var UIIdleTimeout = function() { return { init: function() { var o; $("body").append(""), $.idleTimeout("#idle-timeout-dialog", ".modal-content button:last", { idleAfter: 5, timeout: 3e4, pollingInterval: 5, keepAliveURL: "/keep-alive", serverResponseEquals: "OK", onTimeout: function() { window.location = "lock-screen.html" }, onIdle: function() { $("#idle-timeout-dialog").modal("show"), o = $("#idle-timeout-counter"), $("#idle-timeout-dialog-keepalive").on("click", function() { $("#idle-timeout-dialog").modal("hide") }) }, onCountdown: function(e) { o.html(e) } }) } } }(); jQuery(document).ready(function() { UIIdleTimeout.init() }); /*$.idleTimeout('#idletimeout', '#idletimeout a', { idleAfter: 5, pollingInterval: 2, keepAliveURL: 'keep.php', serverResponseEquals: 'OK', onTimeout: function(){ $(this).slideUp(); window.location = "lock-screen.html"; }, onIdle: function(){ $(this).slideDown(); // show the warning bar }, onCountdown: function( counter ){ $(this).find("span").html( counter ); // update the counter }, onResume: function(){ $(this).slideUp(); // hide the warning bar } });*/