default_format": "srt", }, "mov_text": { "type": "text", "copy": False, "copy_format": None, "convert": True, "convert_default_format": "srt", }, "hdmv_pgs_subtitle": { "type": "bitmap", "copy": True, "copy_format": "sup", "convert": False, "convert_default_format": None, }, "dvb_subtitle": { "type": "bitmap", "copy": True, "copy_format": "sup", "convert": False, "convert_default_format": None, }, "dvd_subtitle": { "type": "bitmap", "copy": True, "copy_format": "sup", "convert": False, "convert_default_format": None, }, }