# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2019 Chris Caron # All rights reserved. # # This code is licensed under the MIT License. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions : # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import re from uuid import uuid4 from os.path import join from os.path import dirname from os.path import isfile from os.path import abspath from .common import NotifyType class AppriseAsset(object): """ Provides a supplimentary class that can be used to provide extra information and details that can be used by Apprise such as providing an alternate location to where images/icons can be found and the URL masks. """ # Application Identifier app_id = 'Apprise' # Application Description app_desc = 'Apprise Notifications' # Provider URL app_url = 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise' # A Simple Mapping of Colors; For every NOTIFY_TYPE identified, # there should be a mapping to it's color here: html_notify_map = { NotifyType.INFO: '#3AA3E3', NotifyType.SUCCESS: '#3AA337', NotifyType.FAILURE: '#A32037', NotifyType.WARNING: '#CACF29', } # Ascii Notification ascii_notify_map = { NotifyType.INFO: '[i]', NotifyType.SUCCESS: '[+]', NotifyType.FAILURE: '[!]', NotifyType.WARNING: '[~]', } # The default color to return if a mapping isn't found in our table above default_html_color = '#888888' # The default image extension to use default_extension = '.png' # The default theme theme = 'default' # Image URL Mask image_url_mask = \ 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise/raw/master/apprise/assets/' \ 'themes/{THEME}/apprise-{TYPE}-{XY}{EXTENSION}' # Application Logo image_url_logo = \ 'https://github.com/caronc/apprise/raw/master/apprise/assets/' \ 'themes/{THEME}/apprise-logo.png' # Image Path Mask image_path_mask = abspath(join( dirname(__file__), 'assets', 'themes', '{THEME}', 'apprise-{TYPE}-{XY}{EXTENSION}', )) # This value can also be set on calls to Apprise.notify(). This allows # you to let Apprise upfront the type of data being passed in. This # must be of type NotifyFormat. Possible values could be: # - NotifyFormat.TEXT # - NotifyFormat.MARKDOWN # - NotifyFormat.HTML # - None # # If no format is specified (hence None), then no special pre-formating # actions will take place during a notificaton. This has been and always # will be the default. body_format = None # Always attempt to send notifications asynchronous (as the same time # if possible) # This is a Python 3 supported option only. If set to False, then # notifications are sent sequentially (one after another) async_mode = True # Whether or not to interpret escapes found within the input text prior # to passing it upstream. Such as converting \t to an actual tab and \n # to a new line. interpret_escapes = False # Defines the encoding of the content passed into Apprise encoding = 'utf-8' # For more detail see CWE-312 @ # https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/312.html # # By enabling this, the logging output has additional overhead applied to # it preventing secure password and secret information from being # displayed in the logging. Since there is overhead involved in performing # this cleanup; system owners who run in a very isolated environment may # choose to disable this for a slight performance bump. It is recommended # that you leave this option as is otherwise. secure_logging = True # All internal/system flags are prefixed with an underscore (_) # These can only be initialized using Python libraries and are not picked # up from (yaml) configuration files (if set) # An internal counter that is used by AppriseAPI # (https://github.com/caronc/apprise-api). The idea is to allow one # instance of AppriseAPI to call another, but to track how many times # this occurs. It's intent is to prevent a loop where an AppriseAPI # Server calls itself (or loops indefinitely) _recursion = 0 # A unique identifer we can use to associate our calling source _uid = str(uuid4()) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Asset Initialization """ # Assign default arguments if specified for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not hasattr(AppriseAsset, key): raise AttributeError( 'AppriseAsset init(): ' 'An invalid key {} was specified.'.format(key)) setattr(self, key, value) def color(self, notify_type, color_type=None): """ Returns an HTML mapped color based on passed in notify type if color_type is: None then a standard hex string is returned as a string format ('#000000'). int then the integer representation is returned tuple then the the red, green, blue is returned in a tuple """ # Attempt to get the type, otherwise return a default grey # if we couldn't look up the entry color = self.html_notify_map.get(notify_type, self.default_html_color) if color_type is None: # This is the default return type return color elif color_type is int: # Convert the color to integer return AppriseAsset.hex_to_int(color) # The only other type is tuple elif color_type is tuple: return AppriseAsset.hex_to_rgb(color) # Unsupported type raise ValueError( 'AppriseAsset html_color(): An invalid color_type was specified.') def ascii(self, notify_type): """ Returns an ascii representation based on passed in notify type """ # look our response up return self.ascii_notify_map.get(notify_type, self.default_html_color) def image_url(self, notify_type, image_size, logo=False, extension=None): """ Apply our mask to our image URL if logo is set to True, then the logo_url is used instead """ url_mask = self.image_url_logo if logo else self.image_url_mask if not url_mask: # No image to return return None if extension is None: extension = self.default_extension re_map = { '{THEME}': self.theme if self.theme else '', '{TYPE}': notify_type, '{XY}': image_size, '{EXTENSION}': extension, } # Iterate over above list and store content accordingly re_table = re.compile( r'(' + '|'.join(re_map.keys()) + r')', re.IGNORECASE, ) return re_table.sub(lambda x: re_map[x.group()], url_mask) def image_path(self, notify_type, image_size, must_exist=True, extension=None): """ Apply our mask to our image file path """ if not self.image_path_mask: # No image to return return None if extension is None: extension = self.default_extension re_map = { '{THEME}': self.theme if self.theme else '', '{TYPE}': notify_type, '{XY}': image_size, '{EXTENSION}': extension, } # Iterate over above list and store content accordingly re_table = re.compile( r'(' + '|'.join(re_map.keys()) + r')', re.IGNORECASE, ) # Acquire our path path = re_table.sub(lambda x: re_map[x.group()], self.image_path_mask) if must_exist and not isfile(path): return None # Return what we parsed return path def image_raw(self, notify_type, image_size, extension=None): """ Returns the raw image if it can (otherwise the function returns None) """ path = self.image_path( notify_type=notify_type, image_size=image_size, extension=extension, ) if path: try: with open(path, 'rb') as fd: return fd.read() except (OSError, IOError): # We can't access the file return None return None def details(self): """ Returns the details associated with the AppriseAsset object """ return { 'app_id': self.app_id, 'app_desc': self.app_desc, 'default_extension': self.default_extension, 'theme': self.theme, 'image_path_mask': self.image_path_mask, 'image_url_mask': self.image_url_mask, 'image_url_logo': self.image_url_logo, } @staticmethod def hex_to_rgb(value): """ Takes a hex string (such as #00ff00) and returns a tuple in the form of (red, green, blue) eg: #00ff00 becomes : (0, 65535, 0) """ value = value.lstrip('#') lv = len(value) return tuple(int(value[i:i + lv // 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv // 3)) @staticmethod def hex_to_int(value): """ Takes a hex string (such as #00ff00) and returns its integer equivalent eg: #00000f becomes : 15 """ return int(value.lstrip('#'), 16)