from pyjsparser.pyjsparserdata import * REGEXP_SPECIAL_SINGLE = {'\\', '^', '$', '*', '+', '?', '.'} NOT_PATTERN_CHARS = { '^', '$', '\\', '.', '*', '+', '?', '(', ')', '[', ']', '|' } # what about '{', '}', ??? CHAR_CLASS_ESCAPE = {'d', 'D', 's', 'S', 'w', 'W'} CONTROL_ESCAPE_CHARS = {'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v'} CONTROL_LETTERS = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' } def SpecialChar(char): return {'type': 'SpecialChar', 'content': char} def isPatternCharacter(char): return char not in NOT_PATTERN_CHARS class JsRegExpParser: def __init__(self, source, flags): self.source = source self.flags = flags self.index = 0 self.length = len(source) self.lineNumber = 0 self.lineStart = 0 def parsePattern(self): '''Perform sctring escape - for regexp literals''' return {'type': 'Pattern', 'contents': self.parseDisjunction()} def parseDisjunction(self): alternatives = [] while True: alternatives.append(self.parseAlternative()) if not self.isEOF(): self.expect_character('|') else: break return {'type': 'Disjunction', 'contents': alternatives} def isEOF(self): if self.index >= self.length: return True return False def expect_character(self, character): if self.source[self.index] != character: self.throwUnexpected(character) self.index += 1 def parseAlternative(self): contents = [] while not self.isEOF() and self.source[self.index] != '|': contents.append(self.parseTerm()) return {'type': 'Alternative', 'contents': contents} def follows(self, chars): for i, c in enumerate(chars): if self.index + i >= self.length or self.source[self.index + i] != c: return False return True def parseTerm(self): assertion = self.parseAssertion() if assertion: return assertion else: return { 'type': 'Term', 'contents': self.parseAtom() } # quantifier will go inside atom! def parseAssertion(self): if self.follows('$'): content = SpecialChar('$') self.index += 1 elif self.follows('^'): content = SpecialChar('^') self.index += 1 elif self.follows('\\b'): content = SpecialChar('\\b') self.index += 2 elif self.follows('\\B'): content = SpecialChar('\\B') self.index += 2 elif self.follows('(?='): self.index += 3 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = {'type': 'Lookached', 'contents': dis, 'negated': False} elif self.follows('(?!'): self.index += 3 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = {'type': 'Lookached', 'contents': dis, 'negated': True} else: return None return {'type': 'Assertion', 'content': content} def parseAtom(self): if self.follows('.'): content = SpecialChar('.') self.index += 1 elif self.follows('\\'): self.index += 1 content = self.parseAtomEscape() elif self.follows('['): content = self.parseCharacterClass() elif self.follows('(?:'): self.index += 3 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = 'idk' elif self.follows('('): self.index += 1 dis = self.parseDisjunction() self.expect_character(')') content = 'idk' elif isPatternCharacter(self.source[self.index]): content = self.source[self.index] self.index += 1 else: return None quantifier = self.parseQuantifier() return {'type': 'Atom', 'content': content, 'quantifier': quantifier} def parseQuantifier(self): prefix = self.parseQuantifierPrefix() if not prefix: return None greedy = True if self.follows('?'): self.index += 1 greedy = False return {'type': 'Quantifier', 'contents': prefix, 'greedy': greedy} def parseQuantifierPrefix(self): if self.isEOF(): return None if self.follows('+'): content = '+' self.index += 1 elif self.follows('?'): content = '?' self.index += 1 elif self.follows('*'): content = '*' self.index += 1 elif self.follows( '{' ): # try matching otherwise return None and restore the state i = self.index self.index += 1 digs1 = self.scanDecimalDigs() # if no minimal number of digs provided then return no quantifier if not digs1: self.index = i return None # scan char limit if provided if self.follows(','): self.index += 1 digs2 = self.scanDecimalDigs() else: digs2 = '' # must be valid! if not self.follows('}'): self.index = i return None else: self.expect_character('}') content = int(digs1), int(digs2) if digs2 else None else: return None return content def parseAtomEscape(self): ch = self.source[self.index] if isDecimalDigit(ch) and ch != 0: digs = self.scanDecimalDigs() elif ch in CHAR_CLASS_ESCAPE: self.index += 1 return SpecialChar('\\' + ch) else: return self.parseCharacterEscape() def parseCharacterEscape(self): ch = self.source[self.index] if ch in CONTROL_ESCAPE_CHARS: return SpecialChar('\\' + ch) if ch == 'c': 'ok, fuck this shit.' def scanDecimalDigs(self): s = self.index while not self.isEOF() and isDecimalDigit(self.source[self.index]): self.index += 1 return self.source[s:self.index] a = JsRegExpParser('a(?=x)', '') print(a.parsePattern())