#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ language and subtitle_language properties """ # pylint: disable=no-member import copy from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple import babelfish from rebulk import Rebulk, Rule, RemoveMatch, RenameMatch from rebulk.remodule import re from ..common.words import iter_words, COMMON_WORDS from ..common.validators import seps_surround def language(): """ Builder for rebulk object. :return: Created Rebulk object :rtype: Rebulk """ rebulk = Rebulk() rebulk.string(*subtitle_prefixes, name="subtitle_language.prefix", ignore_case=True, private=True, validator=seps_surround, tags=['release-group-prefix']) rebulk.string(*subtitle_suffixes, name="subtitle_language.suffix", ignore_case=True, private=True, validator=seps_surround) rebulk.string(*lang_suffixes, name="language.suffix", ignore_case=True, private=True, validator=seps_surround, tags=['format-suffix']) rebulk.functional(find_languages, properties={'language': [None]}) rebulk.rules(SubtitlePrefixLanguageRule, SubtitleSuffixLanguageRule, SubtitleExtensionRule) return rebulk COMMON_WORDS_STRICT = frozenset(['brazil']) UNDETERMINED = babelfish.Language('und') SYN = {('ell', None): ['gr', 'greek'], ('spa', None): ['esp', 'español', 'espanol'], ('fra', None): ['français', 'vf', 'vff', 'vfi', 'vfq'], ('swe', None): ['se'], ('por', 'BR'): ['po', 'pb', 'pob', 'ptbr', 'br', 'brazilian'], ('cat', None): ['català', 'castellano', 'espanol castellano', 'español castellano'], ('ces', None): ['cz'], ('ukr', None): ['ua'], ('zho', None): ['cn'], ('jpn', None): ['jp'], ('hrv', None): ['scr'], ('mul', None): ['multi', 'dl']} # http://scenelingo.wordpress.com/2009/03/24/what-does-dl-mean/ class GuessitConverter(babelfish.LanguageReverseConverter): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring _with_country_regexp = re.compile(r'(.*)\((.*)\)') _with_country_regexp2 = re.compile(r'(.*)-(.*)') def __init__(self): self.guessit_exceptions = {} for (alpha3, country), synlist in SYN.items(): for syn in synlist: self.guessit_exceptions[syn.lower()] = (alpha3, country, None) @property def codes(self): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring return (babelfish.language_converters['alpha3b'].codes | babelfish.language_converters['alpha2'].codes | babelfish.language_converters['name'].codes | babelfish.language_converters['opensubtitles'].codes | babelfish.country_converters['name'].codes | frozenset(self.guessit_exceptions.keys())) def convert(self, alpha3, country=None, script=None): return str(babelfish.Language(alpha3, country, script)) def reverse(self, name): # pylint:disable=arguments-differ with_country = (GuessitConverter._with_country_regexp.match(name) or GuessitConverter._with_country_regexp2.match(name)) name = name.lower() if with_country: lang = babelfish.Language.fromguessit(with_country.group(1).strip()) lang.country = babelfish.Country.fromguessit(with_country.group(2).strip()) return lang.alpha3, lang.country.alpha2 if lang.country else None, lang.script or None # exceptions come first, as they need to override a potential match # with any of the other guessers try: return self.guessit_exceptions[name] except KeyError: pass for conv in [babelfish.Language, babelfish.Language.fromalpha3b, babelfish.Language.fromalpha2, babelfish.Language.fromname, babelfish.Language.fromopensubtitles]: try: reverse = conv(name) return reverse.alpha3, reverse.country, reverse.script except (ValueError, babelfish.LanguageReverseError): pass raise babelfish.LanguageReverseError(name) def length_comparator(value): """ Return value length. """ return len(value) babelfish.language_converters['guessit'] = GuessitConverter() subtitle_both = ['sub', 'subs', 'subbed', 'custom subbed', 'custom subs', 'custom sub', 'customsubbed', 'customsubs', 'customsub', 'soft subtitles', 'soft subs'] subtitle_prefixes = sorted(subtitle_both + ['st', 'vost', 'subforced', 'fansub', 'hardsub', 'legenda', 'legendas', 'legendado', 'subtitulado', 'soft', 'subtitles'], key=length_comparator) subtitle_suffixes = sorted(subtitle_both + ['subforced', 'fansub', 'hardsub'], key=length_comparator) lang_both = ['dublado', 'dubbed', 'dub'] lang_suffixes = sorted(lang_both + ['audio'], key=length_comparator) lang_prefixes = sorted(lang_both + ['true'], key=length_comparator) weak_prefixes = ('audio', 'true') _LanguageMatch = namedtuple('_LanguageMatch', ['property_name', 'word', 'lang']) class LanguageWord(object): """ Extension to the Word namedtuple in order to create compound words. E.g.: pt-BR, soft subtitles, custom subs """ def __init__(self, start, end, value, input_string, next_word=None): self.start = start self.end = end self.value = value self.input_string = input_string self.next_word = next_word @property def extended_word(self): """ Return the extended word for this instance, if any. """ if self.next_word: separator = self.input_string[self.end:self.next_word.start] next_separator = self.input_string[self.next_word.end:self.next_word.end + 1] if (separator == '-' and separator != next_separator) or separator in (' ', '.'): value = self.input_string[self.start:self.next_word.end].replace('.', ' ') return LanguageWord(self.start, self.next_word.end, value, self.input_string, self.next_word.next_word) def __repr__(self): return '<({start},{end}): {value}'.format(start=self.start, end=self.end, value=self.value) def to_rebulk_match(language_match): """ Convert language match to rebulk Match: start, end, dict """ word = language_match.word start = word.start end = word.end name = language_match.property_name if language_match.lang == UNDETERMINED: return start, end, dict(name=name, value=word.value.lower(), formatter=babelfish.Language, tags=['weak-language']) return start, end, dict(name=name, value=language_match.lang) class LanguageFinder(object): """ Helper class to search and return language matches: 'language' and 'subtitle_language' properties """ def __init__(self, allowed_languages): self.parsed = dict() self.allowed_languages = allowed_languages self.common_words = COMMON_WORDS_STRICT if allowed_languages else COMMON_WORDS def find(self, string): """ Return all matches for language and subtitle_language. Undetermined language matches are removed if a regular language is found. Multi language matches are removed if there are only undetermined language matches """ regular_lang_map = defaultdict(set) undetermined_map = defaultdict(set) multi_map = defaultdict(set) for match in self.iter_language_matches(string): key = match.property_name if match.lang == UNDETERMINED: undetermined_map[key].add(match) elif match.lang == 'mul': multi_map[key].add(match) else: regular_lang_map[key].add(match) for key, values in multi_map.items(): if key in regular_lang_map or key not in undetermined_map: for value in values: yield to_rebulk_match(value) for key, values in undetermined_map.items(): if key not in regular_lang_map: for value in values: yield to_rebulk_match(value) for values in regular_lang_map.values(): for value in values: yield to_rebulk_match(value) def iter_language_matches(self, string): """ Return language matches for the given string. """ candidates = [] previous = None for word in iter_words(string): language_word = LanguageWord(start=word.span[0], end=word.span[1], value=word.value, input_string=string) if previous: previous.next_word = language_word candidates.append(previous) previous = language_word if previous: candidates.append(previous) for candidate in candidates: for match in self.iter_matches_for_candidate(candidate): yield match def iter_matches_for_candidate(self, language_word): """ Return language matches for the given candidate word. """ tuples = [ (language_word, language_word.next_word, dict(subtitle_language=subtitle_prefixes, language=lang_prefixes), lambda string, prefix: string.startswith(prefix), lambda string, prefix: string[len(prefix):]), (language_word.next_word, language_word, dict(subtitle_language=subtitle_suffixes, language=lang_suffixes), lambda string, suffix: string.endswith(suffix), lambda string, suffix: string[:len(string) - len(suffix)]) ] for word, fallback_word, affixes, is_affix, strip_affix in tuples: if not word: continue match = self.find_match_for_word(word, fallback_word, affixes, is_affix, strip_affix) if match: yield match match = self.find_language_match_for_word(language_word) if match: yield match def find_match_for_word(self, word, fallback_word, affixes, is_affix, strip_affix): """ Return the language match for the given word and affixes. """ for current_word in (word.extended_word, word): if not current_word: continue word_lang = current_word.value.lower() if word_lang in self.common_words: continue for key, parts in affixes.items(): for part in parts: if not is_affix(word_lang, part): continue match = None value = strip_affix(word_lang, part) if not value: if fallback_word: match = self.find_language_match_for_word(fallback_word, key=key, force=True) if not match and part not in weak_prefixes: match = self.create_language_match(key, LanguageWord(current_word.start, current_word.end, 'und', current_word.input_string)) elif value not in self.common_words: match = self.create_language_match(key, LanguageWord(current_word.start, current_word.end, value, current_word.input_string)) if match: return match def find_language_match_for_word(self, word, key='language', force=False): """ Return the language match for the given word. """ for current_word in (word.extended_word, word): if current_word and (force or current_word.value.lower() not in self.common_words): match = self.create_language_match(key, current_word) if match: return match def create_language_match(self, key, word): """ Create a LanguageMatch for a given word """ lang = self.parse_language(word.value.lower()) if lang is not None: return _LanguageMatch(property_name=key, word=word, lang=lang) def parse_language(self, lang_word): """ Parse the lang_word into a valid Language. Multi and Undetermined languages are also valid languages. """ if lang_word in self.parsed: return self.parsed[lang_word] try: lang = babelfish.Language.fromguessit(lang_word) if self.allowed_languages: if (hasattr(lang, 'name') and lang.name.lower() in self.allowed_languages) \ or (hasattr(lang, 'alpha2') and lang.alpha2.lower() in self.allowed_languages) \ or lang.alpha3.lower() in self.allowed_languages: self.parsed[lang_word] = lang return lang # Keep language with alpha2 equivalent. Others are probably # uncommon languages. elif lang in ('mul', UNDETERMINED) or hasattr(lang, 'alpha2'): self.parsed[lang_word] = lang return lang self.parsed[lang_word] = None except babelfish.Error: self.parsed[lang_word] = None def find_languages(string, context=None): """Find languages in the string :return: list of tuple (property, Language, lang_word, word) """ return LanguageFinder(context.get('allowed_languages')).find(string) class SubtitlePrefixLanguageRule(Rule): """ Convert language guess as subtitle_language if previous match is a subtitle language prefix """ consequence = RemoveMatch properties = {'subtitle_language': [None]} def when(self, matches, context): to_rename = [] to_remove = matches.named('subtitle_language.prefix') for lang in matches.named('language'): prefix = matches.previous(lang, lambda match: match.name == 'subtitle_language.prefix', 0) if not prefix: group_marker = matches.markers.at_match(lang, lambda marker: marker.name == 'group', 0) if group_marker: # Find prefix if placed just before the group prefix = matches.previous(group_marker, lambda match: match.name == 'subtitle_language.prefix', 0) if not prefix: # Find prefix if placed before in the group prefix = matches.range(group_marker.start, lang.start, lambda match: match.name == 'subtitle_language.prefix', 0) if prefix: to_rename.append((prefix, lang)) to_remove.extend(matches.conflicting(lang)) if prefix in to_remove: to_remove.remove(prefix) return to_rename, to_remove def then(self, matches, when_response, context): to_rename, to_remove = when_response super(SubtitlePrefixLanguageRule, self).then(matches, to_remove, context) for prefix, match in to_rename: # Remove suffix equivalent of prefix. suffix = copy.copy(prefix) suffix.name = 'subtitle_language.suffix' if suffix in matches: matches.remove(suffix) matches.remove(match) match.name = 'subtitle_language' matches.append(match) class SubtitleSuffixLanguageRule(Rule): """ Convert language guess as subtitle_language if next match is a subtitle language suffix """ dependency = SubtitlePrefixLanguageRule consequence = RemoveMatch properties = {'subtitle_language': [None]} def when(self, matches, context): to_append = [] to_remove = matches.named('subtitle_language.suffix') for lang in matches.named('language'): suffix = matches.next(lang, lambda match: match.name == 'subtitle_language.suffix', 0) if suffix: to_append.append(lang) if suffix in to_remove: to_remove.remove(suffix) return to_append, to_remove def then(self, matches, when_response, context): to_rename, to_remove = when_response super(SubtitleSuffixLanguageRule, self).then(matches, to_remove, context) for match in to_rename: matches.remove(match) match.name = 'subtitle_language' matches.append(match) class SubtitleExtensionRule(Rule): """ Convert language guess as subtitle_language if next match is a subtitle extension. Since it's a strong match, it also removes any conflicting format with it. """ consequence = [RemoveMatch, RenameMatch('subtitle_language')] properties = {'subtitle_language': [None]} def when(self, matches, context): subtitle_extension = matches.named('container', lambda match: 'extension' in match.tags and 'subtitle' in match.tags, 0) if subtitle_extension: subtitle_lang = matches.previous(subtitle_extension, lambda match: match.name == 'language', 0) if subtitle_lang: return matches.conflicting(subtitle_lang, lambda m: m.name == 'format'), subtitle_lang