from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union from .segment import ControlCode, ControlType, Segment if TYPE_CHECKING: from .console import Console, ConsoleOptions, RenderResult STRIP_CONTROL_CODES = [ 8, # Backspace 11, # Vertical tab 12, # Form feed 13, # Carriage return ] _CONTROL_TRANSLATE = {_codepoint: None for _codepoint in STRIP_CONTROL_CODES} CONTROL_CODES_FORMAT: Dict[int, Callable[..., str]] = { ControlType.BELL: lambda: "\x07", ControlType.CARRIAGE_RETURN: lambda: "\r", ControlType.HOME: lambda: "\x1b[H", ControlType.CLEAR: lambda: "\x1b[2J", ControlType.ENABLE_ALT_SCREEN: lambda: "\x1b[?1049h", ControlType.DISABLE_ALT_SCREEN: lambda: "\x1b[?1049l", ControlType.SHOW_CURSOR: lambda: "\x1b[?25h", ControlType.HIDE_CURSOR: lambda: "\x1b[?25l", ControlType.CURSOR_UP: lambda param: f"\x1b[{param}A", ControlType.CURSOR_DOWN: lambda param: f"\x1b[{param}B", ControlType.CURSOR_FORWARD: lambda param: f"\x1b[{param}C", ControlType.CURSOR_BACKWARD: lambda param: f"\x1b[{param}D", ControlType.CURSOR_MOVE_TO_COLUMN: lambda param: f"\x1b[{param+1}G", ControlType.ERASE_IN_LINE: lambda param: f"\x1b[{param}K", ControlType.CURSOR_MOVE_TO: lambda x, y: f"\x1b[{y+1};{x+1}H", } class Control: """A renderable that inserts a control code (non printable but may move cursor). Args: *codes (str): Positional arguments are either a :class:`~rich.segment.ControlType` enum or a tuple of ControlType and an integer parameter """ __slots__ = ["segment"] def __init__(self, *codes: Union[ControlType, ControlCode]) -> None: control_codes: List[ControlCode] = [ (code,) if isinstance(code, ControlType) else code for code in codes ] _format_map = CONTROL_CODES_FORMAT rendered_codes = "".join( _format_map[code](*parameters) for code, *parameters in control_codes ) self.segment = Segment(rendered_codes, None, control_codes) @classmethod def bell(cls) -> "Control": """Ring the 'bell'.""" return cls(ControlType.BELL) @classmethod def home(cls) -> "Control": """Move cursor to 'home' position.""" return cls(ControlType.HOME) @classmethod def move(cls, x: int = 0, y: int = 0) -> "Control": """Move cursor relative to current position. Args: x (int): X offset. y (int): Y offset. Returns: ~Control: Control object. """ def get_codes() -> Iterable[ControlCode]: control = ControlType if x: yield ( control.CURSOR_FORWARD if x > 0 else control.CURSOR_BACKWARD, abs(x), ) if y: yield ( control.CURSOR_DOWN if y > 0 else control.CURSOR_UP, abs(y), ) control = cls(*get_codes()) return control @classmethod def move_to_column(cls, x: int, y: int = 0) -> "Control": """Move to the given column, optionally add offset to row. Returns: x (int): absolute x (column) y (int): optional y offset (row) Returns: ~Control: Control object. """ return ( cls( (ControlType.CURSOR_MOVE_TO_COLUMN, x), ( ControlType.CURSOR_DOWN if y > 0 else ControlType.CURSOR_UP, abs(y), ), ) if y else cls((ControlType.CURSOR_MOVE_TO_COLUMN, x)) ) @classmethod def move_to(cls, x: int, y: int) -> "Control": """Move cursor to absolute position. Args: x (int): x offset (column) y (int): y offset (row) Returns: ~Control: Control object. """ return cls((ControlType.CURSOR_MOVE_TO, x, y)) @classmethod def clear(cls) -> "Control": """Clear the screen.""" return cls(ControlType.CLEAR) @classmethod def show_cursor(cls, show: bool) -> "Control": """Show or hide the cursor.""" return cls(ControlType.SHOW_CURSOR if show else ControlType.HIDE_CURSOR) @classmethod def alt_screen(cls, enable: bool) -> "Control": """Enable or disable alt screen.""" if enable: return cls(ControlType.ENABLE_ALT_SCREEN, ControlType.HOME) else: return cls(ControlType.DISABLE_ALT_SCREEN) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.segment.text def __rich_console__( self, console: "Console", options: "ConsoleOptions" ) -> "RenderResult": if self.segment.text: yield self.segment def strip_control_codes( text: str, _translate_table: Dict[int, None] = _CONTROL_TRANSLATE ) -> str: """Remove control codes from text. Args: text (str): A string possibly contain control codes. Returns: str: String with control codes removed. """ return text.translate(_translate_table) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover print(strip_control_codes("hello\rWorld"))