# util.py # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier (mtrier@gmail.com) and contributors # # This module is part of GitPython and is released under # the BSD License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php """Module for general utility functions""" from git.util import ( IterableList, Actor ) import re from collections import deque as Deque from string import digits import time import calendar from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo __all__ = ('get_object_type_by_name', 'parse_date', 'parse_actor_and_date', 'ProcessStreamAdapter', 'Traversable', 'altz_to_utctz_str', 'utctz_to_altz', 'verify_utctz', 'Actor', 'tzoffset', 'utc') ZERO = timedelta(0) #{ Functions def mode_str_to_int(modestr): """ :param modestr: string like 755 or 644 or 100644 - only the last 6 chars will be used :return: String identifying a mode compatible to the mode methods ids of the stat module regarding the rwx permissions for user, group and other, special flags and file system flags, i.e. whether it is a symlink for example.""" mode = 0 for iteration, char in enumerate(reversed(modestr[-6:])): mode += int(char) << iteration * 3 # END for each char return mode def get_object_type_by_name(object_type_name): """ :return: type suitable to handle the given object type name. Use the type to create new instances. :param object_type_name: Member of TYPES :raise ValueError: In case object_type_name is unknown""" if object_type_name == b"commit": from . import commit return commit.Commit elif object_type_name == b"tag": from . import tag return tag.TagObject elif object_type_name == b"blob": from . import blob return blob.Blob elif object_type_name == b"tree": from . import tree return tree.Tree else: raise ValueError("Cannot handle unknown object type: %s" % object_type_name) def utctz_to_altz(utctz): """we convert utctz to the timezone in seconds, it is the format time.altzone returns. Git stores it as UTC timezone which has the opposite sign as well, which explains the -1 * ( that was made explicit here ) :param utctz: git utc timezone string, i.e. +0200""" return -1 * int(float(utctz) / 100 * 3600) def altz_to_utctz_str(altz): """As above, but inverses the operation, returning a string that can be used in commit objects""" utci = -1 * int((float(altz) / 3600) * 100) utcs = str(abs(utci)) utcs = "0" * (4 - len(utcs)) + utcs prefix = (utci < 0 and '-') or '+' return prefix + utcs def verify_utctz(offset): """:raise ValueError: if offset is incorrect :return: offset""" fmt_exc = ValueError("Invalid timezone offset format: %s" % offset) if len(offset) != 5: raise fmt_exc if offset[0] not in "+-": raise fmt_exc if offset[1] not in digits or\ offset[2] not in digits or\ offset[3] not in digits or\ offset[4] not in digits: raise fmt_exc # END for each char return offset class tzoffset(tzinfo): def __init__(self, secs_west_of_utc, name=None): self._offset = timedelta(seconds=-secs_west_of_utc) self._name = name or 'fixed' def utcoffset(self, dt): return self._offset def tzname(self, dt): return self._name def dst(self, dt): return ZERO utc = tzoffset(0, 'UTC') def from_timestamp(timestamp, tz_offset): """Converts a timestamp + tz_offset into an aware datetime instance.""" utc_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, utc) try: local_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(tzoffset(tz_offset)) return local_dt except ValueError: return utc_dt def parse_date(string_date): """ Parse the given date as one of the following * Git internal format: timestamp offset * RFC 2822: Thu, 07 Apr 2005 22:13:13 +0200. * ISO 8601 2005-04-07T22:13:13 The T can be a space as well :return: Tuple(int(timestamp_UTC), int(offset)), both in seconds since epoch :raise ValueError: If the format could not be understood :note: Date can also be YYYY.MM.DD, MM/DD/YYYY and DD.MM.YYYY. """ # git time try: if string_date.count(' ') == 1 and string_date.rfind(':') == -1: timestamp, offset = string_date.split() timestamp = int(timestamp) return timestamp, utctz_to_altz(verify_utctz(offset)) else: offset = "+0000" # local time by default if string_date[-5] in '-+': offset = verify_utctz(string_date[-5:]) string_date = string_date[:-6] # skip space as well # END split timezone info offset = utctz_to_altz(offset) # now figure out the date and time portion - split time date_formats = [] splitter = -1 if ',' in string_date: date_formats.append("%a, %d %b %Y") splitter = string_date.rfind(' ') else: # iso plus additional date_formats.append("%Y-%m-%d") date_formats.append("%Y.%m.%d") date_formats.append("%m/%d/%Y") date_formats.append("%d.%m.%Y") splitter = string_date.rfind('T') if splitter == -1: splitter = string_date.rfind(' ') # END handle 'T' and ' ' # END handle rfc or iso assert splitter > -1 # split date and time time_part = string_date[splitter + 1:] # skip space date_part = string_date[:splitter] # parse time tstruct = time.strptime(time_part, "%H:%M:%S") for fmt in date_formats: try: dtstruct = time.strptime(date_part, fmt) utctime = calendar.timegm((dtstruct.tm_year, dtstruct.tm_mon, dtstruct.tm_mday, tstruct.tm_hour, tstruct.tm_min, tstruct.tm_sec, dtstruct.tm_wday, dtstruct.tm_yday, tstruct.tm_isdst)) return int(utctime), offset except ValueError: continue # END exception handling # END for each fmt # still here ? fail raise ValueError("no format matched") # END handle format except Exception: raise ValueError("Unsupported date format: %s" % string_date) # END handle exceptions # precompiled regex _re_actor_epoch = re.compile(r'^.+? (.*) (\d+) ([+-]\d+).*$') _re_only_actor = re.compile(r'^.+? (.*)$') def parse_actor_and_date(line): """Parse out the actor (author or committer) info from a line like:: author Tom Preston-Werner <tom@mojombo.com> 1191999972 -0700 :return: [Actor, int_seconds_since_epoch, int_timezone_offset]""" actor, epoch, offset = '', 0, 0 m = _re_actor_epoch.search(line) if m: actor, epoch, offset = m.groups() else: m = _re_only_actor.search(line) actor = m.group(1) if m else line or '' return (Actor._from_string(actor), int(epoch), utctz_to_altz(offset)) #} END functions #{ Classes class ProcessStreamAdapter(object): """Class wireing all calls to the contained Process instance. Use this type to hide the underlying process to provide access only to a specified stream. The process is usually wrapped into an AutoInterrupt class to kill it if the instance goes out of scope.""" __slots__ = ("_proc", "_stream") def __init__(self, process, stream_name): self._proc = process self._stream = getattr(process, stream_name) def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self._stream, attr) class Traversable(object): """Simple interface to perform depth-first or breadth-first traversals into one direction. Subclasses only need to implement one function. Instances of the Subclass must be hashable""" __slots__ = () @classmethod def _get_intermediate_items(cls, item): """ Returns: List of items connected to the given item. Must be implemented in subclass """ raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass") def list_traverse(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :return: IterableList with the results of the traversal as produced by traverse()""" out = IterableList(self._id_attribute_) out.extend(self.traverse(*args, **kwargs)) return out def traverse(self, predicate=lambda i, d: True, prune=lambda i, d: False, depth=-1, branch_first=True, visit_once=True, ignore_self=1, as_edge=False): """:return: iterator yielding of items found when traversing self :param predicate: f(i,d) returns False if item i at depth d should not be included in the result :param prune: f(i,d) return True if the search should stop at item i at depth d. Item i will not be returned. :param depth: define at which level the iteration should not go deeper if -1, there is no limit if 0, you would effectively only get self, the root of the iteration i.e. if 1, you would only get the first level of predecessors/successors :param branch_first: if True, items will be returned branch first, otherwise depth first :param visit_once: if True, items will only be returned once, although they might be encountered several times. Loops are prevented that way. :param ignore_self: if True, self will be ignored and automatically pruned from the result. Otherwise it will be the first item to be returned. If as_edge is True, the source of the first edge is None :param as_edge: if True, return a pair of items, first being the source, second the destination, i.e. tuple(src, dest) with the edge spanning from source to destination""" visited = set() stack = Deque() stack.append((0, self, None)) # self is always depth level 0 def addToStack(stack, item, branch_first, depth): lst = self._get_intermediate_items(item) if not lst: return if branch_first: stack.extendleft((depth, i, item) for i in lst) else: reviter = ((depth, lst[i], item) for i in range(len(lst) - 1, -1, -1)) stack.extend(reviter) # END addToStack local method while stack: d, item, src = stack.pop() # depth of item, item, item_source if visit_once and item in visited: continue if visit_once: visited.add(item) rval = (as_edge and (src, item)) or item if prune(rval, d): continue skipStartItem = ignore_self and (item is self) if not skipStartItem and predicate(rval, d): yield rval # only continue to next level if this is appropriate ! nd = d + 1 if depth > -1 and nd > depth: continue addToStack(stack, item, branch_first, nd) # END for each item on work stack class Serializable(object): """Defines methods to serialize and deserialize objects from and into a data stream""" __slots__ = () def _serialize(self, stream): """Serialize the data of this object into the given data stream :note: a serialized object would ``_deserialize`` into the same object :param stream: a file-like object :return: self""" raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass") def _deserialize(self, stream): """Deserialize all information regarding this object from the stream :param stream: a file-like object :return: self""" raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented in subclass")